HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-08-07, Page 8PRICES �To�r in Eifect �n Many Lines of Summer Goods...-. Violes and Crepes Brocaded Crepes, Regular '$1.50 a yard, now .,.;... .. Special Lot of Voiles your choice per (yj►r.rd. Plain colored Retires, Regular •85e. now at per yard SILKS .$1.10 .38c 650 TRIOOCHECIK-A new Silk knittedfabr.ic in black,. brown, razed. blue, 1 'yard wide at per 'Yard ...... -, .....,z.. $2.00 CANTON CRERES-A pure Silk Canton, in black, Navy, Grey • and Nigger brown at per Yard . .$2,75 Silk and wool, Canton, good weight at pery and=•2$•25 Silk and Wool Canton, lighter weight at per yard „_ • .$1.50 Shantung, or Raw Silk, Regular per yard $1.00 now for • 80c NEW ARRIVALS TRIOLA BROADCLOTH -A new cloth of very pleasing appearance, good weight, .suitable for Ladies ,Dresses or Childrens wear, ormen's fine Shirts, coiors; 'peach, tan, cream and jade, 38 -in. wide. Linen SLlitings A11 linen cloth in white, sky, fawn, Yellow, Orange and Grey. Can !be put to 'such a .s'ariety of u!s"es,and is wonderfu; value at 80c. yd. • Tissue Gingham TISSUE GINGHAM -Something new in Gingham cloth of very texture with silk stripe effect, 32- in wide at 50e. a Yard,. + New Collar Frilling ' AND COLL.AR AND CUFF SETTS NO W, ON HAND COME AND THEM. HOSIERY If it is (stockings you need, we have them in all colors, sizes Prices. SPECIALS fine SEE and LADIES SILK HOSE -Rib top at per pair .......... $1.00 LADIES FIBRE SILK -Brown( Black, Camel, Grey, at only pr. 48c ,'ILi.IBBED LISLE HOSE -All fashionable colors• -a pr. 75e Ladies Cotton Hose -Brown pr. 230. Black 25e. Black at _.. ,.. 18c Linoleumn and Floor Oil Cloth GOOD CH010E OF PATTERNS STILL ON HAND, GET OUR PRICES J. GH.SCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 ttrioiiarage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A .BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE.WE GUARANTEE PRICES TO. . EATON CO., AND OTHER OURCHEAPBBATTERIES,CELL ANDND OTHERTHOSE 1WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT -AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Hiousseau Zurich •••••otem es seoeseeet•••r••••••••••••••••••••••* • • • • • 0 • • • • • • 5 • • • • Pro es Lower on Corragated Galvanized Iron Roofing 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 100 Square Feet ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. 0, Erlber was 'Cl visitor to lOre.tiiton on Tuesday, Miss M, A. Lamont was atLon- don on Thursday. Mr. Emery Rrzb7 of Kitchener ie visiting with his perontt • Mr„ Albert Gies of Kitchener, lis. visiting ,his father, Mr, Ernst Gies Mr, Albert Hey, Mri, and Mrs, :Chris,' Hay were Saturday vrsitors'. at ,Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, A. Melick were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. I Hudson, Seaforth:, - Mr. Phelps of St. Thomas was the guest of Mr, and Mrls, Steel the past week. Mrs. C. Price of London, is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. F. Koch- ears. Mrs. Peter, Koehler has returned latter spending the' week at Pt. Huron. Mr. and Mrs, R. Pew of Mixer - ton were Sunday visitors with' Mr. and Mrs Sam, Baker. Miss Minnie Rinerk of Thedford is visiting a few days i'vitli her Grandmother, Mrs. Hy. Rupp. • Mr. and Mrs. M. Switzer and Mr. J. F. Moritz are visiting friends .at Guelph and Kitchener. The Ford picnic at Grand. Bend was postponed last Wednesday', en account of rain and will be held on August 13th. Master Hugh MacKinnon was a week -end visitor with his boy fri- end Master Myr+$ Stelek, 14th, Con. Mr. and Mrs(. Sol, Willielrru, Mr. Herman. 'Wilhelm; and Mis's Sarah Wilhelm were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 0, L. Shnth. •Mr. and Mrs, :E: E. Steele were week -end visitors at Pt. Stanley. Mrs:: Steele will remain for the we- ek. Mr. an;cl Mrs. Adam Peist of Pl- attsville were recent visitors at the hone of Mr and 14Iz•sl W. Li Siebert. Hay Council held it's August me etin;g in the Town Hall' on Monday. A full account of their business will appear in our next i'ssde. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilhelm) and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilhelm Jr. all of Cotton, Reg. 90c. at -- --- 25e Baden, were, Sunday visitors with I Stationery, Reg. 9.0e, et _, ,._--_60c Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, St. Joys- Q. Reg. 75c', at 350 Reg 25e. at eph. I Writing Pads, Reg. 25cat There will be no services in' thee, Re;g. 15c. at Evangelical church on Sunday ev- Ledgers anal ,Day Books ening, as the pastor, Rev. J G. Regular SOc. at Litt is ,conducting anniversary seri, Reg. 50c. at vices at Fullerton. t. LOCAL AL MARKETS - (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter per lb. .•-,,.35c Pctatoes per bag ....,, .,. 1.00 Dried` apples per ib. .., , 7c !retch Setts, per 'lb, ... 7e, Oats i. 50 Barley 70 Buckwheat ..., .,. ,,,... , 75 Wheat per bushel 1.25 ;Flour, per cwt, .3.15-4400 Shorts per ton;,,.. ,..32(00 Bran per ton s .,..„30.00 Live hogs, cwt. ,........ ...8.25 Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11;287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of x$56,143.20. No assL essment during the year and have a b'alance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman -Zurich AGENT!, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS,' AND ALL KINDS OF SIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 Fire Sale Now on at Hess -Milliken ZURICH, ONT. Look over these prices and Act Quick. The entire stationery and school supply Stock goes at these prices Magazines Reg. �0c to 35c. at 5c. Music, Regular 35c. at -. .-- ... 15c GLOVES Sill, Reg. 1.25 at _,_ ...50c Master Clifford Weida, (son of Mr. and, Mrs. Will. Weido and Miss Laurette Witmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Isiah Witmer, were op- eraten on for removal of tonsils on Tuesday by D.r P, J, O'Dwyer and Dr. A. J. Mackinnon. •The Intcr.national- Harvester CO. of Canada, Ltd., makes the follow- ing announcement -"We are plea- In loving mem>ry of our dear', sed to announce a •substantial red- father, the late Benjamin Pfile, uction in prices of our entire line of Who was taken iso suddenly from farm implements, •This reduction us on year ago, July 27th; 1923, is made possible by the removal or decrease of the Sales Tax on such Our family circle has been broken machines and on raw materi.ale, and A link gone from our chain further by the- reduction of the But though we're parted for a while duty on materials entering into We know we'll meet again. such machines, as set forth in the, Sleep on, beloved, sleep and take Government .Budget Resolutions of thy rest. April llth, and is subsequent am- We loved thee well, but God loved endmeets, " "The Canadian far- thee beast.. • fuer will undoubtedly welcome th- (xis.y.sorrowing wife and family. ese reductions in price.' We feel; that he will propmtly take, adv antage of the opportunity and.pur- chase new implements in place in place or worn out and dilapidated' •machines now in use, which will One hundred acres. Zarin land, of course, mean greater efficiency being 'north half Lot 8, con. 11, i'n has farming •operation:s". •and East Mar Lot 9, both in ,Stan- ley Township; • First named par - HAS A GOOD WROI) FOR 'US cel lids suitable farm buildings, con- • eisting, of brick dwelling with slate Vebster Standard Household Dictionaries!, Reg. $1,98 at 98c Books by Standard Authors. Regular 60c. at -25c Reg. 35c. at .15c Reg. 25c. at 10c Vase's, Reg,: 90e. at .60e 15c 10c 8c 50e •35c IN MEMORIAM FARM FOR SALE •• Although a certain amount of roof, bank barn and otlr out- 0 depression exists in the mural (dist buildings, Six acres woodland, dee rids, Ontario fanners are better, off orchard and rs well 'watered., Con- • than any nation. in the world. This yeniant toschool and church. For • was the opinion expressed by Hon further particulars apply ko John • Dr. David Jamieson of the Ontario A. .Man3onl and 'Charles Reanian, R. 0 Legislature, in the accuse of e E. No. 1,, Zurich; Ont. Executors brief address at a Chamber ',61. of Edward Curvin Estate. 5-4 •.Commerce luncheon the other day, • He wase replyig to a 'welcome ee • tended to the committee by the To agricultural seciioh of the leealOh-! IN MEMORIAM • amber of Commerce, under vrhpee ` ; - - =Woes the committee Was, mefnory of our dear • riculture may be' in depressed eon- huaband and father, Menne .T ipfer, 0. ditionl, he said but "the whole World who passed away two years !ago, • is !suf4:er Ing in a lilce manner, 'and Julyy'elth!, 1922,, • it is all a result• of the late 'ivsr+, • in which so nzsny` a.yyels' were ,,de_Twp' Scalls( has passed `.since that stroyed ' People on whom We. dry, depended to consume, Om +surplus When our darling father passed a- a^e bankrupt, but even at'that :vty awa3*. here int Ontario are better 'off than,r The blow WOO great, the (shock sev- Thursday; ,A,ug,4a8t 7th, 1924- mmiur The store'• rith 'the Liberal' CaS� 'Oisaool�t 'URNITURE MO' We have again at w3,1air ,Fa tare Stock Stock into the place formerly mid". -occupied by T. L. Wurm, ud�• are no'w in a position to display same better than ever. Also a Full Stock' of: SEASONABLE HARDWARE SUCH AS SAP PAILS, e�PILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING!, AND LOTHER GRADES OF WIRE f 'COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARR. ' SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN' l STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET.IT FOR YOU,. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO? A. IiIELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 j • 5;v2 Per Cent Per Annum Payable Half -Yearly Huron & Erie Debentures are issued for $100 or more.., Interest begins from the day your money is received. Debenture -Owners and depositors have FIRST claim upon every dol- lar owned by the Sixty -year-old Huron & Erie Mortage •Corporat- icn-Totalling over $26,800,000. A.pplicationa for- Deibentures are accepted at any time by- h' MY 'MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, • - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL.? Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position t� do any kind] of paper hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH - ONT. 1 28 Gauge Council Standard, guaradteed against any red rust, for at least 20 years, 1 3-4 oz, Galvanizing per square foot, at • • .`S per 100 Square Feet • ••- -- • ` ar n Sept 17 s • • • • any , nation in World,` he Said: SCHOOL F.A,TR DAxls. Gorr!e Sept, 12 Clinton Sept,' II5 ZURICII'.:�... • Dashwood -- Septa 18 Grana Bend It• ,ke pt.19 TA 1A/ I DOair • Po;rler°s I7i11 . :� �'� 9 ��:2G sae - c, Colber+ne ., ;, . ,,:.. .., :,.. Sept '22 .. Sc. 2-•26 p t r +Vi�';ri,tilr,aru. .Sept 2930 • r:Ietrstrll • r O,taditon. o ,*.o9� O . 4144111001400•��0O'•I M• • . "44. Wi nphalsea �',•�` ' � !� AIMi1�IM��1�11��iNN+�rN1�•Iti� ,,,�......................Oct.. p:WATER BLOCS ZURICH DR. JOHN WAR» • CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN" Heavy Shill Frames to Your- ow Lenses at $4.00. .broken Sher Rims Replaced uAhile you 'wait). Spectacles Complete large Ilemtselti 12.00 ups Mrs, .!Simon Greb is visiting: re, atives at Kinde, Mich. Main St., EXETER, Phone 1 AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICW Every. Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 4I4,nek, We slid riot think his deathssonear. 'Hiss hands were •cl•Isp'ed upon his • breast, We kissed his lowly brow, And in our aching hearts, we know We have :o Father novt-. E Do'w'n in Texas big "Bumps" at railway crossings are suggested as a means irFp slowin ri c� � +rre. The planhas been ad ptoc1 in Virginia close to schools and bridges. They will make on auto slow down orr,n- clanger the brel4,king of a e»rnno. moo' 44++++++++++4444++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++* +* 4. +II+ 4. 44 44 If' 44 Do You Know? + THAT WE'ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR .. "GOOD PRINT/NO '.THAT WE CAN SUPI'L.Y YOU .WITH. PRINTED WEDDING:' INVITATIONS AND A: NNOUN,CEMENTE:.:. +l+ THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS, •STATIONERS, SUCH 'd' 'AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES ANDfit+'• STATEMENTW' '1 THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANID''FA VEERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS; AND CAN SE3- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF' CHECK BOOILL .meg.. ; TIIAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, RNVEL.1 OPES IN, ALL SIZES, 'CARD PAPERS, CARBON .01it .�. TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING - TAGS, MElt'tORIAM ST-, +A1IONERY, NOTE BOOKS, REiCEIR'I,' BOOKS IN!TWO 4. • g. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE PILL YOUR'ORDINARY SIZE INK` DOTTED 'WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN" PEN INK FOR 5e+ L.uta- 1+ GER QUANTITIES .AT BIGGER avDveTIONS BILLS AUCTION SALE POS. THAT WE PRINT ?anima , + TEAS, MERCANTILE 'POSTERS AND ALL ogNERAL PRINTING' OUR SPECIALTY t^+lr ++N'#.'i"I++++++444+++ ++ 0++++++++++44+.114+4.41444, ' HERALD OFFICE.