HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-08-07, Page 5.uraday, Augost 1th, 1924. BUSINESS CARDS xotolfoot, "(Moran & acLuus. varrittergf, Solicitors, Nataries, Et. Office on the Square, ilnd door from Hamilton St, God - WW1, PriVate fluids to loan at dalareat rates. 33111, Proudfoot, L.C. J. L.• Killoran ioimes. $r. H010100 wilt be in Reuse11 on Friday of each week. eli*drew F. Rees, Township Clerk leiter of marriage licensee! Notary anblee, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- *nubile Insurance, Representing *iron and Erie Mortgage Corpora-. Zeisia„ The Canada Trust• Co. Zurich, Velar A. Knapp, D. D. S., L. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON VI!'" tia ZURICH EVERY 'WEDNESDAY CSAIN OFFICE - IIENSALL .411•0100010.01•••••••••••••..........•.e.rmaposseamr. r OSCAR KLOPP -Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try Mlle for Registered Live'Stock eiAll Breeds). Teems in keeping Mith prevailing prices. Choice terms for sale. Will sell anything) were. hone 18-93 or write, Zurich. klLicensed Auctioneer 'Licensed Auctioneer for County 10 Huron. In a position to con-. 'duet any auction sale, regardless ens to size or articles to sell. I Solicit your 'business-, and if not latiefied will make no charges for eservieee. 'Arthur Weber, e Dashwood, lelione 13-57 Zurich Meat MARKET 4•00140.1..•••••••••i•••••••SC•1101101a011 resh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOB SKINS & HIDES Tumebluit SL - Beichert ZURICH LIVERY et, am in a position to accomo- Sate on requirements in the Livery,' Wine, have Auto for hire. Anye ALing done in the teaming line. GEORGE 3. THIEL. Shone 53 Zurich '111k, II ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST 413roduete of the Royal College fiat Dental Surgeons of Ontario and lDI the University of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every an Office, Exeter, Phone 34. 'At Zurich ,every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 IL I VE F'OULT RV WANTED bken every day till 3 Oclock pen. Do inot feed fowl same moraine Ildieln *ought in. Highest Cash Prices FOR-- - Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien 64. Zurich pp 0 OA PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE 1A limited quantityof good clean oate for sale at 52 •cents per bushel John, MousSeau, ,Con. 5, Hay phone 1-92, Zurich. • -._..- '- ea. -a FARM FOR SALE Consirsting or 190 acres, being Lot 11,Concession 5, Stanley Town - 'ship. Twelve acres of • summer fal- low, twenty acres ;seeded down, ten acres of bush, a 'good ,supply of Water, buildings are modern. In- deed a fire farm. Reasonable te- rms can be given to purchaser. Forfurther particulars apply to Susanna Elgie, Seafortli, R. R. No, 3; or Wime Brydone, Clinton. FOUND •In the Evangelical church 'sheds a ladies 'scarf. Also by mistake on Saturday evening at Het -mall, a (pair ofeeilk hose were put in the wrong car, Owners can havelsame at Herald office. FOR SALE - A good grade of machine oil, in any quantity. L. A. Prang, Zurich -47 NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I am in a pos ition to do any kind of a 'cement job, 'such as supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridge's, cement floors and walks, etc. Work guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- icil Corriveau, R R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. , tf40 FOR SALE Baby Grand touring car just newly painted in A-1 mechanical 00ndition. .Apply to J. Preeter, Zurich. tf-46 Agents Wanted The careful 'attention to our customers' orders and the ,splendid stock 'supplied for years past war- rants us in having a representat- ive or two in this county. Liberal Coramissione. Free Outfit. Write at once• for Exclusive Territoey, THOS. W. BOWMAN & 'SON :RIDGEVILLE' ONT. STAR NURSERIES COMPANY Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR SORD OARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OP • BANDS, Sold 13y L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 OO L Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes.. Soft coal of highest quality., GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 RENSALL -17 • Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. $t, D. D. S. LDENTAL SURGEON,' At McCormick Block, 'Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Male Office HARTLEM'S BLOCK, DAS/MOOD WOOL Highest Prices Paid ac- sPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- ople get less than they ought be- gone out of fashion, which is a pity, IES . cause these ,siety-seven get more as they are excellent'laeera, and than they should, stand at the head as table fowls. They • itatITERACEPE-We axe "low' ;re - are easily raised, do not make the teiving our genuine Delaware St / Mr. and Mrs French and son't Mr. disagreeable noises .that other ducks alladieeri, direct from the 'nine's, Nut and Mrs Jacob Link, Mrs, George do, and eat less than any other breed Stove and Vgg sizes. • Link of the 14th con., Mr. Clifford bred ducks, They thrive on coarse SOFT COAL -Suet arrived, an - Link and Miss Neeb of Exeter, Mr, feed, and can be raised cheaply and other car of our high grade soft. 71thie coal h.a's made a .great hit for and 1VIrs. Bill Mine and dauee.lithr, msaefranlys, oanem arattdcktohamtachtuerdityu.sually Mr. anel Mrs. John I,Vine and three LOCAL NEWS ogWIVIiirdsrong . fW13ulempitlizA, 18 ' Mr. and IVIrs, S. Gesell° vii at Goderieh on Thursday; Mr, and Mrs. Jacob .13attelerea, d family spent Sunday at Dash'wood Mr. W. 0, °allies Wali viteiter th London Tuesday, Mr. L, W,. Hoffman, was at Lon- don on 'Thursday. ' • Mra. 0, Fritz and family are attending the Old Boy's Reunion at Stratford thie week, Mr ,and Mrs. Syl. Witmer and Miss Adel' ispent Thursday at Lon- don). f Mr. 'Clay'tort F. •Pfile of Dash- wood, called in the village on Tu- esday afternoon. Mr. Frank Bassenberry --cif Kit- chener was 4 week -end visitor in town'. t•1 Miss Thecla Smith spent Sun- day with her friend, Miss 9aura Dietrich. Mies Francis Mittleholtz of Kit- chener returned to her home last Monday. Mr. Daniel Miller of London, was visiting her parents here overtire week -end. r Miss Susie Johnson returned home after a pleasant visit with: friends in Kitchener and Hamilton. MO Helen Hartman of Watford' 'anent the 'week -and at the home of Mr, and Mra John Hartman, Mr. Lorne Foster of Hensel], sp ent Sunday with his friend; Orv- ille Witmer Babylon Line. Mrs. L1 Witmer and son Willie have been visiting with xelatives at Kitchener the past week. Mr. Wagner of Guelph visited with his brother, W. 0, Wagner, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun /of Forest were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Wra. Lamont. Mi. Rhinernan J. Kalbfleisch of the Molsons Bank ,ataff, windsole is ispending his vacation at . his home here. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of Brantford., are spendinlg their vacation with their parents in the village. • . Mr. and Mra, Urban Pelle. of the loth con., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb, Babylon Line. • •h ZURIC4 fiERALD HENS AND E69 LAYING A Melange About the &Aiding • of Barnyard Poultry HOW to Tell the Layers -Conditions Necessary for Prodoction-filigh • EggeYielding - Distribution of Eggs -More Poultry Points. (Coritributed by Ontario Department of Agrieulture, Toronto.) Can you tell which hens are laying without the use of trap nests? This is easy to determine If one will go to the trouble of handling each bird suspected of being a loafer. When a hen commences to lay, coiaditions in the organs concerned in reproduction are quite different from conditions observe& during the period of idle- ness. When. the Ovary is dormant and no eggs are being produced the distance between the pelvic bones is small. The vent is dry, smap, puck- ered, and, in yellow fleshed chickens, has a band of yellow pigment around the inside. When laying commences the pelvic bones become pliable and spread apart to permit the passage of the egg. The vent becomes large and moist and the ring of yellow Pig- ment disappears,' A visit to the poul- try house on an early -winter evening and a half hour spent in going' over the hens will be profitable. Conditions Necessary for Production. • The experience of. the Ontario Agricultural College Poultry depart- ment has been that a hen will not lay ;,if not in good condition. She should be healthy, free from any disease, and show plenty of vigor and aetivity. The first pullets to lay in the fall have been the early maturing ones. The pullets that have developed slow- ly in body and feather have been just as slow in starting to lay. The re- sults of liberal feeding and general good care have always been reflected in the pullet flock and a full egg basket during the period of early winter high prices. High Egg Production. The requirements for high egg pro- duction are clean, dry, comfortable houses, that are free from direct • draughts over the birds, and that are well lighted. The feeding consists of a variety of grains, green feed, ani- mal feed, grit and shell, which is clean, sweet and wholesome, and is given to the birds regularly, and in such quantities that they have all • they want to eat before going to roost at night; that the supply of drinking material is clean and abundant; that the attendant is regular in his or her work, and is interested in the same; that the birds are bred from good eying ancestors, and that they are Miss Mary Eisenbach of Detroit er is spending her vacation with he father, Mr. Fred Eisenbaeh, Baby - etched at the proper'season and well eared, and are free from disease. litributiou A study of the distribution of the Ion Line. production is interesting and Ira - Mr -and Mrs, Luther Meacca of ''.i7-tirtafit from the point of the annual Detroit, are spending a few weeks returns from the birds. Egg prices vacation at the hone of Mr. and rise and fall with the seasons, and usually the greatest profit is made Mrs. E. Oesch. where producing eggs at a season or • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien, Mr. seasons of the year when prices are Lee O'Brien and Mies Olive O'Br- high. • Pullets are the chief source ein were week. -end visitors' with. re- of egg supply. As stated previously, they require usually from six to latives in •Detioit. • seven months in which to mature. It Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Frank and is, therefore, possible to regulate Mr: Chas. Eilber of Waterloo, vis- their production in the fall months iced at the home °of C. Eilber ov- at least to some extent by regulating the time they will hatch in the er Sunday, • spring. -Dept. of Extension, 0. A. -College, GuelPh. Mr. Jos, 'Martell. ,accompaied by Miss Miss Freid.a Dixon. of Kitch- ener, were holiday -visitors iit the More Poultry Pointers. home of Mr. and Mrs:: Pierce Fra- Craws are likely to steal the eggs from the late turkey nests if the nests well. are made at some distance from the buildings. • E. W. StotkOpf Be sure that the young growing and M. H. Ki-. Be are well fed to promote growth Mr(A., Klein, of and that they are given liberal range Johnson OW)! feed and also animal feed in the form of insects, worms, etc. It is -poor economy to keep more A large number of our citizens . cockerels than will be needed.for next .are attending he Old ,Boys Renune year's breeding •operations. If they ion. at &Worth his week and are are sold. as soon as they are of broiler having a most enjoyable time or fryer size a loss will be stopped there', as the •colarnitee in, charge and the pellets will do better with- out diem. have most excellent progranas. Cold, damp, . poorly lighted and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Broderick of ventilated poultry quarters favor the spread of such 'cliseasee as roup. Such near Heasall and Mr. 3. Rennie, 'Mrs. contagious diseaso as these are diffi- cult Rose of the Babylon., and Mr. Jack cult and sometimes impossible to con - Rennie of Tonasee spent the wok trol unless given attention in the end at the tforraer's cottage at Gr - early stages, Wherever preventive And Bsnd. • measures fail, soparaae sick birds from the flock as soon as there is The Misses Vera end Leila Sie- evidence of disease and then obtain 'here were hostesses of a tea On expertadvice to effect a euro. Wednesday aft,arnoOn„ July 30th, If the chickens must be confined on when, Mrs. Merner Eilber, who left account of bad weather, provide a for Cleveland the following Fri- good straw, litter to which their grain bride -elect wore guests of honor. day and Miss Moyme. Lamont,' feed may be scattered. Thiele -Ill give telsiteemd exercise healthy. lat 111 yd. keep emreph etnh snail inter have been accustomed to free Sixty-seven 'people in. the Un- • Mr. and Mra. of Kitchener, Mr. ein of Baden, and Aylmer _visited at and Mrs. Thomas Sunday. the home of Mr. where there is abundance of green ited States Ierve net incomes of a range are eThselY celltined this free quently checks their development for dollars or more a year. One the timebeing unless they, are made does not need to be a eocialist to contented in their new quarters. Pro - believe that this is a vexy wrong vide green feed for them also. , SEASON 1924 state of affairs. A, great many pe- Indian Runner ducks seem to have cording to quality CASH !OR TRADE LLL WOOL'BLANKETS, YARNS AND WOOL BATTS. ' MAIL 01,IDERD PROMPTLY FIL- • e -e- • LED, Phone or write for prices te t1.7 Itiouseholcl use and our sales of this children of Daalywocel were Sun- lotve weer doubled 'in the last 'sea -day visitors at the home of Mr. Ito* • • ItOITLETS-Our Boulet Coal it .430o liih - elas's iteei and iegie. aneteng in favor rapidly. Quo Telephones ,are at yott e-Iee: 'Use them "freely for hie aletinatien. • ' 4111" Pa"t1c0 u141ellAN't called at the local Poet Otliee bn *het° Office 10W, Hoe 10j. Monday And found otters' thing in HENBA/ ONT good coedition, Newton 'Woo Milis :onatilvtro. Joirn Englaria, Goshen litre N Ileri NEWTON - ONT. IL C. WAGNER, Pi4oprieter, Postoffice Marray of Lendon, • A Mr. .44 F. Hess of the villagedees installed a 3,000 watt electric watce heater, Which heats the entire pros - Sine taelt 'approximately 16 minutes at a cost el 12 'eenee per hour, Mr. Hess. has also installed an extra heavy servite for electric range. Installation LU made by 'When We Plant a Tree. What do we plant when we plant the tree? We plant tbe houses for you and me. W e plant the ratto0, the shingles, die.. the 'loom We 14,eet, ale Studding, the laths, the doors eizeeeierkeeeieett' The beam5 aod shiding; all parts that bef ' We "be 'louse When Oallt lie tree. A' Olean dinin tected stall is the -4-....4 il;.1..i.,,k . , • . . . , . / • Psg 1Y* ensimatenenmeasensomeweesseetesnesseniananwieseesnuesameaucietecianemeiesztasealesesse • ilave You bought that Rubber Tire Buggy? If not. HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting Voed Car, One"oat, $75.00, Two Coats „. $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material, less curtains ... $1.e.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors - $5.00 • fainting Buggy $4-08 • IF YOTJ WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH -Igseimmiaamussarawaaassamemzsmnisleir ..,........,..........,.....„...................... • Bird's Neponse Roofs . f. "GOOD OLD PAROID" + WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE PRODUCTS or BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER +, WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS + 4, AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND 4' SHINGLESLWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- `3'. .1. IALTY. + ni .1. F• C. "CAI Fit I .2: .2., .2. PHONg. 69 Ca ZURICH r: • 1 ap; E Az, Y 4. + ell. 1 + 4. + tHOBBERLP\ 1 , HOFFMANI + WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES + I IN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING 4" 1 THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES t 4' ie • t ' + , 1 HAVING- TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY OF TR-Pl BEST KNOWN: a - I SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN & + CO.) We ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC' ALMOST at .1. I ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND 4. I OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NONE. , + I • t , ÷ I 1' iTA L 4 REMEMBER, :,The Early Bird catches the Worm 4. 4. 4. 4. 011thAND FUNERAL DIRECTOR.** DAY AND NICHI T PHOaNE No. 80 T. re -e'er- eeree'"""'`'.*"' ZE 3ICH HERALD'S 192 Clubbing List HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD 4. and Toronto Daily Globe t $6.00 and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 and Toronto aeurday Mail and Empire $3.25 and Toronto Daily Star $6.00 and Toronto Weekly Star and Toronto Daily News HERALD and London Free Press, Morning edition ee.1.00 HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition 716.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, 14Ioening Edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition 56.00 HERALD and London Fanners' Advocate . $2,25 HERALD and Pann and Dairy $2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun ]ERALD and Family 11.:Tald and Weekly Star - 52.75 IIBRALD and Canadian Countryman 52,25 713.25 ..$6.00 IERALD and Weekly Witness HERALD and Farmers. Magazine HERALD and Youth's Companion $8,15 $2.50 $3.75 fee ' HERALD and Seeforth Huron Expositor .--. -- $3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal . HERALD and Rdt1 and Gun in Canada - iaiom e • FA CM Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above ERALD OFFICE, Zurich Fr lltijr 4 4 1 .01 4 4 A •4 4