HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-26, Page 5TnilrsdaJ:ya une 26th, 1924' >I�1l1YESS CARDS Proudloot, Killorau " HAL7RS.; Barnet O 41; SP eitolr,S inotarn/nil ,, V bli, Etc. Office ori the $ilenre, i d doer freta ReMilton, St. God- Erich. Private funds to, loan at lowest rates, 3lt4,. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L, Killoran D. E. ;Holmes: ii1Nr. Holmes Will be in Hossein an Friday of each week. Andrew F. Hess, Township Qlerlr limier of marriage licenses, Notary "Olin Commissioner, Fire and Aut lintebile Insurance, 'Representing] Moron and, Erie Mortgage 'Corpora- $onn, The Canada Trust Co,. Z1xrieh, *Aerie. r Knapp, Q. D. $.,. L.11. S* DENTAL SURGEON ;1t;T, ZURICH EVERY VEDNESDA.Y MAIN OFFICE HENSALL ` AU-C-T••1-O-N=ESE-R� OSCAR 'CLOP? at - nes. N Jo M. Carey Graduate Ca Y Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try ssee for Registered Live Stock 011 Breeds). Terms in, keeping with prevailing prices. Choice ,nisensa Ser„ sale. Willsellanything; ;jwhere4 'Zurich. Phone 18-93' or write, !Licensed. Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County, of Huron. In a.. position .to•'con- duct any auction •s,ale, regardless, yws . to sivee or articles to sell. I 'solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no• charges for services. ,Arthur Weber, .- Dashwood. Phox►e. 13-57 Zurich that KET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Prior for Woul CASH "FOR SKINS & H1DES Tu ,gb1'tt & Deiel err • ZURICH LIVERY 1 ,am in a position to accomo- . Atte all requirements in the 'Livery Sine, have A,,uto for hire: Any- tbiu.g done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. -THIEL phone 59 Zurich • e..S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College *I Dental Surgeons of 'Ontario and at the University of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No.. One, L• ondon,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Main Office, Exeter, Phone 34. every, At Zurich TUESDAY • Phone` 79 -19 L L VE POU LT•R Y •dVANTI . Taken every day till 3 ()clock p.ns. Do not feed, fowl flame morning *hem brought in. _ Highest Cash Prices -CASH FOR----- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien. Photo 94. Zurich C-O.k • SEASON 1924 SPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- .'. IES .. ANTHHA.CT�TE-We are.nw ojre. -ceivingour' genuine ` t elawaro & liieideon, direct from ;the mine's, Nut Stove end Egg !sizes. SOFT COAL --Just arrived, en - :Other car of our high grade soft: thin coal has made a igrent hit for ib"ouseheld use •and 'our ,sales of this live over doubled 'in the bast" Sea- le/11, BOULETS_Oui 1 oulet Coal i'9 lin' a class by' itself and 'ils,ggr Owinug.in favor rapidly." y . �)�i� e h 7` Tel p ones are, at your nereii++y. Use them freely for in- 401°Mati xv, j 111CAnt fit PRODUCE MERCHANT 'hone Office 10W, ;House 19j. "N SALL'OND.' PEI' '>rtnvit Wantsq'Fur Sales, M•+,tSt,; Pouirld, Notice, Etc. Ad IN: TT3 S cow FOR SALE A, neantity of ,seed buckwheat T, Y sale. sale.. Apply to" Weide, 1 R.R. h, Zurich; . phone 1149, ti. FOR SALE ` Ai carload of •steam coal for 's'ale. ,A ply to Louie Schilbe, B.. R. e, Zurich,. Phone 3-93. ' ti. - r,,.., WANTED • Sewing and 'Dressmaking by the. day, all work neatly done, and sat;isfactiorn guaranteed. Mrs. Paese1, at the home of Mrs,Jole iah• Geiger, Zurich 48-3 NOTICE. - In future all parties Laking water from the Village Supply Tank must first get permission or nitify',either Mr. A. F, Hess, Secy:, or 0. L. Smith, Caretaker. By Order;, Zurich Police Trustees. FOR SALE Comfortable 8 -roomed 1; storey brick reps' tde neewS•t - r i h one-fifth '' acre ere of land in Zurich. In good eeppair and well •loceted, bard and ,aoft wa- ter wells. 'For particulars apply to A P..., Hens, Zurich • x51 NOTICE. All parties :interested in Bowling and Tennis in Zurich, Kindly make, arrangements with Inc• for the sea- son. Lee O'73rein, tf-48 FOR • SALE • A good ,grade of of oil, in any quantity.• L. A. Prang, Zurich -47 FOR SALE • Silverevoods creamery butter at 35 cents a pound. Wm. O'I3rein, Produce Dealer, Zurich. 45-3 NOTICE, CEMENTWORK-I air in a pos ition to do any kin .of a cement job, such as supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. Werk guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to near- Corriveau, Pe R. 2, Zurich; t Phone' 16-93. ,tf40 (ICAC N Nen, G. 'Hess and Miss: Anna we. re Sunday visitars at ;Dashwood. Mr. George Tlilel is erecting a new verandah et his. dwelling.houee Mrs. Morris Weber of B,ayfield visited friends Here the past week Mr. and Mrs; George Hest and, family were Sunday • visitors at Daushwoocl,, Mr. Sol Jacolye 1.9 ,laid' up with ai core nine the :cause' being blood poiaore Mr. 1t'ritz attende 1'ijie `fue- eral of°liCre, nes. Watson' at Sea - forth on Thursday, A nu niter of the girls of the :Evangelical' ch:}ir were camping at the Bend over Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Tiffany and a friend from Detroit, visited :at the h'ori eea of Jacob and John. Weido, , Large: catches of Cell 'are being caught almost daily at the lakeat St. Josephs by . the pound net fi'sh-. ermienl. In last week's Hetafd we made inenti onf o Rev. . R. M. Geigerer ne- ing triar apexre d from Rockwood to Mildu ay, this !should have ,read to Chesiey; 1 ' Mr. and Mrta. Jacob K.ipferand family were Sunday visitors at Kit- chener, Mrs. Ripfer, Sr„ returned iwith them Mr. Bennf , a gentiral . agnet the Ford Motor Co,, called on t local ° repres'e'ntatives, Messrs'. Fritz &.. Son • The, annual Cliildrena' Day +the Evangelical_ Church', Zurich w by observed on Sunday July 43 . A i;. god program, rlam• will be render in 'the evening Mr. and 1VIra, Has, Schade and two daughters. Mabel and Pearl of Dashwood} and Mr. Ed. Finkbein of Creditonf, were, Sunday visite, at the ho» rne, of Mr. and Min L..SSmi:t}i•. of he SOMA P 111" .1pi)i Selection and Mating.::4re':L tb of Much Importance Does "Like BegeLike?"--The Ques- tian of Selection -Inbreeding and Line Breeding., -winter Egg Pro- duction -Points on Plow Adjust meet. ,Contrlbuted by Ontario Dopartment of Agriculture, 'Toronto.). There are two main points to be considered in poultry breeding. First, the selection of birds that have the characters desired; and secondly,, a further selection from these of birds that can produce offspring as good as or better than themseiyee. Does "Like Beget Dike?": Many are of the opinion that "Like begets like." In general, that is true, but it is true for general and not for particular qualities. It is true that a 'male White Leghorn mated to White'eghorn females will breed chickens that are 'White Leghorne, or that have white plumage, yellow legs, and wiruite earlobes. But of the off- spring g of these there ill. • w be no two chicks exactly alike. We find large and small Leghorns; moat of thein never go broody but some do; some lay large eggs, others small eggs. And we- find a great variation in the number of eggs produced by different hens, The Question of Selection: Selection is made on the basis that like will produce like, but experience.• has taught all breeders that -to secure uniform superiority they must carry lir l on. the selection through generations ill of poultry. If we select birds' that have laid better than 200 eggs in twelve consecutive months .andmate these to a male of similar strain, we do not expect to get all daughters dial will lay 200 or.more eggs,a year, but we do expect upon the average' tlr'° ed er a better production than had no sele- rs 0, tt; On ne it r, er ay h- on. s - d am Mr. R. F, Wilson. Mr.' W. •Seo Mr. and Mrs. W. :Thorans .and Reggie all df London spent Su day;at the home of Dr. and M J. Routledge.. 'Mr. and Mrse Hy. Eickmeie Misses Flossie and Gertrude Web noto:red to T3rodhalen on Sund to. attend the Synod of the List eras church, Which 'was in isessi here. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido of Hill green and Mr. and Mrs. Lou e Re er of near D,ashivood, and MT FOR 'SALE Baby Grand ouring car just newly painted in A-1 mechanical condition. Apply to J. ?meter,Zurich. tf-46 Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FOR` OARS. GU ARA.NTEED TO STOP TFII_+' CH 4'P TERING OF . BANDS: Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich, tf18 COAL. Scranton Coal Chesnut . and: Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND .0'8E Son ase. PHONE' 35 HENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. •COWEN L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL .. SURGEON, At McCormick 131oe)i, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday, , Main Office f3AliTLE1I3'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Wm. Ehlers of Kitchener enjoys a, ring :•rn' to + trip. to Buffoal at Niagara Falls ••over' the, week -end.. Owing to the two freight trains beim;°";.riaq on the L,I3j.&B. again 11r .C: Iiilber wy.shm to advise his 'freely patrons that his day for shirting hogs will strain be., on° sPriday of each week as formerly. Hila local sIiow'r with the trod rntely 'warn weather;. is calash?a remark alis.,:?• vowth. acid pros pectsr are that w+' will ,again ge a crop .this 'sunnier, the prospects for fruit are.' exceptionally., well. g Mr. Peter 'llaenn, of Portland, Crregon, an • old H ll'sgreen Boy, woe friends here. tI is 25yrs, w since he net west,•and this is the first visit back to his old hoine. For mie a ti• he was engaged in farniine and ranching but is now the owe- •er of a. Inane moving picture ma - theatre hr ,Portal id and •has done exceptionally .well financially. ' Inbreeding and Line Breeding. Having located .a successful `mat- ing, ane can perpetuate easily so long as the originals are breeding, but, the problem begins after the first at- ing ceases. Shall ono breed mother and son, or Brother wad eiater, or cousins, or what is the best ' bro- dedure? bur experience in breeding birds of very close relationship, such . as mother -son, or brother -sister : mat- ings, would not• warrant' us recom- mending such a procedure. It is true that we have had some successful re- sults, but it is 'likewise true that most of such matings have been very bad. If one is anxious to breed d -closely, our experience would suggest an ;a trial of. any.'relatienship, so long as -the birds are vigorous; but it is not wise to depend entirely upon such a>mating. A good in -bred bird' will 'likely be a valuable breeder, but such a::bird• is,aifacult to produce. It is very • doubtful if one can say s'what relationship will give the best `results, for +:;the average person it (would appear to be good advice not to breed too closely, and to look for el new, blood frons some source where else breeding- has been similar. t ,Winter Egg Production. Ma:uy people appear to believe that the secret of getting eggs, particu- larly in winter, is in the feeds given and the method of feeding; others believe the whole problemis in the breed or strain; while others think; that the •housing is the problem to solve' All these are important, but: the':inain reason for poor result's is a lack of careful work months before the eggs ale wanted. "While you aro collecting the high-priced winter eggs you should be making careful plans to secure the crop of pullets for next season. Where eggs in winter are wanted - the early hatched pullet is, without 'doubt, the one to depend upon. Year- lings hens and bhose -older are very s rarely good producers during Novein- .1 ber and December. They are uncer- r tain 'even in 'January and February and really do not begin to lay well until 'Aaron. Where the egg produc- t tion falls below fifteen per cent. dur- ing the winter =ssoitihs, one of making much psoft. The a at Thane will be prepartory- ser- vice followed by the Quarterly Con fe.rence in' the Evangelical Church Zericls; ort Friday of this week. beginning 'at 7.30'p.m. The Lord' supper will be celebrated on Sun cley.eveni+i:��. The Presiding Bele Ree, W. J. •Y:a,rter will be presentf. The Nestor. Thtor, Rev: J. G. Litt, will oc- cupy the pulp:t at Dashwi-ood s -tor ;fii ' and eyelin '. wi CO hl t. as an m qr. lje %fi'. Philip Beaver of the 'rtltarre thout a doubt possesses the lyrist inbination of age and activPness one 1 n Qct} ie the villoge, while 1 t� lar.: Deitz AWLS nutting 'on the r'in rit"l on his new a5 n k the other_ day, Mr. 'Beaver. vho is, 83 years of age and smart 0 lest' eirmeared on the scene, d 'issia'`en Mr, Deitz like a young 111. per, Beaver sure .enjoys the ,as'al honor of old ege and still in active as a young man, e nibination given by Providence to w,pnople his age. JULY ROD AND GUN' If at 1 ll • fir hI as ide hien most pullets begin laying is l0 s'a to seven ,_Io:•�+le; some lay four • and one-half to five months, nd others not until. eight or nine onths of a e. This en g ars that it a t y per cent. egg Yield is wanted in ovcniber tliw pr t� Should be itclteil during Si„ t: i tri 11; May ttc?sed pullets yr id la;, ,: little, but, a ;'ule.not 'forty 'or moi•o Per cent. sly. ---W. R. Graham; 0, A. College,' Guelph, Flints an Plow .djustnient. 1. Adjust the . springs till the weight' of the plow beams and bot- toms are practically balanced. • 2. Hitch plow"at a point on tractor HEIRS WANTED e f2 Missing' heirs are being 'sought througho`,rt the World,, darty people are to -day y li ,tr ills in comparative ae Ca poverty who are: really ricb, but do Ro not know it. You, may be one of the them. Send for'`Inde:t Book. "Mrs- sato sing Mies and Next of; Kin," con- fisl twining c'•arefuily authenticated: lists in of missing heirs and unclaimed ,est- Pial ates which have advertised va, for heat and abroad. The Index tic of Missing Heirs we offer for 'sale cast contains thousands of name's which tur have 'appeiued in .American, Oan til adian, English, Seotch, Welsh, Ger A.,V ntn, Frelach, Belgian, Swedish, In- Ne' diary Oolonial, and other new:sp- :hie epees, ieaer�L'ed by lawyers, cxecut- a oers, administrators. Also conta-Iwh inn Het of English and Irish Courts "0 of Ohaneery and unclaimed divid- tin ends n istrof Beek f Ragland. . Your g' i '. p pantie or your ancestor's may be in ,Co the list. Send $1.00 (one' dollar) at cpn once for book, wne men' nt INTERNATIONAL CL.AI14i slate_ AGENCY, Debt 262 (an,d • PITTSBURGH, .nn.,: U.S.A.: 1 \ de, 0 Fishing fronn coast . to coast in, nada features the July issue .off d and Giun in Canada, as mewled score of interesting articles and ries there is included the. trout ling° expew iencos. of M. 'Burwell British. Columbian s •stot)y of ting in The Margaroe river, .No- Scoti'a, by' N. M. Browne, .a n ar- elon the sea trout, by Bonny - tie Dale, and as 'a special tea- e an unusnaily author<ative ar- e on inland" game fish by Prof. .S. Pulling of the University of i r Brunswick. R. P. Lincoln in pepular ,fishing, department has good account of the Whitefish, ile in( addition to these features, ub Days, in the Service" by Mae - Hunter � Lintel IB a gripping� 1 stoi y of orleer days'in the 'H'udson Bay moony. Guns and A•rninunition tains four articles by 'tv�11 kno- 'shooters while the other depart s and i .0are n stories brimful of iwst for the sportsman, Rod Gun itr Canada is publishetil byy Taylor', Ltd,, Woodstock, Ont.' drawbar midway .between . horizontal centre of traitor and horizontal cen- tre of plow. 3. Adjust vertical position of hitch so as to be substantially level in working position. 4. Set levers for first position and open first'furrow. 5.Change levers to working post- ural. 6. When plowing is finished, set the levers in transport position and take plow and: tractor to nearest shelter, The three outstanding features of Holland's dairy lii:ustry are cleanli- ness, . ehIeienoy and co-operation. Cleanliness is a, national train, elflen eney has been deeeloped, and co-oper- ation has be enle t; ' rn . a d and applied p p ied through '. . g long years of marketing huge surpluses In the face' of the keenest competition.' Inefficient Cows',a,re in the major* 93'1 their compete with ono another, all r and are it;i, roflta;ble'ststue or most of the titre. Tbey are a drag on the best cows, but the latter, despite that. fact, are , money-tultkers: mese of the U ave You, bought that . Rubber e Tire Buggy? If not .L.1 E them REPAIRINGi Painting koecl Car,.One oat,, $15.00, Two "Coats .. ° ' $2p:OQ '. 'Covering Ford Top Good Material, less curtains '... Changing Ford' Curtains $15.00 Paintingto open with Door's Buggy $5,00' IF - , • $8,00 '. YOU WANT, SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE R17RUBIiER 'YQUE ES tU(GY WHEELS. IIESSr ZITRICII ÷.1.+4. '+' +++++1.144+++.44++++ +4 Bird's...NeponsetRoof i! "GOOD OLD PAROID e WE HAVE RECEIVED i BIVL'D A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING ING PAPER i. WALL BO ARDS,: ROOFS-_ INDIFFERENT, DESIGNS IN ROLLS LS 'AND SHINGLES. PULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND i : SHINGLES- ALWAYS ON HAND;' 1C °• TAI,T'Y. USTOM WORK OUR SPCC- Ft .a LBFLEIS e4. PHONE. `69 4. ZURICH ,l• 4' +++++++++44++++++++++++++4.4..0411.++.1.÷.1144.+++++ ++i+.+ ++.1++. i++ +D++f+f+++++E++4.4+ +F++ .1. .1144.+++++ ..a • .�l++3++3�+4�^t +%+li�+e++19 -+d+-+1+-ri+ II+-+i+=d+- e+.-+3+-+-+""4"-+"'"+""1.""+"++-":"••+•" READY 4. •1 - ROBBER IN HOFFMAN! .'• WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES: ` IN ALL THE NEW( SEASON'S FABRICS; AND EQPRESSING THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES • ÷ HOBBERLIlt? f +i+ 4. 1. HAVING TAKEN OVER tTHE.AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN+ SEMI -READY CLOTHING • FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN & + CO.) WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST ,1, ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS ° AND: -I OVERCOATS A1" PRICES SECEND TO"NONE. •fit.: 4 REMEMBER + The Early Bird catches the Worm .>~. 1. H. HOFFMAN :TAILOR`AND FUNERAL DIR•EOTOR1 DAY AND NItrli C PHO,.o. NE No. 6.4 +a+ I + -*-41 + + + + + :+ + + fit+ + ,f„ -•+A+ 4+ + ,3+ + $ 4 + * 4. =�IIINIINNIfININlllllll!III!11111N111�lllllllplllllllllllllll!IIIIiIIIIIIIIIiIINllll!IIIIIIIII!I!III!NINI4.V�91111NIIIIIIIIiIIIINIINIIIllll11111111NIBIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll1111!!IIINIINIII!IIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIiN! ZtJRICH HERALD'S 1924 Ciubbthg List HER ALD HERALD HERALD HEL&LD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ... and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 and Toronto Daily Star • $6.00 and Toronto Weekly Star $3.25 and Toronto Daily News ... .......... $6.00 and London Free Pim, Morning edition ,.. ne.00 and London Free Press, evening edition ...,,.$6.00• and London Advertiser, Morning Edition ,$6.00 and London Advertiser, Evening edition :„ $6.00 and London Farmers' Advocate „ $2.25e HERALD and Farm andi)airy $2;75 HERALD and Farmers Sun 2 ti and Family Herald and $ .65 HERALD• 3' n Weekly Star ...... $2+75 HERALD and. Cianadiae Countryman ...... ... .:$2.2e ?ERALD and Weekly Witnesa HERALD and Farmers' Magazine , $2;60' HERALD and Youth's Companion . ,3.75 1. 'EIIALD and Seafort1t Huron Expositor , .. $ HERALD and Ontario Journal "' $3.25 HERALD and Rod. and Gun in Canada , w;,. .413.1&) ES IIII 111 Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers -with us. See usfor papers not hated above ERALD OFFICE Zurich !hlil ,, INIU���fJMNi� 110111111!ltlllil101111 Jtpi