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Zurich Herald, 1924-06-26, Page 1
" K U RSDAY 11% .N I �*WhiwiaMah6MAN'ilamiAMMialvvwsmismvimrmilmAiiilk iv At Reasonable !@ • c vin 9 " o NwPrices 111 irV'IIETfIER YOUR CHIEF INTEREST IS IN THE S'PYLE OF SHOES 'YOUU BUY, OR PERHAPS �41L ,- THE COMFORT AND PIT OR WORKMANSHIP k1.ND MATERIALS, WE GUARANTEE. TAT ter YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINPED HERE. AND BECK IT WITH THE. PROMISE TO MADE GOOD ANY PLlECHASE THAT DOES NOT SATISFY YOU. ' .SPRIS;l'G AND SUMMER SLIPPERS AND BANDA 'Worr,en's' Patent . Colt and Eid with fancy centre Straps, ••..-$$.46' Low and rneelium heels, Special at Women's PatentColt flue kid, Grey, Fawn and Elic Sued $3.95 -• Leathers -with low walking heels, Special •" •- Women's Black canvas, one strap, Leather sole and rubber $1,25 heel, for real ,comfort, Special .. Men's Black and: Brown calf Oxfords, Goodyear welt 'soles 3.95 Rubber heels, Special at • . _ � calf Oxfords, New Eaikway last Sp'. 4.45 and' Brown Men's 3.75 . shoes comfortable and light, Special 2 .95,' - .,.� •,MEn,,s, harvest ,2.50 •+ newest 1V[anish hist from $1,25 to $ ` .. Children shoes, 'slippers, LowestRunning shoes of every description. town.o .. 313 OWN r s �oC�co'�O.oG©-.oc�.00'od-�'e��••��� A� d O 0 4�'O.O 4 4 l�•O^G' 4 d'4•eJ•� tO7* REPAIRING NEATLY DONE See Our Window Display UNE 26, i9240 ns1 O We :have just, opened up a.large shipment Hat, op �7nd �,. i;,t 0 p rr q� o/•�u Bloomers, Slips, etc.,-purciasef,tsd weoiel, '; 00 W LL•/7e`- Dresses, ' � k ,)�Iti 11,15 ff.•0 manufacturers of ,a 0p1.}. do P from one of the l;ar�es,� �; • fi�� end ao Io n�therebysaving the job ber pr o Ware in �aacla, the beret of lower prices. ` oav�.�.g our •custo���s p G� i ^'"°°19".fine stripe Satinette.Step -line of Dr- .. ,��; Lads a p° ' �•. We have a beautiful •r, ins, 'same rluahty and colors as tQ' essns in plain Chalnlrray_:txlnlmlaed ' alcove:.at $•1;25. �• via, fare, collar and Sash, rsi es ,w 95e. Ladies Princess_ lilas:,fixle qual- C° O.� _ Colors .at 2. h'•1r1 till �° reel,-Dresseh,in Gop m- l xty Sdtiraetti r Ley613,- it A ]elle of d print bination of colors aid patterns, '4* Children's Dresses with ' Bloom - Ali :size sfor• $1.25 each. + era to match mchecks, m nice Gingham of � � r Maids and .fancy Patterns Q�fJ" z'A noiher Eine of dice dark 'fancy + and black Saline,: nicely trimmed. VP tl%�j� pattern print Dresses, heavy .cloth s.• $1.25. • ID e� amore ''in special large sizes up to Children's Romper's in blacksat-0 4 at $L45 end $1465, ;+ ire and fancy Ginghans, 60c., ;79c. and 39c, each. d A nice line. of Rompers in Raw ''P Silk at $1..25 each. Dust Cap's, all colors at 15c.each A large a&aortnient of Ladies and Childress vests, Drawers and Blo- omers to chose' frons; at Special lo^cv' ow prices. • •M"•u Airs. E, Ti.ib. e.ble was a:;visitor. at SI'. +Thor ts. the. poet week. Mr. and 11.Irs, W. 0. Callfa's and 'daughter -,:ere at London on Friday.' A goodly •r,°+itnbez• . of villagers attended tho-'1„ainnics, at Grand Bend ,Tact 'i i arad:ay afternoon. lrlr, aid 14' ro.: Luther Kekoa and Mrs. M. illydeixel.on of Detroit, +sp- eat the: week -on dwith Mr. andMr.s. E Oesel:i. Mr.,• ltd i,jr.- Fran.],;. McCuteheon of London, ) 'X1t Slrnday : at ther horn of r i '. S Rennie, Mr. "irx+i "Mrs. ,Q Taggart, Mies A:deliade• lax '1 -ler, Mrs R.J. Raabe. and little' cl t' ghter'.of South Bend, Tnd., are , ti s ting relatives here. Miss ire.,'., Brenner has taken a :posit'ro'n as operator at the local ,switch 1ao11;d of the Zurich office of,the„; I ir5 Telephone system, t • SO0IAi.Aid Luth bran Lur[r�h.�id hate postponed their ,Soeiruk, :tor once week, it will now be on ''eaturday July 5th, in- stead o' Jtiii' , 28th as formerly an- nounced. •-,Fancy. Plaid; ain:d check Ging- haxn dresses,- nicely trimmed with - pockets and +sash, - .A. real bargain at $1.59 each: + Lad.iea' Gingham Dresses in fine•4. 4. quality, nice' noat checks and plaids _ 0i g andie trimmed. ' , A Real Dress, 4. lar g� siLe at $1,95. o� Men's Balbrigan and fine mesh 4. underwear in two pieces and co>.n- sses nicely 'tr- • .;. binations with short or long 'sleeves . 'Black Satin° Dleq , of mat- splendid quality 'sizes 36 to 46. • Q creel at $2,aa.• We have also openod up a full Qp an under-' t. Ladies' fine Steeps` Satinall esh i near eof zn tire � pr�c ctabnd combination n<t a>s ° ooniers, Beautiful quality Sizes in to 32. - des at $1.10 t e al esj ,... rryy ,. S'ILV:LIi.oWEI?DTNG �, �. ;� , ' . A;.s ir,o� ,,, r., T a time . r r f,;` i ,. d: ?+ very beautiful and happy O ." Q �f J'unu 2ist,t at thhouxst ay of Mr. f;' � �a.nd �°11.111+a Mrs, Wan, Tritemner, t4t11. con.lay Potvnehip. It was tilt' occasion orf x\11/ their t‘vent-fifth wedding miniver•- of Aberle 100% pure wool .Jersey's for boy'sF in; 'several shades with 1 stry: About fifty of their many i :-Te ' - fent received a fine least' Y f^ '� fencyt.releasing; Sizes from 22 to"32.frirlrlds' had gathered, spending a fine'range of Men's Suits and•.for. the $.:.1 few enjoyable hours and heartily s+;� �certainly m:tic7e many �vna't'ri friends With ',mum o tie have d .out their new.. Suit for. Spring we ha' again just 0 \Iifcongratulating this happy couple in t df tirano h r hive range yet not Peels Tweeds t reraatkable low prices. 13e �t+G reaching the 25th Milestone of their benefit t` opened uparao'l.her fine rsmge ofSerges+, Worsteds and T"� �e ,s a . married life.. After doing justice O : r sure' look therm over asthey Aire' well worth your. whil,. • ^�O. ,• �! Li: � " tasty and tsllinptuons dinner • is • a, short program: was rendered, wh=y forget about our two-blcclr3er am ts`for • boys at $9.50 and $76.50.' ^ 1 const'sted of music, a recitation t� Dont tel A fine;,splendid als'sortraent of l!len's, fine' shirts and Ties. just arrived. Call in and see them. and an address given. and n, poem ,ail by the pastor', Rev. J. G. `, j2 T.itt. In connection with the fes- �r 'ARE r p tiviitie5,, little Belva, Kathleen, da- I?LEY CTIRTA7NL YOURS '•A .- f Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilton `IIGEST lrght,..r. of . '1 rw'inntr was baptised: Among � I, the invited guests ware the brother ..r dr. Traci -inter ter and sisters of bothi.sides' of the house., as also the t� f.:thtii of Mrs. Trlreulnxlr, M. Peter y `i.',,,1k who iso nearly 86 ye;trs young. k i long the uninvited friends there ,i lore'd a "Silver Band which nish d outside tllti'ie forth' :ere-• i/ c asion,. Say, they did scent ' to , v , ly their lunch. 6s i . and Mrs, 1"rui'nnner erre now looking forward ?�� i to the celebration of :„the +r Golen �, p ti !e'tiding. Before adjotrranient the Q h xliny cou apany did not forget to e; ' ming I„ "Blest be the Tie that t • blare: r kir Mr. ,� +1,elle Routledge,; who ,spent the past few weeks here with his parents, left for „Detroit, wh^r''h' has taken a position with the D. M. Ferry Seed Co. as trav- elling salesman. A v-^ ,,' painful and unfortunate ace rin.i frapponed to Mr..' Elzar A'Cnus:q""au of: Ltli ' 'village last Fri- day ,even m?r when ,lac•: was riding + on his bee -els in front of wp. Siebt•rr.':s revue 'at:e, where in some. - ray.hirdiFy ran in' front of 'Mr. Mousseau z.nd drew his attention, and thea hnndie of the wheel came in ^ i- 'ae& with :a. 'tree close by thlolti°ili^ 'ii v orf and fracturinv Iris rrghi '" 1 . O aces] es I The Diamond Ring. II The'Wedding Ring III The'Pars'oru NOTE. WE'LL SUPPLY EVERY THING EXCEPT THE PARSON 11 S the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Cheats :Id. i3mei, 10x1. , Feat 4113,14- i1,50 � j i;1,r01,'a) Rr,:h:..Ait 3,,V 11 rte 4_ED -To avoid aossthle theft or 'rrii;laying of money deposit.• ell surplus cash in a Sewixagi Account at The i iolsona Bank: Pay{' xent of account ,by cheque is by far t ye aoet; sat�isfactoiy way Cyto o the many, braiiehez of Tho Maisons s Baps well be g to handle your account. i O. II. JOY ,,Manager Zurich Branch .•4fT•�• 0.404 044' 46*a'.,4OG4G'4m4a41r44+b•i►,®4e4�444dt�l6 4 `'Tust 4 Also 9 4 4 t 0 41. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE f a FRED THIEL. i ables Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Blankets in Assorted 'colors Size; 72x84. a Number of Beautiful English Plush Ruga, prices Ranging from $7,00 to _.. M. -- --- - - SAVE. MONEY BY GIVING US A CAL: . A,BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on Club Bags, Suit Cases axed. Trunks at Right PrceS, Rome lased. M1 ,ry +•/� :1'"'3' , w-'':J'.1__•.� 141 C'11S19111 01 +. ! ,i ° • , •'Mi ' "ti'°•''+.1.'•':"•°l:'•'�4'Pr.'•�.i�."u'�4aN'�ll' +�*'�' th~a ,' an raid .'staff t . obYsei' e - ",•4, • ••II�d l•& • •i�r� 8 board +h t:, Fel ?� in Jiily as n. holiday •� wvcr'k. h "theme will be no paper • ;. published next t whet+ on July 3rd. '+ It is' now 25'years singe' this live , nit]^•, weekly t�as..founded, aucl is (• Si i1. go'n ; strong. The Editor and. ' , 'Mindy hove air•rone'041 a 'little Motor + trip to,Niagnra Falls and other ems- ,'fig• tern points over Dominion Day, incl •s.• , th•ar?'roe r'i1l 1i? absent for a few ' days. ` However. our nett public + atioli will again appear on ,7uly 10tH: and continua es usual. 4 SOCIAL—Thio Ladies' Aicl of St '�', Peter's Luther err: 'Church, 7_m:ich, .� z its 4 ,w ' are giving m social in connection 1j,t ''r' ass 1� lh i; 1 ;r e a •,t•i'll n. ,vuessing contest in the ' Hall, Zurich, on - Saturday Town a , July 5tlm 'Die • party guessing til 11 Si s. ire they !est t0 nearest number of ]leans contained T. , ant h i 'i?r will b.� the lucky winner •N @p��"}} et Shoe �9 @p [ }p Q t} Q{ & wet of a are:? 11ei1119 Heart' 'rug' wlliCh i3 '.�, Woe et Shoe Eepg 1�E�i i' i a se A e o it et on display in T'. L, Wurm's store. 4 1 Try your luck by leaving your ntlm , ,�* • FRI"� bit at the store, only 10 cents yq ger^ss. Con: one, colt>r� all , A i��. nice lunch including,,strawberries: 4. anal cream will be ,served for 25' - ZURICH cents from five to: ten pini, nlich 3. Jubilee lurid *ill furnish the music.' +-a^�4..' •&• •1•4...+44+44.Yse43 •4,•'i N^,•II•N•�•.�l•4 °c•• 4•^t�•a�•h�4k•rrz`•1°d++ ^,2• < • ^^;4 r+. HE MERCHANTS ANNIVERSARY �At ATS! �. Ti WONDERFUL VALUES. OUR NEWEST STYLE FELir HATS WITH PAN RIBA DS ACRE GOING PAST. BEFORE IT IS ITOO LATE, ,BALL SHADS t' .• r +„ ti�'°�y'rAi''"ir' ..Y•.' • •.�...�.'it'-+ •M' ,Y4+£.• ,•.S• •+++.1;' n4� ++ +a�°rh'6'�n '4 .+'i7+°i, . �as�,'4°°_"°',.'•.�utri'e�•.s!r�!•':"F''dS�'�'• •r<y' ++ 8° ‘Freoh Groceries always s on hand at Rock litottOrnPrices Highest Prices paid for GooLl Qualit Ea Z 'R Prodnce Wan,tecT .one 59 We invite you to come and see Spring aandSumm• Summer Goods our new consisting of Prints,Gingham's, Og�, andies, Voiles, F auige1ettes, Sh. rt.,a Ings, Cottonades, .Etc. We aremaking a big reduction price on all Winter Good s A fresh and complete supply of all gm, seeds, root seeds, etc. on hand. f 1 DO LJG GENERAL AL 110:71*C'HANT ONE /if 97 ElLAK a;,��..°w•«Had.Yn.64;4 •1