HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-19, Page 8Items z e .A new lot of Silks now opened up We have them in all the Seasons newest shade TRICOPLAID OS' A NEW SILK FABRIS SIMILAR TO iTRICOLETTE WI I'II SMALL CKAND PLAID EFFECTS, GOOD' WEIGHT AND VERY REASONABLE IN PRICE. LA BELLE CREPE A Crepe -du -chine of particularly good weight, and hasa rich Silky finish. It can be put to :such a variety of uses, and is wond- erful value at prices we are asking for it." DOTJCHESS SILK Always reliable and is fully guaranteed by, makers to give !satis- faction. We have it in black, navy, Nigger, brown and fawn. PAILJJETTE SILKS A LIGHTER WEIGHT SILK OF 000D WEARING QUALITY AT $2 A YARD. HAB U TAY .A. Wash Silk Fabric of good weight, very fine 'finish; 1 Yard wide Special at $1.00 yd. VOILES, CREPES, ETC. BROCADED CREPES, A fine new cloth, for those who requirea he'av ier weight garment suitable for Bl- ouses or Dresses, 38 -in. wide at $1.50 yad. VOILES -of every description in light and -dark shades at very rea- sonable prices. 10 pieces in light ground effects, Special at 35c. yd. LINEN SUITINGS-Just arrived a all linen eloth in white, light blue fawn, orange and grey, 38 -in. wide at 80c. yd. TISSUE GIGNHAM-Something new in Gingham, Cloth of very fine texture with, silk stripe effect, 32 -in. wide at 50c. yd. DRAPERIES -A fine lot of scr- imrns, curtains netts; Marquesettes, also chintzes, creton's, large variety of patterns and colors. JeGA Produce Wanted WALL PAPERS A well assorted stock of patt- erns !still on hand. Some of lines now redueed in price to clear: See our 'sample book. LINOLEUM &, CONG. RUGS 4 -yd. wide Linoleum, 5 patterns to choose from. Prices now low - fest in years, also floor oils in. 1 yd. 13 yd. and 2 yd. width. Congol- euma rugs in all sizes and seasons newest designs, Prices right. SEEDS SEEDS: We have the following varieties, of seed corn; White 'Cap Yellow Dent, Imp. Learning, Early Bailey Wis. No. 7; Cornptonrs Early and Learning. Also Mangold and. tur- nip seeds. Phone 67 Zuric 0 Gas, Oils, Greases Fires, Thus, Repairs AND G-ENUINE RPARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DO.MINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS Um SIM IS T IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO ENCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY.- BATTERY ATT-ERY.BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. 7 p ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE 11. Mousseau Zurich i; 4a 4; • on rr ate nr as 0004400000000049114000000000000* 0 o 5; e, a 41 w ss 0 A • 4;0 4s 0 • w as • 4a .0 et r Galvanized iron Ro s hh ig 28 Guage, Ordinary, at o7 $6.25 per 100 Square Feet 28 Gauge Council Standard � , guaradteed against any red rust, for at least 20 years, 1 ,3-4 oz, Galvanizing per square foot, at $6.75p.r,100 Square ®e ns 4r * A 4l 4s R ,o 4B 4• a TADE & WEIDOI .0 ZURICH 040 06190r 00001,40.404040.4 (0.00.604, ►04~aletll0er040000 ak,u.iUt# r ITEMS pr LOCAL :INT „ ..•.•• ' .. --: ,-- • :. : (Corrected (every Wednesday) t Mr. and ltl,z's!.. Hilton," Tz ueJnnei Eggs ' 18.--g2 and Mr. uad Mrs,. Hugh Thiel of Rutter pea, lb -35c the 11th con! (spent' a,' ,few 'cLtys Pt.tatoes per bag 1„04. with friends in 1litojrener. .. 1;riod a.ppleg peri 117 Mrs. EfaZ. Trueruner,"' who ila's ''''utcn Bets, pe 7,11, been visiting relatives and friends 3atley in Detroit, hats returned to her ."ag-wtioat , ' llomie m file village Wheat 'per bushel 12ti', and Mas: Jacob;' Goin 'eriolr Oats Itlr: and Yi's. Ciarast, Jahtziof.'. Di per cwt. Lowvillar. New Y. consist=s of •Mia; Shorts 'per ton.:., ...,.. rely Bran' per ton C. Schrag',were visitors with Live hogs, e atives Mare. g p r eavt, ..: Rev. 0,, Z. Yader of W od'ster Ohio; Rev: E. L. Frey of W auesou Ohio, conducted ` sservier's at the Bronson Line A. M. -Church on Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.. Hy. Raters of New Hamburg wero week -end., visitors at the home of their son, Mr.eand> Mrs. Garnet Daters, Hay TA, Mrs. Daters remaining for a. time. 7.c, 5;?, -1,00. 50 .3.00-3,50. ...32,00 :30.00 '7:'25 Western Farmers' • Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry. an Insurance of over Six horses were burned to death $27,000,000, Nufnber of Policies in fifteen tons of hay along with elei. force 11,287. Paid Losses "in 1923 ghs, wagons and.machinery when , to amount of $56,143.20. No ass - a. big steel -roofed barn.: and drive, shed owned by Dr. P. Copeland' $7St,. 500. Marys we* r, burned, loss about rt Freddie Lee," Vie .old favorite essment during the year and have a balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman -Zurich horse owned by Henry w, Hodgins AGENT, ALSO !DEALER IN LIGH- Biddolph, passed in his checks the TNING RODS, AND ALL KIN LIS other day, 'This gond old. piece of horse flesh has a history and OP -FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 few of the. equine race has a . better record. He was at one .time; a con- testant on the race tracks and will be remembered by many .in Zurich while the property of Mi' Harry Bossenberry, Grand Bend. He had reached 'the great age of .27 years.. HYDRO PAYS A revenue of $15;74.2,831, a sur- plus of $315,586, and an incl ease in power distributed of from 565,944 horse powcrt o 685,186 h.p. are re- ported. in the statement by the On- tario Hti dor-Electric Conn. year is regarded 'by the 'Coni 'sion as one of unprecentedly s cras;sful operation:.- The $345,588 sur plus which the commis'sion,: has a- chieved forecasts lower rates for many municipalities E1' ANGELICAL - CHURCH TEMP- ER ANCE We still have 'a nice stock of The Spring and Summer Hats on hand, rnis- and all Hats must be sold as we• uc- have no room to carry them over. Anyone in need of anything hi the Hat line, be sure and act' quick: and take advantage of these big reductions in pricers. T ttitude of the Evangelical chu yards, the liquor traffic he t of •a pronounced an- te om• the beginning her pl ,*e been total eh/et, asren`! AP individual and entire prohibition tor the !state. - She hays been aggressive in her endeavours for the. overthrow and destruction of the despotic demon of. dircik,A:t the Cornf'erence held at Nett'l'bfI burg last April, a strong resolut- ion was; pissed in favor, of the pr- esent prohibitory laws in Ontario, and their enforcement, also against anotp'wantea, at this time and in fav/con ldn : t olninion wide broli;a7- tio,�le centii SOLR , RON LIBERALS 'CON- VENE At the annual meeting of the South Huron Liberal Association held in Hensall on `Wednesda,yla there was a good attendance of d egates from. all parts of the co stituency. Dr. J. W. Shaw', Clinton, -Presided in the chair.Th er election of officers resulted as 201- lows; Pres. Dr. J. W: Shaw, Clin- ton; Vice -Pres, 0. Geiger, Heasall Secy,, W. T. Forsyth, Kipper; Tr- eas., J. greeter, 'Zurich; Chairman.' of municipalities, W. .3 :L•i'e'aniany Exeter; G. McLean, Clinton; 'ch'as:. Fritz, Zurich' It. Stress, Bayfield; R. °S. Hays, Seafnrth, The 'ques- tion . of holding a monster Liberal picnic at Grand Bend during the' summer ways discussed and an ef- fort 'will be made to get the Prime' Minister ,and other Cabinet''Minis Minis- ters to address it. The present present Budget has greatly heart- ened the Liberals in this •country and the feeling was a return of the old -trate spirit of Liberalism,, Hon( Duncan Marshall, Liberal Organ- izer, discussed the record of the King Government. IIURON COUNTY COUNCIL The special committee 'appointed in January to equalize the good roads account for the. last three years, brought in la comprehensive report which showed the various surpluses and deficits affecting the m varkeous unicipalitie's,4hrorrghout the county. It was deemed advis- able in order to help balance the account that special ,leviers be im- posed on isotne o (the municipalities with the larger deficits. Those with surpluses to their., credit were left to their preEent po=sition. The grants `to :the hospitals in Sea forth Clinton, Wingharn: and. Godericli we innrea4aed front- $504 to $750, The general county rate ortaxation w'as made the some as last year 3.2inills and the. good roads• rate also the same as last Year .1.5 mills, The Salvation Army was granted $100 1'o ,,r,lscu ;,..rvorl�.,. ,The Heron ughing aeseciation was granted $1,00,004 . Sleet Zurich WANTED Sewing and Dresrsmaking; by the day, :all work neatly done,. and satisfaction -guaranteed. Mr's. Passel, at the home of Mrs. jos. rah Geiger, Zurich , ` 48-3 C.REDITON Mrs. Henry Mott returned homer ,from London, after spending a we- ek with friends The village Trustee's have dec- lared Thursday, June .19th as Civic la'oliday, there, being a joint Sun- st1ay School picnic o fthe Evangel- n1ical church and ,Methodist on that ., date. 4 of I. Brown), a former boy of this village, and Mz: Johnston, a for- mer of the bank, now at Amherst - burg, visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. K. Silber. BORN Renibe-At Zurich, on June 1.0th t+i Bev. and Mrs, TI. Rembe, ((Glenn William). Sophia --At, Sauble• Line, Hay Township, on June 10th to Mr, and Mrs, Adolph Sophia, a dau- ghter, Pleasedt o report that Mrp Henley Bilber is able to be up to the office again; after being con- 2iniedi o his bed. DAS H' O OD WE PAY 'CASH FOR EGGS AND FOWL Get our prices before disposing of your, fowl New laid eggs 25c. a. dozen, small and dirty eggs 18c. a dozen. Home every evening and all day Saturday, T. IT. Johns, Diushwood 14Iz7s,, Walsh of Saskatoon, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Witzel left for Pt. Huron last week Mr, and Mrs. Milton Oestrei.cher of Kansas are visiting the fortu- er's parents, Mr, and Mrs, G. Oes- treicher. Mr. Otto R-esteruayer made a business trip to London on Wednes day. Mr, and Mrs,, ET, Elsie and daugh- ter Thelma,. spent the week -end in Sarnia: Mrs. Cook of Di,'unibo is •visiting her mother, Mrs. Brenner who is ill.' Miss Viola Hodg--r;t of Exeter, 'sp .eat Sunday ,with Miss Mabel Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Charier Schroeder and .family of Cenitralia, 'visited in toWni en Sunday. . Miss Luella Schatz •spent the we- ek end in Exeter. Miss Edith:Wainer is visiting in Detroit, , Mrs. McCormick Fb'f. Brdgeburg, is visiting her Mother,: 1VIrs, Baker,. Mss '"O Stein3i g'en'. 'spent Th-,.' ur'sday int London. • The Ladies of the Evangelical. ehiitrch are holding their annual Sty awberry Laws( Social on Gaiser"s Lawn', Dashwood, oe Thursday .Eve, June 26th, when a. !short. Progr- amme consisting of Solos, Readings Quartettes and Choruses will be given. Supper served from 6 to 0 pent,, Dashwood Band in attend�' dance, - Ev'er'ybody welcome. 1 • � c I`hllrs _av, .Tirt 1421 15th h 'store l" the 1:1 i r ° cash Discount We have again in ) v, J. o ua r ture Stock into the place formerly occupied by T. L ur ;. atcd are now in a position to display same better than evor, • AIso a Full Stock of: SEASONA LE SUM AS SAP PAILS, S.PILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AND A.LL- OTHER. GRADES OF WIRE COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWAR$, SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE 'NOT IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A.l ,. L.4I 1 Hardware & "urniture. Phone 63 1 sy2 er Cent Per AMU Payable Half4earl Huron & Erie; Debentures are issuedefor $100 or more. Interest. begins from the day your money is received. Debenture -Owners and depositors have FIRST claim upon every dol- lar owned ly the Sixty -year-old Huron & Erie Mortgage .0orpovat- •ien-Totalling over $26,800,000.. Applications for Debentures are accepted at any time by- M ' 1VIOTT0;_SERVICE AND SAFETY A, (drew, F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position to do any kinds of paper hanging, painting, graining and deg- orating. H. EICICMEIER, ZURICH --• ONT. + oto THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR ' TIiAiT WE "' '. GOOD PRINTING} 4. CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING , INVITATIONS AND ANNOUN'CEMENiTS • THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; S'TA'TION'ER •i. AS LETTERHEADS, S, SUCH „' + , EILLHhADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS 4. THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADINGMANUFAOT *i' * TJRERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- + PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OP CHECK BOOKS ,> : THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING .PAP,EES, BNVE11- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST - DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic' and EIectrieal Treat:* rnents.-Eyes Examined ` Main St, EXETER, Phone 7R Consultation and Examination Frit AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH Every Wednesday., 10 at.m. to 4 w okPOI ++++++++++++++++++++++++4414+ +++++++++++444414. HE .ALD OFFICE Do You .now?. .'fir, •ATIO NERY, NOTE B00KS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO , + SIZ13S, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOT,TLI1 WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5e. LARGi- GER QUANTITIES AT 13IGGE.R REDUCTIONS + THAT WE PRINT POSITING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- 4' MERSk ME,1 CA.NTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENII . PRINTING' OUR. SPII CxAL/T"Y a Vglo+ 444.1^ ~1.44 34+4444.«.4l d434.44 +444^Q++++++++.4 44+ ri 10