HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-19, Page 5Thursday,, Ju?<xe 19th, 1924 SINESS CARDS roudfoot, Killoran II'OLM1)S, Barristers, Solicitors, ..Notaries, 1publi n Etc. OMe e on the Squats, And door from Hamilton St, God- *richPrivate funds to loan at . k west rads. • i!➢P.; :Proudfoot, K.C. J, L. Killoran, D. E, Holmes, NOTICE. fir, Holmes will be in Hensali qn , Ili futlirt all battles tai:ingivatetc fa:'otii the Villa e Su a al 7 a 1 Friday of each week , . g 1 I Y < n must PUT Yori Wants, For Salle, Lost, Fa Ind, Nlotice,, Eto• 1►ds IN THIS COLUMN y ` fli $t got '�1•mV $ion or .,,..w,,.w..�..�.,.�.-..«,�,.�..,.�......,..,.,.. w p nitify either Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk IVfr. A . Less; Sr-tcy„ or 0, Passer of marriage licenses dotary Siiiitii, Caretaker.rabble, Commissioner, Vire, Ant-r By OI'cler; *mobile Insurance,. Represe>?ting' Zurich Polies 1 ruatecs. baron and Erie 'Mortgage Corpora, - lien, The Canada Trust Co. Ositatio. C. Knapp, D. D. S., 1 . S DENTAL SURGEON 4�T Z1JBICH EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE HBNSALL C : FOR SALE omfortabli. 8 -roomed 1j storey brick reasid.enee With one-fifth acre of land in Zurich. In good repair and well located, hard and soft wa- ter wells. For particulars apply to A. P. Flees, Zurich All parties interested in Bowling and Tennis in Zurich, Kindly make arrangements with Pie for the eea- t51 son. .tree O'Erein tf-48 ,x.17-f��'Tal-1�-N-E-E-�. '� •.._ _._.�.�._.- FOR SALE OSCAR KLOPP •M, Jones Nat- A good grade of machine oil, in C�racltiate Carey any quantity. lit School of Auctioneering., Try, A. Prang', Zurich? me for Registered Live -Stock Terms "in keeping (Ali Breeds). 1e p 'pith prevailing prices. Choice terms for sale. Will seilanvthing FOR SALE *anywhere. ,. ilrer�troods creemer y 'butter at 35 . 'Phone : 18-93 or write, Zurich. Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County sot Huron. In a position to con - duet .'any auction sale, regardless as to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not Ala -tidied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 13-57 1;1 rrt t I Fresh acrd. Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES `' , gbi` t 'i e .c ler` . ZURICH LIVERY am in a position to accomo- s'te all requirements in the Livery /sine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL iPIaone SS • Zurich . S. ATKINSON, L,D,S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate_ of the .Royal College bt Dental. Surgeons of Ontario and St the University of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Mil - 'Italy District. To:. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Alain Office, Exeter. Phone 34.eihit ''Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 1.11.1101 LIVE POU L T Y WANTED /taken every day till 3 (Week p.m. De mot feed fowl sameznarnin g "brought in, Ig est Cask Prices -CASH FOR- ' Crearn and Eggs W. O'Brien Plio'ne 94. Zurich •Th e. SEASON 1924 SPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES :itR..1ITHRACITR-We are now ire- iving, our genuine Delaware & Etud'sou direct'from the mines, Nut Stove and Egg +sixes. • SOFT COAL --just arrived, an 'ether car of out high grade"soft. Wale Coal has made a •.great hit for lidusaehold use end our sales of this Iaave over doubled do. the last 'seax •:BOULETS-Our :Roulet Coal is 'alio in al.. class by itself and •i.s,gr- nwiSng in favor iapidlyy' ' DUE Teltphnraesi 'are tit i your YeM�*'inn Us't than • freely for' in- , fni or -ationi; 1 tarltel(= CoA & PEODUCI: Mli1ICHANT ' ibf►e flitee 10w, 1S'otrae 10j. NIALL CENT pound. cents :a Win. O'Brein, Produce • Dealer, Zurich: 45-3 t FOR SALE A well-built henhouse 10x14 feet. For immediate sale. Apply to Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich. tf46 Sorry to report that Mr, J; Frtae�ter n on thin sick list, D2r. and Mre. T. L. Wunrie,,wer+e at London on Tuesday, Mr, Fred We`seioh of Detroit, +spy ent Sunday at. his homehere. Mr; • V'. P Braun, of Forest, ways in the village, on Tuesday, Mrs.A. Willert and 1VJ Psi Anna fuss's spent a few .days at Lon- don the past week. The excavation c71 the .eelar of the new block Dr..,MaeK.ineon erecting, recting, is now completed; and ready for, the foundation walls. Mrs. W C. C'allfaa, who iindete event an operation at London,'in- turned home, on Saturday and is, able to be up and around again, Mr. C. Fritz was at Bayfield the other day attending a meeting of the committee in charge of the monster Pord Picnic at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Gruehn and. son, and Miss Leona Geiger of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting at 4he home of Mr, and Mrs. John Ga scho, Two auto loads of members of the local Woniens' Institute attend - ad the annual South Huron Wom-' �n s Inistitute Convention at B -- ?ter last 'Ehursdey afternoon. NOTICE ' .w CEMENT WORK -I dem in a pos ition to do any kind of a oenient job, such as supply tanks, foound- ,ation walls, bridges, cement floors. aid walks, etc. • Work guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- len Oorriveau, 14 R. 2, • Zurich; .Phone 16-93. 1140 FOR SALE Baby Greed touring ear just newly painted in A-1 mechanical condition. Apply to J. Preeter, Zurich ` ��-•- • .tf-46 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers reme3tiber the Herald., Office is agent for most of them and in some cases can save you as much ss 50 cents on a single subscript-. Tuxedo Chatterle SS tl T By 118 AUTO OIL FOR 1+7ORD CARS. G ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHA. TERING OF BANDS. Sold L. A. PRANG, Zurich. t Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 EENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S., D. D. S. :DENTAL SURGEON,: . f At McCoriniek .Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office f3ARTLBII3'S BLOCK, :DASHWOOD HEIRS WANTED Missing Heirs aro being sougl throughout: the world, Many peopt are "t� ta'd' ay h , l]ig in COn'tt7aJAti V poverty who are really rich, but d not know it. You, may be one o thein.. 'Serol for Index Book. "Mi sing Heirs and Next of.Xin," con tailing carefuliy authenticatedlist of rnis5in„ heirs and unel.airned est ate whish have been advertise for here and abroad. The Inde of Missing Heirs we offer for 'sal contains thoueande of names whie have appeared" ;n Americen, Oen adieu, English. Scotch, "Welsh, Ge man, French. Belgian, Swedish, In dins Colonial, and other newap- apers+, inserted by lawyers, ei<eeut oere, edtninistratoes, Alen conic rias lig of English and. Irish Courts of Chancery and unclaimed. diVid 'nrds, tint. of Bank of England.' Your name or your ancestor's anti's' i in the list. Send $1.00 (one dollar) at once for book. INTER�TA,TTONAL CLAIM AGENCY, Dept 202 FIT S13tf1.G.t1, .t a,, it :t« e 0 f s- s d x li Mr, E. E. Wuerth, • 1lierchaet ailor is having a 'special induce-,. meet for purchasing a new ,suit by giving free a. pair of pants Of. the same material. See his adv, on page Four. Mr, and Mrs', C. L. Snaith +and little Mae Ingold, also Miss Pearl Pfile motored to Arkona on Sun- day. Mr. D. Smith:, who ;spent part of the week at that place; returned with them. „ The: many friends of Mlrss Emily, Denatny, who was operated on at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, are glad to hear that she has returned home very much improved in health; Tho 'classic event of London's bowling season, the Scotch Doub- les will be held on .the greens of the Thistle Club. on June 25th and )6th. This event always attracts a barge interest and the entries' close on Monday June 23rd.. _ The Crediton District S School Convention o fthe Evangelical ch- urch is being held at McKillop on Tuesday ;and Wednesday of. 'this wesk. Masses Lydia Faust and Me!beds we have died Hoffman are attending itis - is the goal of the present dal breed - entire ,s-essions ae appointed del- ' er in Canada.:New Zealand wanted negates of the local- E church. Fees' a sheep that flocked easily. They and Mrs J. G. Litt pro .eiso."thci ..wanted a bigger sheep than the Mer - loo with a better grade of wool than, Z Cir R I O II•d31 kt �t i. Wn. ... .. vy..,..y,.,nM.,.�v."'!y!'.,•:FMYX+rF..^w.•..n.n^MUMnMiMI. P IMI2OVEMENT Present Trend .of Progress In Sheep Breeding Fewer Breeds end Better• Breeding -- The Down Breeds Becoming [Vlore Popular ..-Relative Standing for ,J[" rot ficacy. (Contributed b,v Ontario De rartment of Agricti!tore. Toronto.). The world ever clamors for sone • thing new. It matters not in what sphere our lot is cast, the call for the Production of new materials is 'always upon us and' the 'nen who does not progress loses the race. Per- haps many people still believe that there Is room for new breeds of live stock and that Canadian breed- ers and investigators should be bend- ing every' effort to produce them. Perhaps new breeds could be pro- duced to meet certain special condi- tions better than they are now met but the writer believesthat greater Progress for the good of .the live stock industry would surely follow a policyof fewer breeds with better breeding( Fort concentrated effort, for uniformity in output, for eomire- ,taion in world markets, for most profit to the farmer and greatest sat- isfaction to the consumer we already, have too tzza;ny- breeds in some classes of stook. True, there is room for all the e x eds but because we have wide acreage and somewhat diversified -`conditions is no reason why' tbos.' acres should be grazed over by, and be growing feed for, anything but the most suitable breeds from the view- point of both producer and market man. The day of keeping a breed because our "likes" so dictate should :be gone forever, and the breed, what- ever it is, should win its Place only through its ability to, produce, at a Profit to the breeder, the highest grade product in delnand by the con- sumer. in short, markets are exert- ing a greater influence than ever be- fore in breeding work and there is do doubt that such influence must continue. Fewer Breeds and Better Breeding. Keeping this in mind the progress being made in animal breeding Is not so much toward the production of more breeds but rather toward early maturity and improved type ill the breeds already in Existence, If we had fewer breeds we could make more rapid progress, Indications are that certain breeds meet gain the ascendancy, and these will be those which are bred to sr ja.'es,what the consumers want as cod time pay the feeectir*'' for his effort. T' as did the Co suds Zealand, to fall • -1 better individull>' strains in the best r, same eturns come, 'in New 'ant, but stronger A.'1e'rg4 amount dreet theMrnd° fii- the Lincoln, •so they made a dual -pity- ing rn has 'been given to the local Pose breed by crossing Lincoln rams Lutheran cemetery south of the ill on• Merino ewes and practicing care - lege, and wli.xn completed, will be ful selection, The production or Per - a, credit .to ill'! �o, ;tgation. A Per- sian lamb in Canada is another case , rw suitabit r^n^e v -m be put ae w'nere •certain methods are followed long the road vhicli .will greatly 'm •to, Produce a spf ' articie. The prove th3 apiae.irainee. writer has heard' ertain well- . , Known professore: he leading The largi; furniture factory kn-' United States Cv Wats ;'at presen' own as the I3, IJ. Furiiiturs Co. busy in the mak.•. ,,, a a tail -less at Milverton, was totally- destroyed breed of sheep to ge around Clic b5 fire on Sunday afternoon, the toes which is around $100,000 is only partly covered by insui-anco, and the cause of the fire is unknown. Our Village Fathers are interne ving the walking conditions by put- ing in new pieces of ,sidewalk and levelling up the old ones at plasma A new crossing has been made in front of Dr, 'O'Dwyer's office ap- proaching the grist mill, this cros- sing was badly in need for many years, as the old method of cros- sing wars n diserase to a .place like Zurich. The. Listowel Chamber of Com- merce motor hike, cowohnsing of silty, cats with 250 to 300 amen with band, will arrive :at Iiensall at 10 a.m. on Wednesdsy June 18th, and will give a half hour entertainment in front of tile, Town Hall, contpris ing band nrttsio and one or two trouble of docking; and by selection it Is said, progress is being matte, The Down Breed Becoming Mor: Popular. • So far as sheep are concern..l breeding work is pretty largely con fined to selection in our reeogniz' d breeds with the idea of meeting th Market. Now, that market deinaead» the finer and medium grades of wool and the eighty-four pound lamb, and it would appear that so far as markets for mutton sheep are con- cerned the Down breeds may got the Inside track. Fifty-six per cent. of a lamb carcass is leg and back. Thirty-six per cent 'is fronts, and 7 per cent Is flank. We are after tis» biggest possible percentage of leg and back, which sell for just twice as much per pound as front tguarteryand eight tl11iLG• ci.,, ii eeit `L, itac;i:. L li,-• gress is only made by keeping weigh and type in mind. So fat' as 4r,nce is concerned the finer'ti;c quality the better, E aper i nental work in n flushingshort s7ePehes, Tho hike is to sl- am, ea hat; veryproiltable xna t from Listowel at 7 increasing prolificacy. Brussels, Seaforth. Hensel], Exeter, Lltcan, London, 7�ho nrl;:?:; Relative Standing for Proliiicatiy. St. Marys, Stratford. Sari/ensile i+xum 0 ;ends- of 590 yearlings in ,�each breed mentioned, Mitchell r tl0ned li ..11 and the 1tillo- ' Atwood. wing conclusions are warranted: LUTHERAN CJTRCJJI NOTES 1, The relative standing of the breeds of mutton sheep in Canada The Sunday School Convention With regard to prolificacy is: Dorset al the Lutheran Church which was Horn, 1.8 1.8 % increase: Leicester to have been, held at Zuricbhas 154%; Hampshire, 149%; Suffolk, been. cancelled en account oft the 148.2 % t Lincoln, 144.8%; Shrop- epideini of measles. Its case a., shire, 143.6 %; Southdown, 142.2 Vs; outside ditatriet invites the convene Cheviot, 139.8 toe Cotswold, 138,0%; tion the local, Sunday School will lielnneY Marsh,. 113.9 r 2. Thea • be ixotiIied in good time. vera a seep i se for all breeds of mutton sheep in Canada is Rev. H. Reethe 'Cor ` the pa't 144.6 ere, average ;eight yeaa;s :I, astpa••; of .Sr. 3. Peter's. long woiri breeds of mutt Lutheran •shut ch, received at the on sheep in Canada is 138,5%. beginning of this.:'4voek the Tlit. 13. .. 4. The average increase for all S. Degree,' (13nobaor ,Sacred Medium Wool t in W of breeds of mutton sheep Literature) from .Eugane thiif'ersity in Canada is 148%. -Wade 'Thole, at its atnnuli coxlYiltexiceulent exer- 0, A. College, Guelph, Ont. eises. We are made for co-operation, like feet, like hands, .like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another then is contrary to nature, and .it Is acting against one another to be vexed and to turn away. The boys are Certainly helping to bring about a better system of farm- ing. A sow, a cow and sonle hens with a eltb boy on the job will get the desired result. I believe In going to the bottom of things , tt s and therefore fo e In >;ki e r deep plowing :,no t Lir a;y!1 of it. --henry Ward Beecher. Club work develops the manhood i W ivuuiauixuo'd of the coining genet.. Rev. TI, RPinbe, .Lit. Ti' 'S., and - Mr. Wail, 5, Johnston are attending the +aesasious of the lay. Tenth, Synod, of Canada at Bornholm, Ont. There will be no services, at the local Lu-, - •ther�asx ,Church net Sunday. Mem-' 'betas and` friends ate invited to at r tend. the •synodical $services next Lord's Day at Bornholm, . Serv- ices begin, at 10 eau, and 7.30 ppn. A gnieir•.wn 1d'rt took place bast Saturday evening at th:i Lutheran Parsonage, when Bev H. Betnbc, united in tits bonds of wedlockr, M r. Geos; Ple4s and Mrs. 4.rlettg Wil- lett. Have 'oxo bought a: Tire z t REPAIRINal Painting %"o, d Car, One 'loaf., $15.00, Two Coats ..$ 2p:-00ieovexine, Ford To Good Material, less curtains j1.0Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors .., 50Painting 3 .. `8.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE lI AVE IT „ WE RDRUI3l3ER YOUit 3 UCGiY WHEELS. HESS ZIJRJOH 2'iMES9=zer, ascan 44+.,4.4.+44+4.4.+++.' .. ,4 4 tr• 4 �.a+ �' -s' a 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, PHONE 69 Bird'sNeponset Roofs . "GOOD OLD PAROID" PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND SHINGLES. PULL SUPPLY OF. LUMBER, LATHS AND I SHINGLIALTY.ES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WO.RR OUR +• SPEC- , WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OP• THE ABOVE KAI F. (-41 tea►,' Z R IC 11j + 1•+4•++++++++1. k4.d•fi+• F4.+44 44.4•4•+4.44++.« 1+4 • '' +.14 48 �°''t"'^..;°'^'g.-�-73�-��-•i�-�F--�=-4•�--�--�^�-+1:-�-f-•4•--4•--�--�--'1•-�- �'�o i 4• EA*Y Z 4. ±HOBBERLIN H�FFMAN WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITTNGS AND SAMPLES: IN ALL THE NEWI SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES , ..1. I . llOBBFRI JN • 4 1 ▪ HAVING Tr'XEN.OVE,R THE AGENCY. OF THE BEST KNOWN+. ▪ SEMI-RBADY CLO 2HING FIRM IN CANADA (HrBBERLIN .1. CO.) 'WlE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUI3f_jo ALMOST* I ANYTHING, REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND: OVERCOATS _1r PRICES SECEND TO NONE. it 2 4. 2 .g, 4. REMEMBER The Early Bird catches the Worm 4- t, 1i H ,�i � [.ak, arL i9 rY &! i4V- ITA1I..,OF AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR DAY AND NICU 1 r i' PHO ,. NE No, 8 , . • '&' �0111111n111!1I1111111111IIiNIi!@ii R11111i111111ii1111111111111111.111 IN 11Iiiilflii IIIIliliIIIr. ' X111(IIIIi11111�I111NillllllllllllilillllllHi11111111p11t1111iIIVliiIllllillillNliNllillli(Ililuttil(�111llVtI11111P FZE ZURICH FIERALD'S 1924 Clubbing List HER ALaD and Toronto Daily Globr. $6.00 HErtALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph ... $5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star ' „..,.. 86.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star -., .,- - $3.26 HERALD and Toronto Daily News ....,$6.00 and London Free Presse Morning edition ;,f1.00 and London Free Press, evening edition ......86.00 and London Advertiser; Morning Edition ...$6.00 and London Advertiser, Evening edition ... 86.90 and London Partners' Advocate $2.25 and Farm andDairy ..,.., ...... $2.75 and Farmers Sun HERALD NERAL D HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD genALD HERALD $2.65 and Family Herald and Wee1rly Star ., $2..75 and Canadian Countryman . 82.25 I.Es3AL» and Weekly Witn?-.a .. 88.16 HPIIA.LD and Farmers Magazine .. $2,50 HERALD. and Youth's Companion ......$3,76 HERALD and Seatorth Heron .uxpositol3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal S ... .. ..$2.7G HERALD 'and Rod and Gun in Canada .....,. ...$3.4'.5 Save Money and Trouble by Ir e ewin Your rapers with us. See us for papers not listed above � HERALD OFFICEI Zurich xtt i,ji 1{,4.1111;1 f 110 40118110110141115141101114111 +i'lusst