HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-19, Page 4• } A "y • suit' hice erir in tore This offer holds good for t- June 21st to June 28th T1uuadar, ..Tune 19th, 1924 EXETER rhes, His . esoape from:.de'ath is The Central Hotel, for the past a mark, it is thought he will •re - 30 years owned and ooudu'oted by W,. T, A;ohson', has been sold to Chester Lee of Paisley. this fa- mous hostelry has enjoyed . the re- putation of being one of the best conducted hotels in the country,Mr, Acheson will reside in Exeter, cover, Thet own of Tec'swater, caper , ieneecl one of the largest fire'at wit- neseed for many years, on Thurs- day night, when the livery 'axad hoarding ,stable of John Marrs was completely destroyed by fire The • Johni McTnnis., • a former resident building wa:s one of the towns old of Exeter, died at Bownanville at timers, all the 'cutters and buggies Friday June 6th and the remains were destroyed. Were • brought to Exeter and interr The Canning Co„ at Exeter, has td in the Exeter cemetery, the fttn- had to re -sow 10 acres of corn o`w- eral taking place from the home ing to• unfavorable weather. of 11xrs.:?assiu,ore, ' A Cointy,Rifle shoot will be held Bordenn, the five year old son at the Colborne races on June of -Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Sanders,, had •20th. a narrow escape from being Ilk- • There was 'e big ?wily of mem- led when; being struck by an auto, 'hers, of the Holy Name Society at. the little fellow grabbed the bum- Mt. Carmel on Sunday afternoon, per and hung on till the car stop- June 8th: when members of the Lice. Society were present from St. A sudden death took place in Peter's, McGillivray, Zurich and St. the" home of Thus. Clarke, when Joseph, in all about 350 members. Mrs. ,Clark's 'sister, Mrs. Moutray, of Richmond, Mich., passed away at 'the age of, 78, ereare A number of men are engaged in erecting the 'building for the Pick 'ling Station here just north of the SUIi made to EASURE 0 With extra Pants same material as Su MEN! This is a fair and square offer—there are no strings -to it -- `what this ad. says we live up to. Every suit guaranteed as to fit and hush. SCOTLAND WOOLEN MILLS 'E®WUERTH,Zurich's Sole Agent E. o W-------- canning factory. • -J. Taylors; who has been con- ducting his tire and battery bus- inees on the evst side of Main et. has moved to the corner of Main and Aun at. Frank Taylor last week purch- ased, the urch-ased.'the race mare. "Queenie Sm - lith, -of Lieury, ;she has a record.; of 2.19'F,• and has xi good list ofper- formances to her credit. At the London Conference of the Methodist Church held at Windsor, the Stationing Committee made no changes in the Exeter district. A .very pretty wedding took p1 - ace at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ar- thur Mitchell on June 8that high ,noon; when Mjheir only daughter, Ila Belle became the bride of Al- vin Moir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir of Exeter, Rev, J. Foote of- ficiated. filfghest Prices Paid ac- cording to quality CASH OR TRADE ALL, WOOL BLANKETS, YARNS -AND WOOL BATTS. ATT,ORDER)) PROMPTLY FIL- LED: li ene or write for prices to t17 Newton Woollen Mills • NEWTON — ONT. SEI. C. WAGNER, Proprietor. STANLEY TOW1041P'. In view of the approaching mar- wage of Miss Della R. Keys, dau married in St, Peter's church, Dry's- rhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Iteys, dale, byRe-v. r.r Schneider. They ther'girl friends met at her home on leave a family of elor en, six sons .friday afternoon of last week, lend and five daughters ;— Mrs. Regis relented her with a shower of A. Den:emine, Mils. 'Regis N. Den- nseful and beautiful articles. oxnrrie Mes. Joseph Dueliarme, all Mr. and Mrs. Art.' P. Key's and of Hay Tp. Joseph, Frnnit and,• Warally motored to Talbotvilie on Arthur Jeffrey of Godericb; Peter "rAlfonday to visit the former"s tiro- Jeffrey of Grarnwd Forks, Dalt., ,per, Rev. J. iM Keys, who is stat- Joel) JrjfF,•ey and Mrs. David Du- i iced there. •charms. of Tiny Tp., George Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs, W. R, Stephenmein of Stanley Tp., and Mrs. Gilbert egad Mr. and eelrs. Geo.' Il. Steph- Plante of Goderieh. All were tesesen of Marlette,, ,Mich., are vis esen•t for the eelebratien 'except Meng their relatives ,in Stanley this" Peter Jeffrey. In 'addition there: "week.were present the wives of- all the Mrs. Stephenson Sr", who has the married son's and husbands of Then visiting her ;sister, Mrs. CC`on' . an the daughters. In all the ga- tt of Herman, has returnedto her Bulling ninnbered. for four. carne on Goshen. 1tey: W. "0• Robinson of Walton, �► niejeeitt a few days last week at liede home on. Goshen. Mrs. Betties and family of God- eerich visited at the home of Mr. meta Ws. II. McOlinehey last waw and Mrs. Ed Lowden of Ilam ll . vre�t�d l e last week at the home AO i�tosl the latter's norther, Mrs. Roble - ems Sr. Sr. A, pleasant gathering took phtee the home of Mr. Geo. Armstrong Cxri,erreh, .oxx Tfuelsday June 17th, 'moien, hhie Children and brother, '14fv. s• nland% Armstrong and wife, ath- ' ai to elsih,brete tile 70th birtirtley Mr. Arrn,strong is quite hale and April 30th. Ise iRnains were in - hearty for. a knan of seg*sets yeaes terred in the cemetery here, the an.d enjoys life to the full. He funeral being largely attended; retired from active fanning a few years ago and bought a home in Goderich. His .many friends hope. that he may be 'spared to see many more returns of his birthday. Mrs. Mary Nicholson is visiting at present at the home of hen bro- ther, Mr. Robt. McKinley, Messrs. John and Henry Steckle of the Bronson line ;shipped a good carload of fat cattle to Tor- returned to his home in Harrisburg, onto • the past • week,. Pa. Miss Margaret Johnston, of Hay', Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Talbott have spent a • few days at the home of returned home from their honey- her sister, Mrs. G. Parker.. moon trip to Niagaga, Buffalo and Miss Dora, Sherritt is visiting at. other points. The young couple the home of her sister, Mrs. Mey have the best wishes of the dm- ers at Blake, waiting OD' some of munity for future prosperity. the family that are laid up -with weasels. Mr. and 'Mrs. Cyplain Jeffrey G. Ge" Petty has bought the pro- ori near Drysdale, celebrated thein+ •perty on Main at. formerly oceup sixtieth rieversary of their mar- ;,ed by G. Dodson and is having the riage at the home of their daughter, house attractively remodelled. Mrs. Gilbert Plante, Goderich on Dr. A. R. Campbell, ve,s., had May 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey the misfortune one day recently were both born in the Province of while attending a sick horse to be Quebec hut both came to Stanley kicked over the eye, requiring ,sev- tp. wheeen very young and greweral estitches. up t(ehere. In 1864 they were 'rhe C.N.R, tracknren are great HENSALL T. Eisenh'?fer of Listowell, is. visiting with Mr+a. 11. Price. The council are having the back streets oiled. Dr. J. W. Bell, wlio has been spending a few weeks in Hensel, COUNTY NEWS. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. marched from the hall to the ch- urch; headed by the Dashwood bane! Rev. Fr. Stanley of Ingersoll ad- dressed the members on their duty as member+.s• of Holy Name Society. J. H. Watson of the boundary of ;Hibbert and Ushorne tps. is suffer- ing as a result of being attacked by a bull. The little fellow receiv ed many body wounds and lacerat- :lone that required numerou sett - The annual pirnnic of .the Huron Old Boyne •Aissociation of Toronto will 'bo, held on the south lawn, Ex-. hibition; grounds, :on Friday: June 27th, an. Attractive program of asports and. 0e -ernes is arranged, Dr Geo. °Seldon and wife of Uan-:, eoulver visited with his brother R.. Soldon', Exeter, the. Dr. had been, in Ottawa, attending the Deminioi>y Council of Medicine. • There passed away at his home- . con. 15, Stephen on June 5th, an- other of the townshiere most re- spected residents in the person of David Hutchinson; at the age of 74 years, he had been in poor health since the first of the year with Er-•. ight's disease, ho had been for ;,years a resident of Exeter, befog movin gto Stephen Tp. The following officers, were ap- pointed at a Meeting e fthe N'.. Huron. Liberals held in Winghaxet reeently ;—Pres. W. H. Robertson, Goderieh; 1st Vic.,e J. Gillespie, Wh churhc; 2nd Vice, J. P, Dalton, Ash.. field; 3ed Vice, Nelson Hill, Aub.-. urn; Secy., J. McMurchie, Blyth Treasurer, A. )34 Carr, Blyth., +++++++++++44+4-e+444.444944+++++++.14+++44+++++++4.4.41 + f F rmb ac r iner4 ' HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON THE CUSTOMERS' NOTES. • WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOC WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, a'~LSt.1, LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE • US BEFORE YOU BUY. -.�.. FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST` YEARS PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. rafor 1 Wagon 1 DeLaval Cream Sept 1 Bissell Disc Narrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator 1 riding plow 2 Fleury Walking plows 1 tractor plow at $110.00 THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. GARAGE! Mr. Peter Kr "GENUINE FORD PA L. A. Prang, *444.4.++++++++++++++++++ ++ GARAGE! off, mechanic QTS" always iR stock Zurich Ont. xlmmermansonmaiscroWNIMII GRAND , MOP There ' essed Sawa hero on May p y 28th', Mary Statton,. beloved wife of oseph Oliver, at . the 'age of 53 y :ars. ` Deceased had been ill only y? a. few days with 'pneurnonia: • Al- though not being well "for a mire- 1,.,r o; years. being troubled witha weak heart, her death carne as a• i fee third with 114. a Gainmage shock to"her friends and relatives had a long run of 83, thile ler. Long :l:3esidCs her lxus'hanc!'shP is ism' she-�:wee+�s' crotid. with 71, ;:l', Taylor of , 'i r,,, 4. rilso five �1:Odney wR;s, third!. with 554, and: '0, vi- nr1, bytwo .datr,ylr, r .t , II With ..steps ao l three b •,tart;'s., This Mere, et i itEhclstohli, fourth; With :tether, John Stacto.1. led hare o i i 53. ly improving th e appearance of the appearance by setting out,sev- eral diamond shaped flower beds Thos. Simpson has been con - lined to hiis room and under the doctor's cane, but his iiiany friends wish hint a recovery. G, J. Sutherland is spending .Ia. few days in Bea.cliville;•• attending 'ham funeral of his uncle. Mr. and• Mrs. J. T. McDonald, Detroit, announce the ,engagement of theit° . only daughter Agnes to , Neil Douglas Sparks, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sparks, Heiman, the h' nixxt'iage to take place the nxerri'age to take pl.are this month Avery 'pleasant evening was 'ap int at the house of Mr, land Mose W'. Goodwin, -when a number of friends of Mies Phylis Young met and pleasantly surprised her with a kitchen. ,showerin honor of her approaching marriage. R. Gaminagi of Ridp,`etown was high guns with a score of 148, et the trap •shoot here on June 4th by the Ili nsall Guy; Club, Nele SOD Long, of He:Milton, was second with 146, -chile G. Marr, Woodstock and P. :Kerr, :,Crediton, Were tied TrItzt E4a, Made by Ames Holden Tire & Rubber Co. Limited KITCHENER, ONTARIO Will give you more miles for each dollar of cost—prove it—test them_ with any other tire and 'Compare jhj`(Je "" L. A. PRANG Zurich's Leading Tire Shop. GAS — ACCESSORIES OIL -.:S.:H.i t. [..:c 'I:MI.+.:,.:fl 1.. .rsN, ...Yw ...:. ...... -i.,- .i .y y,,.,. .� .•`RT �. I ,Nova Scotia Interior as Moose Pasture k • OFP FOP,. VHS NAPPY i-WlerTIteiG GQ0i../MtlS SAM GLODE, INDIA4 GuiDZ Move ,Scotia ,s a country of lakes Al and streams offerin many ideal canoe trips, and the is _a great ,noose '' pasture. Ideal, too, is the moose hunting, because both the canoe and automobile are used by huntersand guides, thus .saving many miles of weary hiking through the wilderness. " On the • Liverpool chain of lakes reached from South Milford 'via Annapolis Ro al or Digby, and on Lake Ked- emakogogge, Lake Rossignol, . Lake Munro, Loon Lake and the Liver- . iven• pool River excpert'Indian and white guides use the canoes for long disc• tepees and eve x call the • moose to the shore with their 'birch bray hone. When some distant point, is to be reached from "Del" Thomas' South 1Vlllford camp, canoes, guides, l untere and duffle are loaded upon a big motor'treek for the journey, South Milford is 15 miles from Annapolis Royal and is a favorite outfitting point: So is the Kedge- makooge Rod, and Gun Chip, on famous Lake Itedgemakooge in the heart of 'the wilderness 86 miles from Annapolis. Royal, Both of these, canape have amplele ac conxmo- datinnsand plenty of ca oes and reliable guide,, The Nova Scotian moose Beeson lasts from Oct, 1 to Nov, 15. leer are as .plentiful as noose, and the open season for th%s game !eats front Oct, 10 .to Nov. 5l. Loui e. S.-AQL.W, ExPEfdrikJ,DG C L,LA Although large numbers' ui moos are shot eachyear, many with mire.. nificent "spreads," the annual nee. crease is said to equal the Such guides;as Terris Harlow, bal.., treed Micmaac: and Sarn Globe, fu1 - blooded Indian,,. •are expert mooses callers and stalkers .and rarely die,-.. appoint the hunter. The eleven:melee with which' they einitilate the eels , of the coin moose with a simple rokid. of birch bark fashioned into a ltol•trre is sure to fool the wisest old bn$ hi the wilderness" Whewn the calling; season is past, the moose no lei1getr comes to the hunter and the hunter, must go to him. Neither canoe,,. nor automobile figures meed in airs;: phase of moose hunting except that;; one, or both, may help . the hunter •• near .the place where the cfuerry lei' supposed to be andcarry bireeboninee... when tale hazie ie uvea-