HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-19, Page 1VOL XXIV No 49 ZURICH, THURSDAY IORNING., JUNE 19, (924. s .. Al Reasona44 rims WHETHER YOUR "CHIEF INTEREST IS IN' THE STYLE OP SHOES YOU BUY, OR PER: Tar• THE COMFORT AND FIT OR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS, E'V'E GUARANTEE 1•T.�,,:p YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED HERE. AND BECK IT WITH THE PROMISE TO MAKS b GOOD ANY PURCHASE THAT DOES NOT SATISFY YOU. SPRIG AND SUMMER SLIPPERS AND SANDAL` . ;`h�M Women's Patent •Colt and Kid with fancy centre Straps, x Low an,d inedium heel Special at �3 <<i Women's Patent Colt fine ki Grey, Fawn and Elk Sued Leathers with low walking eels, .Special ..: $3,93 Women's Black canvas, one strap, Leather (sole and rubber heel, for real ' comfort, Special .,. .._ $1,25 Men's Black and ;Brown calf .Oxfords, Goodyear welt soles , , Rubber heels, Special at :•.. Men's Black and Brown calf Oxfords, New Parkway. last Sp.,'le5 Meta's harvest shoes, comfortable and light, Special 2$.95, ;$3'y5 Children, shoes, slippers, newest Manitsh last from $1,25 to ... $2,c•0 Running 'shoe's` of every description.. Lowest prices :in town. ; R O REPAIRING NEATLY DONE See Our Window Display - fii VYMM`iiA IPMARWANY M1liWARNW1Nf�ti� o.�.d.p.p•p.p•©� O.•0.0.`1.O O•� D Va•'� � O+O.S� 4•`�•O O.•4+�, ea:+d 4 D O.O:�e�',,v, ®;P�>•�•�• OOOd�PO40POpd4�4d4400�dP•O ��„� f a 0 4D 4D 4'0 gE mer;' •�D o We have just opened up a large shipment of Ladies' mouse ])re,sses, Bloomers, Slips, etc., purchased direct IP from one of the largest m.anufactureis [ b :1:i.a. 3': tip 'dare in Canada, thereby saving the jobbers pro :t 9.. x giving our customers the benefit of lower ri.(�� h0 '= airk�, eeeteele 9 ID We have a beautiful line of 'Dr- esses in. plain Chambray trimmed with fthiey collar and Sash, 'sizes run up to 0. 81, at 95e. each. A line of dark. print Dresses in coin, • bination of coioree and patterns, Ali size sfor $1.25 each. Another Line of nice dark fancy pattern print Dresses, heavy cloth made in special large sizes up to 44 at $1.45 and $1.65. Fancy Plaids and. check Ging- ham dresses, nicely trimmed with pockets and sash, A real bargain -at $1.59 each. Ladies' Gingham Dresses in fine quality, nice neat checks and plaids Organdie trimmed.. . A Real Dress large size at $1,95. Black Satine Dresses, nicely tr- immed and splendid quality of mat- erial at $2,25. Ladies' fine Stripe Satinette B1- •oomers, Beautiful quality all 'sha- des at $1.40 .111:04157/1=11M.1411111,19@l11•11111118 121.0211•1161•91.1- 4 • 'M 4,. P �• Alarge assortment of. Ladies.and -Children vests, Drawers and Blo- • oniers to chose from at Special low prices. Men's Balbrigan and fine n.osh .+ underwear in two pieces and com- +i+ • binations with 'short .or long sleeves sizes 36 to 46. 9 'Ladies fine 'stripe Satinette Step ins, same quality and colors as.. above at $1.2b. Ladies Princess Slips fine qual- ity Satinette, Lovely Colors at $2. Children's. Dresses with Bloom.-` ers to match in nice Gingham of checks, plaids and fancy Patterns and black Satine; nicely trimmed at $1.25. Children's 'Rompers in black sat- ine and fancy Ginghams 60c., 79c. and 89c. each. A nice line•, of Rompers in Raw Silk at $1.25 each. Dust. Cap's, all colors at 15c. each We have 'also opened up a full range of Boy's Balbrigan under- wear in two piece and combination size's 22 to 32, • ' 4. 071 tti t e 3o s ace s h EN'S CLOTHING e lk tiP ova le; 4,0 tiP ej'.1 QI with Just received a fine range of Aberley 100% pure wool Jersey's for boys, in several shades fancyt rimming, Sizes from 22 to 32. We have certainly made many warm friends with our finerange of Men's Suits 'and for the O benefit of those who have. a+s yet not picked out their ne'w Suit for Spring 'ere have again just 0 Q� opened up another fine range of Serger�; Wor�ateds and Tweeds at remtarltiable low prices. Be sure ando loot: thein over as.they are= well worth your while+ 0,' Don't forget about our two -bloomer suits for boys at $9,50 and $10.50. ` ii':' • A fine 'splendid, assortment of Metes fine shirts and Ties just arrived. Call in and see them',. + � HATS! HATS! n , THEY CERTAINLY ARE WONDERFUL VALUES. n OUR NEWEST STYLE FEL(( RMS WITH FANCY BANDS A)R,E GOING •PAST. GET YOURS ". < BEFORE IT IS MOO LATE, . 'ALL SHADES AND PRICES eiil + 1,.++++1+++€++++ ++,x'4,4.4+4 +4 +41.4.44+++ l,4++4 4+4„++++.g,4+++++++++4+al+++++++++++++++++++ 491'i Fresh Groceries always on hand at Rock laottom Prices p Highest Prices paid for Good Quality. gs ,gip Q V o Phone 59 U I Produce "anted; fid C✓a , .+"• +/Y,.,.,.r' •:.:J•cW4 Via+ .,G%L +.0:4'r1. 'r + r e a�J. P FZEET Ei� iD ca tiOP D tltg tiP Mre, J. C ,ell is visiting relatives at Detroit. Miss Rose Hess, of Bayfield sp- ent Sunday at her. home here. Messrs, .W 0. Callfas .and A11)ert Hese motored to London•'on Thurs- day. Mrs. H. Eiticmeier, hats returned from' a visit with her parents at St. Maeys. Mr. J. Pree•ter and son Russell were on abusiness trip to Lon- don last Thursday, Mr. D: L. Woods of Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurm. Mr. George Grant, of Hensall and son Percy of Lansing, Mich., cal-. lett in the village an Friday. Mr, and Mrs. W. i?. Frank of Waterloo sp•Ont Sunday with Mr. C. Either and Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Edi,hoffer. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller and son Lours, of Kitchener, were Sun - clay visitors with' Mr. and Mrl Jacob Howald. A. goodly nura:ber from here at- tended these you '+. Exeter con- ducted by tl,on given Army and report ver ee:esF .so>.it ;,meet ngs. ho• is a.'st- `i.iny ..min•ary, is iay ,th his par- av + Wagner. Mr. Thti udent of�„e spendlegni entsr' M..41 The Lae- - ` 4 the Evangel- ical chnrch''`Z;re:.+ m kurg' arrant - mcnts. to hold a strawberry lawn sor al, snore particulars will follow . 11,e- and rs. Geo. Schnell and '91v • OT Butler., Penn who have it site. 'Mill tue iornac �•s' pnx•a,ts,� Mr, and Mrs. 4'. Schnell, have re- turned- to their hoine. Rev. R. M. Geiger, sols of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Geiger of the village, and who has served as pastor in the Rock et., Methodist ch- ali, a un Men 1 u�� eccessi° les I The Diamond Ring. 11 The Wedding Ring III The Parsons NOTE. WE'LL SUPPLY EVERY THING EXCEPT THE PARSON EE Me Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Chester' L. Smith,Ptsilili tiNt $1.20 a year 1 **now* $l,50INAER,LetRS,*2 MAY 13E cnAI sten- T Z BA To avoid possible thefts e mislaying.of money depot all surplus cash. in a Savinge. Account at The Molaans Bank. Payment of accounts by cheque is by far the most satisfactory way. One of the many branches of Ther Molsons Bank will be glad to handle your account. I 0. H. JOY Manager Zurich Brandi } e40.4 4044444a+¢•440444.44444.4.4.444.4,4 4.4444..4 4 :. 4 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 •3 0 ors Tust Received a large number .of Genuine Woolen Horses Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72z;84< Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.00 to .° SAVE MONEY . BY GIVING US A CALF. A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand.Club Bage, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices, • "4 HARNESS REPAIRING A. . S PFC"IT4 FRED TH• IEL 0,„040 00004440 elG•'De¢i•+1me00-lee• aee§�•v� ne " -tee.. 4;+ Pt43h;W low ZURICH tt, urch for siva ear's, has been:. ••II•+&+ ••E• • ••.• •4• •• ++ •3++ +&••3+4••1••E+•l••••h, +i'4• 44+ •• •II++i+ 4•)r+•i 4^A44! as'segned t c•ensu charge of the:�. M;ldmaylYlk.''�+'' .fis church, and we+T, wish Rev. and fyfrs. Geiger contin- .1. ted succuss in their new field of labour. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Steele, bridal is couple, arrived in Zurich on Fri- T. day noon and we welcome them + to our village. On Friday evening .A the choir of the Evangelical church + called on them and presented 'them with a gift in honor of Mr. Steele + who is a member, while on Sat- .'fig, urday evening the Jubilee Band played a fees 'very appropriated selection in honor of their citizen- 4. 'ship to our village. SOCIAL—The Ladies' Aid of St + Peter's ;Lutheran; Church, Zurich, .g. are -giving a social in co:nnectiou with a .guessing contest in the + Town Hall on Saturday June 28th. '=° The narty guessing . the nearest + number of beans contained in the ,` Jar will be the lucky winner of a •+i+ nice home, made rug which is on •g• display in T. L. Wurre's Store.Try .. your lurk by leaving your . number 't° at the store, only 10 cents a guess. Come one, come all, a nice lunch +++++++++++++++++++++44"4°÷14++44"1±"44""4"1"1""" will be served from 5 ,to 10 pont Zurich Jubilee- Band will furnish the music. A nice lunch, including 'att. awbarrie,s and cream will be •served for 25o. front five till ten pint. ll Sizes, While they last at 75c. pr. We do a lot of Shoe R ptIng9 &Because We do it well V.9 O F I �' /M1aoo S O N SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH Chi! TA. B Zurich Jubiiee Band in attendance. IfY1VIENIAL HESS-WILLE.RT A quiet wedding took place in the Lutherans parsonage, Zurich, on Saturday evening June 11th, when Rev. H. R•embe united in Holy Wed- lock, Mr. George He's's and Mrs. &r'eeta, Willert, daughter rf Mr. and Mrs. Casper . Walper, both con- tracting parties being of Zurich. The happy couple will reside in ill!) village where they- have the. Best witslws of a large circle of friends. An interesting •church wedding took plaee at the Amish Mennonite church on Tuesday lafternoo n,June 17:1 whet. Miss Sarah Brb, daugh- ter Of '113r and Mrs'. '.John G. Erb \na.s united M marriage to Mr. A7 -an Gingerieh, son of Mr. end Mrs Dain Gingerieh all of the 131c"n'son, Line, Ray. Mr. Gordon Sebrag and 11,1isls Mary (Jinger"ich aeted as. witness. The popular young couple will reside on the Bronson Line, wherer they have the hest wishes of a large circle of friends, the :Hier+alta join' in eon- rgalulationi: We invite you to come and see our new €� n Sariand Summer Goods Spring consisting of Prints, Gmghams, Ord gantlies, Voiles, Flannelettes, Shirt - bags, ags, Cottonades, Etce We aremaking a big reduction price on all Winter. (roods A fresh and complete supply of all garden, seeds, x o • t seeds, etc. on hand, R' N. DOUGLAS + lxH'NERAL MERCHANT ' H N 1i- 7 LA