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HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-05, Page 5777 Thereda;y'a June 5th,1,924: BUSINESS CARDS rou 11aot, Killoran & HOLMES', Bara,ttete, Solicitors, Notaries, *!%ill:, Ltc, Office on the Squaxe, 'lad door trona Hamilton St. God - *Pleb private funds to loan at iaie+est rates, i'fe Proudfoot, K.Q. J. L, 1 illoran D F,..Holmes. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost., Founds. Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN. Agar FOR SALE SKr. Holmes will be in $ensall on A limited slumber of Scotch Cola Friday of each week. lie pups�,i are well bred: Apply to Gsrnet +Datev+a, Hnesall, P,O, Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk J>rsr of marriage licenses, Notary rablic Commissioner Fire and Ant- iguan and enee Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Dttario: FOR SALE . iionehile Insurance, Representing Silserwoods creamery butter at 35 cents a pound. Wile. O'Brein, Produce Dealer, Zurich. 45-3 Dr. G. L. Smith $1,'D $. (Toronto.) D.D,S„ i<Chicago) DENTIST AT WALPEl HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY li%AIN OFFICE HENSALL OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Try, limas School of Auctioneering. ewe .for Registered Live Stock letla Breeds): Terms in keeping eolith prevailing prices. Choice toms for sale. Will sell anything Sty'w'bere. Zurich. Phone 18-93 or write, . licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County tot Enron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless to size or articles, to sell. I *elicit your business; and if not ;satisfied will make no charges for serdeed. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. 1£!i ane 13-.57 - Zurich `fleet MARKET - I Fresh and Salt' Meats Bologna Sausages,. etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS 8t u1DES TangblutSLt DeicheTt I'I LIVER...__ I am in a 'position to accoino- `date all requirements in the Livery tine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing t ane in the teaming line. • GEORGE 'J. THIEL Phone 58 ' Zurich .. S. ATKINSON, L' .D•S., D.D.S, DENTIST iaci'L .: i of the Royal College tet Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. ':'Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No, One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every li9Lai n Office, Exeter. Ph.dne 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY -19 Phone 79 LIVE pOULTRY WANTED 'Waken every day till 3 Ocioek p.m, Do nr+t feed fowl same morning 1rroctght in, Highest Cash Prices -CASH:FOR- Ciream and Eggs .: O'Brien Phone 94, Zurich SEASON 1924 INPR1NG,AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES ,t1N THRACI,TE--We are now ire- stiivin;g our genuine "Delaware & siuttson direct from. ;the miners, Nut stove and Egg sizes. • SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an - either car of our high grade soft. Villee-coal lions made a 'great hit for ,;htiitaehold me and our sales of this eve ever doubled 1hi the fast tsea- OVLETS-Our13oulet Coal is sidelo inl'1a class by itself and isgr- vo'wing in favor. rapidly. 01311 Teleph'o'nielri 'are at I 'your z,mn. Use them freely for iiy- Torntatiion. - .. +Ca.ta, 1= 1110A11 & ORODi10E MERCHANT bone °txhee 10iv. $onset/ 111). l4SAL: N' . FOR SALE A. well-built henhouse 10x14 feet. For immediate sale. Apply to Dr. -A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich. tf46 STRAYED From my premisea one mile south of Varna on May 20th, a 3 - year -old bright bay heavy draught colt with white face.. Finder kind- ly notify Win. Logan, Varna, P.O. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will, be received up to June 10th 6 p,m', foil the er ectioneof a new room to 'Ilensall Public School. Also regales to old techool. Plans and 'Specificat- ions can be had on application to Secretary -Treasurer. A. L. `Case, Secy-Treas., Hensall'. NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I am -in a pos ition to do any kind of a cement job, 'such as 'supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. -Work guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- ian Corriveau•, R(, R. 2, Zurieh; Phone 16-93. tf40 FOR SALE Baby Grand touring car just newly painted in A-1 mechanical condition. Apply to J. Preeter, Zurich. tf-46 LOCAL NEWS MiN. i F Fritz is sporting it fine Ford se'dazlu, Mr. J. ley made a Nisinc eat:rip to Goderieh on Saturday. Mr. MI. C. Milliken 'spent June '3rd, at Stratford. , Miss Rose Hess of Bayfield, 'sp- ent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Russell Preeter was laid up with a sore knee the past week: ' Mr, 3, W. Ortwein, of Henlsale, was a holiday visitor in, town. Mrs. Harry Taylor of Brucefield caled gni friends here on Monday Mr. Norman Gascho of Windsor spent the week -end under the par- ential roof. ' • Mr, Clayton Hoffman of Galt, ,was a holiday visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gossma n of Port Huron, were week -end visitors here. . 1. Mr.\and M's. F. W, Hesse, of Honaali, were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Mrs. Lineham of Detroit its vis- iting at the home of her-sister,Mrs. Conrad Schilbe. Postmaster W. L. Siebert a t- tended the funeral of a relative at New Ramberg, last week. Mr. Ward Pritz, Mrs. C. Fritz and Miss's Pearl Wertz 'spent the week -end at Kitchener and Guelph. Mr. ;Herbert Kalbfleisch, who is attending the Waterloo Seminary,,. is ispending the vacation at hi's. home on the 16th con. Mr. Eldon Snell of Detroit and Miss Margaret Peck of Windsor; spent the week -end with relatives and Friends. Mr. aucl Mrs. Joseph J. Schw- artz of Detroit', spent the week- end at the, home oe the latter's par- ents, Mr, and elrs. John Fuss. Mrs. J. Patterson • of G -ads Hill, will addres'st he Zurich Branch, of the Women's Institute on Friday afternocin, June 6th, in the Institute Hal. ' l A number from the village . at ended the celebration at Seaforth on 'Tuesday evening, the occasion hairier in' respect to the new paved treet. hTe Crediton District Sunday School convention of the Evangeli- al church are holding their annual gathering at -McKillop Tp., on June 17th and 18th. t FOR SALE A barn 20x40 feet, good solid frame and lumber. For parti;eul- -s ars apply to Jacob Deichert, Zur- ich. e tf-44 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some cases can save you as Much' as 50 cents on a single subscript - i011$. c Mr. George Koch of •Dashwood, Metiers. M Lord and Rheinold Koch of -Detroit and Master Melvin Dale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M-ridinger on- Friday. Tuesdny, June 3rd, wets obser- ved by many as a, public holiday bank being recised, while +some tiler bus n.'.,e places _were open. Th? occasion, hemi the 53rd, birth- A 7.00 OIL FO1.1, FORD CARS. GU day'on't he King of England.' ARAN TEED TO STOP THE CHAT The sil:'nt traffic policeman hes 1. TERING OF .I3_ i�iDS. Sold gy .}ry�'n lilts nri ftp nlgain ati:li,e 2u1'•- . _h v{ ):i�l ^�i'.1 tloshcn .Line inter•- L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tfis section, and 'should b^' observed try t ,ll v^hi:i1:is wh,,•tther' motor n' n Tuxedo Chatterless h • Two Stomach Tt'oubkts "Cry the Youngsters. unto indigestion And Its 'Trentrnte, -.Cause, Symptoms and 'L'i'e Mtipme of Gnsti'ic Irnpactton.. «�zrxailotvaar Stalks -it's a Great i'aeliaeg. 4Oontrtbuteo by Ontario apartment .n it4 rIci4lu r'e, '1'oroa o,) Acute indigestion. This trouble is frequently seep. at seeding' tirn,e, during the rush of spring work when the brood mares that are nursing young foals are re• attired to labor in the field. The Mare becomes overheated at work and may be away from the foal for five or sI hours, When she comes in at non or night and tho colt is given oppor- tunity to nurse, , conditions are not normal in that there is an oversupply of milk, or more milk than is good for a hungry colt at one time, and the milk is also probably altered somewhat due to the overheating of the body during labor in 'the field: The colt is permitted to nurse and aftera few days of such practice, de- yelops dyspepsia. The disease usually takes the form of a diarrhoea. The colt becomes dull, may halve "abdem- inal pain, lies . down a great deal of the time, loses appetite, may be no- -Mee grinding its teeth, or with puru- lent 'discharge from the eyes. Prevention is the most desirable course, and this disorde can be kept down by creating nor 1al conditions for the mare and foal. If the mare' must work, care should be taken not to overheat her in harness, and not to keep her away from the foal for more than three or four hours. If her udder is distended and painful, milk part of the contents away by hand before permitting the colt to nurse. The sanitary conditions about the stable or lot should be the best, And the food that is being given to the -mare should be such as to pro- mote a normal, healthy milk flow. Treatment -If there is a compe- tent, graduate veterinary practitioner available, it is advisable to call biro.. If there is no veterinary assistance available, the following treatment can be given. Give a ,small dose of calomel, and follow with au intestinal antiseptic, If diarrhoea continues, it should be checked by giving tincture ,of opium or chlorodyne and castor oil. Brandy and eggs, or milk and eggs can be given frequently and in small amounts until conditions are normal. Water is very important; but see that it is warm Gastric Impaction. What killed the colt? A number of foals are lost each year in every district through gastric impaction, a disorder occurring during the first week following weaning in foals that are; weaned too young. The foal's stomach has been dealing with milk pretty much- during •th'e first three tnon . ,s, unci it has pet developed to a condition that will permit of the successful handling of coarse feeds. The colt -that.ts w euned too early in lire is at a disadvantage. h Ibis de- n:aidt;d upon its niutht•r for rite i,1- at - 1 D'art, u1 it:; fOU"i 'anti 1i,U 111° i a 1JI:. l sudden,,, ti. pririd t m its ttl ler, he colt quite. a sit.)<;. et ]iate t :"11. a 4ti E:lii4 i. i t•: .,... .... _."'_'""'"•.".'..._.. -- horse di'nwri leiliieles, for the-safn It ff, and to not kilo' ..It. t 4 ty of all cone'rtl.e.d. a&JUU,S 04. `[.' n.1.11 ann riuth Huron OrTanization I o:' UILS thatl:lv' a .n t, it11 t;.. ,o 1 d uL^tiu tt..,11t11 lti,. t I'll' Winn `n lnst'tut' will hole. tilt snnoi y But the colt tilet, i i tit^i'` 'i,l'niial ni ,nt'ng 'it Lemur's of itt Ido pdatnr,. .i' I, 5 11 til, Exeter, on Thursday 'after- ,u,.e t11 its life has :int• S � ,.,rali (.ora Coal r1t>.�tl. Jl. L: '12th whet) a good 'Ivo- pl Lualiy o1 such c. . gram. will be. giv'n, all. ladies ;iv' t., it Zgtlailtly is ata ,, ally ilivitoil to attend this Chesnut and Furnace splendid gathr ring, Sizes. . Soft coal D+ttlr. and Mrs. L,on:^ Kraft of the highest quality. vinare acconipanii,d 141r. and Mrs, "•3. Dat.lrs of. Hay Tr,, on a pl GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND 'asant .'motor trip to. Tavistoek and X'itch'tner over Sunday. Mr. Al - Case s, ,son of tthelatler's and ' will is attending the Waterloo Sem inary, rehii nod with them for tho suanm-?r vacation. PHONE 35 HENS ALL -17 Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S•., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick Block; Zurich, Thursday • and Saturday,,.: Main Office ery RARTLEi13'S BLOCK, D ASHWOOD ' HEIRS , WANTED Missing Heirs are being sought throughout the world, Many people are .to -day living in coittpara tale poverty who are really rich, but do not know it. Yout may be one of them. Send for Index Book. "Mis- sing heirs and Next of Kin," 'con- taining eare.fully authenticated lists of missing heirs and unclaimed e+at- atles which have been advertised for here And abroad. Tlie Index of -Missing Heirs we offer tor, Bale contains thousands of names which have appeared in American, Can- adian, English, Scotch, Welsh, Ger man,, French. 'Belgian, Swediish,•In- dianl, Colonial, and other newsp- apers, inserted by lawyejs. e ccicut- ozrs, administrators, Alio conta- ins let of English and Irilsh Courts of Chancery and unclaimed divide ends list of Bank of England. Your name ie or your anee;54-.o,''!s-.nay be in the list. Send $1.00 (one dollar) at once for book ' INTE.11NSTIONAL 'CLAIM AGENCY, Dept 262 PIT 4-S Ltq IIf Pete , U, » Th -'r? a. 1 ,,,, •,•,:i'sr:tp-r--and ori :liras, in Canada, against 1.- 7,43 .- ` 3 a year ago: Daily newspapers have d'^r e s+Id from 121 to 114; semi-weeklies from 1,022 to 975. On tit/' oLh''r ban I, a snail] increasehlas. taken plate during rho year in this numh?r o mo itli'y ayi tem -mon- thly perio•? :afs. Mr. and Mrs: W. F. Finkbeiner and daughter, Miss Hazel of St- ratford were week -end visjtotrs nt the home of kir. and Mrs. W. Rt Hoffman. They motored to Lon- don on Saturday, and while in that ,city paiid -a visit to Mr. Ferde, ese, who is iii proving nicely at St, Josephs Hospital. JUNE ROD ADN GUN The beauties and advantages of Ontario are stressed in the :special Tourist June issue of Rod and Gun in. Canada. In addition to :a des- eription os Ontario's tourist nttrac tions and various polets of beauty in the province with !suggestions for summer . canipss and trips, the stories in the magazine deal with fishing and camning in Algonquin Park, with timber :surveying in northern Ontario and hunting and oat -of -door istoeies in, other parts of the province: Of special in tercet this month will be the 'story of the Le Pae Dog Derby-, which hais been written by M. U. Bates Who was Rod and Gun .in Canada% 'special repretsesa;tativ dot this pie- ttlii5esque event. Alarge number of unuoually info photographs 111 estrate dire description;. ' The Juno number o;F: Rod and Guo to ;aa.nacl;a in Canada contains eights eight pages brimful of stories and artic- les dealing with practically every phi'' of npo'trt in60.1vt interests, • Have You bought that 1Eu be1' ., Tire Buggy? It not HESS sells them REPAIRINGi Painting Fot•d Car, One `'oat, $15,00, Two Coats .. ,-. $20.00 'Covering Ford Top Good Material, less curtains .., ....$12.00 Changing Ford. Curtain's to open- with Doors ..........,.. . Painting Buggy ... ........... $8.00 '., ..'$13.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE R 3IRUBI3E.ti YOUR 8 UG•GY WHEELS' IJESS ZURIOII 4+++++++++++++++++++++++441.4.' .* •& Lumber Laths Shinlei 1 Everything in - 4.Combination storm and screen doors ,� made to order; Lumber and i .� Burldinet,4. Material 1 • • ., Cus om�V'4'ork cur .� ��c ai��, 4i• t Always iu the market for saw logs t i 4y, F. C. KALB PHONE 6 9 t 'F i.4.44+.1.+4-1.4.+4,+++++ 4**++. 4.4.4 40 • 4---+ + 4•-•-i. 4• 4• 4- 4• 4• .l. .1._.1. .p 4. .1. 4. .1. i. .I- 4- I 44 1 REA Y . 4 .2. .1. 4, 4. KOBE E L \ . .1. WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINCl-S AND SAMPLES: IN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING • . I THE- VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES 4- • I. OBBERLIN • 4' • .1 HAVING TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN 3 SEMI -READY: CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HAB33ERLIN & 4 00.) WE ARE• IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST` ,I ANYTHING- REQUIRED IN THE -. LINE OF SP} UNet SLITS A:r'De, I OVERCOA.I'S :L l PRIC'ES SECi.ND TO NONE. 1 4• J1i,iALF: 1aAJE 4- 4. 4. 4. + 4. The Early Bardai res tie Norm I ',',5t�tr u HCFAN t? w7 w r,4. 4. 1T.s ILOR` >AND FUNERAL IiRE T 'DAY AND NEI 1 110 NE No. 86 4. tUtniy ;t -.ken from. the t ':,i, t '1' ,tri -d to the ,fable an,t [roan its .mother. Lit' e.: t itt` r — � — � — — � —�— i• " — `— 7y>' separation is e5eitc.d and 1)::,y ir.t fur a £' w days, retusiug fecu, or and diol drinking. yiuptoms, which usually teen;• four or five day's after » a,taug. •Chis Boit may lie down a loud d, ;:1 of the time, grunts, becomes ttsel,.,,i, show- ing pain Iii -s down and gtns up, bowels. irregular, some dime:eon }l. flank, pain e'ideneed on touching re- gion ^ r st 'ala 411, temp -rat 1, t:. SUUL)-lti.'t'iitai at start and 111,.1t..,,Uy Iatt., boo Ines sleepy and $tupld, staggery gait. Post mortem shows the st11t1:cl, to be Wu, uiuei, en- larged', walls thin and pale in color and the contents a doughy mass 'l'reatnlent-If the case has ruch- ed a point of deve1opin .Flt Where the colt is :,iuepy, stupid and staggury ]n gait, little San be done.. The ea; liar stage ; .can be relieved by the aitplica- tion of utustard, hot blanket, or au1- morleal liniment to the abdomen of the colt, warm enemas given. En- courage colt to drink by putting' s; -11t on bark of mouth. Give Iuty tea, strong coffee, hyposulphate of soda and abundant wart. water. Purga- tives are of Tittle use. Friction to or kneading the abdomen gives some re- lief. . Water -is very important. The weaning :of colts should be gra- dual, and not unti:i the colt is well versed' in the ways of feeding and the whereabouts of feed. A little atten- tion given to the colt a month ahead of the time that It is decided to separ- ate it'froin its mother will save con- siderabl'e trouble later, The Sunflower Stalks. The pith of sunflower stalks is said to be the lightest vegetable substance. Dried .sunflower pith is in fact ten times lighter than cork. In' central Russia where the plant is extensively cultivated, every part of the plant is put to some lige. The :pith in particular is carefully removed froln . the stalk -and used in niakiug :life saving appliances. It's a Great Feeling. Did you ever look a man in the eye was talking about t'onest' thing you knew all about and he lima i h ee did but you knew he didn't? That is the"e.*ling 'and the ileasure that eines 'to ons:' who le ht mein, Woke li ming. �LIII1161111,,,1 �I 1 ,;Ili , ,1 IIII;i:lt,l,l::l::a6r,,llll::l1611111,11111111!Ilu.I:IiII,:IiUllVt:f,161111ii;�:lul6tl!t1V116:�11161I1i61,16111lIli!Ii,IdIVi!111,�:I�tlll!VII!mtih!!i!Iluiidrlllll!IIX rats— LoOr ZURIH HEBALJJS 1924 Clubbthg Liet . ,L) RALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph _.. ... $5,10 HERALD •aucl Toronto Daily Mail and Ein;,lire $6.00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3,25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star ,.,_... $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star .... ............$3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News ...... .....$6.00 HERALD and London Free Pressi, Morning edition ... .1. n0 HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ... KR' HERALD and London Tanners' Advocate $2.25 HER ALD and Farm andDairy . ....,. .. ..$2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun $2.65 HER ALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... ..- $2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ...$2.25 JERALD aiid Weekly 'R'itnras HERALD and Farmers Magazine 52.50 HERALD and Youth's Compa? ion ......13.75 HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor , ,., $3.25 HER ALD and Ontnriott J'ottrnal .....: ...$2.155 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada ..$3:15 1 r. Cole . > r y E7 El in E c'4 ;r% FA, �iit .53.15 a H11ZALD and "Toronto Daily Globe $6,00 REi Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us.See . .. for . . not listed us r*papers listed elaove HERALD OFFICE. Zurich I,.Nrwx'M1a„L :SMIIIIII IIIIIIlll!111111N(1111lil1!!(i!!1111 11!1I j 111101,1010, 11Nn;;