HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-05, Page 417 10' k R1 lRAl;le ,We have already turned out many Smart New Suits. Ilave you seen them RAVE YOU NOTICED THE NEW FABRICS WE AR'E DISPLAY- HAVE YOU NOTICED THE CHARACTER WE ARE PUTT- TG INTO OUR SPRING SULTS? HAVE you NOTICED HOW WELL THEY FIT? WHEN SOME .OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOU `'! iOIR SUITS WERE MADE BY WUERTH EXAMINE THEIR CLOTH- S CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOUT. THEM. TFitil tiiiTY1411, THE FIT, THE LINING THE FINISH IS DIF1.ERENT. 1R CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD OF THE' CLOTHES WE TURN OUT egleR THEM, 'THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUR CLOTHES wrirn twi`HER MAKES: IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY ACQUAINTED WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM ' EY WILL- GLADLY PUT YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW HOW TO • E CLOTHES AT REASONABLE PRICES. -ton ALSO DO DR z CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich eereee 1924 Convention Tuesday June 17 ATM HURON COUNTY SOCIAL ERVICB COUNCIL WILL HOLD i`EI•R ANNUAL CONVENITION IN ESLEY CHURCH, CLINTON ON NOTICE. OF DISSOLUTION OF PERTNER- SHIP. given aitby en that the partnership heretofore eutbsis- ting between us, the undersighed as General Merchants, Drovers and Produce Dealers in the Village of Dashwood, int the County of Huron, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. AU debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to John C. Reid and Hnery Howard at the said Village of Dash wood; and all claims against the ,, The General Executive Commitee said partnership are to be pees - , of the Officers, the Mun- eased to the said John C. Reid sneer Henry Howard, by ,whole• the same ''t:ipal C.hwairman, and Ministers, will will be ,settled. reet at 10 tr.in. and the general. Dated ,at Crediton this 26th day of Vision; .will begin at 1.30 p.m..,when May, A.D. 1924. Me regular business of the Conven J, C. Reid, %ion will be discussed, prominent a-, Henry Howard *bong which will be preparation for : Thomas Henry Johns. Vie coming plebiscite. Witness -Herbert K. Eilber. s- Supper will be served in the ch- °istrcle at 6 o'clock, to be followed "%Sr short addresses. The evening meeting will begin vet 'S • o'clock and be addressed by zeroniinent speakers. Ali Church and Social Service Ir :organizations are 'urged to send ► ,large delegations. A. IRWINg President. H. Willis, Secretary. T. COOPER, Clinton. Field Secretary~ aW. Highest Prices Paid ac cording to q . •ality. CASA OR TRADE ALL WOOL BLANKETS, YARNS ..Nr., WOOL, BATTS. MAIL ORDERD PROMPTLY FIL- LED. more br write for prices to tie Newton Woollen Mills 1 ���r'I t3�•.Aai .. H. C. WAGNER, Proprietor. Vete Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion, CUMBERLAND.: STEEL -22010- (18309) .' volanent No. 5098, Approved Form eel. 1, will stand for the inipro em- ec7tit of Mock this season at urs OWN S T ABLE, HENSAL'L. Cumberland Steel is one of the ehest'Mock horses that ever crossed elle water and was lmported .by the •mite T: J. Berry, who, es everyone 'r,ows, never handled anything but• sY1 ' best money could buy, His +stock was never beaten in the show ening in England and he has been *' trailer tsuceessful as a sire here. 0 stood as premium horse for 3 eaics in one district 'before eom- attr ttr this country at a 'service lite of $100. "'el RMS, 1 o insure $13,00, if paid toy'. Feb. ist, 1395 $11.00 man igT,rs- ,T t3 Seeneon arrel Fred 1.. Keir gotgh': 11111232&7a. szEoR25212012211%20=1444 Don't think you decide how much fuel you order. Your furnace decides for you. Happy Thought Furnaces burn any 'kind of fuel-- . economically.. This is why they are so satisfactory— they keep your fuel bills at a minimuln, Wherever a Happy Thought Furnace— Pipe or Pipeless—is recom- mended, the installation is guaranteed by the makers of the nationally -known Happy ?'':"gL'S inOre than 30u,000 in use. Get particu- lars this week. – • Sr'd fectcry for interest- ing free booklet "Live Air Heating." SOLD BY A.. sM E L I C Iii. , ZURICH, — ONT. ri 1 FOUNDRY eeereee MUTED i =1:0le�rl ' 37 STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Richard Robinson ,acid dau- ghter Norenie' left for the west on Tuesday to visit the formers pare tents at McGregor, Ian. Mr. '.Bert Wiley of Marlette, Mieh spent Sunday at the home of Mr. D. J. Stephenson, Rev. J. Durrantis attending the annual Conference at Windsor thin,. tweek. Mr. J. Harnwell will take the service at Goshen itext ,Sunday on account of Mr., ,Durant's' lab- sen;ce. On Sunday last there passed a- way at her home ou tt;hye Broe on Pee, Staiiley, Jane Sherrrtt, wife of Bober t•Scotchnlar, °.Dater . carte unexpectedly as the deceased was enjoyinr; good lia'ait:h uatil within three hours of her potissir , *hen She 'sus+tainted a stroke £roma: rwliie' I she ee er reel ed. "Mrs. Setotelerner survived by her iartsbaoil, . four daughters and two leoons. Mews 'Florence and ,Mabel at hotaae, ladle teacher near Orfila, and Dorothy of relintee C61lepiate Lloyd. on the 13roneee Line and Harold at home, She is..alesosurvived by her mother Airs. Shexritt of rHenlsal1, eight sisters and one brother. Her; father, true late Tlaonias Sheritt, formerly of Blake, predeee'a'sed her in,Juiy. 1922, also one (sister in December 1923, The fuilieral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Bayfield cemetery, much' sympathy le felt for the family in their sudden be nreaveanent. DA,SI.1WOOD. Dr,' and Mrs. G. Snider of Card ingtore Ohio are visiting with fri- ends in town. Mugs Cathern: Finkbeiner is vis- iting in Sarna; Mr. and Mrs. E. Otterbein have returned home after spendingesev- eral weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Walsh of Saskatoon, is Vie., iting her mother Mrs. Witrel. Mrs. Win, Snider is on the Jsick list. We hope for a speedy -re- covery. Dr. H. H, Cowen spent the we- ek -end with his parents in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert of De- troit visited in town last week. Miss Hazel Snellleft on Tues- day for Toronto. . Mi+ see Mrs. R, Pitt fro7u T'horn- dee, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dale of Wilton Grove, Miss Rose Koch •of London, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and family, Blake; Mr. and:: ' Mrs'. J. Meidinger, Zurich; Messrs Mil- ford and Rhinehold Koch; Misses •Alma rine Myrtle Koch', from De- troit spent e-troitspent Sunday with Mr, and Nene Geo. Koch. B.A.YFIELD Under the auspices of the 'Gu- ild of Trinity church, Bayfeild,the Agricultural Society of Clinton put on a concert On Friday night in the town hall 'which included the famous play "Safety First" •with musical numbers between acts, and was well received. Bayfield's senior baseball team is now lined up in the Huron Co- unty Baseball League and ready for action. The team's uniforms are on the way, but more funds are, needed to secure balls and bats. A meeting of the committee re- garding the Ford picnic was held and much enthusiasm ,shown. The ,date was definitely tset for July 16. A canvass is being made 'of the residents of the village adn vicin- ity to see who wants hydro. , If a sufficient number of 'signatmes can he procured nn endeavour will be made to have it extended to Bayfield. Mr. Johnston of Goderieh ins st- arting a new ibakery here. He is hay tng; an oven built at the rear of the Conamereia • H?te1 ;red, will give a shop in R. W..Erwin's ei'-axe on Main street. AUCTION SALE Of Vain:Ale Village Residential Property. Un•ler and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mort gage which will be produced atthe time of the sale there will be • of- fered for sale by public auction by Oscar I Topp, A.uctioneer, at the. 1ITLL 1GE OF HENSALL on the wee ••.nentioned property, On , Saturday, June 11th, A.D. 1924. At the H-'iar of 2.00 o'clock sharpie the afternoon the following prop- erty— . ALL rop.•erty— ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parc"l or tract of land and mremises si'•ui±e. lying and being. in the Village of Hensall, in the Co- Canty of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of lagw Lot Number Two Hundred and .Twenty-one on the South side - of King Street. in the said Village of Hensall containing by acimeesure went one-fifth. of an acre more or less in Moris Survey of the said V1lage of Hensel.' A. good chance chance to purchase .a hone. Thein is said to be a brick house with furnace, barn and hen house on the lands. TERMS keen rONDITIONS OF SALE—The Property will be put up, Subject to reserved bid, twenty per cent.. of the purchase price to be paid on the day of, the sale, bale ance. within twenty days. Pureh- a ;ser to' .sign agreement to compl- ete the •purchase, Further terms and condition's 'of sale will be, made known on the date of the sale. Dr, E. S, ' Hardie _ —or. William On 'an. Brown, Solicitor for -.Mortgagee, Tillsonberg, Ont. Near Klapp, Auctioneer. HENSALL The Heneall Gun -Club will hold their tournament on rWednesday June 4th. Alex Brant, of Elmira, spent 0. day here'iast week, with hips friends here he was a former G.T;.R. Stat- ion Agent. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale and, .children accompanied by Mrs. J.W, Ortwein and Miss . Emily Morrison, motored to Niagara Falls. The friends of Peter 'Munn, will regret to learn that he is quite po: 'only. Mss(. 5, Merrier and Miss Aniiie Oonsitt were at St. Catharines the past 'week, as delegates fpr the Mil's Helen Swanleft here for Pt. Fturon;-where•'she Will Nipent the summer. Dry Kapp is having some nice improsnements made to the interior of hls dental office. Russell MacKay is home for his holidays+ from the Medieal Schaal at London', where he has cery 'see- vessfully put in three years. ' Mrs. F, Smallacombe of Guelph AS beret visiting her mother', Mrs, J Ell's. I i A luieeting of the South' Huron r+Liberels is held here Wednesday; June 4th. jr, and Meal. Fred, Buchanan and family' of Toronto and Frank Spee- ;ears,. visited with Mrs. Wm. Buch- saran. ' Pleased to Isee VV. C': Davis' out again) at his general 'store. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Joyet were 'visited by Dr. Geo. Joynt of Tor- pedo :and by Percy Joyut. Win, McLean, of Kippen, son of Jap, McLean of ,Kippen, has taken a positions ass junior in the Molsons Bank. The death oecured in Seaforth Hospital; on Friday morning May 23, of Hugh MacDonald, well known Hensall resident in his 66th year. A week previous to his death, he iwas rseized with a ,serious attack of stomach trouble while working at hist farm, east of the villager, he managed to reach a neighbor's ho use from where he was rushed to Seaforth Hospital and operated on but passed away Friday morning;, he was well and favorably known es a cattle buyer and (shipper, CREDITON The village trustees, co-operat- ing with the business nien have de- clared Thursday" afternoon a half - holiday during Junes July and Aug ust. • �. Mr. and Mit. .1, It F.Ioltzman and Mies Ceara a Fahner attended the gr ,aduation exercises at Victoria Has •pital, London, when Vera E. Holtz man who has been in training there fort he past three years: graduated from that institution. The garage owned by Roy Fink Einer was broken into on the morn ng. of May 24th; and a number of tiles ,stolen. Herb. Beaver of Detroit is vis- iting -frinedds. • Robt. Craft, an old and esteem :ed resident of Crediton passed o, - way ori Tuesday evneing last. Word has been received from .. W,,. Brown of New York that he and three •churns are leaving last week, via Montreal for England, working their passage on a cattle transfport, they intend to tour Europe; taking in the worlds S.S1. convention at Glascow, the Imper ial Fair' at' London, and several 'st- udUeiit conferences in England .aud Germany. Mrss.' Chau. Eilber, who was at St. Josephs Hospital, London, un- dergoing a serious -operation, has returned' to her hofn:e and is look- ing well. EXETER Harry Lawrence, teller al the Molsoes 13eni.:, here will relieve for a few weeks at the Zurich Branch. Ells, Link of 'Walkerton, is visit- -ing with Mr. and Mrs. WralKuntz.a ' •.S. M. Sanders was in Chicago th.: east week, attending the Ti,,I er•net- .ional t`o'ir>n1ioa of Garment lalae- uf aactu ars. The weekly half holiday for the sum.nier will commence ii''e'l; c•sr1a,• of this week. At a recent meeting it wn.s dee- I Red to hold races in Exeter on .Wledr•^s ar Tune 13th, when a purse of 31000 Trill lye irvudacl. Mrs. D. Koehler, 'of Knell:mire reho has been ill in a hospital, is recuperating at the lrnnie of her _mother, Mrs, F. Witwee. `The opening game of soft ball in the Exeter church leagues, was pl- ayed Mondry last. -M,esars. Bert and Clifford Welsh end'sisters, Lela and Vera, of Tor onto, were ",vistirso with Ed. True - ald, 13,ert icernick met with a pain- ful aceidriid• : Saturday last when he was babitting sointt. machinery) and` the hot metal commg in contact with some water, flew up and hit the eye, balm will recover.. ai1r.aa an Mrs J. Routledge of Dutton tutored up and spent the, evc;'k end. r Ronald Witwer sang a very p1- ,eas'ieg 'sglo ;lit the Janie St. church 'last Sundae, On,e .of th'e musical treats of the season was glee]) on Wednesday last in, the Opera House, when "Pat riciae an operetta in three acts ways given, by the students of the High School. i COUNTY NEWS. The Can<adalan 13,tnk coe .Com- narerce officials and their faiullies Within' a. iradious of seventy. -five miles held a.. get-to-gether picnic at Grand Bend on May 24th, with a view to getting acquainted. Wm. Etherington, .,son of G Etli- erington of Usborne was taken to London ]ioepital and operated on for mastoid, thi's being the 'second operation for they same trouble,: A: unique wedding was held on May 24th, in: the little white church on the Grand Bend circuit, when Miss Irene May Handford, daugh- ter of the late Thos. nad Mrsi Handford, fornierly .of Exeter, was united in marr.ege tre,,James George Little of Ingersoll. The church was beautifully decorated with 11- owers and istreainers, Considerable interest is being ta- ;kenu in the new golf couise being laid out one mile north of Bayfield. Dr. Newton -Brad ;y an enthusiast, 'phursd:tya. Julie 5th, 1924 ink golfing, agsistined by Mr.. Made laird. of Toronto, is !supervising the work fort he Byaffield club, which expects a large membership fro43 among the 'summer colonists. The claim is being made that the course` will be the finest for, litany mile's, The annual district meeting of West Huron; Women's Institute wilt be held in the parish hall, Dungan-. ;tion on Friday June 6th at 1.30 Last November J. F, Byermat of McKillop township was .convie . ted before Magistrate Reid of God.. erieli onl a charge laid by Andrew Porter, Inland Revneue Officer, for violations of the Inland Revenue act.. It !seems Severai barrels of mash were found concealed in a, woodpile' at the gback of Byer-, man's farm and while he denies- , any knowledge of them the evid-- enee seemed to point to a violat- ion of the law and he was fined in all abou t$251,00. He appealed the case and on a hearing before Judge Kew's the convict'on wars qu- ashed and Byerman will hi' a hitin fine and costs repaid to hila^. t " .,„...........,..................-...................... . . Farm Machinery ..„:„. 4. HASADVANCED INPHI( 1 AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON THE + CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOCK • WHICH WE 'WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, $;nee ,,4, LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US w2Q41,+- ÷ YOU BUY. • FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR' t ±PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. ; 1 Waged 1 Delaval Cream Sepa Teton yp;. • 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivatme te 1 riding plow 2 Fleury Walking, plows; .p. • 1 tractor plow at $110.00 ie THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. GARAGE! GAR k 011.1 Mr. Peter Rroif, mechanic 41* "GENUINE FORD PARTS" always stock ; Ont. .� L. A. Prang, Zurich.Ont. 4'+++*+++++ +i :•++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.3. For U.S. President ? hen Henry k'ord was 'asked by Montreal reporters L. he would , un lox.. Vlf President ofthe United States, he said, "1 aro not running for ort•, against anything", , but when asked if he would accept nomination if -pro- ferred, the motor car king replied: "No one knows what they will do from one day'to another." Mr. Ford is here seen in conversation with Mr. Grant Hall, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, at Windsor Stetfon, Montreal. ES llQLNTrRR;, Made by Ames Holden. Tire &Rubber Co. Litei;ted KITCHENER., ONTARIO will give'you more riies:for each. dollar of cost --prove it -test 'theme with any``other tire and 'Compare I ea; t6Y.' L. A. PRANG • Zurich's Leading Tire Shop GAS ACCESSORIES OIL