HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-06-05, Page 1jl Vol. XXIV ;o 47. r THE: OTOUR CHIEF INTERESTORI' 1V1ANSHIPE ANDLE OF SHOES YOU BUY, OR MATERIA S WE GUARANTEE ERHAPS T T' THE COMFORT AND FIT OR W YOU � WILL I'TOT• BE :DISSAPPOINTED HERE, .AND BECK IT WITH THE PROMISE TO MAKE GOOD ANY PURCHASE THAT DOES NOT SATISFY YOU. MEN ZURICH. THURSDAY N[ORNLN r� JUNE 5, 1924» � � At Reasonable moiamsvmhwimmaiwahmhAmmividww ns Se Ss:' No FooIwea gyres WOMEN - r Better ,Sport Sandal Strap, Finest of Patent, Newest of Pat- terns. Also in gray Suedes, and Here are :all the Leathers men, Fawn Elk leathers. - SPECIAL $3.45 and $3.95. Children Mannish Oxford's Dainty Straps. S'UA•RRE TOE AVENUE OXFORDS are wearing. Patents, Bro- wn. and Blacks in qualities that make the price most unusual. Ruinning Shoes of every description SPECIAL $4.45 up`. WN BR0 S. .4•C1O.•0 �,00cdo oa•0000'oToaoo'.��-�. P�OrdP�IJ��O�Od4�P•GT•J•O.O'�•O.d.O.O.I.G�.p•011.p.p. REPAIR1NQ NEATLY DONE See Our Win.doiij• Display • X11 s9 1 sses orners • cheotear T.; Susi $1.26 at T•.•+u' A. vatTARR A US, $2, MAY BR clianersla 5 e Mi' Ethel Hess is spending the week et London. lV.tr, Frank Bossenberry of Kit-` chen2r is in the village thio week; M. Lloyd Tey, of London, Was a vi�sitot' at iu's home here thepast werrlt., Mrs. L. Jeffrey', who 'spent the past vtnter at M,tch., hap returned• to herr home here'. .pw Stepin . 4:46• 4 40 �o a large shipment of Ladies' 40 Q ��� b.ave dust opened up � p ., op e House Dresses, RToomers, Slips, etc.,' purchased direct U �o flargest � QOD o� m ore of the largest manufacturers ers of L ages': cure in Canada, thereby saving the jobbers profit and •� . i wing g our customers the benefit of lower prices. ID We have a beautiful line of Dr- esses in plain Chambray trimmed with fancy collar and Sash, 'sizes run up to 0. SI., at 95c. each. A line of dark print Dresses' in com- bination of colors and p Ali 'size 'sfor $1.25 each. Another Line of nice dark fancy pattern print Dres'ses,.heavy cloth made in special large 'sizes up to 44 at $1.45, and 81.65. ,Fancy Plaids and check Ging- ham dresses, nicely trimmed with pockets and sash, .A. real bargain at $1.59 each. Ladies' Gingham Dresses in fine quality, nice neat checks 'and plaids Organdie trine:ned, A Real Dress large sizes at $1.95. Black Sating Dresses, nicely tr- immed and splendid quality of mat- erial at '$2.25. Ladies' fine Stripe Satinette Bl- oomers, Beautiful quality all sha- des at $1.40 4 . 4 4. 4 4 " 4 4 4 4 4 4 41+'. 4. •sir 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4. .4 4 a 4 • Ladies fine ;stripe Satinpttk Step,: ins, 'seine quality and 'colors as above at $1.25. Ladies Princess Slips fine qua! ity Satinetto, Lovely Colors at $2. Children's Dresses with Bloom- ere loomere to match in nice Gingham of checks, plaid's and fancy Patterns and black Satine, nicely trimmed at $1.25. Ohildren's Rompers in blacksat- ine and nano, Gingham's' 60c., 79e. and 89c. each. A nice fine of Rompers in Raw Silk at $1.25 each. .Diuht Cap'e,. all colors at 15c. each . A large a'e'sortlnent of Ladies and Childress vests, Drawers and Blo- omers to chose from at Special low prices. Men's Balbrigan and fine n.esh underwear in two pieces and com- binations with 'short or long 'sleeves •sizes 36 to 46. / • We have ;also' opened up a full range of Boys Balbrigan under- wear in, two piece and combination sizes 22 to 32, t tri e pa 's an e rttiS -. 91 f ys' Hi rG o£ Aberley 100% pure wool Jersey's for hoys', in 'several 22 to 32. oe ' and Mrs. E. V. Wilhelm!.: of New• Hamburg, visited with relati- ves and friends at the Bauble over the week -end. Mzs. D. Witmer of the Goshen anti: gr. ChM. Bedard of 'the Bauble, have purchased new Ford touring care. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Warm! have moved into their new apartments in Meiick's Block, above' T. 14 Wernes :store. ,,,Mr. and Mrs.. Percy Clark of Windsor 'spent !the week -end at at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Geseho, l!I>". E. E. Steele, the teller of the local Milson) Bank, i.s away getting mar"iad this week. Mr 'Shepperd. of Her sill i ;isiacting as teller. Mr. and Meds, John Taylor and son L'eonad, Mr. and Mrs. L. Brink ly of Detroit, 'spent the week -end at Mrs. Taylor's mother., Mips. Hy. Rupp. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. C'ha11e's and family and Mr. Ed. Schnell mot- ored .overfrom Detroit and ,spent�a few' days with Mr. end Mrs. J. Snell, VO • Mrs.. W. C. Callfes underwent anr'operation for 'some trouble in her',hr'ad on Wednesday of this we- elent. We hope for a. perntant and gt; `�µy l .recoV cry. • An interesting game of baseball was played- on !the local diamond on Thursday evening,' when ` the .famous Da'sliwood team were over the home tearer winning 3-6. A number of new verendahs are being built in front of their dwel- lings, among them we notice, Mr. Jacob Delehert,'Mrs, Gertrude Hess, and Mr. Ed. Haberer. • Mr e n 3 Mrs. E. R. Siebert, Misses Ada and Nora Siebert; Messrs Back on the Market again RiusicalAlarm Clocks ONLY 'A FEW TO OFPER ( AT $4.95 1 ' GENUINE FOREIGN MADE BEAUTIFUL rPUNES TO CHOOSE FROM, AN IDEAL GIFT FOR THE JUNE BRIDE. SEEOUR WINDOW HESS the Jeweler PHONE No, 74 tAat.AN w+ THE LS BA Money should not 1. left lying around the house-, even locked up or hicIdela away, Deposited in a Sew ings Account with The Molsons Bank it le safe earns interest end is readi8; available. c'. 1 T, „T O Y Manager Zurich Branch r• aea•vtrseeeeeeaeeee.e44444044+4.400,4 .40Ir c�. Oita rust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Blankets in •.Assorted colors Size 72%84. Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, price i Also a Horse Ranging from $7.00 to ...:..... ......--- SAVE ..... -•SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL, A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. 4. C • lub Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY FRED THIEL O 4,,,..,, 4::•,c, y,t}$�0•t7•?@tai,..•irSr..00.@,t:••"rels 4:t4 .44v�•W 44)44!! ,111, �K. PHONE int ZURICH tie 4 •i•44•E«'II'+•P•4.4+4• d• «• •F' ++4.3«4•i,•144.p• +rg•,g,.3'++ »+++4•d••€•ri 4,444,• 4«4' ltee 4. +E+ 4 4 4 Frank and Wni. Siebert oll of De-' 4 trod, and Mr. Albert Siebert , of ' �(. Niagara Falls, all 'spent the week- Y end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs t WOMEN AND CHILDREN ARE ARRIVING HE1tF W. G�OMPRIS Vibes „7s that there are in .Zurich a * • pair of bowls that are his property .II. LES RANGING IN P lines OM $1,95 to $4.95' with. his •enitials "F,W,H." thereon, 4. Also ntany new Nifty lines n Men's Black Calf and Patent d any party having slush in their pas- * Oxfords, Astoria and Murray makes=nd'•s bc'flooel d likcling the ora g. kindly t n them to slue• •�•' •portnnity of showing y Jewellery store. 4 T i clip.;' operations in Zerich are 4�+ L. Siebert. +F+ FOR W AND THEY 'f' DAILY FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS, Mr. F. W. Hess of F%nsall ad- ?' E A WONDERFUL RANGE OF ATTRACTIVE STY- , with ,'lust received range fancyt rimming, a fine Si zee 'shades D Jew l 1!, ur +II+ Your Spring Footwear. Je progressing favorably; Mr, Fred. .g. Thiel's block has the foundation al- + most completed, whilc workmen are .g. making preparations for the form- 4. eaaien for the new Molsons Bank * We do a lot of Shoe Repairing; Smause We de ,t well C. FRITZ & SON SI -40E ANTS URI. H TA bloc,h. The former dwelling of Dr. 44• A J. MacKinnon is almost all taken .y. down. to make room for his fine 4.:.e.+4.4+'t4.4.+4.4.+4.4+ •4•4•4,i4nS+ +4 °• •� 4..;,a<. ,1.• •f++4••k•4+II+4ao4^im+++*, ^° 4. mets building. he intends to erect. - 1 IC•FCOLAS KENNEL PASSES There nesse:1 away at his hone Bronason Line, Hazy Township, on Fridey, May 29th, Mr. Nicholas Kennel, aged 65 years, 9 months 910.9 days, Dame'sed had taken a r�itlier 11 ad spell a few dans pr- evin1.t!st o hi's death, hut 'seemed to from 0� again; sully on the" tnornin' of his o nits and for the cY'epsri:ur and seemed quite well Iv f e fMFnsS � We have certainly made 'many Warm d ,z'sse 1 -� picked out their new Suit for Spring We have again Just o vittl the afternoon VI s z friends• with our finerange an o some t,tne �t hen i 6.4 omnis of those who fine as yet rot 1 iaway. He bed been soon extensive d u another; fine. range of Seibes; Worsteds and tweeds at remarkable,low prices, Be 0G Went to. bed anP taIupeno up t Q lsttre and l001� them over •agtltey are well worth your v seafarer of sz'sthmtia for a number f boys at $9 50 and $10,56, , of years, which seemed to get 04+Don't forget about our two -bloomer setts or �vorsv as y^ars went out, Deceit- , Tendid susso tnfe1t op Mett's fine 'sbirl;s and Tics just arrived. Call izn and see them'. sed wms well and favorably known q D e born at St. E WONDERFUL VA>.UES hes been a resident of ay . ow TEtEY CERTAINLY' ARE shin for �sczm., t - HANS WITH FANCY NCY BANDS ARE GlOING FAST, LiDT YOURS VP , OUR :NEtiV1LS'� STYLE, FELT AND PRICES A fans sp y fit' naz th se parts, was HANSI' HATS! 1e C h1 W7Er'aloh Counit, and A 'i" wn �iILII A• CIDT g, i . hirty years He OD F A• is reur� it*ed beside his sorrowing ing O LATE. � BEFORE IT IS iT0 S tIQ ALL aIIAD .S Groceries. •�IIei4ld 64v4!444fiNl4N l ++ 444. = * 4++ a4": a + ' •1,5k4^;ow j« .!sit. ✓ by of children, n, daughters ft Ie,.rrs n1 two sonea sise,r� sh rocer es. always on hand at Rock Bottom Prices « Highest Prices paid for G otitd Qaality Eggs on Sitiicl:i.v, Q(l Yrtor 166n in t1 " Airiah chars!,. lir-' q,I?) o istan Line, intra anent bobig made' funeral e that pal -eatery, and the fur 1�t 's e'tceptaonaly large attended lav X1,1 rfq+,.,;ti" e i from, a distance, ns tt ell h � I...� � ` 411/4-, ©��friend's in tl>.is vicinity, "r- soh"rl, shoats Fthe highstceu, in . 0 .. ., - Stk"in pelt, o:: • ,a, held, Q D 17•cl, the, dT arced ewes Q Q ' C 1' den ap e�, `rot: w .ce., Wanted. �� l,s,,4r;*,g •intitlnate •frtenct e 1V7a. ' lxt� .e eJt �i�D r< *,ns.l •cottdtteted the bane Tel 'sVt`•'+I Q RIO • ,,��y�•• ; ,G%i•�%'• �„'%l' r'��e'.1'�, �"s`'�•\� •'Cti.•�a cw • � . �`.a �^V."'��,!`�:.n :,�, �.:;. �+�.'4• matin' _ •Del.' „ Te invite you to come and see our new Spring and Summer Goods consisting of Prints, Ginglaams, Cir- ' F anelettes, Shirt- ings, Cottonades, Etc. . Y . i g a big reduction in e,,,are price ou all Winter Goods fresh and complete supply of all gar& seeds, root seeds, etc. on hand. £X) G' Y aaAfERA t~.g 01.1441Vr .. BL PHONE 11 - 97 4