HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-29, Page 8Of. e...crest In Silks . A new lot of Silks now opened . up We have them in all the Season's newest shades TRIC OPLAID .A NEW 'SILK FABRIS SIMILAR TO ITRICOLETTE WI.1'H SMALL OVERCHECK AND PLAID EFFECTS. GOOD WEIGHT AND VERY REASONABLE IN PRICE. LA BELLE CREPE A. 'Crepe -du -chine of particularly good weight; and has a rich Silky finish',. It can be put to such a variety of uses, and is wond- erful value at prices we are asking for it. POTJOHESS SILK Always reliable and iia fully guaranteed by makers fo give (satis- faction. We leave it in black, navy, Nigger, brown and fawn. PAILLLTTE SILKS A LIGHTER WEIGHT SILK OF UOOD WEARING QUALITY AT $2 A YARD. HABUTAI A Wash Silk Fabric of .good weight, very fin finish, 1 Yard wide Special at $1.00 yd;. VOILES, CREPES, ETC. BROCADED CREPES, A fine new cloth`, for those who require a ' heav ier weight 'garment suitable for Bl- ouses or Dresses, 38 -in, wide at $1.50 yadn VOILES -of every : description in light and dark shades at very rea- sonable prices. 10 pieces in light ground effects, Special at 35c. yd. LINEN SUITINGS-Just arrived a' all linen cloth in white, light blue fawn, orange and grey, 38 -in. wide et 80c. yd, TISSUE GIGNHAM-Something new in Gingham;, Cloth of very fine .texture with, silk 'stripe effect, 32 -in. wide at 50e. yd, DRAPERIES -A fine lot of ser- imms, •curtains netts, Marquesettes, also chintzes, cretons, large variety of patterns( and colons. WALL PAPERS • A well assorted 'Stock of patt- erns !still on hand. Some of lines now reduced in price to clear. See our sample book. LINOLEUM & CONG. RUGS 4 -yd, wide Linoleum, 5 patterns to choose from. Priees note low (est in years, also floor oils in, 1 yd: 11 yd. and 2 yd, width. Oongol- eum rugs in all sizes and seasons newest designs, Prices right. SEEDS SEEDS; We have the following varieties or seed corn; White Cap Yellow Dent, Imp. Lemming, Early Bailey Wigs. No, 7; Comptoiee Early and Leaning. Also Mangold and tur- nip seeds. J. GASCHO SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage,. Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED' A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AVE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. .EJTTEPW7 IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, . WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. _. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. A.TT-ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO "AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mousseau Zurich �•seas®••••�►�eyao�ss••gee••sea��r���es��,�;a.o®eeeee�eeeee�o- • Prcesfirth. L.� � er • • • • • a •• • • 6 • • • • • • • i • on Corrugated Galvanized • •• • • •• • r O • • 28 Gauge Council Stan" • • � lard, glzaradteed against any. • • w •• w. i • ISTADE • , EIDOJ PREETER BL • 1dt•0. If140441114.0I►0II00 Iron Roofing 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 100 Square Feet • red rust, for at least 20 ,years, 1 :3-4 oz. Galvanizing per square foot, at $6.75 per 100 Square Feet 0 paysto n Nrl sj ,s �i s Ti WARBLE-4TE FLOOR FINISH Nothet,0 like it krh`fadwood Floors It tears lace Iroa Write to Herd Office, Morrtaeal For Free Booklet, HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY A, NIBLICK ZTJRICH NOTICE. OF DISSOLUTION OF PERTNER- SHIP. NOTICE is hereby. given, that the partnership heretofore ,!subsis- ting between use, the undsnsighed as General Merchants, Drovers . and Produce •Dealers in the Village, of Dashwood, ha the County of Huron, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be ;paid to John C. Reid 'and Hnery Howard at the said Village of Dash wood; and all claims, againnst. the said partnership are to be pres- ented to the said John C. Reid and Henry Howard, by whom the' same will be settled. Dated at Crediton. this 26th day of May, A.D. 1924, J. C. :Reid, Henry Howard Thomas Henry Johns. Witness -Herbert K. Eilber.. CREDITON The Sheredown brothers of God - evict); visited their mother. Mr. and Mrs.. H. K. Eilber ,mot- ored to--Lucknow- the past . week \ siting friends. • Miss K Zwicker of. Londonvis- ited with C: +Zwlel rt Rober tSweet is quite i11 at his home here. . M. England accompanied by fri- tends visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Eng land. Mrs. J. :Werner has moved her household effects to . Stratford wh yere she will (reside. I,Xrsi. S. Girvin(, lvhio has been iat. the home of Mr. land Mns. H. , N. Eilbr'r, accohipan.ied them to Luck - now yhere dshe will (remain. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morrison, ac- companied by, Mrs. Cawley and Clarence; Eilber :all of Detroit, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Eilber and frien Fredsd Kerr last week at Re.0-leei showed that hewas still able' to 'shoot we11. , He got fourth place. in the 'gieneral''aveiage 'and first int he special. Thus was pretty good considering Fred liad just ;got over an, illness of neuritis. BLAKE The regular meeting of the mis- sion Band will be held on Satur- day May 31st. in the church, a good attendance is requested. Mr. and Mrs. A. Meyers and da- ughter, Peggy, spent . Sunday at - the hoeue`nf Mr. and Mrs;. a Heyi Miss Grace Manson spent the week -end under the parentelroof. Mr. and Mrs. Rest Johnston, ac- companied. by Mrs. Edighoffei+,; spent the week -end with friends in Fuilar�on, Miss Ada Meyers is visiting fri- ends at Bayfield. miss M. Routledge and Miss Sid- Bert of Zurich;, spent the week- end recently+ with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Bechler. • There was a good attendance at the Bible Society meeting which was held in the church on Thurs: day night, the Lecture and Lan 'tern slides given by 'Rev:. G. Nap= ier Smith, B.A;., returned Mission- ary, was very (such appreciated and, enjoyed by, (those present: STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. Will McClinchey and family have moved to the Bauble Line, near Bayfield, where he has rent- ed al farm from Mr. Jas. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mcglinehey were •called to Owen Sound a few days ago, on account of the illness of MM.. 1VIcClinchey''s sister, who resides there, Miss Verna Reid, of Flint, Michi., is visiting at present with friends. iiY Stanley. We are called upon to record the death of another resident of Stan- ley township' in• the person of 14riss Sarah Orr, who passed aw;iy it her ho•iue on the Sauble Line, on Thurs.- day, May 15th' she contracted a cold three weeks ago, which dovel- ,oped into pneumonia and proved foo much for her frail strength to combat, never having been rohaast, ,and regardless of all earful hands could do, she passed peacefully and ttt'ely away last Thursday evening ,She leaves to mourn, one sister," :Mrs..Cooney of London, and four •brothers, Robert of Rayfield, John of Clinton, Alex'. ,and George at hems. The funeral services were held at the house Saturday after - men at 2.30, conducted by Rev0 11e. MacFarlane of Bayfield.. The remains were laid ,to rest in Bay tl feel. cemetery. _ LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 18-22 Butter 40c Dried apples per 1b. ... -__ ' 7c . Putcix Setts, per lb, , ._. _.7e. Potatoes per bag ,-- .., ;: _._... 495 Barley 55 Suck wheat 65 Wheat per bushel __. _., 1.00 Oats Flour per cwt. Shorts per ton:. 5e 3.00-3.50 32,00 Bran per ton _a___ , ....30.00 Liffe hogs, per cwt, ....._• '7;25 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance CO. OF WOODSTOCK Carry :an Insurance of over $27,000.000. Nuraber of Policies in force 11;287. Paid Losses in' 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance oil hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman ----Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER INLIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL' KIN LS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I ant ina pos ition to do any kind of a cement job, such as supply tanks,--foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. Work guaranteed prices reasonable. :Apply to Mar Corraveau, Ra 'R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. - tf 40 FOR SALE Sitverwoods creamery butterat 35• cents' a pound. Wm. O'Brein, Produce Dealer, Zurich. 45-3 NOTICE. NOTICE is Hereby given khat the first 'sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township. of Hay for 1924 will be held int he Town Hall, Zur- ich, on; June 2nd 1924, at 1:30 o'- clock., pen.' A. F. HESS, Township Clerk, Hay. Dated at Zurich May 16, 1924 45-2 Behold at Eventide trouble; and before the, morning he is not. This is the portion, of them. that 'spoil us and,the lot of ,them, that rob us (Isa, 17;14 Better is a dry (morsel, and qu- ietness therewith', than a house ful of •sacrificers with strife. The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup; thou ntaint'ainest my lot. The lines are fallen: unto me in pleasant places yea, I have a goodly heritage. Take no thought saying, what 'shall we eat? or what shall we dr- ink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed? But seek ye first the king dom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. -Mat 6,31; 33 Wheat hon pas'sest through the waters, I will be wtih thee ; ,end thr- ough the rivers(, they . !shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flange kin d)e upon, !thee-1sa, 43-2. " Master, this woman was taken in adultry. Moses commanded us that such should be !stoned; but what eayest thou? He said unto them, He that is without 'sia.among you, let hint first cast' a !stoone at her -Ju. 8;4,5,7. Trust in; the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine ores understatrding. In'all thy ways ac- knowledge! him and he ;shall direst iy paths -Prov, 2;5,6 • • ri'hnredey, May 29t1#, 1924 The store with. the Liberal . Cash Discount We have again roved, oar Furni- ture Stoop into the place formerly occupied by., T. L. Wurm,- and are. now in a position, to display same. better tb.an` evor. Also a Full Stock of: SEASONABLE HARDWARE SUCH AS SAP PAILS, sPILES, WOVEN WIRE• FENCING, N , A.ND. ALL 'OTHER GRADES OF WIRE 'COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, SEE OUR LINE OF ;FURNITURE,' IF WE HAVE NOT( IN STOOK WHAT YOU REQUIRE` WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU, SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELIOK ■ Hardware _ & Furniture. Phone 63 j i 51/2 er Cent Per Annum ' Payable ,,Half Yearly Huron; & Erie-Debenturelx are issued for $100 or more. Interest begins from the day yourmoney is received. . ;Debenture -Owners and depositors have FIRST claim upon every dol- lar owned by the Sixty -year-old /Huron & Erie Mortgage ,Corporat- ion -Totalling over $26,800,,000. Applications for Debenture's are accepted at any tints .by- MY MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position ,to do any kind' of paper hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating., H. EICKMEIER, DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and. Electrical Trelatigi,. ments.-Ey es Exaniiiied 1\Iain St, °EXETER, Phone 70: Consultation and Examination Fr sk AT W ALPER HOUSE, ZURIOR ZURICH "-- ONT. Every Wednesday., 10 a.m. to 4/44, *�f� ..K� ''Y..4.+4.4.++++++++++++++++++.1144.44.+*, '>w'""''Y''�+..�1.E..E..�r.A..S{.A„�t..f..L.f.d.-11:K•.. •...... _ _ _ ... ... 4. HERALD 4. 4' 1 Do .You Know? THAT WE ARE, ALW-gYS AT. YOUR SERVICE POR • GOOD PRINTTNQ THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WENDING 4. ,1, AND ANN OU,N,CEMEN'TS NVITATIONS ,I, THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS SUCH a AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS,,. ENVELOPE AND • = - STATEMENTS. .I. THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT* ' URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS; AND, CAN SU1G' - + PS LY ANT QUANTITY AND SIZE OP CHECK BOOK t. THAT I3 AT W.E ,C CARRY IN ,STOCK K WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL-• ODES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARRON "Oil- TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST: + ATIONETtY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT ROODS INTWO + SIZES, FOOLSCAP, 14T0., pTo. p THAT WE PILL YOUR OBDINTARY SIZE INK BOTPLB + 4. WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LARCH» .11 GER QUANTITIES AT I3IGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSE 2i ITERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND '• '1' PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY • ADI, GENE%IAI, *414.+4.4444++++4444444.444+++++++ 14.TT4444+ T7+4444444. f"i'.T+++++++ i'+++4'b'$444.-M T'11'