Zurich Herald, 1924-05-29, Page 7t. IWA EMPLOYEE SAYS TANLAC MET EVERY. TEST tee Tells How It Restored Strength and Overcame Stomach Trouble. "If I should live o be 100 years :old S will always praise Tanlac for,'the splendid health it hae brought me," is the grateful statement of William Lee, 218 St. Andrew St., Ottawa, Ont„ a well known employee of the Public Works Dept., of this city. "Nine years of stomach trouble 'brought me down to only 1Q3 lbs., a 'Mere skeleton of myself. I suffered .ihout allthe miseries that go with ndigestion and got so nervous that many nights T paced the Hoer and longed for morning to come, °"raulac •he3pea me trout the yery start and' % bottles brought backmy health and strength and ran'tny weight up 17 lbs. "besides; In fact, I feel as strong and well how ss.if I had never been sick a day: I. will, gladly praise l'eanlac to" s,neone wanting to .know more about it from.. mites 'r'ankle is for ;tale by all good dxug- gistii. Aeeept ie sttbstftute. Over 40 tnillivn itottles said: Tattled Vegetable Pills, for consti- pation, made and recommended by the manufacturers of `£ANL'A.C, A Week of Sundays. Most people know that the original Sabbath Day of the ..Fifth Command- ment corresponds to our. Saturday, the seventh day of the week.. The yearly Christians, however, made the following day the sacred day of the .week, calling it the Lord's Day, be - 'cause it was on the morning after the Newish Sabbath that Christ rose 'from .he dead. It is a curious fact that there ° Is 'quite an important "Sunday," so to speak, for every day of the week. In addition to the two mentioned already Monday is the Greek Sabbath, Tuee. day the Persian, Wednesday the As- syrian, Thursday. the Egyptian, and :Friday the Turkish; WHEN BABY IS ILL • When the baby is ill; when he cries 'a great+deal and no amount of atter `tion or petting makes him happy, tiaby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay. The Tablets are 'a mild but thorough laxative which re- gulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds Land simple fevers and make teething easy. They are absolutely guaranteed 'to be free from opiates and narcotics 'and can be given to even the new-born babe .with perfect safety and always ;with• beneficial results. The. Tablets tare sold by medicine dealers or by 'mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Joe Seconded the Petition. Little Joe and June are twins, but lune is stronger than her brother, an advantage she is quick to improve. AP- . iter an unusually trying day, the little waiting wasw to �ellow in a pensive modg or his sister tocomplete her evening devotions. Mamma had put on the t little night. and had .heard Joe's tumble prayer. He sat down on a stool patiently waiting•,Oor his sister. June was feeling unusually elated over the day's 'accomplishments and diad gone through with the "I lay me" twith energy. ' After a few added bless- ings for the members of her family, fshe grew even more enthusiastic and brought her prayer to a dramatic clim- ax by saying, "0 Lord, make me a bet - iter girl!" Just then a solemn `A -men" came from the . little downtrodden finale of the species, and before mamma could 'think what had occurred June was across the room and had her brother ion the floor giving him a thorough go- ing over with her small fists. That "Amen" was too suggestive. A Famous Delicacy. The little French town of Strasa- bourg has been made world famous through its manufacture of 'goose -liver pies, or "pate de foie ?'rant This de- licacy is said to leave been invented in the latter part of the eighteenth century by a famous chef, Clause, em- ployed by the Marechal de Contades, one time Governor of Alsace. There are about twenty-fivemanufacturers in Strasbourg, about ten of whom are ofcommercial importance. The manu- facturers do not concern themselves with the raising of geese, these being supplied by the farmers. Sone of the families in this section of France have been engaged in raising geese for generations and the numerous flocks of geese in the roadways are often- times a hinderance to pedestrians. It is necessary that the liver of a goose reach its maximum size before being used for pies, and in the autumn the farmers select the larger birds, place them in individual boxes, and feed •them on paste of corn, cooked and salted. They are given no exer- cise unless a case of overfeeding is noted, then they are released and al- lowd to run about for a day or two. When the geese are fat enongh and. their livers are estimated to have reached their maximum size, they are killed. An ordinary liver weighs about one and one-half pounds and the farmer receives approximately $1.25 a pound. The nerves and veins are extracted from the liver and it is spiced, placed in cans or jars with truffles, a species of mushrooms, and baked. The can is thea sealed and sterilized. • Delights, A walring:bough; a crescent moon; tithe drowsy eotnnolence,c noun; With bum aid stir of bees, That in and • mite—v./ten young ' the; Mae -- The warm -leaved staple's paler spray Einxneele with sonxld the'treee. T ors bold wrought;. a fern -fanned:' bell; 'E3'iceserrants patterning the fell; ,A. pipit in the grass; Shy, wistful brooks that croon all day Unloosed lino twining horns In play',' Nigh 3iawks that circling pass. A. touch of risk; a radiant sky; A. friend that lifts affection high And .graces' friendship's name;. The thrush's tender evening trill, When cool airs hush the hedges still, And banks are green with flame. —D. Thompson, in Country Life. Avoid loss when sending money by 'mail—Use Dominion Express 'Money. Orders—the safe, convenient, inexpen- sive way. Cat -tails have been found to yield hour, silk, starch and sugar, and were 'used extensively during the war, in 'Central Europe. Keep Mlnard'a Liniment In the house. GREEN TEA IMPORTS LARGER. Statistics from. Ottawa show that in 1923 553,977 pounds more Green Tea ht into Canada than in were brought 1921, and 906,728 pounds more than in 1922. The reason given is that the fine q Green Teas of India and quality lit- y Ceylon have displaced the Inferior Japan and China Greens which, due to their low price, were imported heavily some year's ago. Salada Tea Company is the largest importer of India and Ceylon Green, Teas. TOO MANY gomE CARES One Reason Why Se Many Wo- men Are Weak and Run -Down. The work of the 'woman in the home makes greater demands, on her vital; ty than men realize, and there is al- ways something more to do. No won- der women's backs ache, and their nerves are worn out. No wonder why they get depressed and irritable, suf- fer from headaches, and always feel out of sorts. But ofcourse all women are not like that. What is the differ- ence? A woman with plenty of healthy red blood in her veins finds work in the home easy; her vitality is at par. This points the way to health in women who feel run down and depressed. Make new rich blood. You can do it with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These frills have the marvellous property of building up the blood and toning up the nerves. That is proved by the case of Mrs. 11. Eppinger, Scott Street, Vancouver, B.C., who says:—"Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills brought back my health and strength and restored my nerves to normal condition after other medicines had failed. It was af- ter the birth of my second child that I became so anaemic and nervous that I thought I would lose my . mind as well as my strength. 1 tried several medicines, but got no relief until I' was advised to try Dr. ,Williams' Pink Pills, After using a few boxes of these I could see a change. I felt stronger; my appetite was better, I slept better, and my nerves were stronger. I continued the use of the pills for some time, and again found myself a well woman, and I can sin- cerely say that my health has since been the best. I can cheerfully re- commend the pills to all weak, run downwomen." . You can get these pillsfrom your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents .a box ins Co.,dit Williams' M The - Dr. from Brockville, Ont. Blind Faith. ` 11 She—Women are given too muchto blind faith." He—"Yes, many of those who eater the beauty contests prove that:" Any coward can fight a battle when he's sure of winning, but give me the man litho has pluck to fight when he's sure` of losing.—George Eliot. ustarc aall nieats,go. SMustardneutralizes the richness of fat foods and makes them easier to digest.Mustard enables `n-assimilate would burden . thedigestive organs.` bulit .birlif m x ` p�]�j7, ,r yen 23$ v ISLAU: ROJTh GEORGIAN BAY DISTRICT Folder and Time Table showing list of Resorts, Boating, Fishing, Camping, etc. When planting your' 1924 Vacation write Box 862, Midland, Ont, OnleakeeeemOonocemeessamethoronnoiewatioalaboaa Surnames and Ter Origin LANGLEY. Variations -- Lang, Langhorn, Lang- shaw, Langworthy, Longworth, Lang- lois, Long. Racial Origin—Engiish, also French. Source--Localitles, also a nationality, also a personal peculiarity. r'Lamig" is a variation of the word "long." It Is to -day In :widespread use colloquially and in the northern sec- tions of England and in Scottish low- lands. In the Middle Ages a man often earned the nickname of "Long" or "Lang?" because of great height and spare build, and in many cases this nickname' has developed into a. family name. The name of Langborn is just what It seems, "long -horn." Long -horns were musical .instruments quite com- mon in the Middle Ages. Langley was a name originally des- criptive of locality in which the bear- er lived. It means "long -lea" or "long - meadow/' Old instances are found of "John de Langeleye" and "de Lang- leghe." A "sehaw" was an enclosure or shel- ter, helter, usually for game; hence the name Langsbaw meant originally "of the Long Game -Preserve." A "worth" was a farmstead, or ward- ed place. Hence the names Long- worth and Langworthy mean literally "Long ,Farm," Langlois is truly a French name, "meaning "the • Englishman," and un- doubtedly in some cases it has been anglicized' into Langley. Langley, is also derived in many cases from the older Norman-French "L'-Aangleys" or "Lengleyse," with the same meaning. Lang also is met with as a shorten- ed and anglicized form of the Scottish in the former.. 1 Highland (Gaelic) clan name of O'Loy- nachan. TIBBOTT. Variations—Tlbbot Tebbott, TIbbald, Tlbbte, T!pson, Tlbbat, Tlbbotson. Racial Origin --English. Source --A given name.' Give yourself three guesses as to the given name from which these par- ticular family names have been evol- ved. Yes, it's a name by no means uncommon to -day, even though it niay not be as widespread as John or Wil- liam. Nevertheless, you'll probably ask for another three guesses or give It up without trying. The name is Theobald. There are some interesting points to be noted about Theobold as a given name as well as a family name. In the first plane it Is not Greek, as you might suppose from the "then." In the second place, this syllable does not mean "God," as it does in the name of Theodore. The name is of ancient Teutonic origin, from "theod," meaning "the people," and "bald," which is the oncestor of our modern word "bold." The figurative meaning of the combination was "one fit to rule the people." Early, even before the arrival in England of the Normans, who also used the name, the Saxons had eon- tracted it into "Tibald." The Nor- mans made it "Thibald" and "Thi - bard," which you see, with a "th" that was pronounced like a "t," gives a sound not dissimilar from Tibbott. The variations of this family name are of particular interest as an ex- ample of the way in which vowels sometimes run riot in the progressive development of language and nomen- clature, in the latter really more than • The violence that others do to us is often less painful than .. that we put upon ourselves. The idea of happiness is often more flattering than happiness itself. t ,, yYa `Fc��3N4�„`:M i? ^`c"Y` `�$'$; a•.fi;: •" t..:�ti � . „� � '� z'2'�\y t �\ \'ca�� iP r> ••.; Y. �.. ,•\^.•ba`� '9th asseseese .s Y '.�sesess i�:`2(.:e ` ',..` ee• ` y .: t t A x .`JOyg•�r`\'O`.•Pi:MtlL CSO 1 The mode of travel some thirty years ago was somewhat different to what it is to -day. The speed of this foot -power vehicle is four miles per hoar, but free from engine trouble; no blow -outs, and it made no difference whether they passed on the right or the left. Great Faith. A rich manufacturer of asbestos took a house just across the street from a sweet -spirited old lady, and his faintly proceeded to enjoy itself in what seemed to her a very worldly fashion. The old lady was never known to speak ill of anyone, even when her neighbors raised a racket all Sunday. She only said: 'Dear me! They must have great faith in their asbestos." The Cording Education. "How can I teach your children gentle - And mercy to the weak, and reverence for life, When by your laws, your actions and your speech, You contradict the very things I teach? ----Longfellow. Radio Craze in Britain. Moro than 12,260 miles of aerial wire have been erected in the British Isles in the last twelve months, so' much has the radio craze seized the public. It is estimated by officials of the British 73roadcasttng Company` that 2,0(10,000 persons are entertained daily at a cost of a farthing each. One hundred thousand pounds has been paid to the entertainment industry in salaries, fees send copyright royalties. Strenuous efforts are being made in England to stop the catchittg and' kill- ing of English skylarks for food. For coos, otherwise the smaller otos are a mouthful of food to Still such a ;often attacked and bullied by their song' larger relatives. His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he •Is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request for information to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth avenue, New York city, will be given a prompt reply. adet When Father Failed. Tommy looked up from his book and asked: "Father, is it true that a man is ,uown by the company he keeps?" "Yes', sonny." "Well, father,') asked Tommy, "if a good man keeps company with a bad man, is the good man bad because he keeps company with the bad man, or Is the bad roan good because he keeps coiupany with the good man?" Home of Chestnut. The home of the chestnut is in the Mediterranean region, where chestnut trona have been cultivated from early times, q Cracodlles ht Zoos. Young crocodiles of different sizes lave to have seperate nurseries in SeedingTime. When Gunny days begin to warm th0 earth And outdoor gauzes, fall youthful hearth With mirth, Then farmers till the fertile mello* soil, While hopeful hearts beat stanchly aA men toil. '1. Now, sturdy hands a firm foundatielt, • lay, Of seed, to germinate beneath the rat Of sunshine, which evokes upon this field - Reward for toil—a crop of bounteouSf yield. �. --Charles' H. Meyerii,, Watch. the Oil Tank. If for any reason the oil -supply tank on a motor -car engine has been allow- ed to become dry, after refilling, it is a wise precaution to make sure the pump is working properly. wise, an air lock may form at som point in the oil -supply line, preventing the pump from functioning as it should, and burned -out bearings or scored cylinders may result. 0 Good will to others is constructive thought. It helps build us up. It is good for your body. . It makes your blood purer, your muscles stronger, and your whole form more symmetri- cal in shape. It is the real "elixir of of life.” The more of such thought you attract to you the more life will you have. You draw, then, the best eien,ttnts from all with whom you as- sociale. If you send out a contrary order of thought, you draw to you from them the poisonous and destruc- tive elements. These will hurt your body. Persons in this way are liter- ally hated to death.—Prentice Mul- ford. Ask for Minard'e and tatty no oth9R,,,y Select Teach rs by' Merit.. Appointment and promotion of teachers in New Zealand are basedort a Dominion graded list of teachers, the best qualified individual securing appointment in any part of the Do' minion irrespective; of the district id, which he or she was previously ems ployed. Classified Advertisements ese eno, BDAU TiF ULLY FL1JE'FY A carded wool; sample, enough iightli comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mills,. Georgetown, Ont. ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAID' and light sewing at home; whole or spare time; good pay. Work sent any distance. Charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. FOR YOUR EYES 1 Refreshes Tired Eyes WriteMurineCo„Chicago forEyeCareBook "Free to you" generally means that some one else pays double. Say " Bayer" - Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia RheumatiSfl' Lumbago Colds Accept only. a Bayer package which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered In Canada) of cBa Bayer ld ce of bdono aceticaid sterieyltca etreermowsevonvesteirmorremagaranacmssmo QED HANDS Minard's is excellent for chapped hands and all skin diseases, PIMPLES SPREAD OVER Inflamed and Itched Badly, Cuticura Healed. " My trouble began with a break- ing out of pimples at the edge of my hair which soon spread to my fore- head. At first the pimples were very small but became larger and were in- flamed. They itched badly for a while and were so embarrassing that I hated to go out. My hair fell out. " I read an advertisement for Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I purchased more, and in two or three weeks I was healed." (Signed) TVIiss Geor- gia McMillan, 1913 Summit Blvd., Spokane, Wash., July 10, 1923. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Sample Saab Free by Msil. Address Canadian Depot: (ntlanra, P. 0. Hos 2618, Montreal.. Price, Soap 25c. Ointment 26 and 50c. Talcum2Se. gleir Try our new Shaving Stick. • RRRS, MISEER9S ACHES ANS PAINS Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Branchton, Ont. —" When I wrobil to you for help my action was mostly prompted by curios- ity. i wondered if I, too, would benefit by your medicine. It was the most profit- able action I have ever taken, I heart- ily' assure you, for through its results I am relieved of most. of my sufferings. I have taken six boxes of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkharn's Blood Medicine, and I can honestly say I have never been so tvel. before- I had suffered from pains and other troubles since I was fifteen years old, and during the 'Great War' period I worked on munitions for two yearn, and, in the heavy lifting which my work called for, I strained myself, causing. pelvic inflammation Froin which I have Bettered untold agony/, and I often had to give up and go to bed. I had doctored for several years without getting per- tnanent relies:`, w%ien I started to take your medicines."---Mrs,Got niTIN Mia. ENffiii,, 13ranehton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E.Pi ikham. Medi - eine Co., Cobourg,()ntarie, for az'ree copy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text. Bcolt Myon"41),Mellie QiWonon, ' 0 ISSUE' No. R,4.k-'24.'