HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-29, Page 41 em? We have, idready turned out Ilany ..art. New uits Have • you. seen the.. ELA.V'E YOU NOTICED : 'Y D THE NEW FABRICS WE ARE jDISPLAY- CE iG? RAVE YOU NOTICED /.>`HI"., CHARACTER WE ARE PUTT- ING INTO OUR SPRING SUITS? HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW "! i".E14 THEY FIT? WHEN SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOU BIR SUITS WERE MADE BY WUERTH, EXAMINE THEIR CLOTH- Ata CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DET.4IL A130UT, THEM. THE °.i 'LE, THE FIT, THE LINING i THE FINISHIS DIFFERENT. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD OF THE CLOTHES WE TURN OUT 'POE THEM, THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUR CLOTHES WITH 'OTHER MAKES. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY ACQUAINTED ski 'ITIS OUR CLOTHES ASK SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM '11TMIE'Y WILL GLADLY PUT , YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW HOW TO -VIARE CLOTHES AT REAS(dNABLE PRICES. WE ALSO DO DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING. YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK E. E. Wueith, Tailor, Zurich *it pays to use MARTIN —SE OUR 100.% PURE PAINT VARNISHES For Evety Purpose- ForEvery Surface Write to Head Office, Moritreak For Free Bookiet Houle PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY A. MELICK — ZURICFI WOOL• EXETER Wm. Pfaff is otnving to town from Stephent, into the house rec- ▪ 1 hest Prices Paid ac- i•eartly vacated by Dr. Atkinson. Mrs. E. Heideman, -who ha's been visiting with her daughter, Mils. M. cording to quality ;.C'oxvvrort.b;, of London, has returned home. • CASFI OR- TEAY:E y; Miss Vivati `elder daughter of I {t's Oollingwood, is home aftee L.,NKETS,.YARNS WO- in _year at Oshawa Miss-. 'g .She 'hopes to gr= eiD PROMPTLY F'IL- .e •ri 1ct• year. LED.'Mrs• :Sol hardy is visiting relati- t. es Tir Detroit. Phone ' or write for prices 'to t17 Dr. Roulsten is attending the an- nua.l Dental .Convention at Toronto. newton Woollen Mills Mrs's Eva Carling, daughter oz: the late Thos. B. Curling, who hang been assistant supt. of St. Luke's Hospital; New York City, , for :some years, has been appointed Supt. of that institution. Students of the Exeter High seh- , ool presented an operetta ie Sects in the Opera Howse last Wednes- day evening which was ,a fine suc- cess. The marriage took place in Win- dsor on May 13th of two Exeter young people now residing in De- trr•it, Mies Lela Gould to Mr. Ernest Armstrong, a former buttermmker with W. G. Medd, Mrs, Mi ler of Detroit, is here op- ening the borne of her late mother Mrs. Thos. Gregory, Miss Stella Gr- eg ory will also return. Mrs. Thos, White who ita•s been visiting Miss V:e t° and Mrs. P. J. Wickwire rzturri':d to her home in Windsor. Mrs. Mcally and mother and Wm Glass of London, .visited with Dr, and Mrs. Atkinson. Dr. and Mrs. Porterfield and da- ughter of Munro, visited at the home of Fred Sathern, itlhe daugh- ter remaining. NOTICE NEWTON — ONT. E. C. WAGNER, Proprietor. `Tee Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion CUMBERLAND STEEL -22070- (18309) Zxtrohnent: No. 5698, Approved Portia X, will stand for the itnprovem- +int of stock this season at HIS OWN STABLE, HENSALL. Cumberland Steel is one of the igest +stock horses that ever crossed the water and Vas imported by the tate T J. Berry, who, as everyone /snows, never handled anything but the best money could buy. His +otoek was never beaten in the thaw Xing irr England and he has been equally successful as a'sire here. Ile stood as premium horse for; 3 wears in one district before com- ing to this country at. a °service' lee of $100. FRMS—To insure $13.00, If . paid by Feb. 1st, 1925 $11,00 Managers.1 ,C. 1;. Siropson and Fred Bengough. FOR SALE A Watford cutting box with bl- ower attached., ' 'Will Bell exeh 4a e on cattie or pigs. Apply to lle?c. Voisin; R.R. 3, Zurich, . BORN J sardine--l.n HayTownship . on May J 22d 1 . .; Macy n. , to Mr. and Mrs. :�iarly- ert- l)isjardin:e, a 'son. rnlith Ire StanleyTownship, o �l'Xy ni:tla;, to .Mr. end . lIrs. Herb-, Prt; Smith, •e, :',tits,;; We,t he Undersigned !easiness mem of'the Village,of Dashwood do hereby agree to keep Thursday af- ternoons during the .month', of June July and Aw ustfor a; half holiday Wes. Wolfe;:Dr. 11 Taylor ;Reid & CCo; Alex. Zimmer; .D,, Tiernan; L. M:' Hnrtleib; 0. Tiernan & Son; Clayton 9'. Pfil ; Restemayer & Kleinstiver; M. We Schanck:; Eel. Na'diger; G. Kellerman; Phil 1, Fas- sold, o A Mrs .A.. Musser epent a few d;:tiye in London lost week. Me. E. Weltin, of Clifford is!.vi's- ?icing his father, Mr. 1—loner Guenther of the Can- adani Bank of Commerce 'at St, Thomas, 'spent the Week -end p hi'§ h'om'e here. 11,'x: and Mae S. Ireland of 'St-- ratford sprint Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Tiernan,. M.es. P. Baker and Mee. Godkin 7 a dieng. re i Ittt 1 t ti 73rd ' 1 ebtw ., g r� Dr, 11. 14 Cotte7» spent the -we- elr-.n.,.f. •Yi epi:+ t7fY'^r • n.• '( ague. Mr..„ y.r.Iergen t>. .Lo;rdoa retel u+; Z"URiett ed aeq,pa,ilal'ane a in town on Thulrss day, 11Iis's Glatdyli Gunther spent the' week -.end in New Ilamburg• • Mrs, J. C, ,field and Muss 'Elva Riehmond spent Wednesday of last week in London, Mr. Wine. Howard of Blake, has 'Novell to tower. Mise Pearl Kraft and Miss • • F. ,Etichtuond ?spent Sunday with the latter's parent's in Blyth, Mr. Ward Fritz of Zurich, has ,purchased the hardware business. of R4 stalneyer & Klein'stive :, ` A. very exciting ball game was ,played between Zurich , and Dash- wood on . Thursday evening, on Gaiser's Diamond,: resultieg' in a victory for aurical 10-9. ,5MA 35a6110 Be comfortable when winter comes. We want to show your :. why Happy Thought Fur- naces are the finest heating system atany price. They burn all fuels equally well. Every. Happy Thought in- stallation is guaranteed by the makers of the famous Happy Thought Ranges to give ideal heat distribution at minimum fuel cost. Decide now to be comfortable next winter. Send direct to factory for interesting free booklet "Live Air Heating." 7d years of satisfaction have resulted in the purchase .of more than 300,000 Happy Thought Ranges. SOLD BY A. MELICK ZURICH, — ONT, MADE Af ARAM -FORD •eANAOA•eV `37 FDUNDRV COMPANY-LIMITiD AUCTION SALE Of Valuable • Village Residenti; Property. „Under and , by virtue of • the powers contained in a certain' Mort gage which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be of- fered fort sale by public auction by Oscar Kropp, Auctioneer, eat the VILLAGE' OF HENSALL On the undermentioned .property, On Saturday, June' 14th, A.D. 1924. At the Hour of 2.00 o'clock sharpie 'the afternoon the following prop- erty— ALL AND SINGULAR that cer-, ►taro parcel or tract of /land and reprises situate, lying and being in the Village of Hensal, in the Co- enty of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of Vil- lage Lot Number Two Hundred and Twenty-one on the South side of King Street. in the said Village of Hen'sail containing 'by. admeasure- ment one-fifth of an acre more or less in Moris Survey of the- said Village of Rennie A, good chance chance to purchase a horse. There is said to ba a brick house with furnace, barn and hen house on the lands. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE—The Property: will be put up subject to reserved bid, twenty per cent. of the purchase price to be paid on the day of .the sale, bal- ance within twenty days. Purch- aser to tsign agreement to compl- ete the purchase. Further terms and conditions of. s•ile will he made known on the date of the sale: Dr, 1), 5, Hardie —or- Willia:ra Owen :Brown Soticitorfor Mortgagee, Tillsonhur , Ont. Oscar IKlopp, 'Auctioneer. Ray. McArthur hes been engaged: by 0.•and A.'McDonell in their gar age, •• Wm. Beaver is visiting' with re=' latitrrs in :Kitchtteer, leuseell 1VIcKa f the=. t y, oMedical Cole 'e,?London, is visiting lies par- ents in town. Jelin Steaoe•y:', of the local branch oft he Sterling Bank is' enjoying 4a Fwn wtlek's Vaeatiori. His position is filled by Mr. Sellers. The Hensall.PW . U ,0. held tltety 'urtiithl'v liicetitug,,a;t the home et Mrs. Aleve. Buchanan on Friday of t .rnoon, May' 23rd,, Mrs, J. 73. Simpson recently re- oeived a message advising her of the. death of her uncle, Wm. Lang, oft he west, a former well" known resident of Hay ' Tpl., in his 84th', iy Mrs. 'C!r'r>>'l ,of Brienie itt here teall .in a teat+steteet. Mrs. 'Tot=„McDe Wilsons. Dr. Gordon Knapp has entered u'po4 the ) tietiee of dentistry here heyiirg purchasedl. the ,practice of Dre'S,14411: who will i•et:iirn to °Ohio,- 00. t , ' ' The malty friends, of Wm. Ci Danis, one of our oideet e'5tablish- ed anerchante, are sorry to learn that he is notwell, ,. ri number of our villagers on \vedtiesday last- attended the gr- aduation exercise's at Victoria IIos- pital, Landon, the interest being Miss Hattir McQueer, of this vile lage graduating, Mr. and Mrs, Alphine McEwen pre moa;ing'frorin gheir rooms above Joh*nt's :tstore to above the. Ster- ling Bank, The friends of Huh J. MacDon- ald will be, pleased to- learn that he is improving following hie op eration; at Seaforth Hospital..: A very representative gathering attended the 28th annual conven- tion held May 15th, in Hensel! Me- thdoist church. About 300 deleg- ates registered. Mrs. V. Mollard District Sup t. presided: .After the devotional sery=ice's conducted by Mrs. Kitely, .'splendid reports were given by all the Auxiliaries, Circles and Bands, showing not only an ,increase in funds, but also a grow- ing Christian, attitude towards mis- sion's. COUNTY NEWS M and Mrs. Roy Lamont of St- anley' Tp, spent last Sunday with Mr,. and Mrs': Stewart McQueen, Lumley. The memorial fountain which is tieing• pieced on eth-e park at Park hill, was unveiled on May 24th. Death .at an eariy hour May 14, removed :a prominent resideant,at Mitchell in the person of Win. Les ter, at th t fig.? of 74'yearsr. He had been, ailing .fur a few years and un- derwent a -i operation. a year ago. A. draught of chloroform taken by John W. 'Coulthard, aged 22, at St. ;Marys;, on May 15th, while in a• -period of dispondency, caused his 'death within a few minutes in 'spite of the efforts of two doctors. ' Rev. T. A Lawson, Pastor of the Gran to ti Presbyterian church, has resigned his charge in order to en- gage in Lord's Day Alliance work. Arthur Ford, son. of Wm. Ford, of the 4th con of Usborne; had the misfortune to be kicked in the face by a horse. He had just turned ,the horse's out when one of them in a, playful mood turned and kicked Two masked hien entered - the , horne of Dave Walters, East ,-Anal= iam,s, and ;said they were there to take, hind to London, but they wo- uld aeeept, $35 to let him off. Mn. Walters took'out hes purse contain- ing $250 tc::pay the Men, and they relieved him of iihe purse and. en- tire contents, The P»e bylt.ery of Huron held May ay rneeting at Clinton on Tee esday May 13th, B. Edge of'$eal'oi,th, ,dispo'sed of h !shardware and plumbing, bu's.•., ince to Geo. D. Pergu'son, •ef Tees Water, Who will take possession as . soon as 'Stock taking has been conn, pleted, George Boll. of. Goddrich Elevat. or and Transit Co., . was knocked off . the "tole of a ear - when it :ran away and a stick he was using as a brake leaverrn •struek him op the head, injuring. him •sexiously, John Yungblut of Auburn, who "J'hu May 29th, 1924 disappeared before the inqufe+stin the death of the' late H. R. iifIli et' Auburn on +ridaylast, was dis« cove red in, the woods near hishKoine A'l'e too ,was on the jigger° frontwh-: Joh .i 'ill was thrown to his death. Moslers. Gray & 'Cartwright, who, have carried on a dry'geocls base- ines's in Goderieh Lor • a. few yearn,,; have- dissolved partnerships the busi.n!ets will continue lay' Mr. Grays,,. Rev. 0..G, .Armour, a, recent graduate of . Knox 1O'ollege lime bee, ion called to the Presbyterian ch'e. urch at :Brucefield and was, ilad'uce ted as pastor op, . May 27th. . .+-44.4.4,-;-+•1••ere• etee++4-e++++. • +, + •+ ' '+++++-^ <E+ •i 4 E'4+++ 4• ,h fi +, �{ i' RRl►tti ,thinay ,i. I HAS ADVANCED IN C : I • AND THE MACHINE COIVIPANIES- WANT INTEREST ON THE t: yo CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOLIK 7+ + WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO ets +LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU ,TQ SE'E US BEFORE' aro . e YOU BUY. • a FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR'S . PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. 'I'• • 1 Wagon 1 DeLaval Cream Separator -1. 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter. Hamilton Cultivator ▪ 1 riding plow 2 Fleury Walking plows 1 tractor plow at '$110.00 ,i, THESE ARE ALL 'NEW GOODS. ' •F• 4. GARAGE,! GABA .GEF 4.. •i-. • L. A. Prang*, Zurich. Ont. *4.4.4.++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++÷t++++++++4 Mr. Peter -Kroff, mechanic+ "GENUINE FORD PARTS" aiways in stock .++++++.+++++++++++++++÷...........:.,.....÷÷++++++++++44. EGGS ANE POULTRY We are in a position to take all your eggs no matter how larger; r 'i ow small a quantity you have for sale. Enquire regularly foam; 1: 3'000. Hens and Broilers • • Wanted t se For delivery in May and June. We are looking for high prices ,•. •• .i. longt hrough these months. Now is the time to lay yam'plane3� + for producing broilers. Information gladly given. Write, pho e t or call personally. e 4. Eggs graded accordin.; to Government Standard. .. 4. 4. D Poultry bought according to weight' and quality. 1\ � & • CO. T. MJnOaHgeNrS DSHW0O O T��.4 _ , ..+++++++++++++++++++.1:+++++,4-44+++++++++++++++++4•4444 Teachers -• to Tour Dominion " Included in the itinerary re Lake Louise, left; Vermilion River, centre; Nipigon, where children are scan hoisting the flag, . and Banff, right. '0 teach the youth of Canada about Canada and do teachers, Lake Louise, c .. alled'. `probably the moat erg. T the country justice it is first necessary that one feet bit of scenery in the knower 'world' 'wall also b ee should see Canada. That is the view ,of the Canadian visited, lunch being taken: at the Chateau there. Ph • ,Teachers' Federation and: no one will t question it. magnificent run through the Rockies to •the coast wilt 'With the..idea of correcting any deficiencies in this be made In daylight. • respect under which Its members may be labouring the Federation,' accordingly, has decided to make its. The entertainments arranged. foi—the teachers ins.. !trip to Victoria;' B. C., for thie year's annual conven-elude many automobile drives; a reception at the PW1r,. tion as a personally, conducted tour, lasting from Au- Cities, luncheon' at Winnipeg and Calgary and a .rte "gust 4th, t' 12th and promising a vary iinteresting vail.d punder the auspicesuof the locs'l ception at Vancouver;, instructive programme for the pedagogues, and their Teachers'Association in each of the cities. mentionede. lrieniis. luncheon at Regina as the guests of the Preeeter aut.: Arrange!di by Dr..A.'>il. Hardy,Government _ of Saskatchewan followed Vice -President of the . by a drive*. F!ederation,•-and R. E. ,Howe, President, Provincial around the city in automobiles' provided(by the Rotaryt•• Aesoclation of Protestant . Teachers, Quebec, in con- Club` While in.a by Jaw*; the visitors will also 1i •. junebieri with, the Canadian Pacific Railway, the tour taken for drive by the focal Board of Trade'' covers a:s-,wide:a field as is humanly'possible . in , the A special return trip under slurtilar arranov�bg.,ent�,: time allotted. „]:t will be made on a special, train start- for 'those who Dare to take it ',has also been lairs ing• (rete. Toronto and following the main line of the Starting from Victoria, it includes the won+1bf ule,t . Canadian Paciflio'; throtigho'ut. Stop -overs varying, from through the. mountains over the Kettle Valley :Ra' " tt`rr , a few 'beers to a day will be made at many' polite of the steamer trips over. beautiful Okenagaai and Ieootea.. Interest along the route to give the teachers a frill nay.Lakes, through the he' ` art of: the fruit-growlr�g; opportunity 'of seeing the eights at these places. Port country, thence to Lake Windermere,. •and bym • • William and Port Arthur, the' tgh...' great inland grain ports over the •spiendl�d new Barut'P-1:,ake �cTinderxnere Iii h -•:.d: of, this 'country and the funnel: through which Canada's way to Vermilion River 'Qum and g bilge crops pour- oiit to:.feed the world, W if w Ittnff. Then ocsmas:" ' greatest .. innipeg, the Edmonton, 'thy . prosperous gateway to Cana,d!a's' 'rel grain. market, and boasting the world's Norteland, Sit;skatoon an iii ort a • city; rink. g'rea est railway in e, P t and acrossscity, "Wigg.. yardsthose of the Canadian.Pa,- Mia- nipeg, IKenor�,, Port Williatri.. . the . Great. eiffc, the bustling prairie cities of Regina and '1Vloose Lakes,' via the Soo to Port .McNicoll and Toronto. miff , Jath, Calgary, the metropolis of the prairie provinces trip lasts from. August - 17th to o 29th and *lodes ,and a Dow=town only a fewyears ago, Vancouver, the stop -over for dinner at .Penticton dinner, a nig` .beentiful seaport on the mild Pacific eoast which is stay and breakfast at lovely Lake 'Windermere ' ly t et "forging'aheSd at almost terrif ing speed -these are all lunch at Vermillion River Camp, and a caat Bngt aen ered on the schedule prolonged inspection. Edmonton,OntOn, "Wrnnile and Devils Gap Camp, tae1�.tonbstop .Will also be made at Bauf Springs Rotel, 1%ghtful resort ,on the Lake of the Woods, ztear 7;CexsTsrfii;,,, the ~• e palatial hostelry in the heart of the Rockies -where The visits to the •camps, the motor run through thee, recreations provided, such. as lilking,'`riding mountains acid , the refreshing sail acraysis. �the, , Gireai�. tf ztr .ming and 'mountain eltmbin Will be opes. to the ak'eis' albite Make ; ,• � able rcttttii�'li trlpl ftfll�Et�'rd+ssiii'�w