HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-29, Page 1VOL• XXIV. V i C7 46.. • ZURICH, 'T'HUlRSDPa's MORNING MAY 29, 1924, kiWARMAAMMMIAMANWWWWW\MiWaNioNNWMAYVANWaiiiVV410441 •ilY ro t ? r ,F IA 1, 1 e o St'? Ir �. r At ■ sonablPrices WHETIIER YOUR CHIEF INTEREST IS -IN THE S.PYLE OR SHOES YOU BUY, OR PERHAPS THE -COMFORT AND FIT OR WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS, WE GI ARRAN'L EE THATYOU 'WILL; NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED HERE. AND BECK IT WITH THE PROMUSL TO MAKE GOOD ANY PURCHASE THAT DOES NOT SATISFY YOU. WOMEN Better••Sport Sandal Strap, Finest of Patent, Noweest of 'Pat= ,terns. A1ao in gray Suedes, and Fawn Elk leathers. SPECIAL $3.45 mid $3.95• Children Mannish' Oxfords Dainty Straps. MEN SUA(ZRE • TOE AVENUE OXFORDS Here are all the Leathers men are wearing. Patents, Bro- wn and Blacks in qualities that' make the price most unusual Running' Shoes of every description . SPECIAL $4.45 up. BROWNRtS REPAIRING NEATLY DONE a See Our Window Display Y MRNIAM ;► ►' MIEWMAPR RIMc l c' 'i0 WMPARWM 1 ��oo'�.c�-y�0'�•O.0•C�.p•dp �1.0•�•O.O.O O.O.O•��0000ac0+c�ac�oo'o�'c�-' ;c '�•Q O• 40.0•Oc�p'•��p�•pddO40Ad000• O.00O'•O•d;7.00.0'dG'' �� Hou 414 lips, ��D r e Dresses I..• mars and Stein 40 We have'just opened up a large shipment of Ladies' o nIouse Presses, Bloomers,: Slips, etc,, purchased direct: oQ0 O from one of the'largest ,.manufacturers,. ' 0, of Ladies 000 p ° Vare in Canada, thereby savingthe jobbers r 'o, Y � profit an�l� lying our customers the. benefit°' of lower rices. app: We have, is beautiful line of Dr- essea in plain ,Chambray trimmed with faney :collar and Sash, sizes run up, to O: Si, at 95c. 'each. :A line of dark print Dresses in come bination of colors and patterns, Ali size +sfor $L25 each. .Another Line of nice dark fancy pattern print Dresses, heavy cloth made in special large seizes up to 44- at $1.45 and $1.65. Fancy Plaids and check Ging- ham dresses, nicely trimmed with pockets and 'sash', A real bargain at $1.59 each. Ladies' Gingham Dresses in fine quality, nice neat checks and plaids Organdie trimmed, A Real Dress large eine at $1.95. Black Satiric Dresses, .nicely tr- innnneesl- andsplendid quality of mat- erial at $2.25. Ladies' fine Stripe Satinette Bl-•- oamers, Beautiful quality all paha- de:s at $1.40 • smetwara.scitsiowensironsorn ,....9•10••=111.11111110111.11111•111011 P •II• Ladies Princess Slips fine qual- • ity Satinette, Lovely Color.. at $2. Children's Dresses with Bloom- ers to match in nice Gingham of +' checks, plaid's and fancy,,Patterns' .�. and black Satine, nicely trimmed at • $1.25. Children's Romper.+s in black sat - a. ine and fancy Ginghams 60c.,• 79c, and 89e. each. A nice line of Rompers in Raw • Silk at $1.25 each. Dust Caps, all •colors at 15e. each •� A large assor.men,t of Ladies and • Childrents vests, Drawers land Blo '¢ ' otters to chose from at Special low •� piices. Men's Balbrigan and fine mesh ,e • • underwear in two pieces- and com•- .I. binations with {short or long sleeves • sizes 36 to 46. 4. tz • Ladies fine 'stripe Satinette Step. bis, 'sane quality and colors as above at $1.25: We have- also, opened. up a full range of .Boy's Balbrigan under - 'ear ixu two piece end combination sizes 22 to 32, Settingth. Lpace for In Men's an y s . 4 v4 MEN'S CLOTHING M.na 'iter L. Snii >abl.. $1.26 a rear I Amt .60 a.NARita•:Ar $,$M MAX BE GR4,RGI. Miss Jeans Lowery of Seeforth , ;was a week --end guest at the honk of Mia iaMadeline Meidinger. Mr. Sang. Deitz and son Mr. Milton :Deitz were on a business trip to Stratford, Kitchener :end Preston. • on Tuesday. Mr. Wm, Howard of, near Drys- dale. has moved. his household ef- facts to Dashwood, where he will reside in future. • • • Mr. Ward Fritz is thi isweek at Dashwood, taking stock of the har dware business he purchased from: Resterxaayer & Kleinstiver. Mra. W. Daerr, who visited her sister, Mrs. S. McBride, o fthe vil- lage, returned to her home• at Aub- urn, on Tuesday. A. Westernpaper recently ob- served; "Man has made 32,647,389 laws and hasn't yet improved on the Ten Cornnianclnients. The auction •sale of the effects of the estate of Fred Schrader on Tuesday afternoon was well at- tended. Arthur Weber was the Salesman. Mr. 0. Eilb•er has exchanged his fast trotting horse to a man front Forest for a. new Ford Coupe;and Christ it getting along fine with the car. Mr. a Schrag, Cr=•st Dairy, advises us that his business is growing rapidly sand that it will be necessary for him. •to purchase more cows. A good coat of lake gravel is being put on main street to keep the dist -settled instead of oil as used lest year. The gravel, with Back on the Market again Musical ler Clocks ONLY A FEW TO OPI'ER • AT $4.915 GENUINE FOREIGN MADE BEAUTIFUL TUNES TO CHOOSE FROM. AN IDEAL GIFT POR THE JUNE BRIDE. SEE OUR WINDOW HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 THE s'' ? L `» ia' NS BA COURTESY No matter Whether yo,uu„ account is large or ernallL you are certain that yo affairs will be handled with equal promptness area. courtesy by all employe of The Molsons Bank. C. E. 'J O Y Manager Zurich' Bram Is • Fust Received a Large number of Genuine Woolen Horse, S g, proprietor of A Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices ale aRan ing from $7.00 to ......... t_..........•__ $1g•Qll' +�,, SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALI'a'.,; oClub Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Price, yri t HARNESS Fla? • SPECT._4LT ' Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. occasionally.; a little water 'should answer tee ptu,po5e • OD ' The -silent traffic policeman has • • been placed up again at the Zur- icli Road • ;and Goshen Line inter- section; and 'should be observed by all vehicles wheather motor of Horsedrawn vehicles„ for the safe ty of all concerned. 1la+++++++ ++++i• • • • • •++••F+'•Fr++++•k++++++• +++++ ^•8.4x++++Ca Mr. and Mrs. . W. F. 'Braun have li moved to Forest, where they in-' tend to rewside in future. Dr. and i + Mgrs MacKinnon pare moving into i ,pF•. the hone vacated by Mr. Brown's, 1 •II• for the summer or until their new home will 'be built: .p. Mr and Mrs. A. G. Foot `�� :Eclighoffer- 4' .r,Sr., andr• an ; .p. Mrs, Roas Johnston left for Yale A BIG Stock of .'Harness and Halters always on hand D 1D iD Values :: lothing o0 Just received" a fine range.of Aberley 100% pure' wool Jerseys for boy in /several fanncyt rimming, Sizes from 22 to 32. ' We have - certainly made many waz a`n friends with our fine range of Men's Suits benefit of those who have es yet not picked out their new Suit for Spring we have opened' up another fine rouge of Serge�s�, Worsteds and Tweeds at remarkable low !sure and look.them over itis they are wall worth your while. on't forget about -our- two-blccmer suits for boys at $9.50 and '$]0.50. fine 'splendid assortment of Men's, fine (shirts' and Ties just arrit•ed. Call' in land see. thenar. HATS( HATS! i '' THEY CERTAINLY ARE WONDERFUL 'VALUES. OUR 1,TEWEST STYLE FEL}"!!;'HATS WITH FANG* BANDS ARE GOIN:q FASB.. (JET YOURS B lFORE IT IS IT00 LATE. ALL SHADES AND PRICES 'k''Dr ll.`p..i•.l,•3 +.a+3..i^'i,• •.i"•1.:1'+i•.q[.1'+4,Q'.l'"F FF'•1`�II••l•^d••k� •+'g'•t•'g••1•+'N•3•�k�•i.+ hat•��."1,►D.1"'d•'$•�F"i'�l••k•i•+++�4e. •II1•.l'$'.g•'a°�e•'l'.1^ .'F + shades with and for the again just o prices. - Be Fresh Groceries always on hand at Rock Bottom Prices Highest Prices pail for Good QualityEggs 40D P • Qy FL. e. a • • • r 1 NE SPRING Mrs Edighoffp S M d �\- y, '$'1 Mich., on Wednesday morning, , .g ` '�'' to lest the formers brother, wasp �' FOR WOMEN AND CHIL REN ARE ARRIVING H <,IcE whoar- 'seriously 'seriously in jured in an auto 'D • DAILY FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS, AND THEY + COMPRISE A WONDERFUL RANGE OF ATTRACTIVE STY - Z. LES RANGING IN PRICE FROM $1.95 to $4.95. + Also many new Nifty lines n Men's Black Calf and Patent e. • Oxfords, Astoria and Murray makes. We (should like the op- + p;ortunity of showing you these goods before deciding on . Your Spring Footwear. Via do a lot of Shoe Repairing, Because We do i •Dr. G. Knapp, who has purch- ased the dental practice of Dr. Smith, at Hensall, will continue hiss .weekly visits to Zurich, every Wed- nesday as was the custom of Dr. Smith. •Commencing on Wednes- day June 4th. Mr. E. Koehler, our new and pop . dem baker, is is baking, with good .g. 0o F i T & S demand with his bat.ing, and is us- � • ON wally always sold out when evening .p.SHOE `� comas and has treacle arrangements 't' with Mr. P. Rays11 and Mr. We a. � � 10 � f C. Wagner to handle his goods. An exceptionally :heavy fall of rain passed over ''(his part of Ontario last Friday 'night, and with the continued cold weather and a light fall ofsnow on Sunday, it makes a rather backward 'spring. However, this weed, ins bringing us warmer weather with fine growth. The celebrations on Saturd,ay May 24th, were called off -at most places on account of the rough weather. SURPRISE PARTY. - Friday evening, May 23rd, a surprise was given to Mr. and Mrs. •; Ernest Re'staineyer who are visit- itin;g friends here and are from. C'av eller, N.D. When a number of their relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Jacob Rader, Dash- wood, being the 46th _wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Rewst- amer. .A. sociable evening was spout together, after which lunch was 'served at midnight, after lunch all gathered in the parlor when Mr Eimer Kopp gave an address and congratulation in behalf of their friends and relative's, when Mr,. r•inauucl :i'alper handed a small gift to Mr, and Mrs. E Regent.- ayer and. else to Mr. and Mrs..Mah- l o .j Rea:: mi ager, who will leave for Ntrth otkotn this week Alter which Me. Restemayer .gave • a re- ply v+ery Ably thanking; for the },rifts and the kindness their /tally fx1.nds and relatives .have sl)t7wen PHOAIE to them while vialtin ' here tho past, •i•t:wo months, ....•..a.a .:,. ?e. _ ZURICH Produce Wanted L .. •,r. . " � .�.p•� .�.+•mac . et0g/?. ,5✓+ '. .rte. w . Qi N We invite you to come and see our new Spring and'un.rner Goods consisting of Prints, yams, Or- gandies, Voiles, Flan , a tettes, hir: ings, Oottonades, Et, We are to k ng a rf bid tto . ire uc_ price on all Widicr Goods A fresh and complete supply f all garde seedt.„ root seeds, etc. hand. DOUGLA GalVERAL NT' 97 L 4 -a r -011 4 1-4 411 -4 ,.* 4 • .411 r