HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-22, Page 8Items Of interest• In Silks A newlot of now opened up We have them it all' the Season's newest shades • "'RIC OPLA.ID A NEW SILK F'ABR1S, SIMVELA,R, TO ITRIC'OLET'I`E Wl111 SMALL OVERCh1ECK AND PLAID ETJ'ECTS. ':GOOD WEIGHT AND VERY REASONABLE IN PRICE. J:'. BELLE CREPE .A. Crepe -du -chime of partleulariy ;good weight, and has a rich Silky finish. It can be put to eech a variety of uses, and is wond- erful value at prices we are asking; for it. DOUCHES 'SILK Always reliable and its fully ,guaranteed by, makers to give 'satis- faction. We have it in black, navy, Nigger, brown and fawn. .t' MLLE TTE SILKS A LIGHTER WEIGHT SILK OF UOOD WEARING QUALITY AT $2 A YARD. • HABUTAI .A. Wash Silk Fabric of good weight, very fine finish, 1 Yard wide Special at $1.00 yd. • VOILES, CREPES, ETC. BROCADED CREPES, A fine new cloth, for those who require a. heav ler weightgarment suitable for Bl- ouses or Drosses', 38 -in. wide at , ,$1.50 yeti. VOILES—of every description in light and, dark shades at very rea- so.nabie prices. 10 pieces in light ground effects, Special at 35c, yd. LINEN SUITINGS—Just arrived ia.ali linen ,cloth in white, light blue fawn, orange and grey, 38 -in. wide at •SOe. yd. TISSUE GIGNHAM—Something new in Gingham, Cloth of very fine texture with, silk stripe effect; 32 -in. wide at 50c. yd;. DRAPERIES—A fine lot of scr- imms, curtains netts. Mr rquesettes, also chintzes, cretons, large variety of patterns' and colors. • WALL PAPERS ' A well assorted 'stock of patt- erns still on hand. Some of lines now reduced in price to clear. See .ear sample book. LINOLEUM & CONG. RUGS 4 -yd. wide Linoleum, 5 patterns to choose from'. Prices now low - e.: in years, also floor oils in 1 yd; 1% yd. and 2 yd. width, Congol ' .. ,.a rugs in all 'siz'es and seasons newest designs, Prices right. SEEDS SEEDS', . We have the following varieties of seed corn ; White Cap Yellow Dent, Imp. Learning, Early Bailer* Win. No. 7; Conipton''s Early and Leaning. Also Maugoi'd and tur- nip seeds. Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oiis, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PAINS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS TJ. S. L. EhtTTEIY IF IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR. P AhRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE ' MAKE' SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER 'ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING, ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE IL Moussea'u Zurich • v:• 1 • Carload Fresh St. H'arys • • Portland 1/111/11E find Cement. The they all want. NONE SETTEE Dewar, rev+ w • 0 A • • • • • • . -LAC STAIN for Furratu Floors & Woodwork Write 1.4 300 Office, Mourre Por free Booklet HOME, PAINTING MADE' EASY SOLD BY A. MELICK -- ZURICH ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST, A few case's of scarlet fever have again broke out. Mrs, P. Bender of •Thed£ord, a former resident of Zurich, is vis- iting friends in the village. Mies Enda Gingericli of the Br - ones]) visited with Mr. and Mrs Earl Weido over theweek-end.. Gratton; Royal, the world .famous; sire of pacing race horses,' died at Parkhill. He sired colts that went in 2.00; 2.01%; 2.09%; and that sold for $13,000 and $8,400. eta. White Star Liner•announces the big annual low fare 'excursion ont he Str. Greyhound, from God erich to Detroit and return. The, Gr •vhound will. leave Goderich Tu-' esday, June 10th, 0.30 ,a,me ,arriv- ing arr..iving at Detroit at 5.00 pen‘ A 'full day and a half- will be given all excursionists in Detroit,. the return d.par..ale being as uusal Thursday. at 1,00 p.m. The trip to .Detroit is a melt delightful :one, across Lake Huron, down the ,beautiful St. Clair .Riv.eaet hrough -St. Clair Flats, the "Venier of America, to Lake St. Clair and the fine Detroit Ri- ver. Ail three by-laws submitted to the, l roparty holders of Seaforth on. Wednesday of last week, were pass. d by substantial majorities. The By-laws called for the gaar- :anteeing of the bonds of the Hur- on: li:oa el La to the amount of $20,000 and also granting them a fix;'d ass !,snnent of $10,000 for ten yeaais for general 'tax purpn:ins; the granting of ,a fxedi assessment 'of $5,000 for ten years for g•:' ;oral tax purpose's to the Bell Engine land Thresher Co ; and gr ,,i' i ng of a fixed ,assessment of $123,000 to • the Canada Furniture Co. 'for ition to do any kind of a cement anal taxes for a period of taro ,ye job, such as supply tanks-, foound- atinn walls, bridges, cement floors LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs Butter 40c Cried apples per lb. ... .._ ... 7e utciu Setts, per lb, .:...... :7e. Potatoes per bag ...................85 ..sa 63 100 • ... 18-22 sartey ,. ;3uckwheat .... Wheat per bushel 50 Flour per cwt. ..�...............3.00-350 Shorts per ton. .32.00 Bran per ton •.50.00 Live hogs, per cwt. ... ......... 7.25 Western Farmers' Muithai Weather insurance C. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over '427,000 000. Number of Policies in vert s 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 n amnunt of $56,143.26; No ass- eeiment during the year and have i 1anc•) on hand of $31,700.. G. Holtzman—Zurich arii 1?', :1 LS0 DEALER IN LIGH- i'_ t`TI• RODS, AND ALL KINDS O+' FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 NOTICE CEMENT WORK—I am in a pos • 0 • • • • • • • • era • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • w • • •••, • • ZURiCH 110•00•00O00000•001101000010 `, - s,Iantee6f11 dtern •Ql to and walks, etc. _ Work guaranteed S �.U13LE LINE SOUT'I prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- Miss Vela. Pepper stet -the we-•C4il ,....grriVr. au, R{ . R. 2; Zurich;• ek-end at her hn•rri•e in Brucef1:•'+1.. Phone 16-93. tf40 Mi. Garnet Patterson is sporting a Ford car. " Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tur hu11 0R SALE Sr„ were to Parkhill one day last Silverwoods creamery buttes at Week to visit their 'son 'Gordon, 35 cents a pound. Wm. O'Bren, who is ill with pneumonia. ilProduce Dealer, Zurich. y 45-3 Mr. and Mra. Philip schaSe, .t - tended the funeral of a relative in "r)T111CF W. Williams on Saturday. NOTICE is Hereby given [gloat STANLEY TOWN!He?. 'the first 'siting of the Court of Mas. Gemen Shaw and children Reti isiou of the Assessment Roll] and Mrs. Herter of London, mot- of the Township of Hay for 19241 ored up last week to .attend the will beheld int he Town Hall, Zur-! funeral of the late 1Vliss Ann' Cur-'ich', on, June 2nd 1924, at 1.30 0' - vin. clock., p.m. Mr. Charlie Pratt of Michiganll; A,. F. HESS, . spent Saturday with friend's in Township Clerk, Hay. Stanley Tp. .Dated at Zurich May 16, 1924 45-2 Mrs. Robt, McClinchey left on Saturday to spend a couple of we FOR SALE eks with friends at Marlette and A Watford .cutting box with bl- other Michigan points. ower attached. Will :sell or exch Mrs. Alf. Moffatt of Kippen. vis- ange on cattle or pigs. Apply to ited at the home of her,paren:tei,Mr. Alex. Voisin, R.R. 3, Zurich. and. Mre. H. Hayter this • week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong MEETING OF HURON COUNTY h'iv" anent the pat two weeks COUNCIL with their daughters in London. The Council of the Corporation Rev. j. .Durrant and Mr. Henry of the County- of Huron will meet Erratt ru" in. Goderich this : week in the Council Chamber, Goderich, attendinu District meeting. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tu-• .A. highly respected _ .resident of esday., the 3rd. day of June 1924. Stanley was called away on Sun- All accounts against the County day, Mn-- 19th, in the , person of lust be in the hands of the Clerk Mr, Walter Stevens. He has been not later than Monday preceeding in failing health for •soave monthsthe meeting of Council.and grndually grew worse with the i Geo. W. Holman', County Clerk, above result. He leaves to mourn; Goderich', May: 15th„ 192414 his loss, his wife, andfoul daugh- ters and n• host of intimate. frien- ds. Our community "!suffers` a sev- ere 1os'a int he passing away of Mr: Step*en,s, CRETMTON Mrs, Chas. Zwickar ,.is 'visiting for s few days in Toa.o.nto. Mr, Hoyt of the Department of Agraciiltiare, Toronto, wars in the village insnecting the Commun- ity P' 14 with a view. of obtaining' a Font. ` The inspector was well pleased with the work done and h''4hly cerenlianetned the rield,Coin mitflo for their' work. Miss Meraa Sims is on the sick 1'Se sly"fvitae from an attack of in- digestion. RCV: '. M Hauch of Winnipeg, occupied the Evangelical pulpit the past Sunday evening,. and visited with Mr. and Mrs Herb. K. Either.' toll he past week the eommatte:e in charge oft he Athletic Field have had ae'a er it hundred .small spruce trees 'planted •which are resent: out by the reforestration branch. :EI. K, Eilber sports a new Ford eoaeh. • Mrs. Lloyd England and .children have returned hoarse from o visit in Sarnia, The many (rands of Mrs. Herb'. Voting eIctend fttneir sympathy in the death` o fher father -in Tavis BIBLE. THOUGHT Pk ....FOR TODAY 1T6 97 - Ilesrgire ni.rep b STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GE'T IT FOR YOU, . A10 a Full Stockof: SEASONABLE HARDWARE COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARD'4' ARE. Thursday Kay .22nd, 19.24 The store with the Liberal Cash ii ooat FURNITURE UflUrfl We have moved our Furniture re Show Room. on the second toznake, room for T. L. \Vurrn's General store and invite the Public to come and see our fine display of Furniture SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, 1F WE HAVE NOT IN SUCK AS SAP PAILS,' arILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AND ' ALL OTHER GRADES OF WIRE SERVICE 1S OUR VOT O A.MELIOI Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1 Guaranteed Mortgage Certificates Are iseued, nppn request, in the names, ;of two or 'more per- sons. 1 In the event of the death of one of the investors the invea . tmelit automatically becomes the property of the ,'survivorl_ or survivors without expense or "reed itRlse." 5i per cent. per annum Payable Half Yearly- UPON early- UPON $100 or more ;for 4., 2, 3, 4, or 5 ' years. Let me arrange for a safe, profitable Guaranteed Mortgage :Certificate in your name alone, or jointly with some mem- ber of your family. MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging DR. JOHN WARD They sing f jttc' song of Moser, the servant of God, and phe song of the Lentil); 'saying. Great and an arve lous are thy work's, Lord God Almighty; juast ami true are thy ways, thou King 'of 'saints=Rev.15;3 • 4—+ All things were made by him; and without him was not ,anything made /that was made.—John 1;3, As once whom his Mother conafo- rt,ethi, so will I comfort you.—I's 66;13. '[into him, that is able to keep you from' fallin!gi, and to preseny you faultless—Jude 24. The Lord bless thee and keep,. thee. The Lord *rake his face shine upon thee,, land be galacious unto three. The Lord lilt up his countenance upon 4hee, and give thee peace. -Num,. 6;24-26. tock. • bNx otionci L e,'a,c ;I? I Am ,in a .position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting ,g ruining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 1.5c. a roll. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH ONT. Chiropractic and Eiectricai Treasti menta. -Eyes Examined Main St.; EXETER, Phone la Consultation, and Examination Fan. AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH' Every Wednesday, 10 a.m,. to 4T,ioo4,, 44 4' •1: a ee +++.1.+++++++++•]•++++444e.+4.� ++4.4..++4 4+++SII+++++f*. HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?,P THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING !'! T1L.T WE CAN SUPPLY•YOU WITH 'PRINTED WEDDING •tis INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS' 4*; THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS; SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND. D ,'• STATEMENTS NTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACT. U.RERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, ANTI) CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THA':Arg CARRY ' IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL'- OpFS IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAP RS,.,C ARB ON TR.\CIN'G PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM O!k ST- ATIONERY, NOTE HOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO .SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK EOTTLBli WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOlt.5e. LAC GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUC'F1C)NS THAT WE PRINT POS'1'I1'G BILLS, AUCTION SALE PO ,TERS1 MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENER PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY 4•8'4"II" l +++l'41.4"944.44,41x4.4.++4-4+.+ 4.4.+I' '...1.41.++++ 40 f 4 li