HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-22, Page 4'ou Have Thursday Miay 22nd, 1924 een Them? We have already turned out many Smart New Suits. Have you seen them RAVE YOU NOTICED THE NEW FABRICS WE ARE DISPLAY " 'NG? HAVE YOU NOTICED THECHARACT'.ER WE ARE PUTT- "DIG UTT-' IG INTO OUR SPRING SUITS? HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW WELL THEY FIT? WHEN SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOU 'THEIR SUITS WERE MADE BY WUERTH EXAMINE THEIR CLOTH - M3 CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOUT THEM, THE 4TYLE, TI3E FIT, THE LINING; THE FINISH IS DIFFERENT ibUIR CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD OF THE CLOTHES WE TURN OM' TOR THEM, THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUR CLOTHES WITH OTHER MAKES, IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY ACQUAINTED WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM 'tHEY WILL GLADLY PUT YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW HOW TO HAKE CLOTHES AT REASONABLE PRICES. WE ALSO DO DR k CLEANING. PRESSING AND REPAIRING YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK 2 E. ereh, Tailor, erec i pas to use Ti D SCHOOL HUSE PAINT Por Barns and Ozztbuildings its hay no equal Write to Head Office, Montreal Far free pooklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLO BY Arra A. MELICK - ZURICH SHE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVERTISING RATES 'Issued Wednesday noon from the Miscellaneous articles of not `acre than five lines, For Sale, To Sent, or Wanted, Lost, Fouad, etc., eteseh insertion 25a. Address all communications to Display Advertising -Made known tib '!application. ;stray Animals --One insertion 130e - Titres insertions $1.00. "Parra or Real Estate for sale 11 for first month, $1 or each sub- sequent insertion. AUCTION SALES -$2 per single insertions if not over five inches ]e length. The Herald Department is al- -ways ready to turn out first-class. lsork at moderate prices consider isig the great increase in cost of asroduction. Every farmer should ad many have already, have a :printed . supply of note paper and y.velones, with No. of Telephone :amd Rural Mail route. and perhaps whatever specialty he fellows in 3atock, grain or fruit. It looks linsinesslike and costs little morn than tiie retail price • of the plank 'fs'tatienerv. ';leas, reading natter, i0e a line for rer4_ „s 'Them. Tri 1Wn*r()Tian. 5se Local end Lees] Vest insertion end se sena ' re i ;fa'efeeti••r tafter Tan 'rt leen THE HER.A T P Z R!C'N, ONT.. wool 'Highest Prices Paid ac. cording to quality `CASH OR TRADE ALL WOOL BLANKETS, YARNS .1+7I WOOL BATiTS. IL ORDER!) PROMPTLY Ft - LE:D. ho.n:e or Write for prices to t17 :Newton Woollen Mins NEWTON ONT. $. C, W'A.GN7 R, Proprietor. To. the Ladree of Zurich; Ow- ing to my recent MeeseI will not tie able to take •charge of my seiehool at Zurich at the appointed Vine, 'but will be at Zurich the last •se'eek in June geld the first week in July, So pupilg please meet me t Mre. P. Koehler's at that time. i1 ni,y health. permite. Mrs. Ward, i�LL:,i,',lair: r Insti'itotor+ess, ITalee ;,theta,!' DASHWOOD. 11Ziss Emma Tiernan of London s visiting relatives in town. Mrs. H. Elsie, who spent several. weeks with.her sister in, Sarnia, has returned home. Mrs. Moots and Miss Rose Zim- mer of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mee Wm. Zimmer. Misses Elizabeth and Ferrol Hart leib of London spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Adams of Lon don visited friends here on Sun- day. Messrs. Geo, and Fred Gassman of Pt. Huron are visiting friends in town,. Mrs. G. Edighoffer .'spent Tues- day of last week in Mitchell. Debs. Baumgarten is on the sick list. We hope for a -speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. J, Eidt of Ailsa Crake' and. 1Ir. and Mrs. H. Eidt of Ingersoll, spent Sunday with Mr, i and Mrs. 0. Stade. We are glad to report that. Mrs. A. Tiernan, who underwent an op - ' pea' ien for appendicitis, is able to be out again. thee eager spent Monday in Lrin lin. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wein entertain- ed ki:r. Ezra Bender and his Sim- i dee •:-•liIse class to an ice create 'socia' Monday evening. A vole a: pleas int •evening was spent. The business men of town have arr'; i ::-n hold Thursday afierao.-,.; of each week for a half holiday, La.i"in4 +h'' months of June, July I and ., oust. groups of the Ei-- eine ', e reinday echos'. entertained j''.'..,: '•'leers at n delightful Moth- er and Daughter banquet last Fei- diy night. The theme was r'" les ,Iesessiales Road" and the tables were t :'.';i by a country road lit with inane- i. Bless. 'Daffodils mark: ! the 'As ,.. ::ards and the colour 'seh- enre was carried out in the pretty yellow •chandeliers and stromaee , The gnes'e of honour included Mies E. R, .i 'air of Stratioed; Rev, and Mrs. W. J. Yager; Supt. and Mrs, 'A. a''r; .end the 14IisVes L. and E. Guenther, tea eters of the grarisee Tier vire: in all 11 present. (Thi' to"•st 'iist included a twist to "Th:;' ,King" proposed by Verna Birk; "Oar Mothers" by Glades Weller and r:spondi t to by Mrs. )`ageer °1tiix;l'1ry School" by .Anila Tasman and Mr A. Dirt ,x-irl `'n : ,t, Th.'oughont Canada" by Edith ern-- en`h'e and Mis:, Rankin, Mre. Oeslreicher spoke briefly on "M,le- sr.un:•s;" Mies :Luella iloh:atz o case' e F,''s' Mee. .0. 1*".,111.0. n . "Companions;" and Miss Idella lien- (ler on ac`l'h Fork i'n The Rout," "ales One ittatuin •- id^,ii Woninn- hoo°i'' was alley hnndi:'..l by ths sp'e'aker of the- es -anima M'ss E. Rasesin, promine=nt C.G.I.T, worker in W. stern Ontario., as sho told of the C.f .I.T, program, which, carried Out; will help the teen»a,ses girls to, rs1(n','. fully realize the highest aireta of life., 'The purpose the lesiniale1. f NO11C W+'.t he Undersigned business. men of the Village of 7)nshwood do hereby agree to keep Thursday af- ternoons during the months; of Jona July and Aw est for a half holiday Wes, Wolfe; Dr. H. 'Taylor ;Reid & CCo; Alee. Zimrnet; D. `1'ieman; J. M. Hartleib; 0, Tiernan & Son; (Marten F, Pfil; Retsteniayer Kesinstiver; M, W, Schanck; Ed, Nadi ger; G.' Kellerman; Philip Fes- , sold, HENSALL Pleased, to see Mrs. Alphiue Mc- Bwee ablet o be out again after her illness from Scarlet fever. N. P. W arrener of Pontiac; Mich. end n ?meanr resident of the vil- las;•'' was h''re the past week. • Commencing wfhi the first Thurs day afternoon in June, the Mesa P,ti' Wiese w'Il lain in with the busines s'o'n in closing thea office. for a half holiday. Dr. F, A. S"llery and Mrs, Sel- lery of Toronto, accompanied. by Mr. and Mrs!. J. $. Case, of that city, visited friends here: recently. Mr x, 0. E. Welker a11.-er of Guelph is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Wile McKay. Ah t,,."u eel is home from Mc- Gill College, Montreal, for a week after which he will preach in the Melbourne circuit. r1''i,re T M.a^Tao;neld tors taken seriously ill on Monday last and had to be rushed to the .Hospital at S"aforth, where an operation Rev. H. Nayler aseompanied by 0. 0. Petty, attended the Synod at Loneon the past week. Dr. G. L Smith has dil)'sseod or his dental practice here to • Dr, Knapp. of Toronto, who will take over the praotice, Dr. Smith is re- turning to Chicago. Mrs Frank Norton has returned frees over a four month's trip and visit :n the State of GFlorid:a and feels ,crush benefited by the change she was accompanied by her cousin M:•5. Gib nsn of Toronto. lees annuli !shooting tournament of the Hensall Gun Club, will take plane at the club grounds on Wed-' nest! i,',, ,Tune 4tii. TIN 'shoot us•- reely is 1)eld on May 24th; but ow- ing t- uz,avoidable circumstances ar rising it was necessary to postpone it untie jams 4th. b EXETER Archie Morgan, trhn ics_under- gone t a operations "'tor itglitoids in Victoria Hospital, Leedom, is expected home this week Mrs. Harold Taylor has returned hone after an extended visit , in Summerside, New Jersey. _ WM. H. Kestle, who has beam in Victoria Hospital, London, for a couple' of weeks, underwent a user- ious operation. T. H. Gregg, the tailor`, who re- cently had the misfortune to break his leg, has 'sufficiently recovered to be oon duty''. A soft ball league i•+ being for- med among the different churches in town. E. Davis who hal been in ch- arge of the .Dominion Stores it Ex-) eter, was tri -1eferred to London Mis ,sT. McCurdy t4 now in charge. Preseress is beinm made .on J. Taylor's new- building, he intends having it faced with ceseent-, and is metalline a new gasoline filler. T'rr, Dances Welker, having com- pleted his conr,i:j at the . Ontario Dental College, with the 'D.lJ.S. de - •r*" visit: -se hi; parents in Exeter North, and expects to locate in 13n rtington. • A quiet wedding took place on \'Ved*r' se av, S£a v 7th at Dundee e'en'i'e MPth','D'Ct cbii"eha Loudon, see M''s. E. J. Co•"nb r her isotr- tn"nvf1'' was married to John. Min - 44 se of Esseter. At the meeting of the Exeter n•,un^'], it was t1•a sele 1 to Metall ei leeves. b-'' sir ;r for the ring- ing of the 1 cn l';!:1. At the pres- ent ti'n' it costs tl,, tr>wn $75.00 a yells to 'helve th..: bell rung and . ig D'N ,, ref tlt Utilities .;11!•6 n ] electric ringer ean be installed for around $1.25.00, After the installation, the cost of operation for hydro will be • - 1 ;+'i "i year. (r.v.IN'FY NEax '1 Orr The 11•1,.1 been seeiting with her uncle, Amos �Vildfons, ;'' r.'tis_ fan e na. wh- ere ab- will "Ike the boat en -route to her hn^•'•' in Calgary. Free. P are n IN s.'tiee, has gni' '? se;I r e.'fifty nese Them from the Exeier Canning' f tetory on the 3rd. con.. of Step1v ii, 'formerly ow- ned by W. D. Sande% He has taken pesses5ior.' Two sadden deaths took place one h' Le -alien litre. near 1 Centralia, .when Wm. Frasir and 'Patrick Boy1 both expired wahine warning only a f''w hours :Dart, • The, men were neieshhnrs, their .' farms adjoining; On May 7th Trent', the youngest daughter of Me, ,rend Mrs,. Milton Russell, of Hay° l`li., eaf aged a very painful isee �lrril:, said escaped elle% bv 1. very narrow' margin. Her lather was drawing Out man - ere in a epre ia1 'r mei ti15aw!arei that his daughter 1,1'a14 i'011OWing be !rind, he tt,11r3,v til > an'anlaineinto :Tea-, tnict one of th,: prong's 'struck, th::: 0;11,1 LA the facts. It gashed I the fesehnadi grazed the eye and the ehcsek bone !sensing a very pa- inful Weary. A quiet wedding took place .at: Ws. Egrnolidv'i le Presbyterian manse on May 7th, when Mae Cornoehan 1110Geoche slaughter o fMr. and Mrs Samuel McGeoeh, of Egmolic'l;ville, was united .in marriage to Paul Doig (son 01 .Robt. C. and Mrs. Doig, of T uelcerismith. The late Capt. W. II. Itobertsoon passed away May 3rd at the home of his sone, Win. near Lieury, De ceased -,vas born in his 89th year. He served with distinction with the 'Michigan regiment throughout the American Civil war, :moved to Ont- ario about 50 years ago, living at Thedford and at Grand Bend. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effect's at Zurich, On TUESDAY, MAY 27th, 1924 At 1.30 o'clock, the following. • 1 bedroom ruite, springs and Mattress, 2 stands, 2 clothes clos- ets,, 2 parlor tables. 2 extension tabled, :1 kitchen:- table, 1 couche Bell organs organ chair, 2 •sinks, 1 bureau, 2 bed speing.ss mattress!,( glass cupboard, centre table; wash- ing machine, leather &suede 5 roock .erect a number of kitchen chairs; pictures!, flour chest!, chop Loose home made carnets, curtain poles', wringer, wash boiler, curtain stret- cher, sausage grinder, dinner 'set, tlea scl, tea kettle, dishes of all kinds and numerous other articles. No reserve as everything will be sold. TERMS -CASH • Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. S. Schrader, 3. K. Ehlers, L. Ehlei.e, Executors F. Schrader Est<'tte, AUCTION SALE Of Valunhln 1'ilisge Residential P roperty, Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mort gage which will be produced at the time of the sale them will be of- fer'ed for sale by public auction by Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer, at the VILLAGE OF HENSALL On the undermentioned property, On Saturday, June lath. A.D. 792.1. At the H fur of 2.00 o'clock sharp in. the • afternoon the following prop- erty- A.LL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or trust of land and eira'nises situate tying and being in the Village. of Hensall,. in the Co- nty of Htu'on, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of Vil- lage. Lot Number Two Hundred and Twenty-one ou the South side of Cines Street, •ie the. :said Village of Hensall containing- b* 'admea'sure invent one-fifth of an acre more or less in. Morns Survey of. the said Village of Hensall. A good .chance chance to purchns-i a home. There is said -to bo a. brick house with furnace, barn and hen house on the lands. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE -Thr. Property will be put up subject to reserved bide twenty per e:'nt, of the eurceese price to be paid on the day of the sale, bal- ance within twenty days. Purcb- eser to sign agreement to compl- ete the purchase. Further terms and conditions of ;sale will be made known on they date of the sale. Dr. E. 8, Hardie -or- William Cavan Brown, Solicitor for Mortgagee, Tillsonbulig, Ont. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. $002112122a 41TRIKTARLEMIZIESID1212121/4 A Happy 7 V t 1,. Furnace gives you mar h. ..ore than the • finest heating ;t r:axr at any price.You cls-) get the sat- isfaction of knowing it is properly inft?Y1<•d and fully guaranteed to give ideal dis- tribution of heat at minimum fuel cost. I -r< Ifpy Thought Furnaces burn any kind of fuel and' get all the heat out of it. ThC:re's a Happy Thought Furnace to properly meet your requirements and it costs leas than you think. Send direct to factory for interesting freebook1at-- 'L,i:re :-i r Heating." More Tee soo,r.30 ElaapPy Thought Rumges rare tin use. :so years of ,smisfuction. SOLD ]3Y A, \. Sl4.EIu.tlCK ZURICH, • - ONT. MAeS 4a'r. Ctarl,dtt' IN). AMMAN Q z_Ss„"ccs ti'�e ar Y A s5 NOTE E Bean Growers Clinton, Nov, 19, 1924. Dear Sir- An ir-As the Ontario Co-Operati ve Bean! Growers' Association being organised •at present in the 0 unties of ' Elgin, and Kent, Ivo •a ret opening a campaign ,'lin Huron d n Monday, May 26th. Meetings will; 1e held in the bean !section's of the County every evening that week,. They will be held as 1ollow'e;- ZURICH - --ZURICH- Township Hall, Monday, May 2GthI, DA$HW OOD -• Zimuser's Hall, Tuesday. May '27th. BRUCEFIELD - Walker's Hall Wed. May .28th'. i CREDITON -- Township Hall, Thursday, May 29th, Hensall - Town Hall, Friday, May 30th. These meetings will all commence at 8 o'clock pane. They will be addressed by W. R. Reek, Experimental Farm, Ridgetown, as welt as otheta. We are anxious to have you attend whichever meeting ia. most convenient to you, Yours Very Truly, S. B. Strothers, Representative for. Huron County, 'a , a i t !�� : tit. `Pme r • HAS AT)VANCED IN PRICE sa se - AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT IN i'ERRST ON 'i'BE CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOCK ,ee4 WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' :PRICES, Alai()' LESS INTEREST. • IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEFORE', • YOU BUY, FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. 1 Wagon 1 Delaval Cream Separator ea 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator 1'- 1 riding plow 2 Fleury Walking plows 1 tractor plow at $110.00 THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. GARAGE! GAR `% of -Et Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic "GENUINE FORD PARTS" always in stock L. A. Prang, Zur'ieh Ont. , 4 t , 4 4.aeseo3''oes+e-;. ,e. ar++ i ! f'•i •i•�A°r•i'-3'•ssee••eieeesee ;,.y+.1,.,,,;..;..; epee* ++f•+esesse*. 4. .t. 4. 4. EGGS. 4. AND*. + We are in a position to take all your eggs no natter Prow largesse e or how small n quantity you have for sale. Enquire regularly fort- ▪ prices. ortprices. • 8000 Hees and Broilers Wanted ' 4- For delivery in May and June. We are looking for high prieesn-4 ,• longt hhough these months. Now is the .time to lay your plan's*, 4- for producing broilers. Information gladly given. Write, phone* a hone - .. or cal: personally. Eggs graded accordine to Government Standard. Poultry bought according to weight and quality. 1 CO er iOa rs DASHWOOD' +F• ++++++.1,,e+:44,++++++++++++44+++++++++++÷÷4.4-1-44++++++4,41 ONT ne Flies to th z ort " feontact 1" "Contact!" The last audible words between pilo I, aid mechanic lee.are spoken, and with stentorian roar of engine and propeller then: giant, human and baggage freighted plane, glides swiftly ever the eurfacts of the Quinze. One feels the churning waters tumpie, at the bottosaa of the:, boat until memo -aunt •has increased to such extent seat a touch of thele "stick" causes the 'Vickers Viking to slowly rise. Two turns in as many minutes and the passenger, having adjusted Mels goggles and seated himself more comfortably, peers, ,at first cautiously;, over the side of the pit, and :fair below him lies the little town of .Angliers, 'the head of the Canadian Pacific steel whichatwists and turns in and out of the',. forest to the south like a Extra; thing. The earth is as a map below, likes mit rivers shining in the distance and beneath, and rajrer d patches of bush eat arable land smudged here and there like a child's attempt to depict relief.. Turning east the plane heads down Lake Quinze, following the waters, course to Lake Expanse, -- one sees from the air how appropriate is etas name, -.;thence north for some .11fteen miles up the Ottawa Raver and further* north over one of its tributaries to Lake Fortune and Rouyn, upon nearing': which the -lane leaves the ,iorious'rollin clouds nee gvarleelly seats untie.once once more the water t-uaupc the bottom of the hull, & sling it with suddetei, Jerks which tend to slow the boat until it stops witlen. a few feet of tie-tX.. One wonders how the pilot enuld, at such a speed, hr- •" jut, ,ted his distance so well. But teen he does the same thing more i iran gear each; de bringing to the new . Gold Fields of Quebec, in : fifty minutes, passenger and supplies which, before the air serviee was started tools two days at tli least to arrive. Commencing Iv4ay nth the Air Service to th1,,Gotd Fialds will be moll on Member, Wednesday and Friday, large flying boats eepr.hle of earn five people being sehodudcd to meet all Canadian Paei ld trains at Aug& This service, which will eliminate the hardships of, the past and ens prospectors and tourists to travel to the l,ouyn Mining! Distriet an less an hour will include regular stops where they are required and a.ccom tiort'is available.