HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-22, Page 1tl • ol. XXIV No 45 ZURICH, THURSDAY IVOR` dawwwwwv,AiwtwwmsmmtiwmNwwmrmnnaarmwwwwn Reasonable Brown's SeasonAt able �oo�wear Prices M A, 4 22. L9240 �:1►eeterr, iY Coiit14 11,25 a Test In Ul +111,50 all•A'S:UAW%ib2$Y 13E over el WHETHER YOUR CHIEF INTEREST IS IN THE STYLE OF SHOES YOU BUY, OR PERHAPS THE COMFORT AND 'FIT OR WORKMANSHIP ANI) MATERIALS, WE GUARANTEE THAT YOU - WILL NOT BE iDISSAPPOINTED HERE. AND BECK IT WITH THE PROMISE TO MATE GOOD ANY PURCHASE THAT DOES NOT SATISFY YOU. wpMEN MEN Better Sport Sandal Strap, Finast of Patent, Newest, •of Pat- terns. Also in gray Suedes, and Fawn Elke leathers. SPECIAL $3,45 and $3,95. Children Mannish :Oxford's Dainty-Strap;e, SUAQRE TOE AVENUE OXFORDS Here are all the Leathers men are wearing. Patents!, Bro- wn and Blacks in qualities that make the price most unusual._ Running Shoes of every .description ;SPECIAL $4.45 up. ��3ROWN BROS REPAIRING NEATLY DONE • See Our Window Display .p Cd O;p,.- p.4•p.4.4•b t1 �•A.•4.O O••v� •C�•4.4.4••4.4.0�� Oo11Y •• 0044�4pdd44�4�PdOA4P`�7 dO4444�04�d' '-� IliB Newest and Daintiest Effeots .� are all Embodied in Our Splendid .: Range ot Spring and. Bummer Wash Goods and Dress Goods 00 TRFCOPLAID CREPE AI LEEN FLEURELLA These are three of the newest.crepe and plaided silk effects from which the spring and, summer most fascinating dresses, blouses, shirts and neckwear are made. - ` SOU LOOK AT THESE GOODS AND AT ONCE THEY APPEAL TO YOU, YOU CAN'T FOR- GET ITHEM AND ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR LOW PRICES THEY SELL AT FIRST SIGHT. V HAVE NOT ALL SHADES IN STOCK, BUT WITH A SPLENDID RANGE OF SAMPLES ON HAND, WE CAN GET YOU A•NY LENGTH YOU REQUIRE IN A FEW DAYS NOTICE. 44,1 Venus Thread Silk Hose Venus its 'specially designed to appeal to the lady who likes delicacy and strength in her hone. Ladies who already wear Venus are loud in praising Venus Hosiery. We carry (tem in. the following .shades -Bobolink, Log Cabin', Nude, Biege, Cordovan, White, Dave and Black. "raze VENUS PURE SILK HOSE MAKES FRIENDS W'HERE'ER IT GOES. Bargains in Ladies Summer Underwear Have just opened a isplend'd range of Ldaies Surnimer underwear which we are offering the public at greatly reduced prices, note 'some of our bergaing. Several different lines of Lai.ies Vest '3hort sleeves and no Sleeves at 25c. :mane whish are Teal bargains from 30 to 45c. BE SURE AND INSPECT THESE LINES. ":14rsl. George Brock" of Hensel! is + railing in the village. • ell W. k'T."Hoffman in improv- ine his place of business with a new •ro61 Liss Inez Yungblut and Mr. John Deicheit spent the week -end at Kitchener. COQ Va �1D QQ. gr^ss. Having employed a very Also a finle assort- a the pace for Men's aISD ti MEN'S L T -1 I p All -Wool, 'Adige Dye, Blue Serge, 20 -oz. to yard, for $291.50. Think oft ge% such a suit which - retails mast places at $45.00 eiye Blue Herringbone, newest . style and best of linings for $28.50. Dark Grey All -wool Serge,' one of the Finest and best suits in tthe store for $27.50, LUQ Grey Tweeds for men anal Young men at our special Price of $19.00. { Boys Z wo Pant Smits that ��cix. la usually are Bard on clothes, infant the 'summer hay is a ripper e B y t bat rue, rush and e y t 't that built tohim) a on cot es, we . � ,... Back nn the Market again Musica Alarm Clocks ONLY A FEW TO OFFER +lessrs. E. Oesch and C. Fritz', iniad a lousiness trip to London P f AT $4,9e 1 • - oe Tuesday, GENUINE FOREIGN MADE susses Greta Harness and Verde Roweliffe of Exeter, called on Mr. BEAUTIFUL 'TUNES TO CHOOSE and Mrs. E. - Oesch on Sunday. Agnes Kaercher, who has FROM. AN IDEAL GIFT' FORMiss been, forsomemonths at Bad Axe THE JUNE BEIDE. Mich., has returned to Zurich. , Mr. and Mrsi, L, - Barno of De- SEE OUR WINDOW trot were Sunday visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs, A. Foster. HE Mrs. J. Patterson of Gaci:s Hiii address the Zurich Branch of the . Women's Institute on Friday eve, Juno 6th: in the Institute hall'. Mr. C Schrag, proprietor of the Hill Crest Dairy,who is making the ' daily calls around Zurich )iq meeting with good isuece.gs and his :grade of milk is of thy* v ery., best. S the Jeweler PHONE No, 74 ,reser s Ha.borc r Bros. Apiarists,. hate re reed thf it new Ford ton! spend ee on which they will use 1. in cbeir 1)usine!ss, and which Ma. F. •C Ka1b1Ieisch complet_!'41 with 'a very srntablc, body thereon. new line of water hose has been purchased by the Village Trus toes for the fire protection dep- artment, it consists of 100 feet be- ing' at' a strong fabric cover with luht)3r• lining, Mr, Rennie• \Sr4hor, son of Mr+• and Mrs. A. A. Web^r of the Bron- son -line, has completed his first year at Toronto University and ha i rassed his exams with agood showing. ll'r. will.. F. Braun is moving hie effects, etc to Forrest, th.: Braun in compo y .with another man, have started e plum - bine business. We are sorry to lose such valued citizens as Mr. and Mrs. Bria.me Mr. P. Ravelie has been appoin ted Carrier o:i R.R. No. 3, Zuriclh for a term of years!, and begins his. duties on July lest. Fr has per - chased a Ford Runabout car from. Cook Bros. Henlsall. • The deep water well that furn- ishes the water for the large sup ply' tank bas undergone repairs and e. inseeetion - by Mr. A. Zetlel and. •4+ looks very protn!eingg for a good a supple elevate)! for the usual sum- t.0.4•04-t•040,0004•1.4.‹.1,4•0, um- •4+ Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,00teet Over 125 Braneheie THS NIKONS DANK Farmeret will secure eympath. etie banking at an of our br- anches. Careful attention to the needs of Canada's Aarriee ultural ieteresta has a'lwaye bee en a feature of The Mohan. Bank. Savings Departments st •vii Branch. noposilx $1'.00 and upwards invited.. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich, Brandt ooa•me=•040,00 4.1.4 o1,4•0X45e+4d,o-440.+4,44,4444.40••••40004,4)404.4)014:11% dsi- Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse ti Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. 2 Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, price ) Ranging from $7.00 to --- --- •.- --• •--- - $13.00 r Seas nable H ISO o SAVE MONEY BY GIVING ITS A CALL. A. BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on b'au'd. Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE 152 :. FRED THIEL - ZURICH 4 tea �a yg+evs4•41.**v+e.***sig***®od+ol► ....41,41 eetee+Y •4+ i•++�a^+ + ••k+•;1.3.. 4.•l..f°•k•P••E�•D••3 3•.g.•E�+F••:• 4•+ ++F�k•f°�•+4.+444+0444 dr 4 4 mer sprinkling of +streets and other purposes where this water is used Mr. Harry Gillman has porch- * ased the. dwelling property of the late Fred. Schrader, and will soon +4+ have possseession. There will he , an auction sate held next Tuesday + out. hes 1?rem'ses when the chat- ;4 tela of the !said estate will he sold. + Mr. and 1Irs. Gillman will have a fine hams. Mr. E.Koehler, Zurich's 115:1N, and ± remake, baker is making good. pro .4. efficient baker from Toronto, who i 1 �Q�J certainly turns out the product. Or QQa�in other words you can eat your it aed than eat some more of, the VW lovely baking, and besides you baF; e r g OQ� he price only $92,50, for l it delivered at the door. NOTICE TO WEST IITIT1ON TEACHERS The Ontario Government has sent out notice to each inspectorate that an excursion will be taken to ] or- there Ontario during the month of knees"... sus in 1921 :tnd 1922. The following are the conditions of the notice; - 1 •.E3eh inspectorate is entitled to send two rielegates either male or gni lit . Q 2 .The round trip will cost fifty- five do lags (:655.00), This will pro- • i e for the ticker', rhea's, taxi fares, for side trips, etc, etc, 'eve exe- p +Spred,:( o3s a� : t h have east received a fiirie range of two para ul �s a are uc give �Q+ malt ussle at prices from) ,$8.50 to $10.50 3 Delegates must said. 'i- soon � 'HATS! T 1 p s rropotntec, a deposit of Tweet- IIAT THEY CERTAINLY ARE WONDERFUL VALUES. five dollars to the Secretary, Mr. Chris. G Fraser, 10 Sylvan Alf:, OUR ' NEWEST STYLE FELT HATS WITH FANCY BANDS ARE GOING FAST. con YOURS QQO ' Teronto. This; will he returned if "BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. ALL. SHADES AND PRICES Q the delegate later finds it :repos - ad .n. s els to go. ++++• •+++.e.-t..i+.a. +y.+++++++4 +++++d +4. 4x44+++++++++++4 ++9•+4+44+9 + ;.:;,K •i e4,.; .;•;+..y+ ++.9+++ ++•?+ �vi 4 Delegates are 'supposed to take Q •4+9• � ri )t.' S be the way and gr ': r report 'i oft he trip at the next meeting of -4\ , — -""\ the convention. ' Those desiring to , zi e trip I. Ota ed notify the 'local Scc.+atary, n 9htt `1VP Me a. S,. Howard, Exeter, eho, 01* E SR1 Foot ear FOR WOMEN AND CHIL,DREN ARE ARRIVING HERE D ILY FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS, ' AND THEY COMPRISE A WONDERFUL RANGE OF ATTRACTIVE STY LES RANGING IN PRICEFROM $1.95 to $4.95. Also many new Nifty line's u Men's Black Calf and Patent ` Oxfords, Astoria and Murray makes. We isllonld like the opp pertunity of showing you these goods before deciding era .104 Your Spring Footwear. We do a lot of Shoe Repairing Because We do it welt O. FRITZ & SOs SHOE MERCHANT ZURICH ONTARIO NSW FOODS We invite you to come and see our new Spring and Summer Goods. consistilig of Prints, CTi1 ghams, Or- gandies, Voiles, F1.ainneiettes, Shirt. Ings, (3ottonades, Etc. We aro caking a big reduction i price on all Winter Goods 1 of all ardent Afresh and complete supply seeds, root seeds, etc. on hand. Rif N. DOUGLAS »ENERAL MERCHANT .w 97 „a Da VQ With the Executive Commerce of Pli�+» U R I Produce 'Wanted 4�0'• hr Association, will consider them applications nad notify those ap et' �poirrli d .� ,el,;✓%".'+G+•.+%+�J. ;.'e•G cG/-,YGS•?--.5.„«•"C��"..Y.f✓ • tLLK