HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-15, Page 8sig EW ARRIVALS IN Springy Merehandise,. We.are opening up New Ship- ments of Spring Goods almost wily, and invite your inspection NEW SERGES GARBERDINES TRICOTINES VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION RAIDENETTE CREPES NEW GINGHAaMS Plaids and Check PIORET r2WILLS WOOL POPLINS WOOL CREPES FIGURED CREPES IN ALL COLORS Patterns GALATEAS SHIRTINGS DENIMS NEW HOSIERY AND GLOVES PRINTS YORK GOLDEN CLOTHS iCOTTONADES CURTAIN SCRIMS SPEOIALSFor one week only Ladies' dark Brown cotton Hose, 2 pair for Ladies' black or white hose per pair. ...18c Ladies' blk silk hose a pr. 75c Blue or black striped 'shirting at per yard ...25c 30 -in. oatmeal wall paper roll ...45e 45c Gilletts caustic soda 5 lbs. for 75c Special garden seeds 7 pkgs. 25c Pru.ne9, 3 lbs. for .--:.. ......25c Dates per lb. 10c Seedless raisins per lb. ... 15c 1t pays ta use M TI E OU L00% PURE PAINT& VARNISHES For EvevPurpose'_ foi EveiySurface Write to Head Office, 'Montreal. For Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MAKE EASY SOLD RY A. MELICK ZURICH ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted. Phone 67 Il2iss V. Siebert, milliner of Zur- ich is holding a special hat sale on Saturday May 17th, ladies, be sure and reap ;these bargains. Rev. H. Rembe paid St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a professional visit • last Thursday, and reports that Mr. F. erd. Hess is progressing splendidly, and will likely return home the end of June. The South Waterloo by-election fort 1i:; Provincial House will be held some time in June,. Premier Ferguson announces. This -.is to fill the vacancy caused by the un- seating of Karl Homuth for irreg- ularities in the general election. Zurich's. garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND .GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS V. S. L. BATTERY Marion. Lawrence, known the world over as an outstanding fig- ure in Sunday. Sch000l work, land beloved by millions, died the past week and his remains were taken for burial to his old home at Tol edo, Ohio. $27,000.000. Number of Policies in In view o fthe fact that Toronto force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 markets are going to discriminate to ' amount of $56,143.20. No ass - against buck lambs to the extent of $2.00 `agar cwt,, the Department of Agriculture is willing to assist any farmers wishing to have thrir lambs docked and castrated. We have help, which will be available and will be glad to assist in the next efw weeks, in wok: of this kind. S. B. Strothers, Agricultural Representative for Huron County, at Clinton, Ont. On thfe 10th of May last year we: had a nice little fall of snow,' a couple of inches anyway. Aenow fall in May is not Such an unusual occuran,ce at all. We had 'snow falls in May, `,t en years of - .the twenty-four since the new century, came in. In 1946. ()six inches of Sn:oW fell And yet 'sortie people complain at this being a backward (spring, and that we ,have ,4six months of the year winter, to'such we would advise to move south. ` 5000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA The public will Welcome thenew issue of "5000 FadtS About Canada" for 1924—that remarkable cyclo- pedia of the Dominion compiled - by Frank Yeigh, of Toronto, the well-known Cnaa.dian writer and lecturer. Over fifty chapters deal tersely with every phase of our national prosperity and progress, and is no ttonly is mine of valuable inforihation, but a stirring story of our development. This issue in- cludes new matter,, and contains many other improvements. We are not surprised that this book- let has a continent, empire and world wide circulation, or that it is widely used by governments, ra- ilways, dan financial and industrial houses. Copies may Rae had at 30 cents each from the Canadian Facts Publishing Co., 588 Huron St., Tor- onto, or from leading newsdealers. IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING; EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H, Mousseau Zurich LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs .... $8-22 Butter - 40c Dried apples per lb. ..., ... -.. 7c :.'utch Setts, per ib, 7c, Potatoesher bag . 95 'Barley. .. .. 55 Buckwheat . 65 bushel per 100 Oats ..- .... Flour per cwt. ......:, ...... ...... 3.00-3.50 Shorts per ton. .32.00 Bran per ton ..i. 30.00 Live hogs, per cwt.. 7.25 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over (41 ries••o•otos000•••••ot0000s store•••••••••••••••• • - l�RIVED 0 0 • 0 • 0 0• • N I 0 • l,. 0 0 • • o rioad Fresh St. Marys a w 0 rtiand Cement The] 0 • kind they all want. 1 •0 0 I NONE BETTER • • • • "STADE &WEIDO1: • •pREETER BLOCK ZURICH 400•000••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••......* • 0 0 0 • • • 0 essin,ent during the year and have a balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS QF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 NOTICE CEMENT WORK—I am in a pos ition to do any kind of a cement job, Isuch as supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. .World guaranteed Brice''' reasbniable, Apply 'to.Mar- icil C'orriveau, . R. -2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. tf40 SCHOOL REPORT The' following is 'the report ' of S.S.:No.3', Hay, for the month of April, Jr. IV—Harold Reichert{ 220;; Annie Jarrotit 170, Stewart Black- well 115; Russell Blackwell 32. Sr. III -Wilfred Mousseau 26, Minerva Reichert 263, Ross Richard son 1891, Arthur Broderick 189. Jr. IlI---Dorothy Kyle 258, Mar- garet Mousseau 234; Russell .Kyle 218. Sr. II—EldaI Stephan 404. Jr. II -Ruth Richardson 310, By- ron Kyle 181. • 1st—Ray Broderick 275. Sr. Pr.—Aldo Smith 146, Haroold Broderick. 35. No. on roll 17. Average attend once 14. S. Petty, Teacher, BORN Howald-At New Dundee on May 7th to' Rev. and Mrs. F. L. How - aid, a daughter (Marion Louise} Ayotte—At 14th con. Hay Tp',, on April 18th to Mr. and Mrs. TUT - field Ayotte, a daughter,' i•7 PS,iaA0ta, The store with the. Liberal Cash Discount FURNITURE MOVEB We have moved our Furniture Show Room on the second floor to make room for T. L. Wurr's General store and invite the Public to come and see our fine display of Furniture A10 a Full Stock of: SEASONABLE HARDWARE { SUCH AS SAP PAILS, PILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AND • ALL OTHER. GRADES OF WIRE . COMPLETE STOCK OF SH1T,P AND HEAVY HARDWARE. SEE OUR, LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. , 1VSELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 6a 1/4 One million pounds of honey were ,produced in, Huron• county each' year, •sayd Mr. Strothers of :Clin- ton, the Agricultural Representat- ie. A splendid market for this particular product was largely lost to t.he.producer in. Western Ontario through prohibitive rail freight rates. Gascho—At Bronson Line, Hay Township on April 23rd, to 1VIr. and Mrs, Amos Gascho a son. • Thiel—At Bronson Line, Hay Tp: on May 13th', to Mr, and Mrs, Wia Thiel a daughter. • ZURICH'S HALF HOLIDAY We,t he undersigned business men, of the Village of Zurich, here- by agree to close our respective' places of business every Thi`srsday afternoon beginning May 15th, 1924,; and ending September 11th, 192i, except in weeks in which a. public holiday occurs when our places of business shall remain open Thurs- day afternoons. ' C. Fritz & Son. J. Gascho & Son. T. L.. Wurmi, A. Melick. J. Preeter. Stade & Weido Brown Bros. Louis Prang. John Kipper A. F. Hess. Herald Office. Win. ,O'Brien & Soni. Jacob Deichert Zurich Flour Mille. Fred Thiel. W. G. Hess. Hess -Mil liken( Guaranteed Mortgage .Certificates Are issued, upon request, in the namesl,o2 two or -more; per- onls. 1 t i In the event of the death of one of the investors the inves- tment automatically.becoiries the property of • the iiaurvivori or Survivors without expense or "reid'itltge" 51 per cent. per annum Payable Half Yearly UPON $100 or more for ,1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. Let me arrange for a safe, profitable Guaranteed Mortgage Certificate in your name alone, or jointly with Some mem- ber of your family. het l i ; MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew Fr Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging God is with thee, whithersoever thou goest—Joshua 1;9. 4-4 Be ye not unequally yoked to- gether with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousnessl and what com- munion hath light with darkness.— •2 •C'or. 6;14 I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roll. H, EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ON', DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical Tre,itt7 ments.—Eyes Examined Main St., EXETER, Phone 70. Consultation and Examination Fre* AT WA.LPER HOUSE, ZURICH Every Wednesday, 10 a„ ins. to 4p,, SOL All things whatsoever ye wort - ;Ed that ore clo unto you, do ye ev- on so to them; for this is the law and the profets.—Matt;. 7 ;12 The angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which ahs11 be to all people, —Luke 2;10 4-4 The eyes of all wait upon. thee. —Ps. 115;15.; 4-4+ Humble yourselves therefore un- der the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; Cas- ting' all your care upon hint; for he tared), for ybu,--1 Peter 5;6 7. 44 4 4 4 4. 4. 4 4. _(``;�.. Do You Know? 3" 4. THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR417 4. GOOD PRINTING .1*' 4. THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING' t INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH t AS LETTERHEADS BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND ,+t. ' STATEMENTS •ii'¢ 4. THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAGT Ir. URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS; AND CAN SUP- + PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS 4. THAT WE' CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- ++�• • OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- :A.TIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO 4. +q+ +SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAIT WE FILL YOUR ORD/NARY SIZE INK BOTiTLE. WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK - FOR 5c. '(.ARO - GER flUANTI+TI' + S AT BIGGER REMOTIONS+4I+. TH.AiT. WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- i MERCANTILE S AND ALL GENERAL r�. PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY HERALD OFFICE