HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-15, Page 4t-43 1nac couniel t as fell a act purpose b hiof the departiieliT �t rwith the y�e I shipment a nu„hatt 1rivestigator : . S. Wein—Das) lV'��C9r. whole k roto the potentialities o1' a :fel arat'et. for all Albertan :faun products, cast ZVRIC HERALD IRUNTIN"h OFFICE ADVERTISING TiATES awtt'd Wtidiiesday boon from this 'Miscellaneous articlee of not ,'IN00142 that five limes, For Sole, To '8kWn14 or Wanted, Lost, Fouzn'd, etc„ enageh insertion 2501,, 411dresa all eorlmlunieation9 to Display AdvertieiugeMa,de known i f,pUcatiop, *tray A,'nimale-One insertion 50e lneertions $1.00, Parra or Read Estate for sale °for first month, $1 or each sub - Sequent insertion. IsellSCTION SALES -$2 per single aisertioM, if not over five inches 'he Herald. Department is al- e:trays ready to turn nut first-claa. 'Work at moderate prices consider mg the great increase in cost of pradnetion. Every farmer should weld many have already, have ad "Printed supply of note paper and lei' elopes, with No. of Telephone land Rural Mail route, and perhaps "whatever specialty he follows in •;t3't'ock, grain or .fruit. It looks 'taasxnesslike and costs little mono ;than the retail price of the blank tiicnerv, ticee, reading matter. 10c a line for Zara of Thanks, In Memoria.tu, 50e lineal and Legal advertising not- Drigg insertion rind 5c per line for iliffective after Jan. tst, 1920 THE HERALD ZURICH, ON't HERE :Is BatteryHead uarters � WITH USL STANDARD BATTER - TES AND FRONTIER BATTERIES 'tii!+e have a wide range in _Price culture, atrial shipment of cows and fiat will fit any' pocketbook, steers will be made in the.neaz fie:7 We can 'supply you with a good I ture to Japan for the purpose of domiimommog One of the many advant- ages of a Happy Thought Furnace is the cutting down of expense by burn- ing fuel of all kinds. You get more heat for less costa Every installation is guaranteed by the makers of the famous Happy Thought Ranges, of which more than 300,000 are in use. There's a Happy Thought Furnace to properly meet every requirement. Get full particulars this week. Send direct to factory for free inter- esting booklet—eetaee Air Heating." SOLD BY A, •11 ..��LICK itRiori, ONT.. MARC T 3 6NTFORD CAN 10N, SY U r FbN00.y CJfAPAY 7'c NLiM3D kxt;4;a:..:=0;:s 1:7.as•IVE; 37 unser the agreement with thern Imperial Government under the E, Aire Settlement Act, Canada, spent $39,657 in assisted passages for some 2,653 British immigrants In the fiscal year just closed. In the pasta four years the Dominion Gov- ernment has spent nearly $1,500,- 000. in promoting immigration from Great Britain to Canada. By arrangements made by. Hon. George Headley, Minister of Agri- Zat'tery ata reasonable price' antestingout the d possibilities of a marketfes,- m1a �'a l]v�C+^ ' _1:31 arena in' yuu •quu1,,.y . .We (4111 CYI Special Ismer. • S FOR Sat. ay 17 We he offering a limited nurn- er of specially low priced 'trinr- :ed hats. First come, first served Eregular Price from $5.50 to $0.70 ar !$4.85 for Saturday only. 'tad - 'am be Sure .and take advantage of 'thin Special Sale. Vera V. Sieber vURICIT tf38 WOO g sst Prices Paid ac- cording to quality CASH OR TRADE 'ALL .FOOL BLANKETS, YARNS AND WOOL B:. t''i`S. • "1liIL ORDERD PRQMPTLY FIL- LED. write for prices -to t17 altione or Newton Woollen Mulls NEWTON ONT.. r. r0 1"ietCl. C. WAGNER,crProprietor. a-ne production of steel ingots anti meetstings in Canada during the month • et, February amounted . to 70,953 limns, an advance of 72 per cent over lime 41;300 'tons produced in January, ithe increase was almost wholly ac- ml.unted for by the rise in the huan '4 ty' of open-hearth basic steel in- ggots grade, far the use of proauco s. a anedian Tarin • products exported the United States. during k ebru- ,•rxry`. totalled $2;44(1,203, an incease lef *961,579 over li',ebruaxy last year, Ati+coz hn,g tore ort published by OStatistics. Bureau of Statistics. Wheat ex- ..*orts to the United States were ° naaloed at $101,114 in lr ebruary, as e*ainst $25,151 iii' rebruary of the For the first time in the past two or three years the Saskatchewan Co- opeaat -ea Cieanieries Limited . %s shipping butter in carload lots di- rect to the cities of .the United States. A i;arloa'd shipment was recently made from -Saskatoon: to Philadelphia: Two earleads were also shipped to Chicago, where they Miss Myrta Hoffman of London, spent the week -end at her home. Mrs. Gower of Princeton is vis-. iting with Mr". and Mrs,. ' ", John's, Mr, U• Be#aehen :left for Sarnia last week. Mr, L. Edighorter of Mitchell was a visitor in town Sunday, *Don't forget. the Operetta ;'Pat- ricia. givenby the pupils Of the Exeter HighSchool on MVM;lz '21st, at the operra house.' Miss Rankin of Str.itafoixcl."..'will give and address at the C:G,Z.Trban: que't on Friday night. EXETER ' Mr, ancl,Mrs•. R. J. Howard and. family of Goderich, called on Mr, and Mrs. G. S, Howard on Sunday lost. The Town clock has been 'repaired and put in running oonditiou by W. H. Doerr, Supt. of Utilities,' Mrs. T. M. White of Windearar' is visiting with Miss White and Mr, and Mrs. F. 1Wickwire Jos. Amy:of Exeter Nord, while shipping a carload `of. 'steers the other day, was kicked by a steer and his lef term was laroken at the elbow, • . •,• • Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweet andt'M,re and Mrs. R. Davis `Were at Wing - ham on 'Wednesday, attending • the funeral of a former Exeter resid- ent, Jas. Powell, Wino Dearing' and Harry Swe- .p et left for ]L. e ]a ]d . z o 1 ]Ju n zr o 1 p , 'charas of' n shiprne it of cattle for. Vine . Collwill or Centralia,:e : • The remains of the bite" Mae. Thos. Gregory, who died la. Strat- ford on trat-ford'on 117arch'2nd and • chip ' heve been reis'i ]>g in; the, Avondale 1fausa: 19111111 were ' b'oug'ht .to. Exeter ,and interred' in Exetery cemetery..., Mrs. S. Fitton, w e hat been' in London hosliital after an operation has returned home, • The sad daat1i took -14a ne,'follow ing an illness of only a f?wv days at the home of' her grend"perente, 'qr. end M?'s1, Thos. Bissett, d,'ru- Exeter on May 5th, of Muriel Eilean '3 eeett, c1 un htor o fthe late leaac Ierssett :in her t9'th year, ,she was porn in Exe'er and had reps: ed here all her life. Hydro ]n:'.a, have been in town for sorra tune tramming trees. David Richard's; is • r ecove ing el owlv from an attack of gas gerene in his foot. John 11Mra;an Who recently *sold' his dwellingt o` Dr. Atkin'son' has nieved unto his grass farraein Us borne. - Mrs. Fred.. R. Iim ;lit, a former •reeiden,t. of Exeter. ea- a.t~ per home in. Jansen, Sask., and ttr :re- xhains brought ,here for burial. Thee remains of the kite htrs. 4. S, Dehvitt, who died in- Toronto On "Viay, 4th, were broou:;ht ;to Ex- eter and the funeral held 'frone the undertakingparlors of R • .N Rowe elect was 38 years of agr. - ' W1. 'T. A:. Bee , who one recently 1) J, E Cantelon, Clizaton, islet With an auto accident near Blyth when hie car 'Waned turtle, one rib wasbroken, arid his hung woe punctured Prt;eutnonia set ixz but he is recoer- ering elthough he was la a serious condition for a time. CREDITON Work, has cumnienced on the tooel ,'sped building' for the town ship of Stephen tile yard. Ro'bt, Sweet is at present lin very poor health, and being ono of'ou.r oldest Citizen's, his reeovery is doubtful.. Rey. Krotz of 'Regina, Sask.,a brother of Mrs. G. E. Wenzel, pi:•- eached very acceptably in • the Ev angelical church. ' Murray and Harrison Holtzman and Sam Wein, after a few . day s visit with relative's hero, returned to Detroit, • Mrs. Lorne Wein is attending the funeral of her brother in Mich. Mrs. John Winer, of Stratford, is visiting' in the village prior to droving her effects to • Stratford, where she will make her future home. ' The anvil meeting of the C.A. A.A. was bel.d in the town hall on, Monday evening last, with Dr. Orme presiding, The officers were all re-elected as last year. Sonne discussion, as to organizing of a bowling and tennis clubs t000k pl- aee. and was considered, vor,ii- fav- prably. , Coniittees were ap eoin- ted to Interview . prospective ; me - tubers: The Matter of 'sports here. for 1VIay 24th are still'undecide.d. UENSALL, "Mrs John :Murdock. o '' oufr vile steep confined to her room the past week, with illness, ,.James . Gew has rented Zache Desjardein''3 dwelling property 'en Richmond st. and is Moving into Mr. E. Eckstein has rented Wrn. Webber's dwelling. property on the same 'street. Mrs. Robert Bollard left .here for London to spend a few we- eks. Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. Pere cif Lon- don,.spent the past week here with relatives and friends, Mrs. G. V. Laughton .and ttiv i children of Toronto, are here vis- aing Mr. ,arid Mrs. 0. A. McDon ell, Mrs. Lauglaton'sparents. Last Saturday morning Mill Ola Cook of our village, left here by Baiter with frineds alio cane here to.ge1 her to go to• 11? -new home in Lott. Angles, 1Californee, to which city they, intend autoing all the lyse lett rs and Mb: t - Ca Atelon vis itecl, the forznerls; brother at Olin, ton,,• and.who has not been enjoy- mggood health,. passed his fim i examination at the �y.� NLFY TO IlSH P. University, is t isiting his mother Mr. Ivan Steekie has purlaeased here, and .recei ing congratulations a now Ford co}zpe.' from friends.' •• M C tti Lammie two fri Roy Scotchxn•er, who spent Miss Tr. a 'Ivy winter in Detroit, has returned. ends, l4 3s Spiv and Miss Sells,gave hem .,a .concert at tErnbro which was realized good prices: Each car con- t`x1 id to report that Miss lereicb lace Ay attended and well enjoyed. tained between• 25 000 and '30,000 Mrs `1'V..IFlan shah of Hamilton. pounds of Saskatchewan butter. Talbot 'Who has - been in Stratford ar for,ver resident of Hensall, is hospital with dipthEra, is better aL `Asiiin,,• her brothers, Thos..and Speaking at Quebec recently E, gain and is 'spending her holidays. • a• W. Beatty,President of the Cana. -at her hone on the Salable Line. ; Alex. Murdoch di'an Paciic Railway,summarized There passed awa at her home Last Wednesday evening there the magnitude of thoperations of in Stanley Tp. oil Tuesday • May Was a larg?ly attended meeting in the Company. It has 15,000 miles 13th aim Carvin at Elle rine of 67• the Town Hall in connection with of railway in Canada and controls years Miss nurvin was born on the new industry hare of Lout*( b,102 miles in the United States. It the Goshen Line •e,1 Mr,rch 8th, 1857: McllNeil and Libby, of Canada owns and operates telegraph and and 'spent practically all her life ("1-'.,' Fobd Products of Lhathan?l. express systems, 13 hotels, 16 bung- The meeting was mostly attended alow camps and rest houses, and on the salve f;.axixi. She was a by the, meeting nx had attended e- has in commission on the Atlantic daughter of the. late Edward Cur- ted gteren eaod for the prod and Pacific, Canadian lakes and the vizi, who died about 18 ;years ago.:• bed and acucluland a>7ci British Columbia coast 81 ships Since then she has lived with lien p elle', aggregating .approximately 450,000 brother -in. -law and. sister, Mr, and 'assn 'arm number from the tt�illage, gross tons. Its personnel varies in Mrs. Chi's. lig naz ?• who hive at'- ivho were undertaking to cultivate numbers with business +cod ditions ten{led her aiid waited on her very cucumbers. Reeve' O«+en Geig r, from 65,000 to 100,000 employees in not beitlg present, .),llr. 13urge'ss, of 'Chatham', t000k the ,chair. , .UC,T!Orel SALE \T)' ehle Village Residential p h}1etey. Unclar and by virtue of fee powers contained in a certain Mort g age, wh'ch .:r?11 be produced at the ti u e of the male there will be • of- fered' fon sale by, public auction by Oscar K'ol,p. Aectioneer. aa.t the VILT, feE OF HENSALL On the u•]dermentioned property, '`an' Sat -twiny, Juni. 14th A.D. 1024. At the 'Fleur. of 2.00 o'clock sharp in the afternoon the following y prop- hate it he jammed an the brakes aro , >'illea AND SINGULAR that cer•- three of the men, Hill Tunney and i,;ain parcel or tract of land and Ladd, taken unawares, were thrown %,remises 'situate. lying and being in a'if. Hill and Tunney were serio- the Village of Heiman, in the Co- tisly izijured,t 11e former''s back, it 'tinty of Huron, in the Province of is feared ha\ring beep broken, Ontario, being • composed of Vil- Thomas Olinrcliill, aged 80 year: lage Lot Nunibee Two 'Hundred and. oft he 16th con. Goderith Tp., was'_Cwenty-one on the South side of instantly killed and his 'sop, Ben- Rin,; •Str;yet, in the said Village of .jantiix 'Churchill, aged 50 years,'ser Hensall containing by adxnca'sure- iousli injured whorl the 'auto'mobile mot one-fifth of ar, acre more 'or the id .said �of 4 Survey , . 1 were1 MCl , in which they . riding was st less, u , ruck by a ,southbound Canadian Village of Henealt A good chance National Railway freight train nil chance t -`purohase a home.There "oute from Nimehatn to London ort i!s said th be a h�"ick 'hott:5e With �:i'hursclay morning May 8th, 2.ruile;s far]iene, barn and lien house on the i Orth of Clinton. Benjamin h lands. urchin was removed to Clinton Hots TERMS AND. CONDITIONS OF ' itiil where, 11^ iS suffering 'from iii- SALE, -The Property will be. put up tern al ,scalp wounds. The • two subject to r.•c'served bid, twenty per rice to be AVMw^re riding in anopopencar' bent. of the purchase T? ,•aside down, on a id' on the day of the sale; Bai- a a h the sacs., curtains o , a lea `thin twenty clays. Purch- izi;tv,.y tza�,ellang. tinct, Benjamin apes tvi y 1'Chlirc'hill was driving the car and nser-to asiu]i: agreement to -eomple his father was V.'ated beside him in etc ,tlic purchase. '11,� °rout seat. . F trih;er;'terms and conditions . of The Young Peoples' Club of St. sale will be made known on the Andrews' church, shipper] will hold date of the 'sale. an anniv rsaryr on Sunday May 18, Dr, E. S. Hardie R'Erv. Alpli of Auburn will be the -or inister, on Monda - the Blyth Or- 'Villivil Cava]? 'Brown, So'i citor for rn , y y ich each conducted their respect- ator.exl Society will give :hen$L- IV[olaoa'gee TillsoriburoOtt. Wive r zi i 's, { and Oratorio ".Ticl'shazeer' , all branches of the service. faithfully during her last iillness which has continued for the -last What must constitute a record in year The funeral will be held on the rapid handling of an important • " �_" ren e" oaf this week consignment from the Orient was Ito Bayfield cemetery. established recently by the Canadian Pacific Railway tivlien shipping a quantity of silk from Yokohama to '4-'01%1 pN?,1',FE "-� New York. The consignment, which Clinton will celebrate May 24th, was the largest forwarded from Asia with sports of all kinds,includingr " since the recent slump in the .silk baseball and football. - market, left Yokohama on March 'G• Hill of Au],ur'l and A. Tune,,•' 22rid on the Panedien Pacific steam -M. er "Empress of Asia." Specially ,nib J�rFre badly injured wl]ile stowed for prompt discharge on ar- .hi _,tilwvay. A n 1111- rival at Vancouver, the shipment bar of the men had been distribute was so rapidly transferred to the in>d t1 . ztsrna a ,as -,ii waiting train that. only 13% minutes their rnturn trip, the driver noticed per car lapsed between the docking 'that one tie rolled back on the ti of the ship and the departure of ack and ii, order to avoid striking the fast freight and delivery was made at New York at' midnight April 4th, the through time from Yokohama to New York being but 13 days, 3 hours and 13 minutes, calendar time. 113other's Day was •celebrated the Evangelical chruch last Sun- day. The oldest mother, Mrs. Sch- roeder occupied a chair on the platform' during the servicer . and wag presented with a handsome bouquet of pernaations, Miss Rose Rader left for De- troit on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid and r=n)ily visited in B, yeield on Saxe' day. 3tr. J. Wildfon has purchased :17r. Cirorg Edig(y�hoffer's residence - :+I'" l: l';:;i]:)''2 1' will move Mitchell c etl illoeo �tei'11;Cat_ltr'll, slap t5 ' A" rr ast ,successful auction consigned article's \VOA held at Zim- •,• t..„,i , � II 1 on Saturday, The. "ntrr0 sake ai7iounting to over $i.800. Mr. Geo. li4erner he anetionere Mr. '1.?Wthur Webr' xre well worthy of eoaratont and traiee for thestealing way in 'Wile Os ear Klapp, Auctioxleer. L o' Thursday, May 15th, 1924. ve Seen Them.? dl W: F" ALJ ' i±et 1�. Smart New :Suits. them .ave y9seen HAVE YOJ',NOTICED THE NEW' FABRICS WE ARE DISPLAY LNG? I Rk-s 17 YOU NOTTCI D THE CHARACTER WE ARE PITTT TNG INTO OUR SPRING ;SU'I'T$) HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW WELL .THEY FLT? . WHiENSOME, OP YOUR FRI,L+'N:D S TDLL YOIIt , • • By WUE TH EXAMINE THEIR CLOTlil THEIR SUITS WEl3,E =MADE ' R ' ' � k ES CLOS:OILY+ NOTICE EVERY' DETT,AIL-• ABOUT -THEM. TEM. STYLE, aTHE rIT,• 'I'.HE LINING) - THE' l INISE IS DIFFEREIsliTl.,. OUR CUSM TO ERS',ARE pttOUD 9F .11113 CL'7.'T•i OES WEU ,TRN FOR THE]VI,;THEY LIKE TO CO.A"VAPARE OUR CLOTHES WTiTH' i YOU ARTA N(?a " AL11.EAD ' . '.ACQUAINTEILS OTHER MAKES. • :IF . WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK $0ME OF'YOUR FRIENDSi ABOUT THEW THEY WILL GLADLY PUT YOU WISE NEAT' WD.1:6TOW HOP T'C5- 17AKE CLOTHES AT. REASONABLE PRICES. ' WE ALSO 'O DO DR is CLEANING$, PEESSING AND-trEP'AIRTI+f I. . YOU :WILL LIKE OUR WORK • dh9Tilrri .E S ertit.: Y 41•K.x ;+;•;':+ •.1 -eee-epi+;; -1-e+ lM+4+"i•4r•i+4. 4,4 $+444.+44. ir...s..I..•4-ear eeeeel t; v. . ,,,,.., .. . ii -4 al, HAS ADVANCED .IN PRICK 4. i• • • ANT, '13E MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTERES `'O! 'T'?'E: CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A'PEW PIECES IN STOCEr e- WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO ,'e LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEFORE 4• YOU BUY. �'�• a FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT .LAST X 4S" 4. PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. .e,- 1 DeLaval Crcani Separator „ 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator, h- 2 Fleury Walki.ng. plows: • 1 WaQori 'I' 1 Bissell Disc Harrow• + 1 riding plow ▪ 1 tractor plow at $110.00 • THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. yvy. GAI ,AGE! G -A73, i 'GE P.,, mechanic .�, �Ci Y Peter.Kroff, ��ec �.:A " FORD `RD PARTS'. *lays s run stock, i..:3;.,Zurich AY Prang;; Zurich Ont. 44+II•+ +++i••i .+i.+ +•r+; - ;+i•+ .;+i d . e rit: _ ee be tee o + 4 .tom SPRING TIME WHEEL TIME. Let 1924 Be a Bicycle Year Tires From $19O to 3a50- -� Tubes From 1.00 to 150 SEE THE NEW CLEVELAND -SPORT MODEL, WHICH; HAS JU "" ARRIVED. PRICES FROM $35.00 TO $55.00. WE -.ALSO' TiAVE.:.,6a COMPLETE LINE OF 'TIRES, -T tIBES AND ACCESSORI.ES. - HESS -- ZURICki l� ys to a s MART ate %t.'S1 MAR LS -ITE F 1O IZ, S jVoflain 'like it dor Ifar1d ood Floor' • It-wearsNlikae Iron • Write to Head Office,'Montreal, • For, Free Booklet HOME PAINTINGMADE':EASY` SOLDe'.` •, 41, I. F++tr44+ ,•:.t.•+ + D +i -i-:-::. A•i .1 F•Sr,Ayt++ » +•i +,t7+ II'hr` ! .'i.4.4.4 -;44-1,4,+÷.1-.1.+-1.4- + i.4.4 4-; 4.1'4++:^÷+1c . -1.4- a 4. e• RGGSMTD,POULTBIY , 6 ` L: •. We ar•e ut• `.'yxo,sitzoh•'to take your egg s t]o naS,t,Lt how I.zz,+�4.., +. � L '.1 �� u bb � a » or how',smsll�'a Purr ity :you,have'for sale, E'inedire regularlytor'1"" r s. • t 4. pence 4 3000 ens and. Iiaoi1fi��� � w .�.� For deliveryy in, May and 'June. We are looking for high price a -le planar • lozrgt hrouli these ii'iontll's,''Now' la' tr,ric to lay your 4. for P rotlucineiaroilers:, Infornza'tions 'gjradly grvw..n. .'Write, phone -lie 4 or call pe:rsoll!ahee. _ gg n s:graded accbedine, to Govornhx�ent Standard; a• Toultry bought according to• weight quality, 411;�. JOHNS, ,; if 1' & Co.r nn SI�� . 0 . �� D -.. 'V 1VI'ani er. •l1� ,.: !.. g: .oxx ,� '.+,:+4.+IIi+l•»?.'1`+}�.2'y+:ac'•i:+z'°S+'3`a4;'�k•k+��•!14.p".1..3'�+�4'y�'�i+,xi+�NrFr!�+�i++Q+;b•C °9f'+:, �e+�•#• o@•;; •fid+3r�!"S+