HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-15, Page 1ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, .MAY 15, [924. ,�w4wwwawwti,A,wrutim+wwwwiadwtiwvrimw+mwwww BROWN'S SeasonableFootwear At Reasonable 'Prices ;;Isn't this so nifty and neat, A style as man might desire. Plenty of 'Pep" and ye*t in good •'taste, made in Patent colt, `Black calf skin!, and brown calf leathers, all Goodyear welt soles. with Rubber heels range from $4.45 up. •. We/buy direct from the manufacturer and save the middle man's `profiit... REPAIRING NEATLY DONE See Our Window Display •'•%::•••••y. 'Grp•^v'C�>•C0"�OOC�•c"'D.O•C0+•QOd•G�?i gdG9•��+0'..��.+d•v . (l•©•4•G�•p•4•t7 %•lJ4.O.O J p.p4.�yp404 0�740400'000.O• 4•I 4• 00 The Newest and Daintiest Effects are all Embodied in Our Splendid Range of Spring and Summer Wash Goods and Dress Goods TRICOPLAID CREPE FLEURELLA These are three of the newest. crepe and; from which the spring and summer, most blouses, shirts and neckwear are made. AI LEEN cheater L. 8n W ;1,26 a Tear Lei A.livomik 1.s I1' 4Rk1L' RS, $2 LAY BE OrtA RePate lr.Fedr. Papineau left for ,De- troit On Saturday. Wm. Brown made a busin- ess tip to London. -31 •. Geo. Brisson was at his 4- 110 me at Windsor over Sunday. Mr, John Hey, Jr., made a bus- iness .trip to Wingham on Wednes- day..' ednes- day. ' • .Mrs. John Gaister who visi,ted friends at Kitchener, has returned to her<hotne. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson or 1Centralia spent Sunday with re- latives here. Mr. W. F. Braune, who is in bus- iness -at Forest, ,spent the week- end ;at his home here. N,Cr. and Mrs. E. Ronnie and fain ily of Hensall, were Sunday visit- ors At the home of Mr's. S. Rennie, Mrs. S. Merrier of 7Ien'sen, cal- . led �t the home of her brother, Mr. A Lelick on Sunday. 0 Mr. Kenneth Joy, who is attend - 00 0 00 0 0 0 �: • 4l'D .4b plaided silk effects i• fascinating dresses' • OU LOOK AT THESE GOODS AND AT ONCE ,THEY „APPEAL TO YOU, YOU CANT FOR-` 4 GET THEM AND ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR LOW PRICES , THEY SELL AT FIRST SIGHT: HAVE NOT ALL SHADES IN STOCK BUT WITH A SPLENDID RANGE OF SAMPLES 'ON 41 ,HAND, WE CAN GET YOU ANY LENGTH YOU REQUIREIN A FEW DAYS NOTICE. Venus Thread Silk Hose Venus ifs specially designed to appeal to the lady who likes delicacy and strength in her hose. Ladies who already wear Venus are loud in praising Venus Hosiery. We carry them in the following (shades -Bobolink, Log Cabins. Nude, Biege, Cordowan, White, Dove and Black. "VENUS. PURE SILK HOSE MAKES FRIENDS WHERE'ER IT GOES. Bargains in Ladies Summer Underwear • Dave just opened a Splendid range of Ldaies Sutnmeir underwear which we are offering the public at greatly reduced prices; note ,some of our bargning. Several different lines of Ladies Vest short isleeves and no Sleeves at 25c. Also a finle assort - anent which are real bargains from 30 to 45c. • BE SURE AND INSPECT (THESE LINES. tting the p II/ en's and : o s MEN'S CLOTHING Ai3-Wool, Indigo Dye, Blue Serge, '20 -oz. to yard, for $29i.50. Think oft he price only $92„50,for COQr such a 'suit which retails' inolst places int $45.00 . Blue Herringbone, newest ist,yle app. best of lining's for •$28.50. Dark Grey All -wool Sergei one of the finest and best suits in ?the Istore� for $27.50. Grey Tweeds for men and Young men at our special Price of $19.00. • Boys Two -Pant Suits that. ear' Boyst hat runy rush and ,play usually sre"'''lhe.rd on clothed, in fact the summer hay is a ripe Oh clothes, we have just received a fine range of two pant iSuits that are built to give him! realt ussle at prices from $8.50 to $10,60 HATS! HATS! THEY CERTAINLY ARE WONDERFUL VALUES. OUR NEWEST STYLE FELT THADES AND PRICES +++++++++++++++++4•4440111.++++++++++++4 BANDS ARE GOING FAST. GET YOUR • :BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. ALL +„Q•.y.a�t.>j'.%+gq'.l + g + ++4.4440111.+' g'.g•+'�t'.j'•j .''.'+.44+++++++++44+++++++.14++++++++4 E Z U R 1 O H Produce Wanted 44 koo VP VP OP Va1uesraoa • L 4p qD I.thingow OVP 9Q 4G Phone 59 00�" �'„gyro Are a tea• • • V •�.,• g a' +Tl•sao• « • LTl* `' j• • ,,V1.,10.1‘. S 8 The Biggest Value Ever Offered Vase Auto Strop Razors Only 99cts. ing Toronto University is holiday- ing with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. FI Joy. The nice warm showers, followed 15y the nice' warm sunshine, makes the' grass grow and other things come along. Mrs. Moses Erb, of the Bronson Line, and who has been 'seriously i11,!haas improved well enough to beitip again. i Mr., and Mrsi. C. 0. Smith and family of the Sauble Mr. and Mrs,: R Schwartzentruber of the Bron- son Lnie spent the week -end with friends at New • Hamburg. Eve E. F. Klopp, 'Clerk A. Hens` and Councillorst .W R. Dou- ga11,;A. Reichert, J. P. Rau and' E. wRader+.,ere attending the me- �, ,y ,,.Va.� Rig'hWi y. Expert at •Olintol on"; Wednesday afternoon. Mother's' Day was observed, inthe Evangelical church on Sunday. A fine pro•gran was rendered in the evening after,which Mother Merner was preseted with •a handsome bouquet of flowerhs for the distin:etion of being the oldest mother present. Thursday of this week, May 15th is the first half holiday obser- ved by the business places of Zur- ich, this summer. Don't fool your- selft hinking you can conte out to do your business on that date, rot' practically everything wi J1 be closed. 'Good progress is being made at the +Deitz block, the foundation is all concreted up, and about re- ady for the brick walls, while the •cementing of the celler floor is fast under way. The progress at the Molson's Bank new block is rather slow as yet. On next Sabbath the young pe- ople of Kippen, Presbyterian ch- ureh are celebrating their regular anniversary services. The Re\. Mr. A.lph, B.A., of Auburn is the special speaker. Rev. R, Lundy fillst he Auburn appoint- ments. Rev. J. G. Litt takes Hills green at 2.00 plan. and Ulace,x at 3,00 o'clock. Mr. A. Melick takes the lith cont services. o' Consists of 1 Gold plat- ed Razor; 3 Blades; 1 Auto Strop in metal case HESS the Jeweler PHONE No, 74 neor od 185 CapitalIani #reserater s 05 meow, Over 125 Prancbe, T, U E MOLSONS B NK Farmers will secure eympatlig4 etic banking at any of our la+•L auches. Careful attention to the neecns of Canada's .A.•giele4 ultural interests has always en a feature of The Mobsomom• Bank. Savings Departments at.. every Branch. $1.00 and upwards invited, C. H. JOY +. Manager Zurich Brand LATE CHARLES HEI,, There passed •away at Bacl Axe, Mich., on Thursday, May 1st. Charles F. Hey. He was born at Zurich, Ont., on December 19, 1870. Attending ."the common schools of the Dominion he •entered and grad- uated from ,Seaforth College in 1889,: Four years later he went to Mich- igan having married Hiss Phoebe Kaercher, daughter of the late Mich. Kaercher of Zurich in. 1891. He took up school teacihng at various places until he was appointed ;sch- ool Inspector, which position he. held for four years, owing to i11 health was forced to resign, it is difficult to estimate the influence Por good of a life like 0. F. Hey's upon a •coninitlnity, and sure is an example of good citizenship, Be- side his bereft wife and four grown up children he is !survived by two brothers, John and Christ Hey of Zurich; Six sisters, Mrs. Voelker a,f Hersey, Mich.; Mrs. Hellman of Ab- erdeen, Kansas; Mrs, F. 0. Math- ews of Smith';s Centre, Kansas; Mrs, W. J. Horner of the 14th con. :Clay and Mrs. Elizabeth Geiger of Dash- wood. The funeral was •conducted by Rev. W. E. Morv,n of the Me- thadist church Bad Axe of whish church:he was a very active meta- bv; 444 4 Sabbath &two] teache,, 1 Fall Horse Goo 9. .., ;, Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen one ar Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72884. O Alee a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prieez tai Ranging from $7.00 to ... ... ... ... ...-.... SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL` • • • • A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. • • Club. Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. • • HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 4. li FRED THIEL - ZURICH •>........„:„........................................ PON 40,44+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44+444441444- NEW le,.p.3+.1i••II,•i,•II•g.•II•.p•,3•cic •9••i++++3•++ +•II•3•.lri••p +q•+++i+•P•!•++44+{fir NEV1l SPRING Footwear FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN ARR ARRIVING HER DAILY FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS, AND TlPfgif :COMPRISE A WONDERFUL RANGE OF ATTRACTIVE STY- LES RANGING IN PRICE FROM $1.95 to $4.95. Also many new Nifty lines n Men's Black Calf and Patent Oxfords, Astoria and Murray makes. We 'should like the op- portunity of showing you these goods before deciding on Your Spring Footwear. We do a lot of Shoe Repairing, Because We do it well 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH ONTARIO 4444.+44+++++++++++++++444i4++++++++++++++++++++,444 4 + •4•• • •• • ••a•• • •• •.€+++•II••c,: .•a44i4+++++ t••t•a• •• •>r+•s+++•s<+++•><+,4 We invite you to come and. see,. ` g Summer Goods , our new S���, ��n�. consisting of Prints, Giugb.arns, Or- ' gandies, Voiles, F1aunelettes, Shirt ings Cottonades, Etc. We aremaking a big reduction in price ou all Winter Goods A fresh and complete supply of all gardens seeds, root seed's, etc. on hand. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL M 'ROHAAlT PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE