HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-08, Page 8AR IV LB IN Bprhig �ereb n i e are opening up New Ship- ments of Bpring Goods almost Daily,and invite your inspection NEW SERGES GARBERDINES TRICOTINES VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION RAIDENE] TE CREPES PRINTS YORK GOLDEN CLOTHS COTTONADES CURTAIN SCRIMS PIORET TWILLS WOOL POPLINS WOOL CREPES FIGURED CREPES NEW GINGHAMS IN ALL COLORS Plaids and Check Patterns GALATE AS SHIRTINGS DENIMS NEW HOSIERY AND GLOVES CLS F Ladies' dark Brown cotton Hose, 2 pair for --- ------------45c Ladies' black or i1hite hose' per pair _, ...13c Ladies' blk silk hose a pr. __...-75c Blue or black striped 'shirting at per yard 25c r t t;mak DM 30 -in. oatmeal wall paper roll ...45c Gilletts caustic soda 5 lbs. for 75c Special garden seeds 7 pkgs. 25c Prunes, 3 lbs. for 25c Dates per lb. Seedless raisins per. lb.':- .--.-15c 1De SHO - SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage Gas, Osls, Greases Tres, Tubs, Repairs, AND GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE . ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS TT. S. L.TEI17 ;:A.x. FL • 440004, OA .44.4 .N Thursday May 8th, 1924, �i+n +Y w'• +nMeda,. tig g {yah,, j[ N � �,�.,!Y�j V W Fob ;gams egad Q "th ddd1n,)s $t / wk5 ; o cot1 Writ to Head OFfte:e, Monte al For Free $ookle't HOME PAIMTii'd0 MADE EASY SQL `it' A. MELICK — ZURICH • ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Don't . forget the concert, in the M (Corrected every Wedneadiiy) Eggs 18-22 Town Hall on Friday evening. Egttea 422 Hay Council met for its monthly C Butter ried apples per 'lb. ... 7c meeting in the town hall on Mor .;inch apples per l i 7c. day. Mr. and Mrs J. Preeter rand fam Potatoes per bag ' 55 ily were Sunday visitors at Dash- k3arley 5 5 wood. Buckwheat' uckwheat ..1.00 Mrs. L. Whitesides of Hanley', Wheat per bushel ..00 is .spending a fete weeks at the Wil Oats " Flour per cwt. .3.00-3.50 Barns home.32.00 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wickens a Shorts per ton,. 32.00 Ingersoll are spending •a few'days ,13 an per ton . ' Live; hogs, per cwt. -- 7.25 with Mrs. 1'iTclsen�s parents, Mr. and g � p Mrs. J. Hey, Sr. Dr. and Mrs, A, J. Mackinnonind Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith attended' the Carmel Presbyterian church an- niversary at Hensall on Sunday. Mr. Alex. Foster has been, ap- pointed agent for . the Ahmerst piano and phonograph 'C.o.of Nova Scotia. Anyone wanting a fine instrument kindly see him. Carry an Insurance of oVer Rev. S. M. Bauch of Winnipeg, will conduct the morning ;services' $27,000 000. Number of Policies in in ihe Evangelical church, Zurich force ' 11.,257. Paid Losses in. 1023 on Sunday, .and at Dashwood in the to amount -of $50,143.20. No ass- afternoon, :and at Crediton in the evening. The 10th Division Court will sit in the Twin ball Zurich, on Tuesday Iiay 18rh. Anumber of interesting casts nr'-' no including a Jury- case Mr. a Schrag is starting a milk route int Zurich, and will start the' beginning of neat week, and make a daily delivery, from house , to house. delivery,' with good pure milk from Governinent tested cows. Charles P. Hey, of B td Ase; Mich., died in. the Hospital at that plate on Thursday May. 2nd, and the remains were buried on Satur day. A complete obituary,; will appear' iii our 'next: issue. IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF •T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY.. BA'T'TERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECThICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING,' ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE' . }V[ousseau Zurich w • 9. s • i Western - Far Mutual utua Feather Insuranle Co. OF WOODSTOCK cssm-ent during the year and have a balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT!, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL OP FIRE INSURANCE. KINDS tf-34 NOTICE CEMENT N'4TORK-I am in a pos ition to do any kind of a cement job, such as supply tanks, foound- +ton :walls, bridges, cement floors An auto collision took place ata walks,. etc Work guaranteed the swamp on the Zurich Road. on ',prices reasonable. Apply to Mar= Saturda.y`:evening, when a Ford icil Corriveau, R R. 2, Zurich.; corne n from near Crediton, collided' Phone 16-93, wi+11 a new' .Oheyrolett •car from M h gap. No injury was done to WANTED the nea.ssenr;e:rs; while the cars were Life Company with Head Of badly wrecked. fine at Waterloo contemplates op -i The Zurich Branch of the Wont-` ening an Agency at Zurich. One ens' Institute will held their an- representative 'wanted for this lo- nual election of officers at thelad- cality. 'Good opportunities for i's' H111 on Wednesday evening of light man!, with District Office sup - May 14th. There will 'iaaso be o- ervision and assistance. Write P. • Cher business transacted; Alllad- les are cordially invited to be present. Henry; y; Ford •sayis if you take the profit outt of war it would end war. Wh9 made any money out of i'h-' is,st one? Not' those who ivei,i supposed to win it, they'll. be kept w3 19 their noses to the grind- stone. for many yearsyet paying for it. • 5090 FACT'S ABOUT CANADA Thepublic will welcome thenew ism', n" "5000 Facts About Canada" for 192.1—that remarkable cyclo- pedia. of the Dominion compiled by Frank Yei h, or Toronto, the well-known Cnandian writer and lecturer. Over fifty chapters deal. tersely with every phase of our: national prosperity and progress, and is no ito'nly a mine of.valuable information. but n stirring story of our development. This issue in- cludes new matter; and contains many other improvements. We are not surprised that this book -- let has :a continent, empire and world wicla rirculationy or that it 15 w irlely used by govermnents, ra- ilways, don financial and industrial hours. Copies may )bo had et 30 cen+•g eoch from the Canadian Pact Pnblishinq Co., 588 ITuron St.. Tor- onto. or ft•orn leading newsdealers. £yam 04.441 900000990000$0400109 D69Q'J9 9000990909S9901009091 9 9 0 -so 0 9 0 Car1s-d rush SL . f1arys .e .. .z.. ortliod..Ce..aeni T e u.....1 • ki Owy.. it *fit. •. .0 .0. 9 8 9 8 8 9 0 9 9 0 0 9 9 8 0 0 9 9 0 i .1.1EZTER BLOCK Em ZURICH11 04' fioz. +Y l ii 9940&'0011*Vt1 001400 .0110,0.0L110.416 • O. _Box 1.75,, Waterloo, Oat. 42-2 FOR SALE A building 12x]$, well finished inside, would make .a fine kitchen garage or chick -en house. Phone 87=.=1. L. N., Denolny, t:f42 LOST Will. the party who picked up •a.horsehide robe. on Monday e�- ening April 21st. in Zurich, kindly return it to lits owner Mr. T..Ayotte or to the ]Herald Office. • • rrr ►aw+1Mw� The store with tha Mira! Cash Dimwit ,u,Y.msip[,ty FURITU E <a 'fie li ave ID oved our Furniture ure Show Room: on the second floor to make room for T. L. Wui'in's General store and invite the Public to 'come. and see our fine display of Furniture A10 a Full Stock of: SEASONABLE h .W iNR4a.,cimN.�. W UtimmlNnui SUCH AS SAP PAILS, PILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AND ALL OTHER GRADES OF WIRE ,COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT 5N STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO I� Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 i NOTICE. The In•spector.. of the local Board. of Health advises all Peo- ple in the Township. of Hay to Clean all barns, pigstables, out- housed, etc., by May 15th, when he will make his .annual inspection of •such places. •C; Eilber, Inspector.; 0 ZURICH'S HALF HOLIDAY Wye t he undersigned business oven:, of the Village of Zurich, here, by agree to close our respective 'places of buisiness every Thursday afternoon beginning Biln.yy 15th, 1924, and ending September 11th, 192i, except in weeks in which a public holiday occurs ,when our pl tces'of business shall remain open Thurs- day- atternoons. 0. Fritz & Son. J. Gascho & Son. Tr L.. Wurm. A, Niblick. J. ?tenter. tnd & Weida - Brown Bros. Louis• Prang. John T4 per A. )' Hess. Herald Office. Wm. O'Brien & Sontf. Jrycob Reichert Znrieb Plot.. Millar, - Fred Thiel, W, ,a liens. • NOTICE. Alit' person wishing to dig a trench undid.' any sitlervalk on the streets of Zurich, must first obtain permission to do so from the Pol- ice Trustees. Zurich Police Trustees 43-2 Guarantee -d Mortgage Certificates Are is'sued,, upon request, In the names;of two or' more per- sons. r In. the event of the death of one of the investors the inves- tment automatically becomes the property of the ;survivor. or survivors without expense or "r&d ',tb e," '5,1 per .cent. per annum Payable Half Yearly UPON $100 or mare ;for ,1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. - - Let me arrange for. a -safe, profitable Guaranteed Mortgage ;Certificate in your name alone, or jointly with •some mem- ber of your family. ! '. MY MOT•TO;—SERVICE ,AND SAFETY Andrew F ass, - - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging DR.. JOHN Apia I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting-- graining ainting^graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roll. F.I. E10KME IERH ZURICLI — ONT. CARD OF THANKS The fatally of the late John A.. �4 illiani5 wish to convey ,sincerest c15 and neighbors, .thanks to friersg who showed ,so much kindness d.ur- isng their sad bereavement, also' for beautifulfloral tributes, 'also for those who so kindly loaned their cars. Chiropractic and Electrical Trask,* menta.—H) es Examined - - Main. St., EXETER, Phone 701 L;onsultation and Examination FM* AT. WALPER HOUSE, ZURICI. Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to. 4p,mt follt IN MEMORIAM in loving mei tory of our dear txiother May. Mngdelena "sett arias, Who died one year ago, .:May 4th, 1973. 1'was the •breaking of the day Gocl sai'ch "Corm•'., come this way" Our,Darling mother took his hand Then, left`us for the better land:, Her' hands wereclasped upon lir breast a4V,r' hissed her loving brow And in our aching hearts we know .We have no mother now., Sadly wigged by tpe family. • . 4. 4. 4. 4. �LI) OPFIOE 1 Do You K o ? y YOUR r v�7 r� 'r AT i � } FOR ARE,Ica ALWA UUkI SEL S THAT WE - GOOD PRINTIN(;P T]:.IAT. WE CAN SUI?PLT'.' �"OU W'I'TH' P.RIN"1'E1.7 WEDDING INVI'TA'TIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE: PAINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LESTgitIklb%ADS, .B1 LL ENVELOPES AND STAT1IMENTS THAT WE 'ARD AGENTS ,F0.11 TWO LEADING MANUFEANCT + UR'RS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS,, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY' AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT: WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES CN"' ALL STZI±,S, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Olt TRACING+ PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ;T- A.'13ONER'; NOTE BOOKS, rteE,ip 1' BOOKS INTWO gtzuS, FOOLSCAP; ETC., DTC. THAT WE PILL YOUR ORDINA. ,it SIZh. INK ROT .'L,E WI'.i'I3 GOOD POUIvIA..GN' PEN INK POR 5c, LAW' GER Q'UA:N'l'Pt'tl S Al''BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTINo BILLS, AUCTION SALE Pi1S- ,I'E11!, 1p MERCANTILE POSTERS ,LNT) ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SP h CUAlaaT.''Y 1t44+++++1.3+444 fir+ +++++ r+ ++ I ,44++++++.i'+4>44# 4.4*+++04+' ',