HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-08, Page 5111111111 Thursday, 1VIW'y. 804 1924. Ci�US1NESS CARDS ?riitpadtoot,, Killerun & tip', MW I1aa. rr,eleaia, 75e)ilC ."u{)L`W, iNoni"'fes. 1a.,:bun l.tc. Qi; ic:t, ,.n the S:in.rt .004 door from liaolilton St God,` Crich 1'&' va ;.$;. funds .to Wan itaweet rates,. " ,gyp; Xxrciudfook, f ,C);..7. L. Killoran n! r T) , E,, :Holmes. Holmes •will be in Hensel). OP Friday of each week, ptdrevv, k', Hess, Township Clerk r of tnrr`'iage YieeneeS, 2 otdry' �ii�wue xeliYie, OonimissloneT,;Fire and Ant -- 04011e Insurah.es, • Representing �In9t9abi, iron and IRrie Martga�ge Corpora- *tau, The Canada Trust Co,, Zurich,, D, ®.. .. • Smith LyXy.g', {fl'oranto;) �D:T) S,(Cliicago) DEN'i. EST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE HEI�TS'ALL P OSCAR, R.LOP Graduate 'Carey 'M. Jones 'Nat (arra tonal School of A.uctioneerinStock g. T% me for Registered Live X�ll Breeds), Terms• in keeping `With prevailing '?rices. Choice toil �, tarsus for sale. Will sell ally istiywhere. write, Zurich. Phone 18-93 or Z1) i h. 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed :A.nctioneer fan too eon sof Huron, In at posit duct any auction sale, regardless es to sizes or articles to Fie)] . not solicit your business;. and a'tisficd will make iso charges for {a viee•s. r' Dashwood. " •Airtirtu .W eber, Dhoti 13-57 PUT 't' 11J li For $ale Lo+j;ro Fond. � C i w Ads 9 I T;13lfGa COLOM FOR SALE •. . Dweallin property in Zuiieh, Comfortable frame horse, hen ho- use and fruit` trees on lot, For partieulare • apply to A. F. 7l' t+iss, Zurich, ., 42-3 FOR SALE We have a. limited. quantity • of comb outtclatioo far'. 'sale at a' r^e- asontible ,Irish.. --3. 1•Iaberer & Sons,: (urfch. 43-2 FOR SAL Mr. i'I 0., Milliken 'spent Sunday at Mr. I,tl, Dot ars, -.Hay 141r. And I E1 0:. IP:ri1 � zud Dli:s? Pearl., Wu;rt'4 \vcre iaundaY. visitors at DOlawoocl Tho Hobbs :'Hardware CO:of Loa - don put.a new plate glass, window in. 3. k?reeter's 'store. 0 & r, and Mi`s�. D. Slurry . Of the' front were Sunday^ visitors with Mr and Mrs. '.1', L. "Williams. Mr. ,T. ':beefier • :,1r., attended. a. late;?; auction s rlet„.el Standard bred hors?s at Toronto, the past week. Ma., Wm. W alpor of London;who R•"^'r'�• q• 'w')r`i Ot• 11113 hon -i' heir 're - o: on Thus y 2 yearling cattle, 1 heifer 4uw 10th cif+: May, ='`5 pigs about 90 lbs. • e 112r. Len I+'ratser, the nested hoiese each'', •:some est mall p)igs,• Apply to man of Foi»i+est visited �� fawv da.Ys A. A.•• Weber, R Ii :.No. 2,, Zurich;° 17401N hiisi friend 1i:Gre IVG'. J. Decker* Phone; 0-•-•97. • ..40-3 dr; E turner? to ills ty r dal Harxy Wea-ver Fvh4 isnent WANTED a few weRkrs: at Newn' t.hti's Ial'Godeiich, g000d•pIain caulw, returned to Zurich:, and i�eitaied and to do general housework, to'his l�o}sitlon` as ,coa.tin"l.ei 1),t YH. Hoffran st aloe+sl}op Mr. and Mrs,Ed, 'Chol ,s. and chic dr. en o:f Detrooi4 were ' wee1t-incl visitors With Mr. aid. Mics. J ' Sch- nell. Mr. Ed. Schnell returned .to that city with them. Mr. and MrS. .J W. Horner. land Mrs, B'izabeth G?in•er of »:tyh Vood a : rd' 1. the; funeral. of tiers •,1ate 0. 1, 1Tay, at Bad Axe, Mich.,' ' washing or ir'ont, g,„itLwo in family good wages, • Write or apply im- mediately to Mrs, Macdonald, P. 0. Drawer 330, Goderieth, Ont. 40-3 FOR SALE Timothy, Alsike and Red Cloven end for sale No. 1, Gov,. nested. seeds._ Prises right. • 3. Gesello & Soit, Zurich • • FOR.•SALE • OR RENT -East 3 Lot 11, Con. 5; Tp. of Hay, a first class grass firm. A bargain, Terms Liberal. Appky to A. Murdock, Tionsall. ' • • to -,ir+th ' iDit ,ling and 2 lots land f.)r sal in Zurich. .haply to ,V: l�, •iirarcu for particulars. tf3; 0 r F'r dny mg11k, 1V1ay • nth th. Zurich Dranintic Cub w'11 present ill i ' play "T"he Adventures .ntures of Gr- a•�i.l.nrt". E'v'vvh) 1 o•rrae an,1 en- lr,yr a r' nl dram •treat. • 0'n'.; '1Tid.�r' of' Detrol., rho sn'.it th ' r7',' frt4: -weeks with Jeri r'A Mr. and : Mr 4 Jaeo1) TOW - i,70 1 1 ' !. ri •r F 1.n • f' " ri 1'a 1);_n skq, Visit in t' it h'r an 1 pwen • • , Sound, R -V Ct Sehra Mi and Mi'P'L 17 GCS F•,r-q,•- '3.19/111 Chic' son ;Satnttl9l; .x .a f+I s`�:lalfl�NG • 1 ,ft on We lnesdav azo •ni+r..' to 'tit . - 141 , n1 +1 of hi rh5' st e aroductn at- Rsd'• g� �'is �'' l • ���iia. r' r, t • T,r cT-to 'ay Rocks heady 1 by ten -1 the fu=v'ral sof Mr., Jos CTas `s -, sinr, I�Ii's. Wid :+n•tan at' Pi1i- eon, • • r a.vxsad. - gg , ��;, -,>.e --C' l farill ,)ti C_ per ['1lt Y.F :-, d..•-xr: on in-'. Bologna Sausag+es, e�;c rains. 1��•gs for hatching at kh.° 1 shill Sal ,ls (t' est Cash Price for Wool O..6.51:1 FOR SEINS &RIDES l 'ter. lo ° t i o er.t ZURICH LIVER . I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery eine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line, GEORGE 3, THIEL Phone 6s • Zurich 4, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST graduate of the Royal College at Dental Surgeons of Ontario and id the University of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Mil- ;itary. District No. One, LondOn,Ont Office hours at Zurich every :Main Office, Exeter. Phone. 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY -19 Phone 79 , LIvs Hp o u T R v. WANTED ilI'*ken every day till 3 Oelock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning *hen brought in. Highest - Cane Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94, Zurich SEASON 1924 ilPRING AND SIJMVMM:TR DELIVER - . IES. A.NTHR:ACHIE-1y are laow ,re •ceiving our genulnt ..D'elatvare R Hudson, direct from the mines,, Nut 3tovt3 and- Egg sizes. SOFT 00A.L--Jast arrived, • an- other car of our high ,grade,•soft. 193141 coal has made a ;great hit for household use and our sales 'of this, haie over doubled +x1); the last'rsea- 'sort, e BOCILETS-Our Boulet, C'oa1 is also inn class by itself and its V- owing. in f . or rapoly� tDUit Telephones are at your lervace. Die them. ,freely 'f br • in.- Yorma.tiol7it, j 0 j yp /• �' {�'� M�M,•�.;p�t+, lr6 ,M \;p. %�W,,' j, yz . a:\w+�xN'./s,1rrM, lO L & P1 O7)TTr'13 MERCHANT, phone Office 1ov:. ,flouti6 10, E ' ALL ONT.. cubator lots (if 11 doz:3n or over.; $1.00 per 15 crated for .shippin'r. Wee are booking ordt:r5 now. F, C. Krueger, 1:1.R.2, Zurich. Phone, 1-85. tf-37 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most. of them and in some cases .can save you as smell as 50 cents on a single subscript -1 itvI Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR ?ORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHA--T TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L, A, PRANG, Zurich. t218 1 0 Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnas Sizes. Soft coal o highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 HEN S ALL -1 Dr. H.. -H. .t3 OWE N L D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At MCCot'lnick. flock, Zuri'h, ev ary Thursday and S:tturday. Main Office EI A1iT"L3+1t13'S BLOT .K. DASHWOO t HEIRS WANTED Missing l e.irs are being sough throughout, the 'ii-orld, Many poop are to-tLy iivmg in comparative poverty who aro really rich, but d not know it.. You may be one o them. • Send for Index. Fiook. "Mis sing Heirs and Next of Win," con taiiri'lg earefuiiy authenticatedlist of missing heirs and unciaiined. est ate wi'sich .have been advertise( `for htrC and abroad, The. Inde tf, Missing Heirs we offer tor Sal •Contains tit ousands of names wbicl have Appeared in American, Can adion, :English. Scotch, Welsh, Go. man, Erench, Belgian, Swedish, In ellen, 'Colonial, •• and other newsp- apers, inserted by lawyers, execut ozra, administrators. Also eonta •inisli+st of English and Trials •Court otOhnct:ry and unclaimed divid endi list' of Bank of England, You name or your anoestor's may be it the tIst: Send $1„00' (one dollar) Once for book. INTER' ATIONAL CLAIM AGENCY, Dept 262 PITTSBURGH, Pa., Mr. and 5'lrs. W. 1. Frank and Mr-. (Yr w Eiih^r cif Waterl000, 'Vis-. t :i r': I tl;V0S bier^ oe er the week=- 1! Mrs. Frank is remaining tiwjt11 h father, 142x. C. Either, for, ills • week. \ire take pleasure in cjiloting,,'a. r ar:i sraph from a conin:,unicatibii 1 ec. i7 od from Mr. I',t'iton,_ W. Hey- 10,.': of Detroit, in instructing us to a change of his address. for his Her aid. Mr. IThyrock hits the divtiri guished and -responsible position of beim; Manager of the Jeffersa 13 s ash of 1:111,3n alc.' o:i Detroit, we feel proud of this young Zurich bay Tor; his marked success' a.5 well as :for the following remarks -"I shall take this opportunity of congratulating you Bron the 'suc- cess of your publication, despite the fact that so many other small pap- ers have been compelled to 'sus - r n l: busi•1^ss. The Herald is ono paper I receive, ;which I nac,t-or n' glect to read, as I Lind I cannot, keep fully posted on all h'a f lien- rn ;t in and around Zurich that T am interested in, without havinv a ZURIUH HLi3 .LD A 1V.,rnci Too Courlatll !nI I t asp With Girl; pare Needed in Parplaasia g 'Oows . :7.A'()liirt® tt,atd °Iirosi: Cf .o ed 'fl,d.Cll i The NJ4tne 1'v fila 1+'r�i'eX'• • $'a)'sat . Dis<3as0 Int(stf»'attion. (c.Writrtn7,tt:Ca by Ontoarto fleprrtmen t qi ikgrlr:ultore. '1•orunto.l After as exhaustive Study vJ . th•. causea and 1,rcatr.iant of role cticiu`. abortion of cattle, Dr. 0,'7;), sleds^•. vray, Principal Ont, Vet.'College Guelph, has come to the following cc�„,,nclusions i 1. in purcliasiag breeding .eattir, make careful . enquiries to ascertain if the berd from which they are being obtained h, -11°0e,+ +fitful abortion lisOase• 2. If doubt extstS as to their free- dom, from this disease, have all newly obtained pregnant females tested or keep thein under obser+vatioir. until they calve. 3. Cows should be placed in ma- texn.ity stabs to 'calve. 4. 'Whenever' a cow aborts keep her isolated until she cleans. 5. Thoroughly clean 'and .digin• feet the stalls in the stable. 7. b. bedding and litter removed from the stalls should be burned, together with' the aborted fetus and the after- birth•. • a. Wash the hind parts of all tire• exposed pr,:,;iian,: Craws with an anti- septic solution. 7. Cleanse the genital p a,.,. a n ave -You T h'e Buggy?x ' i~ RE.i>WO Painting Fo:d Cr,aOne°roat, $15,00, Two Coats .. . $20.0ti. iCo vering Ford, ',Cop Good Material, less curtains ...... $:12.00 Changing Ford. Curtains to open with ,Doer's , $5.0e1 Painting Buggy ._. $;8.utt 11 'YOTJ WANT. SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE BEB1JBI3ER r0UIf SLIG n -Y WHEELS. HESS - ZURICI3 Shing1es Lumber Everything in 40 Combination storm and screen doors made to order; Lumber andfang° ial .the aborting anisn:il,in all c :.:<s t,i 'O C u- � ( ni � o F• � c ur aF (.' Iv >t' 1 rotained afterbirth. Ire, to.... _ womb it i dii a Leib' wa is r '� solution or a '�1',n`o ;,Gi..t + ... .fu -al -.i • 1::. U30 of Uterine 't 1.,s, . ca :.% + • 8. lie not a,'.:)w d , •' ..._ 1•,1 ne tl alieroii.h to rr i, !sit auj�,c».nt to other 9, Keep aborting C ,•a from the of i s so lc n as i s ua:Cllblging: 47 ash 1n,)fr n pari:. ht fo, e•' allowing them to ic, t..� t1.0 herd. 10 Allow a ,cried of .011.! tv elapse. bel o i t' rt turnirli, a,rco ti, to: the liaili, I -ash tate nail' ,.u. s,.th after service. of aborting cons. •11. Do not allow the bull to sieve co;•,:$ which have a .discharge tro.+: Os vulva, Servo ail cows on n �uL eJ ground. • , • 12. In affected herds obtain the ad- vice d vice of a gualitiod veterinarian as -to the use of vaccines combined. taiLii 'sanitary, measures. 1.3. In hadiy affected herds best re- _ i( LBFL PHONE• ZUIRgq,r%' • 4.44+ ++ ++r4844„rr.i.a-+.1.,1,. .g„i.:..:.1-4441++.71-.+1•44++++44.4,4,44++,R4 •• 1 sults are obtained from the use ci a live culture vaccine administered to ... the non -pregnant females two months before breeding. '14. In the case of valuable Bows becoming Marren, the services of a skilled veterinarian should be ob- tained for the purpose of treating tate womb and ovaries.. • • 15 It• calves become •affected with aw: i a • scours,. , i17imediateiy separate • the side ones from the healthy. Con - suit a veterinarian regarding the use of calf scours serum in ezynjunction with. sanitary measures. • 16. Nutritious doiic'ieueies should be corrected as fur as poc=:aible by sup - .,plying mineral. elements in the feed. TIIIP floRi4F3 8i'1`1'Y Pi.6'i ft. Drenching May Cause 9ttund.)§'ing 01' Death - Medicine and frits sal Tisa zt;)ien2 Recommended. • 'Many good horses din every winter, killed' by well meaning people who do' not know. On many farms if an animal shows any symptoms of ill - health the first thing done is to give a physic drench br ball. If it is a cow, sheep oi' pig, an unnecessary physic is not likely to do any harm, but with the horse it is different, Purge a horse when. there is fever present and you will in all probabili- ty kill him, :If .you do not succeeds in killing hint, he will likely be greatly handicapped for the rest of his life by founder. 'Clever physic a horse that has a fever. lJse Mild' lax- .1t ive only. :'.Fevers coluo on suddenly. Severe e nes show coldness of the extremi- ties,, surface of the body, nose and ears,'shivering, breathing increases in foequency, Time to call a qualified Veterinary if there is one to be had. If not, the following treatment is suggested: Blanket the horse well and put him -in a warm, comfortable stable, and give two ounces of the fol- lowing every fifteen niinutees, or until the horse begins to sweat: Aconite, One drachm, Spirits of wino, four ount es, ,water to make a pint. With oa.ating started give the followiii 'ever mixture at the rate of two ounces every two hours: Fluid I0xti'act .Aconite -1 drachm " Belladonna -2 drachm . " t41 ui.:i all ---1 011110e otizsslu lr Nitrate .. 1', ounces Water to make 1 pint. Beep a. bucket of clean water i;r hid'11 a small quantity of p0ttasiulu itrnte has been dissolved in fief t the horse at all times. Food Sods, as boiled oats and bran. D bt U1Ovo the tioa.,r) out of the stab atil the terup-lature has been nu•- ;for at lest 4y hours.• -1 Ih:0,t ist. off Extension, 0,A" Coif:,, •• 1 : ,lr'',>'tato viscose hi 'esttgailon. n. a; I'rivestigatioual. work carried. 00 1, . e Department of ?,ninny of the Or• iris cs ,Agricultural Co11eae during th•- plat sin years has brought out the: llawing fadst aiThat selected, eertillod seed liot.;• s give much ,letter rosulti tha,; r ' uncertified seed potatoes wLtt'L ye been eonnuonly used by the *niers of this province in the pest, That Northern Ontario seed pato• t4s give as good yields on the aver - as those imported from the Matir.i• hie provinces, That in certain sections of silt! On• '1' n'i'. seed potatoes- tau„be l;'1rl 'Kt oy 4s,d .cc4u.., ao1' till aaa 11y1g1 1,1L,,, WPl 111 ' ani -.-,f+.-..yt•....�r.,_.�._...p,.__.i,�-{.,_...i._.�,._.1,.....g,�,le.-.4...•.,g...-.�4..».�j.-.g...._.g.T.g,� e`_1 FFivi i4. mmat R , �s. BBERLIN HO �. WITH OUR NEW LINE OF 1.7pRI;+;:1 ST ITINGS AND SAMPLES. . IN A.E.L. THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING { THE VERY LATEST ST ;'LEES AND SHADES 4. 1• TT OBB RLIN .4.- ! HAVING TAKEN OVER TETE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN* M SEMI -READY CLO t'fICN($ PI:RMVM IN CANADA (HAB13E.RLIN & 4. 00.) WE ARI+'. IN •A POSITION TO GIVE TIHE PUBLIC ALMOSTt I ANYTHING RE g,tIR iD IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND 1 OVERCOATS A f' PRICES SECEN'D TO NONE. 3• A; HH E E'I\BE�, The Early Bird catches the Worm ITAILORIAND FU DAY AND NI( 1 +a, 4. • 4 NERAL DIRECTOR-: 1l 'C PHO -NE No. 66 4. --•i+-+*r-•i+--+i+-°l -1- •T - i - l - E -+i •-4--•1•--+-•i•-,q.-.t,-,f. _.;..._,i._ ,' 1l>IIIIII111111111111IIIIII11111111111111lillllil111111iiiilfi iVil 1111lll11111111111I111111111111111,111IV!'11171);111111IiI!I 1111lNlllllllllllliil1111111111111111111111111111111101111lll111111♦Ill11111iUUIillll111111llllll(111111it ra ZLRI[H HERALD'S 1924 Clubbing List HERALD HERALD TIE R A.LD HERALD HERALD ITERAL') ITEf2 A, f, D HERALD HERALD HERALD HER ALD HERAT, D HERALD and Farm andDairy and Toronto Daily Globe . $5 00 and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 Daily Mail and Empire ___ $6.00 aturday 1'tai1 and Empire $3.i5 Daily Star „•$6,00 Weekly Star $8.25 Daily News :$70.00 Free Press; Morning edition •Free Press, evening edition $6.00 Advertiser, Morning Edition $8.00 Advertiser, Evening edition ... $0.00 Fariners'• Advocate ». . $2.25 $2,75 and Toronto and Toronto and Toronto and Toronto and Toronto and ,London and London and London and London and London HERALD and Farmers Sttn $,2,05• HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly: Star $2.75 HERALD and Canadian .Conntr+yaalan .....$2.25 '{ERA.LD' and Weekly .'Mine sa• .» •».. 63:15 HERALD and Farmers. Magazine 'HERALD and "Tooth's Con1'pnnioa HERALD and. Seafarlh Huron Expositor HERALD and Ontario Join'nal.. :.$2,76 H1:R,JJD and Rod and Gun in Canada ..$3.15: $3.75 • $:'5 W El non e. i1Ai C. ,l Save Money and Tl o.uble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above 1 1 HERALJOFFI[T Zunoti .; 1�1111III11 �liil11111111 I I li nlliiilgp pili' 111I1hi 1(!1iii11II1Il�Ill�l.li,1111111111 111111�>lll,;11�.�1,1._ 18q�liilllU{l>1lllitl