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Zurich Herald, 1924-05-01, Page 8
U14O# !tl<iM," �►M+, 1W ARRIVALS IN Bpring Merehanthse We are opening up New Ship- ments of Spring Goods almost Daily, and invite your inspection NEW SERGES GARBERDINES TRICOTINES PIORET TWILLS WOOL POPLINS WOOL CREPES VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FIGURED CREPES RAIDENETTE CREPES NEW GINGHAM'S IN ALL COLORS Plaids and Check Patterns GALATEAS SHIRTINGS DENIMS NEW HOSIERY AND GLOVES PRINTS YORK GOLDEN CLOTHS i["`OTTONADES CURTAIN SCRIMS S?E'1;1SFor one week only Ladies' dark Brown cotton 30 -in. oatmeal wall paper roll ....45e c Hose, 2 pair for --- ------------45c Ladies' black or white hose per pair .,. ..18e Ladies' blk silk hose a pr. ..--..75c Blue or black striped shirting at per yard --_ ..25e Gilletts caustic soda 5 lbs. for Special garden seeds 7 pkgs. •Prunes, 3 lbs. for Dates per lb. Seedless raisins per lb. ... 75e 25c 25c 10c 15c --J. GASCHO SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases, r Tires, Tubs, Repairs - AND G-ENUINE FORD PARTS FUST'RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS S. L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO ENCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE IL :Nlousseau Zurich ' pays to as iti, •4 .' MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH Arothifs$ like it Fat Hardwood Floors It wears bice firm Write to Head Office, Monirei,1 For free Booklet HOME PAINTING 'MADE EASY ;:.; •.. SOLD BY A. MELICK ZURICH IWO ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST, The 00th annual Conference of the Evangelical church convened the past week at New Hamburg, with Bishop M. T. Maze officiat- ing. Fine weather brought out lar- ge audiences at all the meetings, and on several occasions the spac- ious church could not accomodate the audiences. Special speakers from different branches of the work were on :rhe program, and had an abundance of good points for both pastors nand people. On Sunday afternoon, the ordination of ministers took place when Mr. Nelson E. Dahms, a former prin cipal of Z. P. School was ordained as deacon. and Mr. John M. Oes- treieher. son of. Mr. and Mrs. G. O'str?icher of Dashwood, and Mr. CT. Kratz, were ordained as elders. The Conference closed On Monday wh"n the following stationing 1\'a'8 read nut—; Crediton District—W. J. Yager Presiding Elder:— Aldboro, J. G. :Burn ; Crecli ion, W. Y. Drier ;Dash- wood, W. J. Yager; Maitland G. L. Gross; Zurich, J. G. Litt. Hamilton District. A. W. Sauer Presiding' Elder—(Campden, A• W. Sauer; Gainsboro, L. H. Pletch; Hamilton, W. E. Beese; Pelham, W. M. Sipper; Rainhanv, J. M. Oestr- eicher; South Cayuga, A. F. Stoltz Toroonto, H. E. Roppel; Willough by, N. H. Th ibling. Hanover District—M. L. Wing, Presiding Elder—Cliesley, H. 4 Kellerman; Elmwood, W. II. Camp- bell; .Listowel", M. L. Wing; Han- over, E. D. Becker; Mildmay, Karl Gretzenger; Nornranby, F. B. Meyer; Pt. Elgin, H. H. Liebold; Wallace, F. Meyer. Ottawa District—E. ,Burn, pres- iding Elder-- Arnprior, E. 13—urn; Golden Lake, C. R. Kauth; aloe, J. J. G. Doman; Pembroke A E. Pletch; Rockingham:, N. R. Ernst; Parry Sound, N. E. Dahrns. • Stratford• District—W. J. Zim- merman presiding elder—Blenheim; A.T. Nash; Milverton, W. 0. Hehn; N. Easthope, W. S. Henrich; Seb- ringville W. J. Zimmerman; S. East hope, J. G. Grenzebaeh; Stratford J. 13. Dcngis; • Tavistock, G. Brown. Waterl000 District—E. H. Bean presiding elder—Elmira, E. H.Bean, Kitchener, Calvary M. G. Geil; Kit- chener Zion, 5, E. Schrader; Morr.- iscein, ,r. W. Hammett; New Ham- burg, S. R. Knechtel; St. Jacobs, J. 0. Morlock;, Waterloo, J. P, Hauch. North West Dist—L. H. Wagner, presiding ewlder—Bruce, E.E. Mar- tin and A. Regier; Didsbury, W(, B. Dengis; Edmonton, L. K. Eidt; Hama, C. S. Finkbeiner; Happy Land H. Zenft; Kenaston, A. S. C Caughall; Medicine Hat, E. M. Gisliler; Melville,, E. N. Mohr; Mors S. Snnft; Morris and Camper, J. Roth; Neudorf and Lipton, J. S. Burn; akowki M. H. W'agn'er; Pennant J. S, Burn; Regina W. F. Krotz; Rhin, H. J. Holtimann; Rosthern, M. Miller; Siebert and Mayton, J. E. Bender; Warner, G. A. Beaucraft; Winnipeg, S. 14x. Hauch. . oestoo orno.e••s•oa osseoeoeo0.000•00ea•0000000000* • •• •• • • • f • • • f�R> 1 Caroad FreFresh P• ,d Cement. k• • • d they • • • • • • • 0 0 ev • Its • • t.Marys • ft 4i The fw• • 0 • 0 • • • r • NE r 0 STc. &WEID0I R ETER BLOCK, ZURICH • -1014, .44.0 , 14,, ,00l000 demos.• sl . e LWAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs. ...:.. .. ... 18-22 ...... ... 40c 7c lc. 95 55 65 1.00 50 3.00-350 .3200 Butter ...... ..:...... Dred apples per lb. --- --- ..'utch, Setts, per lb, ..... ..- Potatoes per bag ... ... ... Barley :_ .......: Buckwheat Wheat per bushel Oats. Flour per cwt. Shorts per ton.. :Bran per ton , Live hogs, per cwt. BLAKE The Mission Band meeting held' in the church on Saturday, April 26th and was opened by sin- ging hymn 588; Mrs. Lundy led in prayer, Eleanor Meyers read the. Scripture Lesson John 10. 7-17. We repeated M. B. text then sang hym J. Durrant on Siinda.y evea.aing,May 721. There were several present 4th, eong zmernnc at 7,30 o'clock, with. Seals: MN. Lundy gave a '' very interesting talk on the M.E. l ily, i:h roll was called and el - asses separatel for their lesson.Se- cretarys report was read and ad. - opted, the, closing hymn was 703, then repeated the Lord's prayer. Mrs. John Bechler .t ntertained a number of her lady friends to a quilting bee last Thursday after - no On. fter-noon. Miss Emma, Dinsmore of Sea - forth spent the week -end at her home on Or town Line, Mr. and Mrs. John (ley Jr., and little daughter of Zurich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam HeyE Rev, and Mrs. A. Lundy of T ipl)etx Balled on friends in the village on S:jlurclay returned tr.) t- . a a"etlir� Mr.. Will Manson ratfnrd after spending the holidays un.1or the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beeh4er spent Sunday at' the horse of Mr. and Mrs, Tarry Brenner. ,, who spent the Mrs. F;drf,hoffc.r winter with her daughter at Full.; ar tont, has returned home. Mr, and Mrs. W. E, Kelly of London spent the week -end at the horrie of Mr. and Mrs,. J. A, Mian- son', •i ►• ,......30.00 7.25 western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,2876 Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $50,113.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 was NOTICE, CEMENT WORK—I am in a pos ition to do any kind of a cement job,such as • supply tanks, •foound- ation; walls,' bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. Work guaranteed prices' reasonable. Apply to Mar -1 cif Corrivean, RE R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. tf40 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that allpersons having claims a- gainst the estate of MeNNO KIP- FER, late. of ;the Township of Hay, farmer, who died on the 7th day of August;4922, are required to foor- ward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 1st. day' of (Mayr, 0.924. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Administrator will prooceecl to distribute the Estate having re- gard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED A tZurich this 15th day of April, 1924. Christian'Schrag, Zurich, Ont., Ad- ministrator. CARD OF THANKS • The bereft /airily of the late Gottleib Merrier wish to extend their most sincere thanks to the friends who so nobly helped and showed such sympathy in the re- cent death of their late father. THE FAMILY STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The 'Easter story in picture and song, which was postponed on ia,c count of the weather, will be giv- en in the Go.ehen church by Rev. This its a very interesting and b1- autaful isbrvice illustrated by lant- ern views, and we hope to ,seethe church filled. Quarterly communion services Wilt be held in, the Methodist chu rch, Kippen next Sunday after - croon at 2.30 o'clock, consequently there will be no morning service at Goshen School has reopened after the Easter holidays. Inspeetoi J. E. Tota: of •Goder- rch paid semi-annual visit to Babylon and Gos. ''1 BChools 00 Tuesday., Miss Edith Mossopp of Varn,i, spent the week -end at the house of her !sirster, Mrs. Jas, Stephen - :son. , Mr, Franck Mc0linch. ey Sand C1if- i1frdo and Lowrenee Talbot have returned foo 13403 School at Sea - forth after spending the holidays Bit their ponies here, At a nieeting held at the Gosh- en chug olj, qn Moncla,y night to re- organize the sAiday School and Ep\worth Le:ague±' for another year. Geo. P, Johnston was re -appointed S.S. Srrjaexi.ntendelnt and Elgin Me- Klnley E, 1, president. T,laurs•g14y ;May, The store with the Liberal Cash Discount FURNITURE MOVED. We have moved our F urniture Sh©w Room on the second floor to make room for T. L, Wurna's General store and invite the Public to come and. see our fine display of Furniture Alco a Full Stock of: SEASONABLE HARDWARE SUCH AS SAP PAILS, %PILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AND ALL OTHER GRADES OF WIRE .COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF -WE HAVE NOT IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. '��� MICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Guaranteed Mortgage Certificates Are issued, upon request, in the namues,of.,two or more per- MPINfigirallie In the event of the death of one of the investors the inves- tment automatically becomes the property of the ,survivor or 'survivors without exp'nse or "red tt�pe" sous. 5' per cent. per annum Payable Half Yearly UPON $100 or more ;for .1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. Let me arrange for a safe, profitable Guaranteed Mortgage :Certificate in your name alone, or jointly with some mem- ber of your family. t MY MOTTO ;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew E. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL?, Painting and Paper Hanging I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting • graining and decorating. Prices, for hanging paper 15e. a roll. H, EIOKMEIER, ZURICH — ONT. L DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical Trost*. ments.—Eyes Examined Main St., EXETER; Phone 70• Consultation and Examination Frei. AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURIe$ Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 4p1,134: y AL°FIC: Do you Know?gr". THAT WE .,A.RE ALWAYS AT .YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD ...��ggg000::: " PRINTINGt " THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING t. INVITATIONS AND A. NN 4 THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH '. ,ENVELOPES ' AND AS LETTERHEADS, BILL1II?A17S, 4h, STATEMENTS , THAT WI Arabditi4,1' 1\O1t TANI LEADING MANUFAcyI.' URERS OF COt kritrl CHECK' BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE of CHECK BOOKS r� THAT ,WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS,, ENVELi OP11..3 IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACT NG PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MJ1 MORIA,M ST- A,TIONE tY+ NOTE HOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, F041LSC AP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE KILL !coml. OCDINA.RY SIZE INK BOTII'LE GE.RWITH 0-001) `IrI+w )UNTATAINBIGPENGER INKEEDtYOTFOR 5 IONe.-S�LAItal QUAN'ITIES • • THAT WE PRINT Pos r G BILLS, AUCTION SALE ?OS - 2 .142 AND ALL GENERAL t 'TER•Say MERCANTILE P. 7+ ,N 4, I'RIN 1ING OUR SPECIAL •tr **+++++++++++++f4+++++++++++4-114:"4.4.44++44+4.44.44"44*