Zurich Herald, 1924-05-01, Page 5US1N ESS CAR +rt►udieekt, ;Killoran & .X ()LIi7E1. ¥.a 'r t{•tt?r&I, Solicitors, ''Not:ta"i!a's, Pu'b1i a, Me, Office on the :itivale, $od UGor from Hamilton .St, God- ,yricb Private tends to loan at 9aweet rakes. proudtoot, K.C. J. L. Killoren' D E, Holmes. Ur. Relines will be in Hensel! oo Friday of each week, Andrew F. Hese, To'wns'hip Clerk *Onset of marriage licenses, Notary public. Commissioner, Fixe and Aut- Imnobile • Insurance, Representing *ion and Erie Mortgage Corpo- a*1 n, The Venada "frust Co, Zurich, .'dstsrio Sraitili i.Dr6g. (7.'nrora;tP•)." D,D,$,('Chieego) OlF41 .0IST AT ti'.ALPER HOUSE, ZUR,ICI3., EVERY WL(' e7ESDAY MAIN' OFFICE HENS AL A -13 -C -T -1 -0 -R -E E.R OSCAR KLOP?c Graduate Carey M: Jones •Nat- loaaal School of Aucti.oneering. Try, ame for Registered Live Stock tAll Breeds). 'Perms in keeping with . prevailing prices, Choice oi /ammo /or sale, Will sell anything here. P on3 18-93 or write, Zurich. 'Licensed .. Auctioneer reanrieci Auctioneer for County of t aHuron. au 1tion sale,r�'egardlen to tie duet any. 45 to size or articles to sell. 1 'solicit your business, and if not •.,satisfied will traake'no charges for aerv1ees. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. :Phone 13-57 OA Meet ~� MARKET Fresh. and Salt Meats Bologna 5asagf,s, etc .S Highest Cash Price for Wool 'CASH FOR SUNS & HIDES Irungblat (34 ZURICH LIVEBI I am in a position to acconlo- allste ail requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for. hire. ...Any. tiling dope In the teaming line GEORGE J. THIEL !Pone 58 Zurich 0. S. ATKINSON, L.D,S.,' D.D.S, DENTIST eraduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and ifs the University. of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- -nary District No. One, Londou,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Main Office, Exeter, Phone 34. :Ai Zurich every TUESDAY 'Phone 70 -10 1 i7 - r _ _r_ �,w.r raluam ..n'..v.ewrt tws s., LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Taken every day till • 3 Oeloek. p.ni Do r'it teed fowl same morniutt %be,u,.,)'':aught in Highest Cash Prices --e-CASH FOR -- Cream ..an ... Eggs W. O'Brien Photos 94. Zuriela • • . aYta r.�ci ��•t SEASON' 1924 ',SPRING -AND SUIVIMER DEI,IYERe IES . ANTHRACITE -We axed :naw ;r riving' mar genuine Delawaro'• & Hudson direct from .the mines, Nut hove and Egg ,size. SOFT COAL= -just arrived, an -other ear of our high grade soft. `ld"hia coal has made a. great hit for household use and our sales of this have over doubled ' to the last ea- reas ROULETS--Our Eoulet Coal ie 'also in a ela'ss- by itself and is gr- owing in favor. rapidly... O'i71 t Telephones 'are at your rvice, Use theme k£i'ee1 ' ':imrmation. ew ' .toi6±-1.. +O&L & PRODUCE MERCHANT *hone Office 10W.'' !louse fej; ,.:NSALL NT.;. Wants, unit}T YO '>3 F o r Sale, Los Found, Notice, Etc. Ad IN. THIS COLUMN FOR SALE Dwelling property r'ty in Zurich, )Conrt;ortabie frame house, hen ho- use and' fruit tree's lin lot, For :par tieulees apply to - A,.13', Hess Zurich. a 42-3 FO.t SALE 2 yearling "cattle; 1 heifer duo 10th of May;, '5 pigs ,about 90 lbs. each, Isoai'e rs a all . 'pigs, Apply to A, .A., 'R. R, No, 2, Zurich, Phone 6-97. 40-3 WANTED In, Goderi'eh, g000cl plain cook and to do general houisework, no washing or ironing, two in family good wages. Write or 'apply im- •inodiately to Mrs. Macdonald, P. 0, Drawer 336, Goderich, Ont. 40.3 LOST On the Zurich .Roach, a bicycle pump, finder please leave at 'Herald Office, . -- FOR SALE - Timothy, Malice and Red Clover seed for sale. •No. 1, Gov. nested seeds. Prices right. T. Gascho & Son, Zurich FOR SALE OR RENT -East 3 Lot 11, Con. 5, Tp. of Hay, •,a first class grass far'in. A. ' bargain, Terms Liberal. Apply to A. Murdock, Hensall. ' FOR SALE Desirable Dwelling and 2 lots land for sale. in Zurich. Apply to W. F, IJraun far particulars. tf37 EGGSFOR HATCHING Bred -to -lay Rocks headed by males of highest egg. . iroducin , st- rains. Eggs for hatching at the farm 50e, per dozen., 45c, on in- bubator lots of 11 dozen or over. $1.00 per 15 cra:t-r.d for shippingt We are booking orders now. B. G. Krueger, R.]3.9, Zurich. Phone 1-55. - tf-37 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some cases" can save you as much as 50 tenets on as single subscript - lank Tuxedo, Chatterles.s AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS, GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TEEIING OF BANDS. L. A.. PI;:ING, Zurich. Sold 13y 018 Supply Of Cho nut afid Furntaca On Hand. n rts Y' )O HENSALL -17 Cate PHONE 35 Dr. H.a H. 0'0>a, EN L. D. S:, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick .block, Zurich, ee ery Thursday and. Saturday. Main Office• • fIARTLEI13'S BLOCK, DA`S11W00.0 HEIRS WANTED 'Missing Heirs are being 'sought througheo1 the world, 'Many pcotalc are to -day living in comparative pcive'rty, who aro really rich, but do not know it. • Yoe rely be one of them. • Send for Index Book, "Mi -- 'sing Bears and Next of CCirt," con- t:aiui ig Carefully authenticated lists of Inissi1g hairs and unclaimed est- ates which have been advertised Cor Item and abroad. The Index of Missing Ilell's the offer Inge sale contains thrnisands `nf 'naiiae's which have appeared • •in American, C'nn- adieu, English, Scotch, Welsh, Ger man, French. Belgian, Swedish, In- diao, Colonial.' mid other newspe apers, itiser'terd by lawyer's, exc'cut- oars, adininistrato'rs. Also conta- ins list of English and Irish Courts of Chancery and eancleimed divide ends list of Bank of England. Your name' or your ancestor's may be in the tint. Send $1.00 (one dollar) at once for book, INTERNNAL CLAIM e„ AGENCY, Dept 262 PITIT$EiJBG:C ,, Pa., UAL. • Miss Alma Utticry spent the We- ek -end with friencls at ;t)ashlwood. .il'O:F SALE --3 good new razors a real snap at $2,35 each:--•E.Oescla. Mn, Joseph :Meidinger iwas on business to Too.ronto Wedneee day Miss Vera .Siebert was a visitor to London for a few days. 1Vfl. T. L; Wur1n wars a visitor to Goderich on Tuesday. Mr. and .Mrs. A Mellek were San clay visitors at Nea ;Ramberg and If itchnnor. Miss Qlara Weber of Detroit is se. :ncling a fele weeks at herhorae here. Mr. and Mrs, 3, Preeter and fam- ily spent the. week -end at New hamburg, and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eickrneier mot- ored to St Marys oti Sunday, Mrs,' 1icklneier remaining there for the Mr. and Mos, Lenni's Callfas and little daughter have returned to their home in Kitchener, after 'sp- ending a few days here. . Miss Pearl Wuriz, who Spent the palst few months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Moritz, Guelph, has returned .to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Young and family, Miss Mnucl Beacom andMr C,•^orae Beacom all from Goderich, were Sunday visitor's at the home of.,Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Ga'scho. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Smith' little Mae Ingold„ MIs'se-s Irene Lipp- h•Itdt and Fuloine Geiger, and Mr, Newell Geiger, motored to New Hamburg on; Thursd;lyt and spent the remainder of the week there. • Mr. Albert haters who spent 'Easter holidays with his parents in }IaS Tr., is 'spending the week - reel 1 withricnds at Midway, be- fore returning to Waterloo to re - attar his studies at the Seminary. • R;v. H Rembe has received' an o'fr ^al env itation to attend the. dedication of The Muhlenberg Bue. ilding of the United Lutheran, Oh - arch in America at Philadelphia," Pa. , 1 i i Dr. B. A. Campbell, of Torun, to, in renewing his subscription to the Herald has a fine compliment to th1 publisher by stating that it is tha most -velcoille and interest- ing prrioclicalt hat comes to their 11. •at,' in that large city", and also is always in big demand when ft arrives. • The regulation requiring a.ehild who is absent from school three consDcutive dayis to obtain a cer- tificate of good hea.lth fr'ozn a phy siciarr aa's ' een 'suspended by the Board of H^.a1th of Hay Toiisliip The Township of Hay is now free. of casae, of contagious cliseases'and t was :not thought necessary to nforce the regulation any Longe'. The Lutheran Imrn.igrntion Board held its initial meeting that Thurs- day evening. The Bonycl consists. ea' Rena at .Remo', Pastor; 11Ir. a. rst'hl1b , r'cs.; Mr. II, Vungblut, Vice. -Pres; Mr. Wna. S. Johnston, Secy-Treas. and. Mr. H. Howald. nt„ ' n': t- ping will be held Fri- day e1 ening May and at 8 o'clock and as important business will be transacted all members are rega- •rstr`d to be present. GOLDEN WEDDING Th fiftieth anniversary of the .n•i,riagl o• Mr. and Mies. John B, �, . r: a. , 1, ).•_.r was celebrated in Zurich on April 22nd. Mass Was celebrated in St. Boni.tace Church, by the pas - toe, Re',. Father Stroedci'. After Yi •:� ''h^ guasts .numbering about si...• y. -1 re. the heme n1 S a, `•1. 1.'i'. aIee. Alex. Foster of Zurich, wh-e . a sumptuous 11 n „•,s i. The di,,n e , ooau was appropriately decorat d in gild end elite, with yellow and ilii s 1e.. •t1 centre .f 1711, i`il^ t s 1 .cd a beautiful wedallec - t t,nititl;=` ,:;stare. of this ,=nees- ion eat ho fact that the silver jub i,c•..' was c 3 heated. Mrs. Foster's 1. trn,,s, t.nd Mrs. Simon I•iit-. t.eiholt (on 'Ars, Mvs, Mittlel1olt:� sttry-iv;og) ..-:o celebrated their fif- tieth annivt'r a ry. The same bred s maid and groom's man who ofi,c:i- atv' l at the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Foster wore present for both celebrati ons, Three sons and one daughter were present, also a number of brothars and sieterr of beth Mr. and Mrs. :b .sten, Among those rat :'s nt friers a distance were; Mr. and Mrs. Thos'. Stephenson of Ethel,. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ioyce of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Mittleholtz, Me. and Mrs, John Zettel, Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Foster and family, all of Kitchener, The village, band '\vats ineattekld- atice in the evening, while one. sel- eetinf was being rendered Mr. Pas- ter suepri+sed all the guests by dan- cing several :step fiances, Mr, and Mrs. Foister have sev'en. children'i thirty-eight grandchildren and two great -grand -children 1ivi.n . A' remarkable fail is that in this fam- ily there; are five generations, Mrs. Sinton Mittleholtz, Mrs. John Fester.. Mr, Louis 13'ost,c'r, Mr, Theodore Poster and his little daughter Grape Th ` gifts irrr^ hc,nirt:iful and nunt- er')Us, ,showing tht' high esteem in cv}t'ali l h:> 'jub'iar',t.ns anti' .held in (thea' home community. h I lits l 13 est' way of ttia>iic r Youn Chik,,i.. Groat srariation i» Mortaiit . ,:.q,.. per' Mash - '1+'eeding, • a•" e It itii Bens --Weight of f value of l iitlnue.,.'lien to wootribuleC tv Ontario I)e,'iz'r,•aitt . Agriculture, Toronto 1 Tll,e, use of the ineubatoi brooder has forced the poultry 1:. lila to 'study • the methods 01 gr t,:vault Chicks, A. mother hen and her proud, when allowed to range, can he fed many feeds and, the chicks do Wei; simply because tile hen and the chick;. balance" tho ,ration by catching in- sects and, selecting tender green feed, and, it may be several other things that Zvi= have never observed. (*.'eat Variation in Mortality. There is a great variation in difer- ent broods of chicks reared by tho artido al method, and may broods have a high mortality and a very Unthrifty afapoarance. The chicks can be reared easily with reasonable care and, attention. The use of a Utile coniniori sense is essential. One should remember that, givt.i a brooder", a colony house, and say three ;huudred baby chicks, it is the duty of the operator to keep the chicks coinfortahle,' and that every need of the body must be taken to thochicks.u se There is no clucking hen to pick. up bits of gravci 00 to catch insects. The feed In m;t he taken to the chicks. At present the department o1 Poul- try Flusbatdry at the 0.A.C., is con- ducting a series of experiments, the object being to find a simple, lneg• pensive method of 'growing a uormat answer, but each season we add a little to our knowledge. Hopper Mash for Chicks. chicken. it Inay take years to get the } t PHONE 6• i • ++++++++÷÷.?„ The mash used at the Poultry De- partment, 0.A.C., in the hoppers, or feed moist, where the chicks are ranging.'consists of:, 150 pounds, of Corn Meal, 100 pounds or Crushed Oats. 100 pounds of Shorts. 119 ,laotnids of Bran, 57 pounds of Meat Scrap. 20 pounds of Bone Meal. The whole grain hopper feed usu- ally consists' of fifty per cent. each of wheat. and cracked corn. If milk is given to drink, one-half, if not more, of the meat' scraps nlay be taken from the mash. The pullets stay on range until ready to lay, which period is when they are about,slx months of age. I.f they prefer: roosting in trees to the house the allow then to do so; in fact w'e rather prefer that they would roost in trees. Shade; tender green feed, pleat?• of clean drink, and enough to eat. are essential. Feeding Clucks With Hens. Where chicks are being reared lvith hense and have acceso t0 tender grass or. otheer green -feed, a very good fend is raw or cooked job:iine. cake inatle with an egg in it. Give milk to dlrnk, .and have a quart t r of gravel' near' the coop to aupl)iy lit Move the coop every is,, its,° 'Whenthe 0 inks are o, ie, }t: el :qua Cian14u to orcit i , eanie. Paise tiro chicks on new e eied Kaon off the old ground that .16lair.: chicks rttlninjj• tip(Nl 1t year. ..cep the hen free o1 with sodium fluoride or use .t amount of blue ointment. rl Dice:: one -hall` the size; of a kernel u;' coin. Placed on the skin below the v: -at. will usually kill Many of the lice. I,9 eight of Chicks. One litiacli•ed baby chicks ;rhea hatched will nal:tally weight 3.. tt} e•.:, seven and eight pounds When tit: chicks have Ieaebed an age o1 teat v; weeks theyshould weigh,11t,ty .;•,te. one hundred and • seveniy-il'e alt: two. hunndred fiotuads. k'or sake; of cOi,lp , isoil We will take a calf at bel,h with a weight 0f eighty li•Ntt,es. Should Ow calf make the sane, r;,,4 oi' gain as tile_ chick, it would at twelve e woks of age weight tl, to,:. ."'"•••4 ho pone to unci ,..:.d ur 1)?b vl° chicks vary so ,nuch, and will alto assist the feeder to appre- elate the cpi'ortunity at. rr '' r dis- play his r ltilll•- GV Ii. (flew:tun u.A. •t olieie,, �braien to :Prune. The. dormant season is the logical rine for pruning- although whoa tea rv'rod 15 frozen the work i1)1 not very t! , coab1e to the gr'or, , t Where y04i1; tt'ees' of stone fritts are Ci,i cernod 1110 probably agv,.tabl to (11' - lay the pruning•until nst wtni.;r or early spring, but bearing ;.; + c,;i eau be pibned in zero tv, +,,,.,u r arolt- out, apparent injury. Pruning,;`a 1:11e ono major orchard opert;,tioe wh<c1t can. be beriormed- to adv auia cc•) dur- ing the winter months. At trial. tint:' 'l.het'e ole no leaves to iiatrrfe.;:c with the vision of the prunei', and conic- fluem 15' 11e 1sbetter abie to ji d which bi°'tinches should 1):•:.!1 ,<1t tt ,F,u,rlhcr'r, ore, it is only. dI,.,u: .a, winter that the ,•sower• ha., 1.11'_ ti:.t , to give to this -work. 'i'aa>are of; Manure. Manure is worth -.exac 1' t•r" i.t 1 111 es in net return ft, ti tttaised erop5 produced. '1'tr' 1 varies widely depending 11.teiri tic lluality;'of Hthe sell; the sea.oii, t nil the crop, :The value of tloi r't:., :r'' pea' tan is increased by 11+i spreading by ming a light to :tine.; i a. <.plrlicaaine, o. ten to fifteen ttttz'e rattier thnm a heavy 11jip.i• i. rl,' and by applying the . Manure to (Tops, corn., potatoes, and hay rat.ht': than to grain crops. Where into weeds are not present of mmhure gill. prove more than rotted: Paths end roads about the term- neer er m- c - r rt,ou1d be as Pew as it ;1lroulu ir: kept t~.. calf o1 ls, so. far as feasible. 411 Have loll bought that Th'e Buggy? It not ESS sells them. jP.: AR Lber Painting Peel Car, One `~oat, $15,00, Two Coats -- $20.00 iCovering .Ford, Top Good Material, less curtains . Changing Ford Cu.'tuias to open with ' , $12.40 Painting .euggy Daors , ,.,.., $5:00 IF YOU WANT' SERVICE, HAVE IT, WE $8.00 Wt+7 REE1J.imEll YOU}f SUGCrY WHEELS. HESS - ZUPICH 4•,F+.F•3•• •4••i•rE•II••i`++fr• + ••t ++ • }•3.•3•+444 •(•+.y..m.+ 4••f.++++f4.f.m••d,.p.•F4+,•y.,a LumJjer Laths Shingles r ‘, Everything in • Combination storm and screen doors made to order`; I Lumber and Buildine, Material d• CLLS ill \Ar olt" i , ; .Al« • the market for saw logs ' F1\. ALBFLEIscji: 9 d ZUL 2•.F, g t •g •g✓r i j ri• i,d.:. +++++÷.§.÷+÷++++++++4-;.+++.144 g,•g,+•II••Q, .§.. +a++4p,•3..D••I••D..p..p4-;.^k••i•+.144 . - c. , , : I ±HOBBERLJX -HDFFMANI ..t. WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRIN''1. SUITINGS AND SAMPLEyet 14 IN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EF FRES aIN0- •1 1 THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND 511.40ES 1 e.I TIOBBERLIN 1 HAVING .TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN.,. SEMI -READY' CLO THING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN &: + 00,) \IE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST ANYTHING FE T.I.aEJ) IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AN;D OVERCOATS Ai' PRICES SECEND TO NONE. I. REMEMBER 4 �Al, + + 4. 4. x in S to t i °' !� wy i r'�� `� .may. ITAILOW AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR i DAY AND NIC;i1 1 P110 ,NE No, 9 + i The Early Bird cE1tches the 'Worm "j -C-•1!- i••-•4•-•r-4•--�i^'--•F•--•4•-3•--•l•-.;.-..4a-••�t•-d••-�•-3•-3-•F--1--�F- I into "I' � 9Pri1 ', i' r ir,lU 'q I.yii j: •,i iii i e'ls'e' I I lieu•!" I ihl; ilii i rt; I i r n �; r'•g m• f � f , .fillilllll�lll6l,,n,Vi..If,11t,,�.IdIJ.,,III,I,,nu...d.,..if�tiritli�,I,Iuti,t,uti,I,iLl,am .i i il. i., L. � ,111 I: :I Il I I I t rr ni�� IIII „ 1..iIN11116111�IiVfIIIG.IiIV... h•lliil,..Iillilllillllillo,nlllllllnnnl,il inilllnflllJinniY IIIII�I�� Jal[i�ffll>IIIIiHfiUllllliflili(12111IE8 C-7.9 1 00 0 ZUBJ[H H let (llubbiiigr.1t HERALD and Toronto Daily trine • ..,...$6.00 H .RA -LD and Kitchener Daily T.1, :'i:.. '11 ,,, 915.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily :Mui -- .....,:6,00 HERALD and Toronto aturday and .11,-i sire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star -........ $6.00 HERALD anti, Toronto Weekly St .,,$3,25 HERALD and Toronto Daily N.n1 ^> .--... „-...$6,00 HERALD and London Free Pte's °r HERALD and London Prot' Pross, ning edition .,...-$6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Nice t • =;'Edition .--$6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, E\•.'11'lion .,_ $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advoe_a,. -„ --- $2,25 FTER A LD HERALD HERALD HER ALD 'JERAL•D H:ERAL D HERALD HERALD HERALD REP AID sistreeeeee and Paan aridDairy .. , .. $2.75 and Farmers Sun $2.65 and Femilyy Herald and Weekly Stas - „ $2.75 end Canadian Couttrytnnn '...... 2.25 andWeekly Witness $3:15 .'I c:? Farmers 11lagazine. • , . $2.50 ar.'It YOU th'sCompanion $3+75 ;incl Senforth Huron Expo.,ittn "3,25 l ... � 011:1 Ontario Journal , $2.75 and Rod and Gun in Canada ...,.. .. ...,..,.$3.1.5 .t = e Save Money and Trouble �1�,,lriil � € r�� lPapers ,j with c « W1ih us. See us for Ira papers � 11tS1: �RSt.e�g � •y bCiV HERALD OFFIGF Z,. rich.43 a si libnn8i;finl,innnnlnnnnnn mMol nisi ainDiioill;ll(!1u1111811Cotl iirommilori IIsIll lmlllfl lstlip Ye..