HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-05-01, Page 41;+ ERINt"i+"r~:., OP 'OI$ Akr# $FaIiSXNG R;ATBS 14e4 `Wednesday noon from the ititeitlaneous articles "of zaot 3/40,0,14 than five lilies, For Sale, To 11111144, Or Wanted Lost, Found, etc.; 'insertion 25a. ,.11.'ddress all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. LOCAL NEWS Mr::, and Mrs, G. Koe'hl'ev were ' lunday visitors at. Bayfield. Mr. Geo. Koch of Dashwood was 'ria the village op Friday. Messrs John Deichert and Philip "Beaver motored to London -on Mon slay J. Gascho & Son are offering' Some very attractive !specials for '4"'e week only. Be sure and read tem in the adv.and then aet. Mr. J. Hey, Jr. rJ. wat to Pt. 'Miasma. the beginning of the week, faking the effects of Mr. Chas• Gas- Nsxnali who is moving there. Dr. B. A. Campbell of Toronto Vas in the village on Wednesday, xttentling the 'funeral of his form- er intimate friend; the late J. A. illianvs. • A. happy event was 'celebrated :at the Sauble Line on i'donday of dais week, when Mr. and Mrs. Benj. harett•e • celebrated their golden wedding. As ,space will not per - it this week, next issue will give -.ave a full account. STORAGE E3ATTERi ES HERE • r S,. Zurich, Ont. April 15th 1924 • The Zurich EggCircle which was or anw • $r • °izen sorne tier ago are,now ready to handle? • (your eggs, either on , consignment or pool; • 'basis, For further particulars see the under -t ;signed who has been appointed ��nsPe'. 1 X • •o A FAIR DEAL IS OTU, MOTTO •. • PHONE -63 ITN L1 Y 1I •. ZURICH • i'9*•,Qia*iN04,004 •A0440404 1 • i•as.o0'e4M08.6 0000•o>a4K40+s®ae4360.0 atees ecoolev eesece. i WANTED Life : Company with Head Of- fice at Waterloo 'conleniplates op- ening an Agency at Zurich.` One representative wanted for .this lo- cality. Good opportunities for right man, with District Office sup- ervision and assistance. Write P. 0. Box 175, Waterloo, Ont. 42-2 AUCTION SALE Of Pasture and Hay on Zurich was injured' -ion Saturday last, wh Fair Grounds on Saturday May 3rd, ile assisting innreparatiolis for Dr. •Wood's sale. He was leading out a fractious colt, assisted by two o- ther men with ropes when suddenly the horse bolted and kicked side- ways inflicting an ugly wound in )(me ,side of the vietiniryn head just above the ear and in the vicinity of the temple which necessitated of her parents, Mr. and Mris. W. J•. Stinson. On Friday evening, April 25th, a !splendid entertainment was pr- esented to the public in the town hall. The many friends of Miss Freida Talbot; who is •attending Stratford Normal, are glad to know that she is convalescing• lrfter a serious at- tack of diptheria. Robt. Orr, our local .merchant, at 8 o'clock, p.m., at Walper House, Zurich. Terms and particulars made known at time of sale. W. S. Johnston, President. 0. Klopp, Auctioneer. ' FOR SALE A building 12?ci', well finished inside, would make a,ine kitchen garage or chicken house•. Phone 87-1. L. N. Denomy, tf42 is Battery 11eaJquariers WITH USL STANDARD BATTER- S .AND FROk' +'I1sR BATTERIES We have 'a bride range in Price that will fit gay pocketbook. We can supply you with' .a good "'Battery at a reasonable price, and you quality we can stand uYindJ L S. Wen-5—Dashwood Dashwood u�u TIC fir• W Y Y 163 Our 'Exhibit of Spring Millinery rilia meeting withi wonderful appreci- :�{t7olr from the ladies of this town d vicinity. Women have been h 1tahuuiast'ically delighted with the ^Misplay. The great -variety of *:files• this season; affords every Woman opportunity to obtain just "' hat she is likely to consider her vial hat. Large assortment and Y-?ea'sonable prices are important st ,etoris here. Vera Siebert ZURICH 4138. NOTICE I have been appointed agent 'le this dr'steict for the Ontario 'tea person Pr ode ',s �rtrh�..r P Any p regi, Y_^b fertilizer this spring will do sell -o see rno ' erase giving your e d::r. J. C. Saluron, R.R. 3, Zur- lith,' phone 25-81. 4135 Wrr.NTED A limited. number of cattle for aatura will be' taken in for the ason, ata reasonable price. G+ioc'l faring Water. Apply to Herb. lsejardine of Hy. Wiainer, Zurich. Ighe t P kes' Paid C a cord Ing to quality" ,GASH • OR TItAt)l1 �iL1_, 'WOOL BLANTKETS, YARNF. D WOOi., FIAT, "S. dL O.PDE D t'RGf,:i.PTI 7 T IL LIm. t,+ihone or write for prices to . t17. ef' o, NEWTON— e•-a•.•• EWT ; N en. tuffs ONT. �i. C',- WAGNER, Proprietor, the use of !several 'stitches, one art- ery yeas' grazed rind other very 'sig nifica'.nt damage done to the iscalp and blood vessels which makes it reeessary for the. injured man to. lie a>asulutely stilt, ASIIWC)O'�, SAUBLE LINE SOUTH Ant auction !sale consisting of 35 Mr. Max.Turnbull made a bus head of cattle will be held at Zim- ines's trip) to Sarnia on Wednesday. me.r's Hotel, Dashwood, on Satin- Mrs. Chas. Guenther who 'spent day May 10th. Watch for further a few weeeks with her parents, Mr. particulars and bill's. Arthur We- and Mrs. J. Luther, has returned bar, Auctioneer. George Merrier to 'hien home in Exeter. Clerk. Miss Melvina. Scla;rde is visiting T. Burkhart of Cleveland with her aunt Mrs. G:a''ser at Sluplot l visited in town last week. '+. anti TMs, Ltline 'Taylor of Mr. and Mrs. Schenk and fancily BrItesteld `vett.•ed friends along the lie* la5�t Sunday. Mrs. John, Luther is under the visited in Stratford on Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. G. Oe'streicher !at- tended 'conference in New Harnb- doctor's care, we hope for a 'epe- urg last weel; edy recovery. • Mr. Jacob Schroeder is attend- Miss Pepper • of Brucefield has ing the funeral Of his 'sister at Pi again resumed, her duties as tea- sh•£rvil1' cher of; S.S. •No..',11. Mrs.Miller has returned 'afters Muss Melba Turnbull has retur- spending ;he winter with her dau- nod to h Warner,ii ` s thiel. with'. ghte.r Mrs. Shore at Woodbridgry. ; Miss Finlay of Blake is visiting his daughter ' Mi' , Fred. Kading. at the horn^ of J. C. Reid. i Mi'. Albert Hendrick is enlarging' Mr. nn l Mrs Statlebauer of Lon- his fruit orchard considerable by don and Mr. and Mrs. V. Heywood : the addition of 400 more 'peach of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr trees. and Mrs. P. Kraft. j Quite a number from around h Miss Rose Guenther of London , here have been laid up with an visited her parnets, on Thursday. ;rattier of La Grippe. Mrs. Hopkins of St. Thomas sp- .SeedinL operations are now in ent Easter holidays with her Bis- , full swing, ter Mrs. Wm. Stade. Miss Marjorie Jennison spent the l CREDITON Mr. and 14:irs. Fred Rinl.ert of l The fire department had a run Thedford visited in town on Sun -,hast week to the home of Mrs. She -- day. i ardown when the roof caught fire Nits E. Richmond 'spent Sunday, from the chimrrwy. The prompt at her home in Blyth. I action of the neighbors .succeeded Mr. Gordon Call"as of Sarnia via - ,.in putting it out before the pump 'ited int his vicinity on Sunday. arrived, Miss Oliva Welton hg's returned, Miss Orme, Miss Tenny and rNM, after ;spending the winter in Pori- 'i.'enny ars visiting Dr. and 14Irs. Huron. i Orme, , Mr. and Mrs. L. Morenz are vis-. G. Mawhinney- left to attend the iting in Galt.' ,Trustees' O nventinn as a delegate > Mr. and Mrs, Hurdle of London •i'rnm Crediton public school. Week -end .with Laura M. Reid. spept Sunday with Mr, and Mrs..; iIv. and ales. Watson and fame �: rest. rt*r s sent , . K rat h holiday 1 a with 74 r •1 I.Ind y � r B. Gossman of Detroit, is , Mrs. n' •M . Bi Jos. Heist. visiting friends in town. iris..Tr 1To1i-znr,,i and Mrs. I : :.71,t1 Mrs. Harry Harris left 'Holtzman returned from Detroit. last week for their home in Sarna. At the 'closing of th.e,«ser.vices of. after spending the winter in town.; the Methodist chinch ` nriday etre Mrs. H. Elsie is visiting in Sar -,:ening iseveral lantern 'slides were axle. Messrs. Otto and Rhin. Willie t I2. clio f +u.a warn given a treat and i1I'rlfre' d.�Iern•cr left Monday 'last Tuesday erre WherrMiss Merle for Dctroi:t. , (:lark oft hit place played tea-. Mother'a Day and Go to Sunday;rral piano selectioons from the Sch000l Day ,will be held on May London Free Press broadeasting st- 11th in the Evangelical church. A a ,tion,. very appaopria.te program is be- i Chris. Rau, of Crediton, had the ing prepared. , misfortune to have his leg broken What might have bon a ser- at the ankle last week. Jou .sfire oocured on Sunday • ,a-, Mrs. Conrad Kuhn is quite i11 bout noon tvhcn a spark from the at her home here and under the crli ,n yeti o=, Mi. C. S°.e.nha ;en's ho- doctor's care. use caught fire with the -'shingles; on the roof. It was noticed in' 1 X T ti'n'e and. immediately extingulshecl. 'Kay, (laughter+ of Mr. and IrTrei. W. TI. Kay of Exeter W. united hi Marriage °iage to Frani. W. Price of Tore oiZtU. Cl?e ceremony wars perfor- ated in. Detroit. • • After an illnes'e extending os*er fens •years, following 'a- fall from, la lscaffold in which lt0 tatru0k his breast bone, which developed in- to tuberculosis of the bone, the death occua+ed at hia homey Main St.: on April lith, of Curtis Harries,, gaged 56 years, 2 months and 3 day's, , The late Mr. Harness eves born near Port Hope and came to Exeter when, :a boy with his par- ents, and had resided here 'since. COUNTY NEWS The by-law to raise $58,000 for theremodelling' of the .Goderich Collegiate having passed the con- tract has been let to ' John Avery and Son of Mitchell. Harry Porter =after being in poor health fore a year died at hishorne on April 18th!, . at 80 years of age. ille had been; a resident of Mit- c hell for 33 years, Win. Baird :of Parkhill, died at his home on Main St. on Monday last in his 80th year. He lived in Parkhill for 59 years, was assessor and nii,21 carrier for a Verne, The home of R..1. Cluff on High at., Clinton; Was completely gut- ted by ,fire about ten o'clock, last Thursday morning, the cainse was appa,ren'ly defective wiring. Ne- arly all eth furniture on the 1st Floor was 'saved. Seaforth is soon to vote on three bylaws; The Bell by-law, asking a fited ;assessment of $5,000 for ten years; the Canada Furniture bylaw asking a fixed a'ssessment of $12,- 000 for a eimilar term and the Hur en Flour Mills bylaw, asking the town -to a narantee bonds of the cornpany for t1i .amount of fifteen year y :vid to grant a fixed assess- ment for ten years. Mrs. Kay of Kincardine, who was so sariottely hurt whenhpr husb- and was shot to death by a dem- ented man at their hone over a year ago, wast he winner of the district 's •icond price in the Lon- don Advertiser contest recently. The prize Was $1,000 in cash. 4n quiet. wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Bell, Seaforth, ' on Tuesday, April 22nd, when their only daughter,An- na, Matilda, became the bride of Roy C. Anderson, only 'son of Mrs. Anderson and the late T. S. And- erson of Hamilton. The ceremony which was performed in the liarrag rooiii tilllld hOlyer nr Easter lil-. res ani rase8, wti. a performed by the Rev, IA Larkin; D.D. the death occured at Clinton, of Mrs -Robt. Thompson, a pioneer, at the age of 84 years,, she ha,d been affected with total blindness for some years, borne in .Ireland she `came to a•oderich Tp. as a child and ,ten' ;gears ago to Clinton. Five daughters and two 'sons survive. John Roszler . of the Township of .Stephen; has a ewe on his farm that gave birth, to a lamb a few days_ ,ago weighed eighed nineteen pounds. This is a rare occurance The God,eriehf ratepayers pas- sed aby-law last week by a ma- jority of 50 to enlargen the High School to, the extent of $56,000. , We have already tlurnedout Many Smart New Baits. Have you seen they HAVE YOU NO'T'ICED THE NEW FABRICS WE ARE DISPLAY+++. TNG? HAVE YOU NOTICEmf;THE CHARACTER WE ARE ' PUTT.• TNG INTO OUB SPRING SUITS? HAVE YOU NOTICED IOW` WELL THEY PIT?? WHEN SOME OF YOUR .FRIENDS ° TELL YOrt THEIR SUITS WERE MADE BY WUERTIII EXAMINE THEIR CLOi1IR . ES CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOUT TH• IVL THEP STYLE, THE FIT, • THE LINING{ THE FINISH IS DI.FI+'ERBNITI, OUR CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD OP THE CLOTHES WE TURN 01.111 - FOR THEM, THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUR CLOTHES Nonni OTHER MAKES, IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY ACQUAINTED - WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK SOME OF YOi7R :FRIENDS ABOUT TEE THEY WILL GLADLY'.PUT YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW 1101W TO - MAKE CLOTHES AT REASONABLE PRICES. • I tF'AND REPAIRING e. DO DRY CLEANING, PRESSING w. YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK. r s , EN m . 'berth 9 ^o` 4.4. •++t •'r++ ++ .4.+++ 'fir+«;• ••II•444.• 4..x'3 +++++ +++444 4"a . F Ttli* iviarr mery , m I HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE _ . �e AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT IN•TBRE7"1` Ohl 'i!UIT .. + CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOCK ' WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO LLESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US IBEPORE as YOU BUY. �. ,�, s4 FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR'S q Wagon i 1 DeLaval Cream Separator i + 4. 4. 4' PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. • 1 a on ' 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Ouitivator . • 1 riding plow ° • 2 Fleury Walking` plows. 4; 1 tractor plow at $;110.00 t1 THESE ARE ALL NE.W GOODgt + 4. 4. 4+ GARAGE! GARAGE!: t 1 1 Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic' "GENUINE FORD PARTS" always in stock: L. r . ..yvand Zurich h Ont. *+++++++++++++++++++++++++4•+++++++++++++++++++++44* , SPRING,. TIME WHEEL TIME Let 1924 Ee a Bicycle Year Tires From Ei4SALL. Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Lindenfield of St. (iath;lrine:s', visited the for- mei s nare�rtg'; Mr.-I!red hese .hil$ purchased a new Ford Sedan. • The shipments of onions is over from thie st .tion and Hensall this spring has again 'Sustai,aed its re- putation as headquarters for the growing a•,ic�l slipm'nt of onions. • Mrs R Donaldson and Grace, aro slatting, rn ative'S in Toronto. r a _ el M's„ O:iver iGeiger, •o Bridge -pert, 'spent. a +few days with the e p gents there. f tli� 'tie 4Iorggarth; ;who, has 'v 6ti rl.;.. - use,,, Tubes From 100 to 1.50 SEE THE NEW CLEN.ELA.ND SPORT MODEL, WHICH HAS ,TLIST:, ARRIVED: PRICE' F OM $35,00 TO ,-; ;L',^n. WE ALSO HAVE rta CO:a!i.PLETE LINE t.)1+' TIRES, TUBES ANO ACCESSORIES. HESS mspnommall b•.r.n _ rl,,);; the business col- �' R t.1 41 legef•. 1£ at i1LUn tfor Toronto. t_]i left T i n b ;� ;,o • a : 'i ' o lit=on. Th 1'i1urlass Jonas Players, 1 of sw.s Lra-•.'`•i , :. wive /an entertainm- ent in , ..i ,)W1a H;r.il,..an Friday eve.May end,`>under the auspices if , hereh. „a . i drench of the U.F' shown: on, tli ^,lif of Christ. 110. hare npeeet u?) s warehousr in th o".d .l rn Ueoriae Hotel and ..t,';+ re arse on Saturday, Mon- day, Weed, and Thursday. Om. ::Ir ua. •ustees are consid- m 'lee, o t.1OVId ng more or'i.ia i ;i and had an architect look- ti ing into th? matter, and in the near sfeti1`' Wiil either have to enlna h,'+. the present bhixilding remoddeling ki.`yof put un lin n rty- building ad- eissits to Meet the ref uiv'cm'uls... eft•. and Mrs, Thos. Dickson, of all's Tillage, received on Tuesday- hurried message that their daugh- ter Ma ii::i, tars. Geo. Glenn, a few miles .nort;lr, was suffering from ai' were, Lrr<, ,rr ' appendicitis. We regret to .learn, that Joohn Berry heal beeen; quite poorly. Ma Congr3gation ,of 'Carmel ?church are looking forward to their •annual anniversary ",services on Sunday, May 4th, with Brea t in- terest. brisO Jessie Bachman has been visiting for smite time with her 'si'ster, Mary, In New York State,. Mr. Wei. Fee is having •a cement driveway put in to hie premises" from the street, Miss Mary :Ero,ggarth returned to .'Coro.i.to.: after sda"t'ng+ at her hong Mr- and miss. 11 3111' r)f i7e'' Mrs,. Saxon ,Fitton, who has bo troit sj;^nt tlt':• eek -end with the _rl in Victorls! Hospital, c • 1atttr'a parents, Mr. and Mae. hy. e R �, i, al, M,. coedit for some time in a 'serious condit- Rader:. ion from the effects of an oper- "Mis;s Thelma Elsie spent last we- ation, has 'shown 'slight improve- ek visiting friends in Zurich. merit during the past week. Mr, Levi Hamacher Ieft for Do - Mrs. Jonah Simms, while attend- troit on Monday. • ing to her dut'es at her home the Miss Rose Rader of Detroti le past ' misfortune her i.arerats, p week, had the .misfortune to g 1 .. fall 004 a stool andbreak herleft • arni at the 'wrist. BAZPI1 LD + R. N'. Rowe, who hats been, in Victoria Hospital, London, for 'Bev - Walter Westlake is; . ;building a oral weeks un.dergoin r operations cement garage on the lot he re- was able to return, to his hone on recently bought :of W: Dixon, next :Friday last. 40 Robt. Dell aty's+ 1 A. quiet wedding was 'eoloi nized tl 4A11 E�-1 der`, fie- Fez Eve;syPurpose -lac Es ,-Fess iS cfa.w W , rite -to Hese. . Office felonfren,i fee es a Booklet•. HOME PAINTING MADE.' EAS SOLD 8'? -Mrs: Prenti's, Toronto, Margaret on 'Sa,tur.d47y, .April •.l9th, ;.it 11 berry, ILIA was. ao.eonipaitiecl aby cid Davit] '?reat.s. sefr' the ,gwits rn`clok a.nii .when,_Miss Lillian r O 1, o� �• lie:.» :3J.,1 Geit1u;i..r MI:T.IC.K ZUR.ICx• r +t+'i+4, +4 « D p . ,+.+»y+4.,1. .+++1.4, .4+«1':1.:1.:1++4 +l. s is EGGQ IND PO 1 " Y . i:J..1-.. .. ..—u _ , v, . .24.. .2,.. 4t. +., +'ems. We are in a position tri take all' your eggs no m<at'tet• host thi geis- ase or how small a quir,'.ity you have for.snli'. Enquire regallarlyfort prices. • .1: 3000��-�� �,.y.�. a7,n ro•il� r 9 .�ui.ar.rJ � z.D and �:L lM.4km....�, k Wantedt. i".For delivery in May id June. We are looking... for high prices :-r,. longt hrough these months, Now is the time to layyour seri:" Inc producing broilers, information' gladly 'lane, . g y given. Waite; 1a'hone 4. or call personally. Eggs graded aceordia ; to Government Standard. Poultry bought according to• weight and g quality, ''ETD & +4,++++++++ �e. Co, iTIaOIINS4.�iHWQOD O , e ages S E. „ 1 +IS.. 4.+F+fr+S++i'+S++iE++ ++1++a. +++4, Terrier•+1++ + +MF':.+++ +• ++ +`1+++L++ ++g'.«3+' ,t: