HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-24, Page 5Thursday, April 24th, 1924 BUSINESS CARDS fogoudtaoc, Killoran 4 HOLMES.. Bartdoiets, eneiritors, .Notariee,, Publi 1, Etc, Office ,oft the Square, Ind doom iron„ Hamilton St ..God- :rieL Private funds to loan at Ilaweet rates. Yroudfoot, K.C. J. L. .Killoran ... Holmes. M. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week, •iudrew F. Bess, Township Clerk Ater of marriage licenses, Notary 'Public, Commissioner, Fire and; Aut- ism/oldie Insurance, Representing *area and Erie ;Mortgage Corpora- tism, The ,Canada Trust 00, Zurich, Oatarlo. Dr. G. L. Smith (?Toronto.) D,D.S$(<Chieago) DENTIST ' .AT W ALPER HOUSE, 'ZURICFI, EVERY W EDNESDA.Y MAIN .OFFICE HENSALL OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- lionai School of Auctioneering. Try, sae for Registered Live Stock. (A11 Breeds), . Terms in keeping `with prevailing prices. Choice farms for. sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Zurich. Phone 18-93. or write, ;Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County ,af. Huron. In a. .position to con- -duct any auction sale, regardless a to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business: and ii, not +satisfied will make no charges for .services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood: Phone 13-57 Zutich Merl MARKET .1 Rologn:a Sausages, eIo i f r. slit anti Salt Meats Highest Cash Price for Vogul (;ASH FOR SKINS & U1DES Tii3 bl t Szt Deichc 'tom�;; ZURICH LIOVER f. 1 am in a position to accomo- =date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire, • Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL .;Prone fes • • . Zurich 4. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the,; Royal College ,m; Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itaary. District No.. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Main Office, Exeter, Phone 34. Zurich, every Z TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 Fi s j 1 9' :ter • 'O U L T R \'� WANTED 'Takeni.every day till 3 Oclock ,pee Do' not feed fowl Sarna morning M1hea brought • 1t . Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR- Cream arid Eggs W.- O'Brien ?hone 94. Zurich C9AL SEASON 192.4 •iS?RIN'G AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES. ANTRRACITE-We are no (re- ceiving. our gelatine` Delaware.. ik indsot direct from .the Mines', Net Stove` and Egg sizes. • SOFT, COAL -Just arrived, .an- atheir car of our grade high soft. z, This coal has made a (great hit for i.0ueelaald use and our sales of this as we ever doubled''ia the last :+s.cta- raga BOTILETS-)ux Roulet Coal is, also in a class by itself and 'rs..gr+ • giving in fa}rot! rapidly. DTR Telephones 'are at + your PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, it,.ost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ado IN THIS' COLUMN I Y_FOR SALE L E 2 i hrg(cattle, 1 h rfe r due 10th of I%iay�r '5 pigs about 90.1bbs: each, lsonse email pigs, Apply to A. A, Weber, R. R. No. 2, Zurich; Phone 6.97, ' 40-3 WANTED Irl Goderich, g000d plain cook and to do general bousework, no washing or ironing, sttwo in family good wages: Write or apply im- mediately to Mils, Macdonald, P. 0. Drawer 316, Goderich, Ont. 40-3 LOST On the Zurich '.Road, a bicycle puinp, finder please, leave at Herald Ofifiee. FOR SALE Tiazothy, Alsike and Red Clover seed for 'sale. No. 1, Gov. rested seeds. Prices right. J. Geselio & Sonf, Zurich FOR SALE OR RENT -East 14 Lot 11, Con, 5, Tp. of Hay, a first cla'ss grass farm: . A. bargain, Terms Liberal. Apply to A. Murdock, Honisall. r FOR SALE Desirable Dwelling and 2 lots land for sale in Zurich. Apply to W. F. 13raun far particulars. tf37 EGGS FOR HATCHING Bard -to -lay Rocks headed by- roof..n . of highest egg. pxoducin:- st- rain% Eggs for hatching at' the farm 50e. per dozen,. 45c. on in- cubator lots of 11 dozen: or over. $1.00 per 15 crated for shipping„ We. are'booking orders now. E. G. Krueger, R.R,2, Zurich. Phone 1-85. tf-37 WANTED Will take a limited cattle for pasture fox, 1924. .For further part ply to John Stephan, -R ich, Phone 5-99: number of ..,season of ieulars ap- .R. 1, Ziu'- 35-4 In renewing your ,subscriptions tor your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent. for most of them and in some eases can save you as much as 50 cents on,`a single •subseript Tuxedo Ch.atterless AUTO'OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARAN:tEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold 13y L, A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 COAL Supply Of Ch anuf and Furnace On Hand Case & Son P1 0NEI 35 HENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S., D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick .Block. Zurich, ev ,:ry. Thursday and Saturday. Main Office ."iA.1 TL 1i'S BLOCK, DASRWOOD HEIRS WANTED Missing Heirs are being sought thruugho.L the world, Many people to -day living in Comparative ✓c; pr,Vcrty who are really Atli, but do not know it. You, may be one of theta. Send for Index Book. "Mit-- sing Haire and Next of Kin," .eon- taining carefully authenticated Este of. niissiu g heirs and unclaimed est- ates- which have been advertised for hire and abroad, The Index of :Missing Heirs we offer for sale contains thousands of names w.hieti have ;appeared in American, Can- adian, :i ngli:eb, Scotch, Welsh, Ger man, French. Belgian, Swedish, In- dian, C oian al, and other newsp- aporls,',y inserted- by lawyers, exe.cu.t- ozliw, adnmiiiietrators. Also conta- ins list of English and Irish Courts' of Chancery and unclaimed divid- rvice. Ltis them l£reely by, ill., er'g's list of Bank of England. Your tormatibl ,. name or your ancesto'r's May be in neee I the list. Send $1,00 (one dollar) at once for book, BAN INTERNATIONAL CLAIM r" 411 PItODtJCE Mhllt� Phone Office low, :. Houtye 103, At ENCY, Dept 262 liEN SA 1:. L ` N.'1" PITfI'SBTJEG:1I, Pa., ti.S.A., Mrs, E. .Oeseh and Mills. J. Gal - star ,were b 'London- on Thursday. Mr. and Mra. Peter Deichert, Jr. Visited at Seafortlk ori Friday. Mr. E.E. Steel ""was 'a week -end visitor etc hie home hi St, Thomas: Mr. Lloyd Sararas of Kitchener, crani Easter visitor with bis par- ents here, Mr. Kenneth :Routledge of De- troit'is visiting with his parents here. Miss Lillian, Wegeioh of London, is lspendiugt he holidays with her parents, Mrs. Lydia, Geiger is rattending. the Conference in New Hamburg this week. WANTED-Diningroora and kit- chen girl, good wages, apply to the :[Ticks House, Mitchell. . • The regular meeting of - the Zurich U.F.O. Club was postponed till thirsday evening of this week. Mr. J. J. Merrier of Seafortl at- tended his father the past week previous to the death, Miss Mattie Kennel, who has be- en for some time at Baden, has re- turned to her hone on the Bron- son Line. Mr. and -Mrs. Jack Routledge of Dutton were Sunday visitors :at the home of Mr. and Mra. Jo's. Ro- utledge. M7•. .Albert Kalbfleisch of De- troit spent the holiday with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalb- fleisch, Hay Tp., • Dr. A. J. MacKinnon motored to London on Monday: He was ac- companied by Mr. Wan Turner of Stanley, Tn., who . is taking treat- ments for his leg. Mr. Theo. Wagner who is atten" dins; the Waterloo Sernipary, is !sr;" ending the week with his, parents here. H" is accompanied by his boy 'friend, Mr. Earl Shelly. Mr. Samuel Deitz, contractor, has received the order Ito supply the galvanized roofing for the large bank barn of Mr. Harry Puck, Bay field Road. Mr. Deitz reports bus - lane very good along this line. Easter norning,r looked more like Xmas. morning . with about three'inchesl of (snow and the wea- ther man has give us very cold and raw weather since. Sonia far niers have done considerable seed- ing, but there is little growth. Mr. George Brisson, who, has been the past two weeks at Win- dsor, has returned QQ St. Joseph and is making :preparations to op- eeatn the pound net: fishing burain- ass there ,this bsuntiuei, arid- weevish Mr. Brisson.:a ''very',successful se anon and good catches. THINNING- FRUIT. . The annual 'C'onference of'the. Canada Evangelical Association is Prevents Irregularity of Dearing - in session this week at New Hann- '.Experience Iu Thinning plii _ burn •- Rev. J. G. Litt left on Non hints, for 'Thinning Reaches. dev and Mr. J. Preeter, Laymen oft he Zurich church, leaves on Thursday morning,. While if the weather pian keeps' good. .a large 'm ether intend motoring there ov- er the week -end. It is report•nd that during the (o` Bing .see ner 5,000 or so Russian Mennonites will be brought to Can- ada. The new residents will eet- tie in Waterioo, Lincoln and York counties and in Western Canada. It is said that these people are really Geemen• having gone to Rus 'ii. in 1.740 and •h w, intermarried very little with the Russians, They nrasp Bred there but had thit Land taken prom thrni by the Sovet Government, were forbidden to ,ielve their children religious 'train- i.n;g nd wen compelled to send thein to Sovet 's' hooks.` The Sovet Gros n-•nrn^rt , bi ail ^rti to allow thein to leave Russitt, only making tithe stipulation thatthey most not retm'o. T' bs averred that the Mennonites ar' not the same sort a,s n7 rd sn ',rr,rh 'I-II- ible in the rpt , .. t t- , i •r,;rl , ktt?'P hive been in- formed i7-•forn7 •d that they must send their ehikl; en to 419, .0"r•n:dian Schools. BITILIC HERALD T,D FRUIT FERTILIZERS' L if>ierent Fertilizers Required For Fruit and Grain. Nitrogen More Needed by Fruit Than Potash. Pltnsherle Acid or Lime - Humus; Important in the Orchard -9`hie'your Fruit and Do it Early. ly. Wortrrouted e. Ontapio Department of agriculture. Toronto.) In the past fertilizer recommenda- tions for ,fruits have been based largely on the plant food require- rrnents of field crops, as grains, etc. Recently completed investigations, however, indicate: very strongly that we must reconstruct our ideas in many particulars. The food require- rr,ents of grains and fruits have been shown to be materially d'iffer'ent These experiments show; -- Potash (Potassium), - Averal;� fruit soils contain sufficient for fruit crops. Applications therefore are nut warranted. Phosphoric Acid (Phosphorous). - Average fruit soils contain sufficient for the direct needs of fruit crops. Flowerer, this may not be sufficient for ' the needs of green manuring crops.-.Iesuch are grown phosphoric acid may give a decided increase in growth and thus influence the growth and fruitfulness of the fruit tree. - Liine.°:.Fruit crops, with few ex- ceptions are acid tolerant, 1,e., they will grow equally as well and some- times better in an acid as in a neu- tral or basic soil, unless the acidity is extreme, Therefore the applica- tion 'of •Iiiiie merely to correct soli acidity Is not warranted. On the other hand many green manuring crops require a "sweet" or linrect soil. Lime applications on Clover, etc., are often warranted In the increased growth secured, which in turn favor- ably influences tree growth. .Nitrogen. -A sufficient nitrogen supply, is often lacking le our fruit soils.. Its application is usually war- ranted,•w1i,ethei• in the form of legu- minous green manuring crops, barn- yard or commercial fertilizers. There is a place for all three and all three may used to advantage. Humus, ---Humus (decayed vege table natter) is the basis .of soil fer- tility.. Pbosphorus, potassium nitro. gen may be in your soil in abundance but without a sufficient humus sup• ply it will not be a fertile soil, Main- tain the humus supply with -barnyard ,manure, or green crops plowed down, or both Our fertilizer recommendation for fruits is-uo potash; phosphoric acid and-lirne only where green manuring is practiced, and if such crops show benefit from applications; nitrogen and humus inthe form of barnyard manure;a'hd legume crops; nitrogen also in •a• quickly available form as rn nitrate of soda..ori -sulphate of ani- reonia ii+ early- spring before growth starts: '' .. F. Palmer, •Bort. Exp. Station, -'v.'ineland Sta.tf.on.. . MA' :1(91) AND 0U.N The firs' uarti of �.n actual tim- ber 'survey ii't-ber'surtvey trio in Northern Ontario is ,given in the May issue of Rod and Gun in Oamida iby T. A. Rig- gin:.-, dealing with every phase , of ,the work'whileiC'x P, .Sladen :114S a good.story on •a novel canoe trite in Mary with ,the snow still on, the ground, "Rushed by a Griz�:ly" .,a .,i b e I} exciting account of a peril- ous adventure by John Cook, and Mark G, Mel+.ilenney gives an in- teresting de'srription of his trip to beautiful Raiaff Park. The snea.l';- ing wildcats along il�lne Clyde Ri- ver, -Nova, Scotia,g'ii e l3omiyeastle 1 Dale subject r ratter for ai well wr- itten articlpe while "A Wild tioseoo Chase in Newfoundland" by i . Gal- lop le an (unusual and well told ,storey If. W. ,Pry continue:, his series on shooting from the „ six point .Pest, and iF, 0. Neus has a practical artielt on making small game and targets on thr' "go"ea- Sy, for shooters. The daring ad- venture of Captnin Douderax the man who went after timber wolves in they north in Winter makes fate- inatin,g reading, and all the regule ar departments ,are well • stoeked With interesting in preparation for th'' .miens^ enosen,, The May nuin bar of Rod and Gun ixi C nra is eorltstins• !z7y0' bhlse <?" rrr,tctically every hsportesnian's interest. Unbalanced production of fruit oc- curs fregtien.tly on nearly all kinds of tree fruits. In .wino years certain varieties or rinds will yield a very heavy crop while in the following year little or no' fruit is product d. This irregularity of bearing is undo• sirable, because it adversely ONO:. hoth the market and the vitality or the trees. After the 7922 crop the vitality of some plum trees was so low that they were seriously injured and in some cases killed outr•ighe by the severe winter following. Some of the factors that affect the setting of fruit, such as u:,:esters and temperature conditionua, ,ii •. be- yond the control of tht occ,,ardzs.. but cultural practices such an tiilaesi pruning; `spraying, fertilizers end thinning can be -Used at yeast to pee - ly regulate the fruiting habit ui t.hi tree. Experimental work with 'p!nr., done at, this station that thinning is a value bra factor in getting annual Crops and nlse a beneficial effect on :.ire ies.,.c r 1u,,) vigor of the. trees. Where �,.:,i r?r •. was done during 1923. a! p(od crop, but on trees {5.1i 4A.i• i., Lt a heavy set of fruit lir 19 id where no',thinning was ti :r .i. ;vas very Tithe fruit to b., f ;rtl. Thinning plans perhape aid nee Pay in 1922, even though all tiree fruit graded as select, and i...:. fruit graded otily as medium or esti, Market conditions were too poor, and there were too ' many ' poor ;yr de plums, }Xowev;ei•, there was the foot on the vr:gt'r of the trees sad on the following year's erop,wlrioh was much larger than it would hate: been as previously noted, Thinning seed 1.3 bed done shortly t1Y a fCer the June cion. In the ease of Peaches, the work should be done ellen the fruit is quite small, before the• pits harden. Thin sufficiently - prevent individ,11.1 fruits from, tO Ch.ng when ' futi,y ma- tured. Gener•al.ly four to five inches apart is about -right for pcanccs,- ii. F. Palmer, : Hort, E:kp. , Station, Vineland Station, Grinding the' grain saves tJ' e en- ergy and Work of the Cow. What in the use of feeding a cow a u't grain and then have her speed a large port1ou of het energy in grinding it herself? 'Take this load oil the cow and let her teserve her energy Or putting the •feed into the milk The 'usual provision is to three to four feet of glass per ,tri✓ The more light the better, especially 1.f the windows, are proeideia nee double panes to protride for we, ;en , Faith hi your brother pt. •lti; and faith in your leaders is the eer- ner-stone of our co-opetative'mb, et- ra'4y ttiv".r,ra, An 'Ace: n, 2 itptrl¢ helps lei- ,te the' euw,s *a:dd Cr:'JPS. 4 Have fou bol b.t prat ;1 Tireuy UES s • ><'[,L. R"`A i rr Painting Iniad Car, One "oat, $15,00, Two C'oats:..... et'.oy Goo , `12.00 iCovering Ford I d Material, leas curtains,. .,, t,12.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Dors ....., Painting Buggy . ...... $5.00 .,.,.. $8.00 IF ,-Qu WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERU7313ER YOUR $ C;G•GY WHEELS, JIE-SSZUBICII „els, !i•.•F......Y•.•6••tr•k•....•t•.?•or.,l,.;..F•.i•.i,..S.,......d'...LathsShiEgies• Lumber Everything in • Combination storm and screenp .Q. doors Waage to order, I Lumb4. er and Buiidi� Material Cusionis Work (Air a' I t Cit U1, 4. 2 t Alw ays in the market for saw.. logs • 4.4. s• .LAf IEISCR+ fi + 4.4.+ 4.4444.4444++++++4.4444++-1444441 4q..i 4.'p.i.,1,++ +++°g,.f'ht"p+++-1 4,F'411. READY fHOBBERLLN HOFFMAYj ee WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SU1TINGS AND SAMPLE1� ,I, IN' ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRIC'S, AND E QQ PRESSINCr 1T THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES , I-IOBBLRLJN # i RANINQ- TAKEN QUER THE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN * t.S..R111-HEADY C.LOT'ING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN &se, S. CO.) WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST 1 ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND. 1 OVERCOATS Al:PRICES SECEND TO NONE. t P EMEM I3E1U 'g The Early Bird catches the Worth r r 1.TAILORIAND FUNERAL DAY AND NIGH ',TO.,A:1, No. 88 DIRECTOR* * N Jlllilil�l�,l!,I(li� di (h��Jh� li„�u�llllau6r�• liilllVl„I111Gi1Il8!ul�L!ialllillllll0,ll,l!Ihi9i11l11lIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIII�V 11I111151111111111i111111111(li IZtJR1CH HERALD'S 1924 OJ.ubbiimList HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe - .,.. $0.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ... $6.00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star . $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star ,...,$3.25 :HERALD and 'Toronto Daily News ... ......$6.00 HERALD and London Free Press, Morning edition 1.5:10 HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition ......$6.00 - lIE1RALD and London Advertiser, 147:ortring Edition '--.$6:00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ..e$6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate .. $2,25 HERALD and Faris nnclDair'y ...... !:22::75675055 FTh3RALD and Farmers Suti H7aBALD and Family He ' ci al l ,7,ltti'- W'eulistar ... ... H1+IRA y hO :ii7il i"anac3ian ("nulatiy7vrin .., 25 ;TE„ALD and Weekly Witness .. 15 HERRALD and Farmers Magazine HERALD auu Youths Ccrnrpauion $3.75 HERALD and Scraforth fturon Expo.;cor �r,.25 HERALD ai7d Onts'rria Journal$2.75 -I•IBI:I.ALD and Rod and Gun in Canada ........... ... ,$.15 3 .. ~ry Save Money and Trouble u e b ire11f.'6if];n,Your Papers • th us. See us for papers not listed above :TALI) OFFICE, Zuric ti3 II n �f f�U�l1!!IRII il(lll@I!I(il III((!lI(iIIIIIII�Il�1�iG(I�lliiliil1111111!�!iliGillilll�(Ii1H►Cglllilllii�