HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-24, Page 4F • F." 't H'iERALD PRINTING ovolco tA.riV]RTISIN' RATES :y I Wedneada t noon trete the d,,,reilla;neousarticles of not than five lines. For Saler To . or Wanted, Lost, Found, etre., leersinn ertion 25e. O Armes all cotnmunicatians . to splay Advertising -Made known. ton 'application. *tray Animals -One insertion 30a, • . 'insertions $g1,0o. tr'i►,G'm or Real Estates for: sale for first month, $1 or each sub - wee /ere ubpie+*,,,eat insertion et1CTION SALES -$2 per single 'tlsertian), ifnot over five inches io Its: • "eh re_ the Herald Department is al- tars ready to turn out first -clays tern* at moderate prices eonsiider Ing iql;' the great increase in cost of -eirotiuetioe. , mvery farmer should. 'salad -many have already, have a •rbnted supply of note paper rend `ittrirelopes, with No. of Telephone seed Rural Mit route, and perhaps *Whatever specialty he follows in d. rack, grain or fruit. It looks .zessinesslike and costs little more kl tan the 'retail price of the blank tatienery m.efeesional Cards not exceeding • inch. $5 per year SePo. ,ending matter. 'Mc a lire for Yard of Thanks. In Memoriam, 5cc Local and Legal advertising not - ;lest 'iiaertion and 5c per line for lifiee'itive after Jan. 1st. 1920 THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. STORAGE BATTERIES HERE Is Battery Headquarters PITH USL STANDARD BATTER- WS AND FRONTIER BATTERIES lefe have is wide range in Price ghat will fit any pocketbook. We can supply you with a good !Battery at a reasonable price, and eve you quality we can stand doseleind. t-43 '-, S. Wein-Dashwood ilisplay of Deautiful ILLI T Y ERY Our Exhibit of Spring Millinery ea meeting with wonderful appreci- eation from the ladies of this town .and Vicinitg. Wonihn have been esestbusiastically delighted with the leeplay: The great variety of tastyle'a this season; affords every ese.enan opportunity to obtain just ';asstiat :she is likely to consider her Rideal hat, Large a'ssor'tment and. *rweasonable price's are important 4aetor.,s'here. lien Vr Siebert ZURICH tt'3E • NOTICE have been a eprented agent #moi~ ties . district for the Ontario rtilizer . Produ'ts 'Any person Tburring fertilizer ties spring will do �lrrll to see Me' giving your srder. J. C. sire :rn, R.R. 3, Zur- Tielr'. wirone 25--s1. tf35 WANTZ,7" A limited ''umber of cattle far eaa .cure'rill be take'' in for the •:iweison, at a reasonable price. Good *pane water- Apply to r Hd rb. I3iiejarcline of Hy.. Wolper, Zurich. 1 rOTICE TO CREDITORS. 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lalset all person's, having 'claims a- egeenst the estate of.' MARY KOCH- .33 riFi, late of the Village. of at'ir- i;eh, Widow, who died on the: let •.stay of January 1924, arta required • forward th it elailass' duly proven tlz^ undersigned ooh or before Me 26t11 day of April 1821:. ADN NOTICE I$ 117wT I:R ,GIVEN ' that after thea send date 4 -he Administrator will l''''eech to elietribute the Estate : hiivnig i d - .geed only to the claims oi' which -,dike. then shall ha -eh notir. . OA`CI+ID at Exeter, this'- Ith day of ..pril; 1924.' john' Hartman, Zurieh, Ont.. Ad- ininittr xtor. l+at'Ttr) wtanbory, T`citeli A 'dm/Irrater'll Slicitor. d�• HliitALU •i•o'potow ..• foe iii••••••••••••••••s• • •• • • • Zurich, Ont. April 15th 19241 3 TheEgg Zurich Circle which was or an-= g • izen some time ago are now ready to handle; g your eggs, either on consignment or pool! =basis. For further particulars see the underl • • A FAIR DEAL IS OUR MOTTO • PHONE. 63 ZURICH • Z signed who has been appointed Manager. • i • O .T • 1 •• • e••••ed114Ot+lady➢•d 3,•••••t��+0•••••r••O•••••••••�r•••••0••A fa WUR makir.BIB THOUGHT Pik -FOR TODAY. - ",6 twnmetln �t4r .0 r r .2hotii son; of n.an, be not afraid -•Ezek.. 2;6a • The ''ste,p'.eof a good man are ordered by the Lord. -?s. 37;23. 4..-+i+ Behold tay servant 'shall sing fox joy of heart. -Is. 165;14. S -4 - For thie word of God is quid: and powerful, and sharper than Goo. Dowsoe for a few d;7y.s, Mr, 'to dill has been keeping,'a any two-edged sword, piercing ev S en to the dividing asunder of 'soul grocery store in Sutton for ai:um- an:d"'spirit,''dtnd tof the joints and be.r of years and has disposed of marrow', and is .a discerner of the his business there and' is 'on the lookout for a suitable business to purehass in 'solve other town. Mr. Ruskin Keys, who 15 teach - in. Sarnia over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mosher of "Pon- tiac are visiting with the lettere; mother, Mrs. Mary Neel;.' ' Mr. Elgin Schatz of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Rev. Bruer of London will con- duct English 'services in the Luth- eran church next Sunday evening. Rev. Yager is this week attend- ing the Conference at NewHam- burg. STANLEY • TOWNSHIP. Yr. and MMrs. W. H. ' Stogdi•Il• of Sutton, have been visiting With the latter's parents; Mr. and Mi -sr thoughts and intonta .ot the heart. Hebrews 4 ;.t2, 4-+ginn• near Elmira spent the holiday's Then' shall it�4tL tutus man. leap s 'a . heart,and the tongue of the, at his home in, Babylon. ' Miss Ealanor McKinley of Clin= dumb shall 'sin£or in the wilder -!ton Is 'spending the holidays with her friends on Goshen. Mrs. Thos. Robinson and clan Be crateful for nothing;but in ghters Margaret, Grace and Isabel everything by prayer and tsupplic- are spending a few days in 'C1- ationwith thank'sgi'ving let your inton, visiting at the home of Mr. requests b.;. made 'known to God. Philippian1.3 4;6. { e Ask and it retell be given you; nets 'shall waters break oat, and stream's i.itq the desert -Is. 35;6. Jas. M. Reid. Miss Isabel Howell, ti'eacher' of No. 5, Stanley is 'spending the hol- idays at her honi•e in"Thorold. : , M Cli the who is liv mg near a roy, ca Was due to •old . age, ha wae'mar- �. brothers and 'sisters on'Goshen genes twice and leaves four Baugh- Easter Sunday. C�I�lrs and one soon.w DASHWC�ODt. The Easier 'services .in::ti tee eta �, "R W. Rowe is convalescing ''at en: church on Sunday,°under „the London `Hospital arid is expected """'�`» auspices oft he W.M.S. was well ,h;om;t ,shortly. wl o died a nuMber of years ago',. .and f v4' ehiidron were left, four at home and one daughter in Mich- igan. Ylich- iga u. 4%. few yews ago she mare rued Henry Bauer of Zurich', who also predeceased her about 'six yeai+s�.. ;She was' a kind hearted pewee and weer respected by all: Tlie funeral t000k place to the Be- angelieel cemetery, ' HENSALL, The many friends of John Mur- doch oft he village regret to tear n; that he continues very poorly. Ons Saturday last, W. H. Pfile of Zurich, opened up a ishoe'store and repair shop in 3, W. Ortwein'�e store; formerly occupied by T. Pal- vier, and is doing a good bu'si'ness. J. W. Ortwein' has 'sold the neat little •cottage• he purchased from• S. Leeper, to S. IDillin'g, of the 'TV. -of Tuckersmith.• Miss Ola Cook gave a trousseau 'Ma to her lady friends. Miss Erma Rennie and Sam Ren- nie of Detroit are: home visiting. Chats. A. Redmond, of Bellville, formerly of the Parr Line, visited friend's hiere. Some of the ratepayers of 'Hen- sall are probably wondering how 's5='sten'' of our village stands, and wilebe. glad to learn. that the sur- plus is $9 $928.06 in" addition to pro-. viding for a. depreciation of $345.00 .J. W. Ortwein has purchased the Bush property on Brock 'st. which 'consists of 'a couple acres of fine soil with 'small fruits and berry bushes. Mr. and. Mrs. C. Cook of Hen'sall, announce the engagement of their only daughter, O1ro Isabel], to G. 'Mcrley Chelew, of Los. Angels,Cal. son. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chelew, of Tononto, the marriage to take .place in. Los Angeles. EXFTER At an ;auction .:sale on the farm of Adam Case, London Rd. north good' prices were realized, ewes with two lambs. 'sold for $25 and a ,Percheron ''''fare for $162. Quite a large acreage has been •secured by the representatives of ;Libby, McNeal & Libby, for the growing of cucumbers. The Sanders Manfg. Co, after being run with a light force for two or three weeks, is now running full u ime. and a complete :staff. A .r•ery sudden death occured here on April 14th when Mrs., let Eacrett passed away with heart fa= 'lure, ;she was born near Kingston and for a thee resided in Hay! Tp. 2nd. con. The death 'occured on April 10 at London Hospital of John Hawvk- seek and ye shall'eind.-Matt'. 7,'l Mr. Jas. c n Y, Shaw Iii his. 92nd year. Death Str th Iles on his Mrs. C. Finklaeiner has returned attended., the tdclres's by Mrs. (Rev after spending a short time in Durrant was interesting and help- fu1,= the music by. the ladies choir Sarnia. . was very appropriate., the 'tharfk Miss Mies Ehlers of Kitchener, offering =mounted to lmost' $50. visited in: town over the week -end i Mr. Clarence Yager of Toronto! BLAKE spent Easter at lis home here. ' The regular meeting of the Miss Myrta Hoffman of London Mission Band will be held on Sat spent the holidays with her par- urday afternoon April 26th. A go ents. od a'ttendance is requested. Mis's Eleanor Linclenfield of Lon - den spent the holidays at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mee Thos. Johnston. The Misses Margaret and Ada Meyei;s 'spent the holidays under the parental roof. Mies Alberta Finlay spent the holidays with friends in Da.shw000l Mr. and Mrs. G. Freckleton and son Lloyd of Exeter called. on friends in the village on Monday, Mrs Clarke acid fanne 'spent a Mr. Ira Tiernan of Chesley 'spent' the holidays at his home here. 1 Mr. and Mrs, Rutherford visited' with friends in Guelph over Ea- ster. Misses Lucile Wilaert and Gert- rude Fisher of Windsor, are epen- ding a few days in town. Mr. Courtney Eidt of Detroit, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs, C. Stale over Easter, Mrs. Addisen '1 i"ro in underwent few days with friends in Zurich. an operation for a;reetidieitis or . ° ,7 `dar.,a.r''t Tough as1 the Friday. We hope for a :speedy; Bronson Lite, north, •called , on recovery. ''•'rienda int he village ori •S+aturday. Mr. Andrew Musser of London,; Mr. and Mrs. Day. Gingwrich of visited over the week -end at his . Zurich, spent Sunday at the home he:no here. 1 Zof Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brenner- . Messrs. Cleo,Cleo,,Sties and Fred. 'ren -; roan. •, tenet- of :6tlonctoe, are visiting, at their homes. Cl ND SEND Mr. and Mee Iy 7iramewr o," I --- Stratford, spent Eiatet 1 ' town. A quiet wedding was solemnize:1 Miss Elizeh•'ttt Ti;r•tl:'+b of T,eree at The Prosbyterian manse Thee don :spent Sundya '"at her home• ,Edna A. daughter of the late Ch-, here. : eat:ian and Mrs. 'Wolper was urn - Mr. W. Blum .spent the holid'ivs.ited in, marriage. to Lloyd Taylor, in Toronto, ;non of I. J. Taylor +alto of Grand' Mr. Alfred Zimmer of Detroit; ; end, The bride wore a :sfi;a.rt chided in. It own over the week- snit of navy blue Poiret twillevith" end.'grey blou:s+r, glovers and hat to Dr. H. Cowen spent Raster with match. immediately afer tthe cer, his pairnt:'s. in Fergus. entony M', end Mrs. Taylor tett for Mr. M Mersanc and family of Detroit .for a honeymoon.; afterre- D^trait, spent Sur lay with l'the turning they will reside on the gro- an," Mrs. P ivlclsore. one, ;sfarni near here. • ' Mr. W. Pcsnrild and Miss Terry rye 7,rtncl+rn. spent E.';stcr with the' TO ''n",r''rt "parettt:s, Mr. 'and Ms's. P.! .. CREDJTON Faocold. i Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn :tnd dau- • Mi•t, Resole. 00ool;. visited here ghter c is'te1 in Detroit. over the o ee Sunday. 'Easier holidays. fil`''e.:Ad : t, of '1 )ndon• is vis-. Eva 0 :a`;,ei..rt'r._ of London, :sI, - !tine her &;stet Mrs. E. Ce. Kraft. fent a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C L. Smith of Zi;r-' %loin'" Guenther of the, Can: ieh were Sunday visitors with Mr. Bank of .Corn vree buss been tr- eed Mrs. Hy. Schade. ansferred to Pt. 'Colborne, Mee' 'Mies Grace Kellerman is visiting Fitzgerald of Petrolea taking his in 'Porotito. place here, Mr. and :Mrs. Atkinson of Lon- The Sheardown Bros. eV Gods 7ton are visiting' with Mr, and 'Mrs, erieh visited their mother here. 1w^n. Atkinson. ! Pied Kerr is out again after hila M.',r r London, vis -Mares, but is :still unable to work, MM. Roy {1.11.-,1� d)� L rnd<, iced ilia own over the week -end. J 'Mrs. Sophia' Bauer, after an ?ilr. Harry Harr% of Sarnia tire Bess of a few weeks, passed away ont testae avith friends in town. at her home here on April let1tj. Mies Alice Grigg and friend of The deceased emigrated front Ger London *meet the week -end with many about fifty -~six year's age Mr, mail Mics, IT. Stiuthu's, an•:Y' took its her residence- She bout Pa in, cash -tend a quantity of llttt ?WI lis. Thine :Kraft raft thsftd eats first Married to Tobias Falixci lth?'g taken. Wm. Gardner has been 'success ful • in securing hits undertaking lic- ense. " R. W. (puree, who has been em- ployed with J. A, Stewart, for the pais:t®15 years, and who through a break-dow*ni in, health, is being for- ced to out -door life, has taken the agency with several insurance co- mpanies. COUNTY NEWS Miss Clans ?apfe, Brucefield, `who has been ill for 'some time; is now improv ir;;*. Clinton's. rate of taxation for thio will be 41 titi'll's. The sten i equi'ered to be raised is A3.6 520. Roy 'Adair of Wingham', had a m narrow escape frodeath on Tuesday evening last when the motor car he, was driving was hit iby a O.P.R. train at a level cros- sing. The car woe wrecked, but Mr. Adair escaped with a !severe shaking up. Th' majority of the grain boats swhich wintered here are reedy- to free out. The c:-•revgl. are nearly Etre awaiting or -le -s. So•rne of thrum are expected to go clown for e M1 rt:�l, 7t . t _•e rt ti ill._r to the head of the lakes when i!ie Soo is open. (3•^.a. P01111*, p; ':fae 2nr1 cod. Str.'gitil `rt,, l' is a .hen with very dl's-' f",r?i'laiine i.Lste's. She inSits s oil, laying in tht back kitchen and one Seer recently fleet, on a table wh- ere there were three :egg's on a plate and in due course deposited a-•i"on'th on the wtl;ttc. Miss Gratce Manson, of Blake, 'Spent :the week -end et the home 'of Mr, and Mrs. James B. McLean, of the London ERs, Kippeii,. A 'seriou's fire occured last `'week a,t.0linton when the residence of D. S. •Gruff; was totally destroyed by fir? tofether with much of the con- .tents. John McKenzie, who has been conducting a. grocery ,store in Cl- inton for a number of years, etas sold out to Albert Love, who re-. Gently sold his farts on the base !lee. A bad fire occured .at Holmes- vi11e last Monday night when the barn:" of J. Outlmore was burned', together with much of its contents. ',The fire started .after most of the inhabitants had gone to bed and hied 'a good start before it was noticed. A!town ; band has been organized in Goderich', and in order to inter; 'est the town, fathers, gave a lit- tle -concert before the members of the tontine. t A• 1VJillar'ii lgitore +at Winghard, was broken into 'tint *week, acid a- !Thursday, April lith, 1924' You Have Seen The W� :ave already turnedout , man Smart New Suits. H aver ou ' seen theta HAVE YOU NOTICED THE NEW FABRICS WE ARE DISPLAY-• IIVG? HAVE YOU NOTICED THE CHARACTER :W WE ARE PUTT- ING INTO OUR SPRING SULTS? * HAVE, YOU NOTICED HOW' WELL THEY FIT? WHEN SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOU" THEIR SUITS WERE MADE BY WUERTH EXAM +' THEIR CLOTH.._ ES CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOUT THEM. TIM STYLE, 'THE FIT, THE LINING•' THE FINISH 1IS DIF6`ERENiT-, OUR CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD OP THE CLOTHES YE TURN OU! FOR THEM, THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUR CLOTHES WITH OTRER MAKES, IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY , ACQUAINTED• ,, WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK SOME OF YOUR :FRIENDS ABOUT TEEM THEY WILL GLADLY PUT YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW H01W Tee MAKE CLOTHES AT REASONABLE PRICES. WE ALSO DO DRY CLEANING, PRESSING REPAIRING,,. YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK E. E. Wu Zrich. �•�•. 1•d• ;^d^•. d••.. ✓r �••F•� o •'ro �. o •F•-E•4••II••i••§.•i•3• r^F•3• �`g'�r� :'�'�'b 'T` o �. o �✓, 0 0 o s. o a �i••I••§•�• r>�•;•�§-• •Its 4 0 Farm Machinery HAS ADVANCED Ili PRICE AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON ' s .THE„ CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN'STOCK • WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEFORE •, YOU •BUY. FOLLOWING ARE THE GQODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR'S..esi PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. 1 Wagon - 1 DeLavai Cream Separator 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivatoe * • 1 riding plow 2 Fleury Walking plows 1 tractor plow at $110.00 ' THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. GARAGE! GARAGE! Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic "GENUINE FORD PARTS" aiways stack L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont. 1- t ..!i..i., ..i.,i'.++,5.'g.'s•,i.,l,,yO.i.+i.,F 'ty + ;es ,l.,a 1'x.'i' :,i.'i .i.AiiC'ir++++ rp'•?e•. + 'g'+ .i.,g'+ SPRING TIME WHEEL TIRE ' Let 1924 Be a Bicycle Year Tires From $1,9J to 3.5Q Tubes From 1.00 to 1,50 SSE TH1+ NEW :CLEVELAND SPORT MODEL, WHICH IiAS .ill T' ARRIVED. PRICES FttOM $35.00 TO $55.00. WE ALSO HAVE .s. COMPLETE LINE OF 'TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES. HESS ZURICH AM•amiimooarioreems on, ow so use Is -mow,. aststooveartoss*aoessorsoorssess,,me,...q.. • 'r ,,.. LAC For, Furniture -Floors A Woodwork Write to }teed Office, Montreal For FreeBooldet IIOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY ,p.i. q;..l.., .y.., 3•+1++ ti or• leaa'4++i••+ 4-S 4 •Seirfi••£ e s3teees+«2,-r.;..;.;.,:•: rears t•. le eeeleS GiV AND POULTRY '44- are44 I Asso inpositionto take eggsd•n . s, We a t all your no met...x lto.v l.tt,,,x•set, ' or how small a quantity you have' for saki. Enquire regular�.ly eel, e. 4. prices. 'i+ 3004 Hens and Broilers Wanted aated • t For delivery in May and June. We are :looking for, high .pricey a ee 4. longt hrough gush theso ' meths, NOW is the titree to lay your plart,s, , for producing broiler. Information gladly given. Write; p zone- e or call personally. see Eggs graded aceordine to Governpient Stendard. 4+ • +l` Pouitey bought according to weight and quality. RE1D & Co. D S '�O IOU , , Tanager , s 4. .i"4,3.+4•+4.+ 4.++++6 ++++4+ ++i +++e+ ++++++++++•4 1^+Eb++++++e