HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-24, Page 2MamommF... “A Particular PI choose el518 The most delicious blend procur able. ut the 0115e BAD CHILDREN. I plish all of this, as we are in very It has been discovered that bad chil-! moderate circumstances, but please do talk to me about stingy husbands. dren' are frequently suffering some, physical handicap which makes them i W. H. abnormal. You know yourself that it the children are excessively tired or BEHIND THE PICTURES. hungry, they are perfect demons com- To prevent ugly dust lines on the. pared to what they are when com- paper behind the pictures drive a fortable. We may follow this up and small brass -headed tack in each lower find that many times the naughty corner of the frame to hold it out tricks of children can be traced to de- from the wall so that air can circulate fects in -their care or well-being which behind it. can be easily remedied. No norxnal child is naturally cross, PRESSING THE SEAMS. idden Hour BY J. B. HARRIS-BURLAND CHAPTER XX4C.—(Cout'd,) , that. But you can leave everything Trehorn made a eupreme effert to "I rather think I shall go to bed, nd out who murdered her." be calm, fie knew that it it came to ' --ethat long motor drive we had yes -1 rington. "No one murdered her," said Mer - an open quarrel with Artlingtor at Fletcher. I must have caug,ht a chill this moment Ardington roleht do or"It was an accident." queer in the head. I I "Ob, I hope your ladyship is not ill," said Fletchei.• ••• ! "Yes, Perhaps it was, Mr. Merring. ton," said the superintendent elowly. say anything. Ardington as no bit tedaY----- "Bet the police have duties to per - "My dear adreeayrouch.taapik,"inhgeabsoauictl rq,uietly, igaiQiixiligoutsoly.be4'eaoltitYld your ladyship like form, and one of 'them is to bring doctor?" murderers to justice. They cannot "You and Ruth Bradney, Of coarse Ite see a you're in love with the wrenan. What saidctoi., thhuatt she ee askeddielnot fo wishrata teo, say to themselves, 'It was an accident' man would have done what yeu've seeRuathdo accident. Goodnight, Mr. Merring- unless there is proof that it was an done for Lady Bradney unless he gram form, and wrote out a message good night, Mr. Ardington." to John Merrington. "Sorry, too ill to ton. to me.'! the studio ;led rested 0:the usgmellemensessossissossoeslisilliesisisseisee_ ' • great open areplace. "A word to the wise," he said after a pause. Wye said all I intend to say, Mr. Ardington. I muse bg get- ting back to London. • The door of the studio opened and Merriegtore entered the room. eArd- ington introduced him to Mr. Crust. "This," he said, "ie the gentleman who has charge of the ease." "What case?" queried Merrington, sharply, "Your vrife's death," said Mr, Crust ently. "We are doing our best to were in love •with her?" "Ali, then you think it was a case of she wrote. "Letter love at first sight?" - I Winillefotrlonwl°."°w'" Ruth Bradney." "No, nut I think you took a faneY ince e I "Please take that to the post of - to her when you first set eyes, on her, , she said to Fletcher. "Don't sena one of the Watsons with it, but and then --the rest followed. "And you, eh?" laughed Trehorn. "You've been just as eager to hush up this affair. "Yes, for Merrineeton's sake. Well, when she had gone Ruth felt that she was more alone in the world than ever. I'm not going to labor the point, Tre- The sending of that telegram meant horn. I have eyes, and can see pretty that she would never see John Mer - well with them. Of course, I was only rington again. And she loved him. joking when I suggested getting Aler- She longed to see him; she was hun- rington out of the way. Peesonally I s gry for the sight of hire. I don't think he'd be the least likel And as she sat there in the sunshine tc kill himself. He'd pz•obably make • she wondered, as Ardington had won - love to Lady Bradney again, and dered, what would have happened if they'd go off together. But you and 1 she had told him the truth and tried have got to look after ourselvee, Tre- to win him back to her. Her imagine - horn. And we're going to have a rote; ten time of it, I'm afraid.•Kane ton could not even picture ever so take it yourself." "Yes, my. lady," Fletcher replied, and she vanished into the house. •And I vaguely what would have happened . . wouldn't have let here ii he hadn't in spite of those who insist that some If we press every seam 021 coats and d if'she had flung herself and the story love into the middles of his grief for his s and are cross. He may then give a final pressing when a gal- "Yes, and that's why I think Mere dead wife. Her own brain reeled at rington ought to know everything."the thought of such a tremendous up - But Ardington was not to be shaken heaval. Perhaps he would have been from the position he had -taken up; "I disgusted with her—at first; perhaps think Merrington ought to know,' he he would not have believed her; per - insisted. "He might leave here and haps he would even loathe the sight then be gel e e p ess— e" ., ' let- :of her for ever afterwards. old bath towel and use for taking ing you my opinion." . ing in the dark. Well, Pm, only giv-1 "I have done the right thing," she Make a pair of bath mitts from nn, said to herself. "At any rate I have your bath. Until you try it, you have "I don't agree with it." . !tried to do the right thing." no idea how much enjoyment you can' "So it seems. But .Yole'd betterl But she would suffer—already dur- derive by using them as wash cloths. think over what I've said." ing this ,week -end she had suffered. A You can take a sponge in half the This was a distinct threat, but Tre- barrier.had been raised between her - horn saw that he was helpless. Of self and her husband—a ' gigantic usual time. course, he could not prevent Arding- black wall that would keep them al - finished his job." babies just naturally have three- dresses as our work progresses, and "You think the game is 111, E' of that night and the claim to his monthcolic- have it all right, but it is an un- ment is finished, our work will take natural condition and the whole on a professional look that can hardly household suffers. But the baby is be secured in any other way. cross for a physical reason, pure and simple, perhaps due to mistakes on EVER TRY BATH MITTS? cur part and not because he was born with a bad temper. Older children are much the same way. When Jimmie has a cross day he probably ate too much rich pud• ding the night before, or maybe his eyes have caused a slight headache. Very young children are frequently cross because the ears ache and they cannot tell the mothers, but it will be noticed that they keep rubbing the head near the ear. Little backs some- times ache as well as big ones, and the child who is habitually cross needs a good physical examination rather than punishment. He may have mere- ly developed ugliness of temper, it is true, but quite often there is a rea- son even for that which, when made clear, may surprise tlll parents. There has been so much said in the last few years about the effect of the mental activities on the physical well- being that we have overlooked to some extent the physical discomforts on the mental well-being. • Many a naughty child needs the doctor or the dentist and he gets scolded instead. For that matter, we grown-ups are not any too easy to live with when we are not feeling well, so why expect more of the children? A simple physical ex- amination may show that crossness is not just due to old-fashioned original sin. IN MODERATE CIRCUMSTANCES BUT HAS THEM ALL. I do not like this spirieof antagon- ism so often exhibited when the ques- tion of household conveniences comes up, so much stress being laid on the man's abundant supply of tools, etc. I find very often the wife is slow to put in improvements when she her- self has the money. A hearty co- operation between husband and wife is the better way. I have never yet been obliged to ask for any kitchen convenience. Our house is equipped with: 1. Electricity. We have a power washer, iron, and vacuum cleaner, lights in all rooms, including closets and dark corners. 2. Two electric water systems, one for, hard watel, and one for soft. These systems have no storage tanks (except the cistern for soft water), and were installed by my husband himself, thus saving much expense. The hard water is piped to the kit- chen sink and the bath room, besides three out -door hydrants for sprinkl- ing lawns and cleaning porches and windows'. It is also piped to the hen house and barn. The soft water, hot and cold, is piped to the bath room and kitchen sink and the range res- ervoir. 3. A large kitchen cupboard, eight feet long and as high as the room. . This cupboard is made in two parts with a space of eighteen inches be- tween. The lower cupboard is ten inches wider than the -upper one, mak- ince a large convenient shelf for set- ting things, this shelf being covered with aluminum. The lower part is fitted with a covered tin bread box, • above which is a bread board which pushes in when not in use. 4. An enameled sink, severty-two • Indies in length, with front apron, high back, and two drain boards, all cast in one piece. This sink bas fau- cets for warm and cold soft water and for cold hard water. • It has taken many years to aceom- A PRETTY "DAY" DRESS. 4673. 4673. This model is good for the new figured silks and printed cottons. It will also develop well in linen and alpaca. The Pattern is cut in 7 Sizes: 84, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 -inch size requires 4% yards of 40 -inch material. The width at the foot with plaits extended is 2 yards. Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 16c in silver, by the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two weeks for re- ceipt of pattern. Send 12c in silver for our up-to- date Spring and Summer 1924 Book of Fashions. We watt YOUR Cream. We pay highest priee. We supply eans. Make daily returns. To obtain best results write now for sane to 0 W 5 ',IC0., Ltb. 'TORONTO n.lifilia4454111.0,6,1141,61Gtert.6=1,100t0102Ititrilk/W611441,o406rty (SUE No. 16 , eee.oeeeenve Wish We Could Turtle--"Pa,rdon me while I pull in my head. Here comes a fellow I owe two dollars ton' ton from telling Merrington the ;ways apart. She would still live with truth.111M and look after his house, and they "I'll think over it," he "swam" would still be friends and talk pleas - coldly. "And I'll be'getting 11 "1-e I -' :antly to each other. But there would Good -night, Ardington." !never be anything more than that— They parted at the front door, still !never. She knew now that her love apparently the best of friends. But i for John Merrington would endure, as Trehorn drove down the' avenue I though she never set eyes on him under the dark trees he carried with . again. And so long as it endured she him a bitter and sudden hatred of i belonged to the man she loved. Ardington. He did notknow what was at the back of Ardmgton s mind, but he was quite certain that Arding- ton had no desire to benefit anyone, and least of all the unfortunate Mer - She wondered if her husband had noticed the change in her—the change from the woman who might be won back to some pretence -of love to the woman • who could never pretend again. toni, eartilariCIONV nevereil iatettnIsitneic.1 i ..,e I shui: -.. . . gestion that Merrington's !I' ould CHAPTER XXX. be best for everyone could S. a b h " "What is it you waist to get out of come from a cruel and canoes il'ature' me?" said Ardington coldly. And the worst of it all was that "Nothing," Mr. Crust replied. "1 Ardington 'had been right. He, Frank only thought you ought to know how Trehorn, was in love with Ruth Bradney. But it was net the seri., of love that would murder -a man to ac- complish its desire. He would do any- thing for. Ruth Bradney, tell any lie for her sake, make any sacrifice to give her happiness. But it would not make her happy if he told Merrington the truth. Of that he was quite certain. * * The Official Baby. The arrival of a party of Swazi chiefs in England reminds the London Chronicle of the visit of a similar de- putation in 1804 and its introducton to Queen Victoria, which shook a little eves her experienced equanimity. "We come, 0 great mother," trans. lated the interpreter, "to bring to thee our babe. TOO him, 0 mother, tasethy knees; told him to thy breast." At that stage the queen wee becom- ing Maimed, "But Where is the child?" she cried. "1 don't see him." "Here, 0 Maher," said the Swazi, gravely bringing forweed a powerful savage six feet tall and weighing dOrt- sidorably more than two hundred minds. "Here he lo." Forget the wound even though the tear reminds. • &Marti% Linimott tor oaadeuit matters stand." "Nonsense. You wouldn't come here and tell me that Mr. Merrington is going to be arrested for the murder of his wife unless you wanted me to help you to put the rope round his neck. Why, it's as good as warning Mr. Merrington and giving him a chance to escape." "Oh, he can't escape," laughed Mr. Crust, nor can you for that matter. The week -end, so dreaded by Ruth I've told you about this evidence Bradney,.had passed without incident. against Mr. Merrington because you It had, indeed, from a social point of might not care to have a murderer in view, been an unqualified success. yoor house. If Mr. Merrington were Lady Anne, not, of course, used to arrested here it wouldn't be very roughing it in a cottage, had been. a pleasant for you, would it? I think most charming companion. She had paid sae if I were you I'd suggest to him that praised everything and had he returned to London." many compliments to her hostess that "How very kind of you," said Ard- Ruth had blushed -with pleasure. ington quietly, "but then you see I Fletcher had worked like a slave, and don't believe a word you've .mid." Ardington, raieg a bell and the head footman showed Mr. Crust out of the room. Merrington sank into a chair and covered his face with his hands. Ardington smiled grimly, walked to one of the windows, and pulling aside the curtain, looked out into the dark'. ness. "Oh, this is horrible," said Merring- ton after a long silence. "Has this— this been going on all the time?" • "Yes, I'm afraid so, old chap. I thought you underetood--," "Yes, yes, but it's never been brought home to me like this." "No, the ugly part—the business side—of this cruel tragedy has been kept from you." Merrington shivered as though a cold wind had passed through the room, There was nothing beautiful —nothing sacred about death when the law began to touch it with its dirty fingers. He felt as though some- one had desecrated his wife's grave. "But you more than anyone else in the world," Ardington contin- ued, "must want to know the truth, and if Paula was murdered, surely you, more than anyone else in the the Watsons s own a gY Mr. UU Crust's eyes wandered round of youth. As a cook Mrs. Watson had surpassed herself. The weather had been fine, and there had been long ex- peditions in the car. Sir Alexander had been in high spirits, and had not even grumbled about the roow at the inn. Ruth at last had time to think of John Merrington. Her husband and Lady Anne had left for London in the car, and it was to return that same day. Ruth was tired, and there was a certain amount of reaction after the bustle and excitement of the week- end. She sat out on the balcony in the sun. She seemed very lonely— alone with the sea and the marshland. And most certainly she was tired—so tired that it would not be very diffi- cult to pretend that she was ill, And of course she would have to pretend that she was ill. Her next sitting had been fixed for to-tnorrow. She would have to send a telegram to Mer- rington---a telegram that would prob- ably be the last communication she would make to him. "I shall have to be very ill," she thought, "and then Alec will write or send a wire." Fletcher, who had not retained to London, carne out on to the balcony and asked for orders. Fletcher had taken control of the household affairs. dotAzgairinv "I am not feeling at all well, Flet- cher," said Ruth. "I've been over - lady. I was afraid of WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Wem, False Things New for 15 Cents. Diamond Dy,,es '01.111. It B -R -E -AT -H -E -S WithYou Orhe"Class"Relt DON'T SQUEEZE YOUR WAIST WEAK' THE BUT THAT STRIMPIES. 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