HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-17, Page 5p- m i• L. • • hateda.y, April 1.7th. 1924 •41".". eee-er wee aeee .eeeeee laOSINESS CARDS , PUT TOUR t.I it I le id e 46 L larouoeeit, Xi/loran :(131,M28' Wants, For Saieg Lost, rat, tee,, Qii.e, Square, 1F010n;d„ INIOT iaeg Etc. A4 iv/10E13911M 7,1//9. cotemil end. vesiteee ae. Heeelalr' 11111ifeb eilvate funds' tei lean et • Sate eutaries, ue • tleer from' Hamiltou Otide • • a treat eatee, . •Mr., W, TlaPfile; Mies Pearl Pile leveuciroot K.C. J Killoran• . find Ms, Garnet Jacebe motored to D E. Holmes• feeesall on FOR SALE L"AciQ,Criar°IcliiiadIVE°eirifclifail;e*s1; *n 1a kiwalea Will he d' a 2 yearling (Cattle, 1 heifer due mem eap,eetea in a fear deye-Ae Friday of each week, jeth oe Kaye '5 pigs ubout 90 `lbs. id 1. • , minnaloon*Inatninnnun.rnh*On........." e e. Andrea F, Hese, Townehln Clerk "'eh, Ismne small Pigs. Apply to I Weer of Marriage licenses, Neter* A•• R. E. No. 2, Zuriele ."The last gernean Lenten service 40-3 will beheld in the Lutherap Church Commiseioner, Fire and Aut- l*PhOne 6-94 obIIe Inseranee, Representing litarths and Erie Morteage Corpora- .• WANTED aleneThe Canada Trust Co, Zur Godeirch, g000d plain coole ich ' e • and to do general housewerk, no bawl°, washing* or ironing, itevo in Parriily good wages, Write or apply imp mediately Diles. Macdonald, P. 0. Drawer 336, Goderich, Out. 40-3 Pr, G. L. -Smith Iola (Toronto.) SVChicago) DEr!ITIST .A.tr.,,w ALPER HO U :11, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN ()TWICE FIEN.SALL Arti-C-T-1-07N,E-E-R OSCAR KLOPT Graduate Carey H. Jones Nat - ;tonal School of Auctioneering. Try, me for Registered Live 'Stock 1)11 Breeds). Terms in keeping -With prevailing prices. Choice. terms for sale. Will sell anything 401v/here. ' Phone 18-93. or write, Zurich. 'Licensed Auctioneer , Licensed Auctioeeer 'for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless ea to size or articles to sell. solicit - your business; and if not *ensued will make no claarges for • serviees, Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. phone 13-57 Zurich Meat k -MARKET ,Fresh and Salt- Meats Bologna Sausages, etc • Highest Cash Price for Wool ()ASH FOR SKINS &BIDES Tniughlut Dolchert ZURICH LIVERY ^ • , 'n,•• eoeda.,,e' OP! .1 am in -a position to accomo- taste all requireinents in the Livery Until; have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL '.Pisone Di ' Zurich 4,4k. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, • DENTIST tiraduate of the Royal College 1111 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and et the 'University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont • Office hours at Zurich every • Main Office, Exeter. Phone 34. Zurich.every TUESDAY • Phone 79 -19 11•14M1•111i0MIIMM.M.M111111Y L I VE POU LT -R y- wANTED *Akan every day till 'i Oelock p.m, • Do not feed fowl same morning) ete-braught in, Highest Cask Prices:. -CASE FOR ---- „r• Cream ar,d. Eggs W. O'Brien Phan. 94. Zurich SEASON' 1924 PRING AND SUMMER" DELIVER • ANT:E(RAC1TE-We . axe no* Lee- meileing our genuine Delaware • & direct frometheartines, Nut noire ad Egg eies. SOFT 00.4.1,--,Tnet arrived, ..aa- . *they car a our high grade soft. This coal hies made, greett hit for • lieseueehold uSe and our liales OfthiS . ' . Wave over • doubled, it.1 the Iast" sea- . • . . . ItOULETS-0-Our ,Tioulet Coal 44 • also in a class byitself and isle- lieving in favor . OUR Telephones 'ate at I your ee 'efterVice. tThe them ez...eoly for in- 'Corm:Wore. • ' the :aet) Ctrs 61'e ADAL & PRODUclE MERCHANT flione Office IOW. House 1.0). • FOR SALE Timothy, Alike and Red Clover seed for !sale. No. 4 Gov. tested 'seed's. :Pricee right. J. Gesell° & Son, Zurich FOR SALE OR RENT -East ie Lot 11, Con. 5, Tp. of Hay, a first class grass farm. A bargain, Terms Liberal,. Apply to A. Murdock, Hensel'. •••••• FOR SALE Desirable Dwelling and 2 lot's land for sale in Zurich. Apply to W. F. Braun for particulars. tf3'7 FOR RENT On shares, the land known es 4 acres of nY, Lot 16, L. R. A., Stan= ley Tp. For pavticulars apply to Orr Bros., R.R. 2, Zurich. • .'37-4 EGGS FOR NATCHING Bred -to -lay. Rocks , headed by males of highest egg producine •st- rains. Eggs for hatching at the farm 50c. per cloven,. 45c, on in- cubator lots of 11 dozen or ove?. $1.0o per 15 crated: for shipping. We are booking orders now.' E. Ca Krieger, R.R.2,' Zurich. Phone 1-85. tf-37 WANTED -Will take ei limited number of cattle fee pasture for season of 1924.. Foe further particulars ap- ply TiJohti Stephan, R.R. 1, Zur- ich, Phone 5-99. • -' 354 on Good Friday at 10.30 o'clock. Misa Dorothy. Feltz was a week- erld visitor at the 'home of T. Fe Turnbull, Bauble Line. Mr. Nesbitt Woods and Mei. T. L. Wurm were in Bayfield vis- iting on •Sunday. , Mr. and Mrse,,Ed. Dater% of Hay Township were ,Sunday vesitoreat the horne of Mr. land Mee R. E. Stade. Good Friday comes on April 18, and Easter Sunday on the 2tst and 'school will close on the 17th and re-ope,neen the 28th. • Mr. and Mrs: Hartman Elsie and daughter Thelma of Dashwood, were visiting with` Mr. and Mese Elmer Desch a few days lett week 7,0 r HEN . 1,-4,:., No.t, , 1FioereliT.410,1fit,.,::0.--..eisibti:.'-diucit . iVilastiCation a Iiiou terdeeSs.,:.. Olges.7 Om; Dcscrtoed_.(has and Hay Oa ed • No MIx M etomitele - 11.4'e (swain Early IQ Calves. teantributed Dy On th 1.10 Uell+3 r went 05 es hetet ere 1 orontu.) • A horse should not be given more feed than he wall 'consume une len' and a half ur two !lours, it is a wasteful and harmful practice to Keep nay before horses Che time. The horse should Dave suilieient to satisfy hunger, and, if his teeth, are in good condition, two uours of un- disturbed feeding inoriaing•aim eight, with an hour and a half at mien, wii, put as, much food into his storoacu and intestine as these organs can pro- perlY take care of. Mastication a • slow Prooess With Horses: ' Mastication in the horse Is a slow process. It takes fifteen to tweute minutes to properly chew and swal- low pound of hay, and froin five to ten minutes with a pound of oats. The salivary secretion during feeding with an average horse ranges rrOhi A. Live Stock 1VIeeting will be 8 to 10% pints per hour. Tele held on Tuesday evening, April 22, secretion makes et possible for the at .Walpers Rotel at 8 o'clock, all horse to properly masticate and swai. interested arq invited to •attend,- low the food, each pound of hay natk Oscar Klopp, President. • - ing with tour times its bulk of saliva. and each,pound of oats with an equa. weight. Alter masticatiou, the bottle of food passes to the stomach and lies in the lesser curvature until there is sufficient accumulation to distend the organ and press the material to the greater curvature, where gaLa tin - juice begins to act on it. Little Della Smith, daughter of work of Digestion Described. Mr. and Mrs. 1VIelvin •Smith', Bron- son Line; arid who Underwent nn operation fit St. JOSPp11.18 illaspital LlndOn, returned to her home the nest week, much' improved. Mr. John Hackie of the London Free Press circulation department and who for many yeaes has been well knewe in this &stria, died on Monday Aril 7th in Victoria Hos- pital, London, after an .illnese of some weeks. • Rev. H. Rembe, was •in Auburn last Saturday and conducted the elin"mal of the late Mr se John Wegner. The funeral was larg- ely' attended. Rev.. Rembe had foe hist ext the yirorde;:aTe- y sh,t4tAliOli be with' ME., in Paredise. Mrs. T. L. Wuree hale been fa -p "rented agent for the ,Stratford Balton and pleatiege, dioniparly, and ,anyon.e. desiring thieC! work- eene. may leave. their materiels et her home Special Easter Services ilia Holy Ce.kentimpion will be conducted at In renewing your subseeiptions the Lutheran Church net , Sunday for your daily and weekly papers preretr,atory serviee at 10 Line :Eels- reinember the Herald Office , is ter Service at 1.0.30 eau •Preper- agent for most of them and - in atory ,serviee in enghlsh at 7.15 iani ' ,.....•• - •• " " organ` %edit choir. ' The palaii0ie 1 some cases can save yOu asinuch petn. and Baiter Service at 7,30 p. as 50 ceuits o.0 a ' single subscript,- ne '' Special Dieter, Music,. by the, • eordialty, intitedee . . ••• " :Tuxedo i:-Cititteriess AUTO OII;FOA FOTID CARS. GU MUNI:FED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING. OP BANDS. • Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. • tf18 a Constable JuL• Bloch 'advises 118 thatethera axe a. elarg.eenumber- of. antoi being , driven at do' not comply Withrthe Motor Vehicle Ace by still running with the 19231 lice° enae numbers, and by runeffig eet, night With no red light in the redrr. People, tshould Istrictly adhere ',to brl stet with a red light in • the :Tar for :safety for all iloncerned -mei if ,such who not observe this law are. prosecuted, they -shall not be eurprieed. • - • Sir Adam 'Beck haS east made the announcement that the Hydro Electric Power Commiseien 61 • On - Supply Of tar: •i his eurnei of PbOnt $4.0q.009 on the Niagara and Chippayee Syat Chesnutand Furnace 'ens after n11 It he. exPenees Wave been. taken, care of. Exeter's ehare, )1 this fitideples amounts to the. laws: sum of $2788.75, and a aheck lira been ,sent forward and placed 'e) theie credit. Thie when li.ddeal t� the previous, reserve' makes • total of $5578.10. It will be ,reas- PHONE 35 seeable to expect that another cut will be made in the rates ishoetla4 They have new 60 hYdre-elettric sidevels in operation enitli presp- eets for numeroue mare. • On Hand Case & Son HENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. D. D. S. DENTAL •SURGEON At McCovinicie 'Mock, Zurich, eve Pry Thursday mad Saturday. Main Office dARTLEIll'S taLOCK, DAEliWOOD HEIRS WANTED Missing Heirs are being sought througlurat the world., Many people are to -day Beene in comparative poverty •who are really rich, but do net know it, Ton may be one of them. Send foe IndeeeBook. "Mis- sing Heirs anitheoxteof Kin,"con- taining. eareftely, eluthenticaed Jets of Inissing heies 'and unclaimed est- ate e wheel have been advertised for here lied abroad. The Index ot Missing* Heirs we offer tor sale contains thousands of names which have •appeeredele American, Can- J. T. Morrie paetor of Asian adiab, Englieb. Smith, Welsh, Ger Street Methodist Chuveli, officiated: man, French. Belgian, Swediale In The beide was prettily attired in dean, Coloniel, and other newspe her •travelling suit of navy blue epees; inserted by lewyera execute tricotine And wore becOmingeand ozrs, administrators. Also conta-teoloeed hat with mink "cleokey and ins list of English and Irish Pellets corsage of Sunset roses, After of Chancery and unelaineed divid- the cemmortY a vdeeption washeld ds list of Bank of Eugland. Your 41,t the home of the bride' e isister; nee or your ancestor's may be in Mris. S. E. Fauet, Wortley road, afe list:. Send $1.00 (one dollar) int ter which Hr. and Mrs,. Becker left e for honk., on a wedding trip to Torontoif Thiffalo and points east. On their return thayt will re•si le in Waterloo where the groom holds a position Last Sunday 'morning 16 'Catecle. u•nt ,ns were confirmed. in the leutb- Ten Merrell in the peeserme eof a I errcongeogati on. Rev. reel e vire a d a ppm p ri ate: cuty,.ornati.0,1 .Tr‘rrrton on liftbaewe 6-O. In the evening theelast English Lenten .service wee condu- the ;sermen being based Oil St Luke 23;46. The newly confirmed, who ittend.ed the services .in body, were welcomed by the pas- tor and received as cotentunieant members. The collection' of the day which Wts for apportionment amounted to $53,87 end- the collec- don foor Lutheran Relief to, $177.9p, making a total eolleetion of 6231.67 BECE.ER-HA.RTLEIB' • • (Lc:Melon Free Paves) The, marriage took place in this city oul Tuesday, April iith, ,of Miss Ruth Amy Hartleibldangliter 'Of Charles Hartheb, of Goderich and formerly of Zurich, to Henry Nee -- man Beclve4 of Waterlobo. Rev. HENS,',L.I. ONT., • INTERNAT)ONAL CLAIM AGENCY, Dept 262 PITTSBURGH, Pao 1J.S.A., tn. a bank. As the stomach distends through Mod being pressed in, the ingesta (food on which the gastric juices are acting) is forced out through the pylorus into the intestines, where ilia . gastric juices have full opportunity of acting. if the quantity feel is nut more than what the horse cru eat in two hours, the stomach and intestines can accommodate it fur full and pro- per digestion. ir the quantity of hay and oats is such as to keep the horse eating continuously (most horses art gluttons), feed will be forced through the stomach and intestines too quick- ly to permit of proper and full satur- ation with gastric juice, hence the wasteful practice of having hay be- fore the horse all the time when he 'is standing in the stable. There is no absorption from the stomach of the `horse, this 'function being per- formed by the intestines. Under nor- mal coaditions and' rational feeding the' food remains in the horse's •stomach long enough for the gastric Juices to convert 40, to 50% of the carbohydrates into sugar, and. trona 40., to, 70% of the proteins into pep- tones.. Overeating, wbich causes ,oveFloading of stomach and duode- itirineeise jiaste abouteas sexist -tile as •.chiekingethe- threshing machine and tanSingateueral wastee sending, the gkain Outwith the straw. • ,Oets...and. Hay,. Do Not Mix in the Stomach. • • If a horse is fed on Oats. and hay •iit auccession, the stomach will, on 'examination. be fouud to contain these substances unmixed and ar ranged in strata, the first food taken being in the pylorus and the last ni the lessee curvature. The content, of a horse's stomach are squeezed and. pressed, but not churnecl, as is the case with cattle. The regular arrangement of fowl in layers is disturbed -when a horse is watered after feeding. A portion of the food may be washed out of the •stomach. The water which a horse drinks does not stop in the stomach but passes directly through it on its way to the- mecum. For this reason it is advisable to water first and feed afterwards, -L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension., 0. A. College, Guelph. Feed Grain Early to Skinimilk Calees. At the time calves are changed from whole to skimmilit they are 'ready to begin eating small amounts of grain, which should be placed be - 'tore them in emelt feeding boxes. Or it- they are. tied in stanchions fOr Milk feeding, the grain can be put" in the man'ger before they are re - teased. Just a very email handful is all the calf will take at first, and eniye as much should be fed as the aminal will clean up. Ground corn is very palatable, and it Cell be fed alone or in combitiation •With other grains, such as ground • oats, bran, and •some oil meal. It sometimes helps to get the calf darted on grain by putting a 'small amount. on its tongue and eaueelS., When the empty'apilk Pail, is taken away. • This also pets .a stop to suck - Ing the ears of the calf in the next tie! eftee the young aninial's eppe- tite for grain has Increased, the corn and oats cart be fed'erhole, but mew/ 'feeders, centinue to let them Inge ground grain. •A Odd' grain mixture to feed 'to growing calves is made of :eel pounds of ground carte 3011 pounda ground or whole oats, and left pounds lipdseed oil meal. 'flay can also be placed before the celvee, at this time in a small rock. Clover hay, mitis Clover and thnothie or alfalfa bay not too leafy, are as satiefecto4a An early start in grain and hay ensures' the proper development or .the digestive organs of the young ani- mal, and assists in promoting vigor- oes growth. Peek Up Your Dishes. • " (A Song for Girls' Clubs.) Pack up your dishes In the •old dish pan And "wash, wash, wash. While we've got soap and vvater near at hand, • Scrub, girls, use the brutal, What's the tree of *lea:vines them'? To grumble is all bosh So pack up your dishes le the old di' etre Ana waeli, wash, waeh, P Have You bought that liubbe • bre Buggy? If mot; HE sells them • tZEPAlIZINti Painting Feed Car, One'loat, 615.00, Two Coats MOO iCo vexing Ford Top good Material, less curtalue $12.00 Changing Ford Curtaine to Open with Doors . $5.0 . Painting Buggy .. ..... $8,00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS. ZURICH weillemegueggemea. .1 -i...1•++++++,1 -1•+++++++++1•44+010101,4..r+.4.444.+++++++++++++.7-1-1 * + 4. .1. 4. 4. $ 3.. i• .1* 4. . Lumber and Building Material 4. f 4 + 4. 4- 4. ..p.! * KALBFL ISCII t; __.., : ▪ PHONE 60 • .. .„ ZURICH 1: •111111111111=1111•AMA. 4. 4. l*".:::. . . •• . n• -.. ,, umber Laths Shingles Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order! Custom( Work ( t fly Always in the market for saw logs *1.--+--+-+-4.-+--•-+ --+_+^..-4.-+-- +.•-.1°-..4*--.4-4---+••••+-+••••+-4.- * t • READY : es. 4:•,• 1:HOBBERLIN. • HOFFMAN! • WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES: .1. IN ALL THE NEW' SEASON'S FABRICS., AND EQPRESSING * I THE YERY. LATEST STYLES AND SHADES ! + l . • 4*, I• • HOBBERLIN i HAVING TAKEN OVER Tad AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN: , _MITREADY cmonrucar wilm 'IN CANADA 'MAI:0;3E1114W A* -4, , . +- 4, CO.) WIE-A:R:E IN A rosthoN TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALHOST± '1. ANYTHING REi:etfiRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND 4. I OVERCOATS A 1 PRICES SECEND TO NONE. 4 ÷ I • .. • , . i • t . 1Z EMEMBER .• .E. - i The Early Bird' catches the Worm 1 i., * NV. H. iHui- I-4 rei N 4. .1°'..' ;"''"mil;1 -1111a °I% 77,11 4.1:. ITAILORIAND FUNERAL DIRECTOR& DAY AND Nit:ill ea() -NIL No. 86 * 4. 44-4. 4- I .ii, + + + + i 4, i ..T.111111110111,111118,111111i1111Miaiiligllilp,V1:181111111111!!!•.11!111111111111111i111111Ellgilllii111111111111111111111111111111111111T11111=1111111111111111111 Cfe, 47 ZURICH HEALD'S 1924 Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe. .... .. ...,.$6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph 65.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire 86.00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 • HERALD and Toronto Daily Star HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star ............83.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News HERALD and London Free Pvesse Mornirig edition HERALD and London Free Pres evening edition $6.-90 HERALD and London„. Advertiser, Mornieg Edition $6.00 HERALD and Londen ',Advertiser, Eleexeng edition ... $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate $2.25 HERALD ancl Farm an dDairy $2.75 HERALD and Partners Sun $2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 62.75 HE.RALD ' and Canadien Countryman ......•. ... 1ERA.LD and Weekly Witness 83.15 HERALD and Farmers *Magazine ------------------82.60 'aN•HERALD and Youth's Companion - -$3.75 tee HERALD and Seaforth Heron Expositoe $3.25 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada HERALD and Ontario Journal I 13 Eg )11111 111 P Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See ns for papers not listed' above ERALD OFFICE, Zurich Pk oh 1.i 110111111MINVOINIIIIIIIIMIONSIMISIMENIUMIlir