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Zurich Herald, 1924-04-17, Page 4
S 1J1IJC$ $#Raba : SW HERALD 'PRINTING orgies i es L.DVERT1SUUG wan: INued Wednesday goon from the . $ticvallaneaus article?, of not liglIgare than five linea,, For Sale, To Sept, or Wanted, Lost, Found:, etc., •,acre, inalertion 254. • ,Address all communications to' Otaplay ..Advertising -Made known application. etdar Animals—One insertion 50a illterea insertions $1,00; torrm or Real Estate for sale for first month, $1 or each sub-. aequent insertion. k t eTION SALES—$2 per 'single eeetioni, if, not over five inches is leetth. • ttie Heraldy Department is al- sprays reaay to turn put first-clasf '11Vorkk at moderate prices consider bog the great increase in cost of reduction. Every farmer should and many have already, have a ,?prilited supply of note paper and ';btetelopes, with No. of Telephone and Rural Mail route, and. perhaps ',whatever specialty he follows in *rock, grain or fruit. It looks reinesslile and costs little more tllean., the . retail price of the blank 8Iionera a.•ntpnaional Cards not exceeding. It inch. $5 per year. :9itee reacting matter, 10c a line for Gard of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50e Local and Legal advertising mot Bret eirertion And 5e per line for effective after Jan, 1st. 1920 THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT, STORAGE BATTERIES 1 HERE Is Battery Headquarters WITH USL STANDARD h AT`.L`ER S AND FRONTIER BATTERIES e have a wide range in Price Viet will fit any pocketbook. `Rr"e can. 'supply.. you with a goo Ottery at a 'reasonable price, and �u'e you quality we can stand siind, t-43 IL S. Wein—Dashwood W' - n S d 3100 otBeautiful • MILLINERY... Our Exhibit of .Spring Millinery 't meeting with wonderful appreei- iion: from: the ladies of this town 40,2. v rinity. • Women have been esarthuslastically delighted with the •!play. The great variety of 4atyles this season, affords • every "'iarr+man opportunity "to obtain just what she• is likely to consider her ,Ideal hat. Largs assortment and Treasonable prices are important evictors here. Vera V. Sieber ZURICH tfne NOTICE :al',eem, appointed agent ..the Ontario ;�n !•' r � Ls ict-• in .40errtilizer Products. Any person Ismael :a, ' . rti'izer thisspring will do -wed ' r ese me before giving eerd •r• J. C. Salmon, R.R. 3. Zur- Zeta ;acne 25--51.. tf35 WANTED:< A limited% number of cattle for kistature will be taken in for the ' •aseason, at a . reasonable price., Good stVriag water. Apply to .Herb. 'lisjard.ine of Try. Waiper, Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 OTTcE IS F1ERE13Y GIVEN 'Vial all 'persons having claims .a- ,; against the estate of MARY ;KOCH- t3MS, late of the Village of Zur- tiilt, Widow, wires died ora the let eatty ,ef January 1924, are required Vu forward their claims drily proven ate,the undersigned 'oon or before tae 26th day of April 192.1. ADN NOTICE ',IS FURTHER EVEN that after the said date 'the Administrator. t+vill 'proceed to ;'l:istribute the Estate having . re -I ward only to the claims of which ahoy then, shall have notiee, a 1ATE"D at Exeter, this 7th day' of April, 1924, • ti4TtTtmHartman, Zurich', Ont. Ad- minietrator; , W u • A+cl �ladm:tti. & StntYb ry, Exeter', . ,t tinietrator'e ,Solicitor. •ommeseeee'rA••i MrM eetioeeeeli•iiee..ii1rii •i 'lir eee • 11 • r • • • • • • w • • >ulrich hOnt. April 15th 1941, The Zurich Egg -Circle which was organ %mien some time ago are now ready to handle! eggs, ;your e� s either on consignment or pool; •_ =basis. For furtherP articulars see the under-: !signed who has been appointed Manager., • • o A FAIR DEAL IS OTJR MOTTO �T. L, WURM PHONE 63 ZrfiR.rr,u .URICII • • e • 0 • 10.30 German services will` be held ie. the Lutheran +church and'°'oneun day evening at 17;30, English eery- aces will belheld: Rev. Betiier` of London will conduct both 'serviees. Easter' Song services will be ren- dered in the Calvary Evangelical Church, Dashwoeod next Sunday • evening., A beautiful cantata en - The Lord is my deliverer -2 Sam, titled "Jesus Lives" .•by, , Charles 22;2. • • Gabriel will be on the proogramt •II• --•A A liberal offering is requested d_. Serve the Lord with igladness ; come before his presence with •sin- ging.-ePe. 100 ;2. .1,,,-,i, Serve the Lord with gladness;, enter into. . his gates with thanksgiv ing. and into his courts with prais GRAND BEND,; Thos. Canning, • aged 7S' years, a farmer residing near Grand Bend bthartkf.ul unto pima, and bless Insssufferedfatal injuries through be - be the , For. the Lord is ood.—P's, ing-ru.n over by a w;:tgon-on Wed- good.—Ps. last. iApparently, seized 100;2, 4, with a. fainting spell, he 'tgppled '.--+ from the wagon(, the hind: wheel Oli,t hat men would praise the passing over his \body. Hie.. neck Lord for his goodnels"s, and for was broken and three rite, besides his wonderful works to .the child- other injuries inflicted. Heonly ren of n ten. --Ps. 107 ;21. lived about two hours. Mr. Cann: '1'— aing carne , here from Landon t vo' Silver and. gold have I none years ago, r but such as I have give I thee; Int he name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth rise up and walk.—Acts 3; 6.� . Mrs. L. Ravelle •h'7s disposed of. Even the Spirit of truth; whom her houses to Mr. !o to k; black - Even has .ruoyfed therein acid the world cannot receive, .because •. it iseetlt him not,neither knovvetlt .,is no'av nicely rsettle,b with Alis •fatn- him; but ye know him; for•he dw-ir1y. Mrs, Ravelle has rt�oved`"'in o elleth' with you, and •siia2l be in hex house crest to ;tier -store ,pro= you.—John 14;17, , rpierty. e A God of truth and without inia uitj' just and. right is. .he Jerry, Grayelle has' rented his fatlier's'land and half of the hoirse his father retaininghthe other half.; • CREDITON: Mr.. and Mt.s Fa rb Pahiter.end babe have .retiirn�ci, after• siendiiig SOUTH the' u�initer at Dee 5 fr.FSLE LINES 4p• re,.,' ' ��; i ix'f+ Smith .returned home t Mr. and Mrs.',Thoel. iTurnbuil, Sri, home from Detroit; spent 'several days in .Parkhill. Mr, and Mrs .diff; Hill and Or - Mrs. Philip Selrade, aril Mr+s. Robt "v'rlle .returned home :after visiting Taylor' of Grand Bend spent a few; in Pigeon, Mch „days tat week with .their, parents;(. Harry Year1e'y reehas3 home. •at Sarnia, 1 froth Detrooit where he has worked Mx'.' Sanibel Hendrick who s the palet winter. p ARS. J. M. Geiserreceived vv ird ent the past month's in Detroit has retu'rnhd to his. home here. • on. Tuesday last that her , sister, Little Miss Melba Turnbull ofMrs. D. Geiger had (died .tone iii Parkhill spent the week -end with' don Hospital. The rerna re's were her grandparents, Mr. and .'Mrs. T. taken. to Milverton.• Turnbull; A. quiet but •pretty wedding 'Ad - Mies Vera B. ,Pepper spent the ok place at the rrediton Evang week -end with her friend Miss Fl-' p`u'sonago on April 2nd, when Miss orewnea Turnbull. I Clara. Anita Heist dnu„hter`,.�a Mr•. ' and Mrs Fred. Heist, was u'nitec i M'es�srs.:9''. Kadin a• and J. •Luther. r attended the! funeral of a friend at'1 n marriage to Roy Ervin Ratz;son. of Joohn Ratza Con. 15, ' .testae' CTrMint aK. Hee y on Sundaiv of Dashwood I The ceremony was. performed �l y scent Sunday with her 'sister; Mrs. Rev. M. Y. Dreier. Following an illness of two 'we - Wet. B^i^rbbn,gM mars coefin'ed to his \bed, the;:d'eath Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Patterson; - entertained a large number of their,' occured at his hotne pne mile north friends one evenin • last week ale! of Crediton .on ,Tuesday April '5th reported a splendid time. of Joohn( P `Vein at the rge Quite a number from here at- I ye,arsi, 2 mouths land 6 :days. Ht; tended Mr. A. tb'°:i's sale ,at• had been remarkably healthy `tnt h Parkhill on Wedn+'9rars<,.•, i all his life, and never •needed the Maple syrup making and btnz-j attention of a ,doctor until his late. zing wood is the ordee or the clay,• ;lilness. Ort Satur.'dsiy,a„n vening leer a z+ - cention was held for alre and Mrs: aces'l>een, very poor contrition has Rey E. Rate, atthe homp,o! th i hen, repaired.'brid,e's parents., Mr. and 1VIis .. .: Heist, when, a very enjoyable ev- ening was ;spent. lt'li. 'and Mrs. Ratz returned that evening•frori a. wedding trip to Harailton, Townie' and. Niagara. Palls. About •severity Mr. rt. Wiilert bee returned 'at- guest% were present for the occas ter spending the Tryst month's in i:on(. The blue water highway, which has for a couple' of 'weeks at pi DASIfQx.w-ae: :1, Detroit. , .; Mrs.: Tia,, Stacey is on: the sick list.. EXETER - . Miss Ferrol[Ia.rtleb of London ' -__, ;spent the week -end with her par- Chas. iv1'nnning Yof Clevoland, mute. • • a former Ex+etea• resident, paid,•e Mrs. Jane Guenther and data, •visit in toga." : hb:,r Ertlo aen:e spent 'a few days ` tr•s, De iBlpnb auni . of, Cav aliei, in H ensail last week. ,,r1', 'D:, is here visiting her uiecediIrs: ma, ansllMrs. II. El's', and clatn'gh-;F. J. De.bridge and: other relatives ter 4 the r Zurich. ,'' e -.nci 'r ilea, t + ,r ..ret vv ek er rz r.n Exe. 1 tc 5T• De . Mr. Girorge ''Edig9 offer and son W. H, Gr'gg of ,Ingersoll has • o- Inoyei of Mitchell spent Sunday at pelted a .tailor and repair shop in their home here:, the store next to the bake shop Dr. Taylor was called to Lon;- At the auction sale C. H. -Heir - don owing to the death',of his fa- ney sold, .his house on North st; to ther. , - ` - Prank Mallett for 1$370. Mr. Harry Howard has rented The death occured in .Oakville t'i'e home of 'Mee. Hoary,p'Willert, on April 1st 'of 1Wm, 13. W,,�rdhauue a.' g principal of the 'Oakville ,High. Soh ,J~h•'Mns;ses Esther'. and An cline Grayhi,el have reeved to town. „, ool, a. former prineip.lal of the Ex Miss Verde Merrier left on Wed- Ober high school. • ° tileaday for Windsor. Mrs, Jas,W+'an'less of Duluth whti Mr: C. 13urtneister and family has been visiting in New iy'drk'and iravre movedto their new Norrie on 13ostnn;, is now visiting her mother', the 14th eon. Mrs. L. Hardy: • r Mr. :Earl Guenther has purchased Fred. Willis 'and daughter, of , an new .Card truck,; ltl'arlettfi, Mich'spent fit• tday or Mr, :Rosset lGu�euther of Oreditde two With reelatives here. 1 y :spent Sr.inday at ,his home here. ,Floe,. J. Ge Gardiner,. minister of On; G000d. Friday trnorriiltg at 1 C ighways for 'Seek. 'spent a •week with his parent's •here ,following 4r trip to Ottaawa,• to present some resolutions."passed , bye 'the Sask. Legislature, * , A quiet marriage ttoolt. place at, the Mane hero ion ,Apri'1 5th at •8 o'clock, when, M. 'Charles MacKen zie, (soli of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mee - Kenzie and Mies A. Beaverley, da- ughter of Mrs. BArvverley were Mar� tied 1by Rafe, 'James Foote; •aft'er the ceremony the you g couple left for London; where they will reside, Foiloow'ieg an operation at Victoria Iiospital, London, the de- ath oceured of ILouise Earl, wife of Jas. Anderson of "(Morrie at the age Of 43 years, She had been ill only al shoor ttime.. The remirainns were laid to rest in Exeter Union celnetery„' She was born( in U's'b- ornie. HENSALL Alexander Smillie of- Toronto, 'spent the week -end with hie mo- ther and sister`;' Mrs. J. Tapp. Sorry to report that ilVlas. Alpine McEwen is 'suffering from acarlet fevert. Aa 'meeting of •the Board, of trade it was decided to (have a half holiday for Atha business p1- ace's' on Thursday.ifternoon of each week from May 15, to Sep. 15, except weeks in ,which a public holiyda occurs, Rev: A. (Sinclair is continuing a course of evening ” services that been enjoyed and attracted large audienlees, Donald Burins recently sold to J„ame'sSmillie, 'near Herman, a gr- ated pair of geldings ri'sin„ four and five, years old, They were ash owed several times and never be- atenF (_ Mr. arid Mrs. ITedden have taken living rooms over T. 0. Joyntas + store. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe and. daughter„ who havebeen here for ;some time on a visit, went to Guelph. Thos. Murdock has been given a renewal of th'c mail contract of Hensel' R.R. No. 2 foor a term of years; • Mrs. J. W. Ortatain pe'snt a, few days during Lee? past week with her mother, Mrs. Wagner at Zurich Our inirliners have arranged for a•'aspecial 'display for the • Pair on Tiyesday. The Horticultural Society met in the' Town( Hall, when there was a goad attendance and •the officers were elected—Press. Mos. C.. A. Me- Donell; 1.st Vice., Dr. A.., Moir; ..2nd Vice J. Wt, •Ortwein ; See.-Treasr, Mrs. John Biller; Asst. -See. Miss seatri'"e Urciuhart,..;' ,Irfembers..drectre. .firin of Libby MeN ieaiedreLibby*, :Ude, of:.Chathaam were here' loolana for land to rent for eneunther-pielele raising .... They intend remaking thia a pickle :saltiing: stati:'i.n,•provided" enough 'acreage .eari•het;;Seenreci. .. The sugar;rshanty belriirging ' to John Glenn, was, noticed to .be on fire last Monday • night: Mr. Glen With the as§istnnce of 'aneighbors, extinguished the flames with: •alar ge quantity of sap that had been gathered. Only the roof was da- na. ed On Tuesday last a pleasant ev- ent took place at the Manse hero, when Orville T. Taylor was united in marriage to Miss Christina Dou- all, a daughter, of Mr. and Mr>(. FI my Dougall o;: the Londono' Rd, The hride. was very tastefully at- tired. and the may reatlives arid friends of the newly married cou- rio wish them long and coontinued happiness in f.heir helve n .;cut miles from here on the Parr Liner, Hay Township, AUCTION SALE Of. HORSES Will be held at Wai- per Ho ise'e Zurich on. TUESDAY April 22nid, 192 t 1 o'clock. sharp the following; 10 good hee-v working . horses; ail are, well ebrolcen le and in good. condition for Spring work._. 41soa. a. nd lightht driving 'borersUs , . broke lir All above horses have been ship ped from the Canada West t`••,d solar? are Ontario bred, TERMS—Cashor 73anlcable teites beiring (i% interest will' be accepted )sear Klapp,, Aaartiobeer. Robert Lamont', Proprietor. AUCTION SALE'. Of Houls«hold•• Effects, etc,. at 7.urieh, en, Saturday, April' 19th, at o'clock,—,para j hire following, Combination Buffett and China cabin&'t, leaf table, parlor table, 2 'Thursday;„ .A.pril 17th, 1.024, Youffave Seen Them We have already turxed out many SmartNew Suits. - Have you seen them t.r • HAVE YOU NOTICED THE ,NEW FABRICS W E ARE DISPLAY-, ING? • HAVE YOU NOTICEIS THE CITARACTER WE ARE PU;TT•, ING INTO OUR SPRING SUITS?.HAVE YOU" NOTICED HOW WELL THEY FIT? WHEN• SOME`'OF YOUR ,FRIENDS TELL YOH( THEIR SUITS WERE MADE BY WUERTH' EXAMINE THEIR CLOTH,. ES CLOSELY.. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOUT. THEM, . THF( .STYLE, ITHE PIT, THE L;<NINGi THE FINISH"IS DIFPEREl OUR CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD 'OP THE CLOTHES WE• TURN OUT FOR THEM, ,THEY LIKE. TO COMPARE" OUR CLOTHES 'WWII OTI ER MAKES. IF YOU ARE NOT ' ALREADY ACQUAINTED WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK SOME QF YOUR ,FRIEND lABO'UTT11 gag THEY WILL GLADLY PUT YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW ROM/ Td , MAKE CLOTHES AT REASONABLE PRICES. AVE ALSO DO Mei CLEANING, PRESSING' . AND REPAIRING, YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK E. E. Wverth, TaiIor,Zurich ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++% Farm Machinery I HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE t AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON THE t, ` CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A. FEW PIECES IN.STOCK 1 WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO e LESS INTEREST: IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEPOP.E • YOU BtW. FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR`S ~i .p. PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK.; t+ l.Wagon 1 DeLaval Cream. Separator GARAGE! GARAGE! 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator 4 1 riding plow _ 2 Fleury Walking plows 1 tractor plow at $110.00 THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. 4. 4. 1. Mr. Peter Kroff, n.echan;ic 4. 4. "GENUINE GENUINE FORD !ARTS"aiways in. stock 1:4 A Pae., Zurich Ont.4. ` V+4.444.444444.4,4,4.4.:.4 -H44.414-4,4 ld•.F•.p.+14+++++++++++++++++ • SPRING TIME WHEEL TIME Let 1924 Be a Bicycle Year Tires Trom Tubes SEE THE NEW CL.p', ;;" •'LAND SPORT MODEL, WHICH I1AS A.RRIVED. PRICES F °v0M $35.00 TO $55.00. WE ALSO HAVE. s+�.. COMPLETE LINE OP TIRES, TUBES AND AOCESSORIES.: HESS • U pay to use i',101SE, y rJ1 PURE V .. -i. .! 'r i a.aWs PAINT —71 rF ,r • :4i • AT : 114. Fo� / e4yR1I toOse-P©r 5vetr;3ta,$'t�:: Write to 'tend Office, Mani -roil'. for Free elolcie-t. HGMim PAINTING MADE SOLD BY "' A. :MELICK -- ZUR:I0 Y 'stnall tabes, kitchen table,' eu b- •a,,,, 4 A J cupb- ii +bL a . •� 0°•S''•i •Y••t•+l• a>a,..l.r:n-y i••t•✓O,i'•;aa..ti+•i!,a aa' i y'i.l.,¢.,l• ,. ,p•.,7ti•it... a,t, a '_a' .fib, oai'd, daeenporc, couch, 6a, dining 4 r000m' ehairs, 2 • rocking chairs, Sin- ger tsewing machine, 2 clocks, :kit- eben •cupboard, lawn, mower, o'red. app, 2-gn1 sal. can, Balslrt.co%al •'1• •d• oil heater, !scalds, rug. 9x9 ft.; 2 tubs, 1 We are in a position to take y 2 mirrors 't'`+: * , n all your eggs aro ,. rx „ quare a 5 c f wood 35 -in. or how small a uautit ,yhave : r, •, �.•r a �,,, 3 -inviter coal :oil stove and oven, q y youfor earl 1,e, t;ax.^ te.;u.arty forte, •1• prices. ? .t:... EGGB NOULThy SIA . �Yn• L:'�Ltnr iaikge M• wash boiler; \yeah board, lard con. i' lantern, toilet 'set, dresser, wash 4' istand,. bed. end. ''Dern s, 3 latrans 3000 E I.t �3 and Broilers r'�'+ I. k r ! i;e " 5kitchen, chairs, broom, clothes ra- 1+or deliver -. in May y d i ,,, ek, �shovei�s and !spades, garden .rt ,..; Y Mas art Duna. We are looking i',xA high pr�cearr�� bon t hrott h these Months. Now its the time lay a ie numerous other articles. �• t; �', :. i n� I.., ia,� y ottr plate rake and Ahsolutely- no reserve. ' for producing broiler ea Information gladlygiven. .. Write ' tune or eall rsou�la11 ' Terries—$10 and under cash, Ov- °� 1�' Y'•, a 4,„• er that amount 4 months' credit t: s• gape, • vel joint notes. 2% off for cash •.. • Poultry bought according to weight a quality. �. uta;' g and +� r y, will be giver], on furnishing appro •r• Eggs graded aecordisz, to Government Standard. g on credit amounts. • • s.'•1' • `. Hi, JOT$NS Oscal Elope, auctioneer. ,1,, REQ D 8� Co•� D SSW N i1;rr•s. la. Talbott, E. A. Westlake, •� y ax' and Thos. :Wr�gtTsr,ke, t•e,eutors of • t,, t • Manager . •• estate of Elizabeth W?'stlSe1 Or ':1+1. 1,+ '++ •++1'1' '4'1• ' '+++,4 44,'1',•t•tII•�i+ ��•1t , o