HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-17, Page 1`tri el mat - 4r• 4 a 4 o Volo XXIV No 40 w ZURICH, THURSDAY MORINN. APRIL 17, 1924. 0 MANWWWWhiahkiii6WAI `IN ` leer 'Mi 1WW1�il le' ilii 1i S OP pecials Fine Style for Easter mieanS ,fine value. Every- body wants the new !styles: for Easter. You will find in our store you will get better values. Judge by quality; not by price, and save a $2 Bill on your Spring Shoes. • SEE OUR WINDOWS SEE OUR WINDOWS 13R(ffWN BROS Repairing Neatly Done V,r', ! 'U W,'ls° WMAWPWRAWWW ' I°1 >W1 W' c.O.O O.l Com. .�,C�.C1.p ©�•C� •�.•O.q.C�•O.O p.C�.. .'�•� g .C�•4.p•0.4 �•4•`5•p:� O" �cmc-�ooc:ac csoc••»c��oc-c�000�c} vooac.c �c�+c>vo��► O •a o•a, coec =rte •J•a•o•oo•�� •�•o•o•�•o•o o•4•r.7�•rJ •o•o•o•o•d•a o �•o•o•o w..ress •ti X14. =.r ..y t. That are perhaps the most beautiful patterns and ip app weaves you will have an opportunity -to select :from.•0 There is an abundance of those exclusive fabrics that 0 • herald•the approach of a season and appeal to the best 4p dressed ladies Broche Maranton •Oreres.Satln Canton1 (gyp cap, crepe DeCly n�, Flat Crepes, Printe Crepes ar�d Novelty Silks T,Ot COME IN AND SEE THESE GOODS EVEN I1+ YOU DO NOT INTEND TO BUY NOW. 0•. 1� OUR RANGE IS GREATER THAN EVER, MORE INTERESTING THAN EVER AND AT PRICES L 'MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. i 4 ►D NEW WALL PAPERS We have just taken into Stock a large shipment of New Wall Papers, and are ready to show you the very Newest Patterns for any room in the House. Make your selection early New Shirts, Hats a d Caps •0 . 40 JUST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S SHIRT:, HA.TS AND CAPS. WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THESE, AS WE ARE SURE THEY WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. e Come in and see what isnew and Boy's Suits • O IT 'IS TIME FOR SPRING GARMENTS AND THERE IS NO BETTER TIME TO • O,'? US • 4 SED UP THAN ON EASTER SUNDAY. COME IN AND LET � " HELP YOU TO LED UP. A. NEW LINE OF BOY'S TWO BLOOMER SUITS JUST IN. aoa in Men's 01 • • SEEDS 13E ALL DEES �( GET ALL DOL QI , qq O�V OUR SEEDS,ARE A 1 QUALITY AND WE FEEL YOU WILL BE WALL SATISFIED, A. LARNE SUPPLY OF THE FOLLOWING VARITIES ON HAND— RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, TIMO-• AND VARIAGATED ONTARIO GROWN ALFALFATI3 BEING US ;'OtJR ALSIICE AND CLOVER SEED, WE ALWA.YS PAY THE HIGHEST MARK- ET ARR;-1iT PRICES ACCORDING a'0 'QUALITY. i.,i.+1..1.a,.+ 01..i. i.4 i'+a,.+++f4 + ti ee < .++ 2 + ++++.H'+•1•++++++++4- it e 14+4.i4+++++++ 4+++•N+41. 411 Phone 59 , Z U R I C H Produce i "educe Wa ,ted 14Ire. J. Preeter is confined to he house with an attack of grippe. Mr. and Mrs A. V. Hess were at London bast Thursday. Mrs.. S. 14Ierner of Hensall was. >s visitor in the village a few days last week. - Mr5 Elmer (Desch and 'Miss Rose Hess were visitors to London one ay last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Cook of Dashwood spent Sunday at the xour? of Hy. Weseloh • Mr. Samuel Rupp, of the Go- ishen, north is confined to the house with an attack of lumbago. .Miss Stella :Den'omy who has sp- ent the last few months in Windsor has returned to her home. .A. number from the village were at the Spring Show, klensall on Tu- e:day and report a good o:shw, Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Knechtel of New Hamburg are spending a few 'days at the home of Mrs. S. Ren- Mrand Mrs,. L.:(t1,cler. and fam- ily of,:•:Dashwood were Sunday vis- itors, at the -home of Mr. and Mr4 Haberer. 11r. and Mra. Ed: Miar, Mrs. Wml. ,Mier, Mrs. Fred. Genttner. of Dash- wood !spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mas. E. O Asch, Mr. W. 1L.-.,Pfile, who has con- ducted a ;shoe bu'sines's here the ipast.few''ye,aus', has discontinued doing so ,and. moved his stock .to Hotiggil where• he will open elate - That b ue- E1:''Itobert"Lamont of the West is Ni'siting with his brother' :Mr. W Lamont of the village . He brou fight a, carload of horses froth the west, which •will he ;sold by auction in Zurich on Tuesday April 22nd, 1 ' The auditor's report of the Zurich Hydro System for the year 1923:has been received by the Pol- ice trustees, Board of the Village o •Zurikh: and the ;same shows that the local system had another satis- factory Year of operation. The + net Isurplu's from the year's oper- I ,� ation is $1031.98 in addition to a+ ;provision for depreciation of f $179.00. The 'Hydro -Electric Poo- 4. Iver, Commissions of Ontario consid-I ers .this an excellent showing and i .¢. it should be a matter of mucheat-' isfaction. to the village. A rebate' + of 421.92 will also be paid to the village by the Hydro -Electric Po- .p. wer Commission, being the differ- ence between the actual cost of T. power during t be year and the amount paid by the local system. + .The .total assets consisting of plant, .g. equipment, cash, investments, ac- + counts receiveable ,and equity in hydro' system oon December 31st. + was $13;927.40 The liabilities con ,'¢i. siis!ing of debentures debt $5,131.30, + reserve of equity, in hydro system , $588,62, depreciations reserve $1354.00 + and debentures paid $460.31, amount to $7;534.23, leaving an operating •1• Isuiplus of $6,393.17. At the end 4.4* of •1923 Zurich had 75 domestic cus tourers, 43 commercial customers 2 rural customers, also 4 power us- ers. Chester ter L. Breit , F1�blis $1.25 a Yost Ltd A.dT llfi ,;. $1..58 1.N f4RRJ A118, y+2 KAY 13E OJARGEt,+ The Biggest Value Ever ff red tf ta ° rra; r ai � �^ (�: �' k LiP' jx. Sirop a, zrr, � lilyw,'.to. Consists of 1 Gold plat- ed Razor; 3 Blades; 1 Auto Strop in metal case HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,00506f Over 125 Branches MINS This institution offers deposit- ors safety; for their savings; ree- asonable interest compounded every six months, and freedom from red tape in case of with. drawls. Savings Department at ever Branch Deposits of $1 a;d upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch Z• 00010 40•••Oiiii40(+d+++ +40•0i00,0040i040•••�AN►49K4 0 v i 0 0 e 0 i 0 i i i ••0 Fall Horse Goods Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72e84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.00 to _...,. ... .._ USA SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALl`J.. . . BIG Stock of Harness and . Halters. always on haul,.. •Club Bags, Suit Cases and; "Trunks. at Right 12riceB ATRI C1 A. S'p`iCIA3.,� l V FRED THIEF ZURICH ElHOi 7 0 toe,at+d, v'�v° o.s.cs4i0*0ielilii0�9d>i+MiG4s�Piiriii/eMi®**!* . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++4444.44+ .g - PRESENT:AITION' On. Monday evening April 14th, the neighbors and' friends spent a very pleasant • evening at •the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hy. P1iie;14th con., ass a ,farewell party(. The evening was 'spent in the play ing of different games and Was enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Pfile was made the, recipient of a beautiful water sett `present- ed by Milne Rader, accompanied by • the following address which was read by, Mr. Ed. Stire— To Mr. and Ms'. Geo. Hy. Pifle. We, your neighbors and fri- ends have gathered this evening to spend a few social hours together prior to your removal to your new hpme. We are indeed sorry to .lave you leave use, but 'since you axe only removing tjo a near -by towns, we shall not have to break the tie of friendship- las otherwise the case would be were you to re- move to a distnta place. and as a. token; of our love and friendship we ask you to iaccept this gift as a reminder of your many friends and your old neighborsr- Signed on behalf of the 14th con, friends. Mr. ?file responded in a kindly I Manner, although taken entirely by -surprise, +tlbanked those Present. SPECT LS n Staple Footwear 4 4 See our Show Window for Special Prices 4' in Men's, Boy's, Ladies' and Children's Footwear. Everyone the best of quality Repairing done by the -very latest methods C. FRITS & SON SHOE MERCHANTS N'�'A►�°i0 ZURICH 4.4.MSN•.+++N•N•N•4••N•N+•N•N•i••N•N•N•I+++4.1..•i'.p.•s•Na4•F..t•.g• •++i-++3..ar++4• =a:• e+i-, NEW GOOD We invite you to come and see our new Spring and Summer. Goods consisting of Prints, G-inghams, Or- gandies, Voiles, Flannelettes, Shirt lugs, Cottonades, -Etc. We are making a big reduction in price ou all Winter Goods R. N. DOUGLAS �p GENERAL MERCHANT BLAK p, PHONE ,d -97 BLAK1 4