HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-10, Page 8r. Z ti it i k'; R n R m, ti _ Thuasday, NEW ARRIVALS IN Spring Merehanthse We are. opening up New Sof Spring Goo6 3 almost Daily, and invite yonr inspection NEW SERGES GARBERDINES • TRICOTINES VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION RA.IDENETTE CREPES PRINTS YORK GOLDEN CLOTHS COTTON ADES CURTAIN SCRIMS A few pieces of Prints, Ginghams and Dress materials continued at Sale Prices to clear WALLPAPERS We sell Watson Fosters Wallpapers. Come and see them and compare prices PIORET ,TWILLS WOOL POPLINS WOOL CREPES FIGURED CREPES NEW GINGHAMS IN ALLCOLORS Plaids and Check Patterns GALATEAS SHIRTINGS DENIMS NEW HOSIERY AND GLOVES ASC Phone 67 Produce Wanted Zurich's Garage Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND Gas, Oils, Greases 41Lf. IR C), W ► 4:OD -LAC AIN for Furnitut'e-Floors & »root wort' Write to Heikl OI 'Ice. ,Morrirea 1 for Free Book et HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD' BY A, MELICK -- ZURICH i MA '' LOCAL MARKETS ITEMS OF LOCAL I T E �.` Mr. J. Procter was at I itcherierl (Carreeted every Wednesday) � ,�..��..... ........ Et few days last week. ... 40c Mrs. F M. Hess' wa sat London Delver . ._.-._ .. - ,,,a apples per ib .. 7c �n Tuesday. ..:. .7e, elite Setts, per ib, -„95 Nov is the time ' to- plan th.�tit per bag .. •• garden, select the best of sec ds. • r , mi o s..... ... ••.55 ..miicY 65 A bad epedemic of gripe is! go- 111,111k �vimoat .... ing the rounds and a number of 1 4'+ b }at per bushel x__....1.00 people are laid up. Oattr i.. 50 Mr. Norman Holtzman, who vis- Flour per cwt. .... . --•..... ••-_3,00 32100 ited with his father Mr, Gab. Rol -I Shorts per ton,-.. -... tzmnan, 1+*ft for his home at Pres- Bran per ton -........_ , 30.00 ton on Tuesday morning. l i.iv.i hogs+,. per cwt : ...... 7:25 A joint auction ,sale will be held at Walper's Hotel on Saturday: ,a,f ------ tern000n, April 5th, when a num- ' her of articles will, be ;sold includ-1 ing a Forel Touring car. I Western Fanners' Mutual Mr, and Mrs. E.. 11 Restemayer'�t of Cavaelri, N. Dakota, were we -1 Weather lusurau'Ge loo. rk-%nd visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. OF WOODSTOCK M E. Sit eitzer, also visited other old Triends!, who were greatly pie- • • ased to see theme. Carry au Insurance of over Some time ago we have •sent out $27,000.000. Number of Policies in notices to 'some back subscript- ±force 11;287. Paid Losses in 1923 ions and have meet with, gpod 'suet f to amount of $56,143,20. No ass - cess, few, however. have _as y not responded, to .'sucho e w •;as linea ice during on hand ofyear and have to ask them to kindly ea -mot publish a .paper and 'send' at out free of. charge, Hand we know' Q. Holtzman Zurich that no one would be small enough' AGENT!, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- to expect it. Real fine spring like weather THING RODS, AND ALL KINDS has visited us the past week, thetf-34 go old large snow banks 'which vo re OF FIRE INSURANCE. over so big, are practically th, and the loads dried upto e dust is flying as the auto- is the or- der of the day. We have missed the usual warm April shovers I Standard 5oc: bushel and feed oats which . always make ;such 3 big i ant d barley rni ed at 50c. Bushel. change at,this time of year. + ApplyLot 8, Con, The' Goth annual session of the. 2: Stanley, phone 11 on to john H. Hyde 86; Hensel]. 41 36-3 eeizelSlia GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS• 17. „ r&TTEP7 IF IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE;GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. "A WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERYRING EITHER REPAIRING ELECD R•mICALEOR MECHANICAL. EXPERTRY CHARGING, ALSO AC- ETYLENE R ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE 11. Alousseau Zurich *06401 00089.00. roti, 021;0-000®0.1-Weair.60OOSSee0000ellee0090e1 • :gat WITH THE ARRIVAL OF.SPRING BRINGS US INTO THE i fr NICEST SEASON OF THE YEAR, THE TIME WHEN EVERY 44 BODY Is • • FILLED WITH AMBITION AND EVERYBODY IS It READY TO GRASP AN OPPORTUNITY, OR TO SEE WHERE : • THEY CAN BUY THE MOST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. 1 • 1 HERE IS WHERE YOU OAN DO IT. • FOR SALE SEED OATS, for sale, Sheffield Canada ;Conference,'Rvangei ca churcli,will be held at.: N"&:v Ham- burg, Ont. to jbegrn W.dneada3r, 2 p.n i„ April 23, 1924. Bishop M. T. Maze will preside. The ,exam- ination of the Junior preachers will begin Tuesday previous at 9;. a.m. The annual meeting .of ;tbe .Confer- ence Missionary Society will tom- T ;There is on the 100 -acre farm gomence on Wednesday,: April 23rd,.l p' at 9 a.iil.f when inia'sionary rep•- ! 2G 56o driving me shed house, and otherout- . out- orls of the past Conference yearbnildings. The farm is in good 'state will be received: of cultivatio;u, clay 'loan, drained, Bon as cut in Ontariopiceate and well of also 5 acres eofehardwoodsbush,plen, season made a cut in..the price buck lambs of $1.50 per cwt. or an ty of good water. The 30 acres In avenge of about $1.35 per laob fine pasture farm. n Uro and dthing cin In other words, every lamb of g quality properly treated and'do-1 good condition. For further par - eked, sold for $1,35 more than did; titulars phone 5-78, Henn lR or the buck lamb. Last spring war. -1 apply to Maggie. 3, ning of the action to be taken by Bayfield, the buyers in an effort to induce _ _ -_ _ farniars to trim. their. lamb's was FARM - FOR SALE sent out, also twenty-five thousand' OR RENT pan^,plets warning of the lossthe farmers vrould suStein by not do ing to. Containing 100 'acres in good FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 -acres being Lot 13, con. 12, Stanley Tp. Also 30 - acres pt. Lot 12, ': con. 13, Stanley pril 10th, 1924. The store with the Liberal Cash Discount A'N4fiW1 FURNITURE MOVED We have moved our F urniture Show Room on the second f.00r to make room for T. L. Wurm's:General store and invite the Public to come . and see our fine display of Furniture : s ®prIngi • • state of cultivation, 40 acre fall DASHWOOD. plowed. Formnerll* the Wm, otiv- ' of Live son Farm on the Babylon Lin St - 11 l,ni s suction sale 1 anley Township. 2 miles south- S`oc1+, mostly 2 -year old cattle will) of Varna. Apply to take place at Zimmer's Hotel, Dash• John McNaughton, wood, some time this month. For further particulars 'see Mr. Arthur 246 Tecumseh ave. London, Ont t40 Weber, Auctioneer, or George Mer- ner Clerk. Messrs. Norman Fisher and Rud- olph olph Miller left an, Monday Cupar, Sask. Miss Ado. Witmer of Sarnia ins. visiting her parents. Mr, Harry Harris left for, e the Sar- nia on Tuesday, after ;spending winter in town. Wilfred MVIerner has returned from Detroit, Misses Letta and Edith GI - ten -Cher 'spent Saturday in London. Mis's Erdoes Geiger of Zurich, sp- ent the weelt-end with her cousin Miss Gladys 'Guenther. Mrs. C. Finkbeiner 10 visiting in parnia. Mr. and Mrs. E. Desch of Zurieb were -visitors in, town on Sunday, Mis 'aGlady'S Guenther enterta- ined a nterta-ineda number of bet friends to birthday party on, Saturday. Mr. 0. Burmeister has purchased the farm; of Mr. Geoo. 1Iy. Pfi1 ?, 14th •con., Illy, Mr; Pfile will trove to town.. Mr. Louts Xleindti V;er 'Spent Fri clay in London. Mr. and Mrs, 0. Fritz and fand ily ofZurich•viisitecl with Mr. and Mrs. J. ICellerrean on Sunday. Mr. Herb,-Pfile of :t etroit %stysp ending a few weeks With hi's par- ents. Mieses E. 1'U'ieh1 and an L!anra M. R.eid 'spent 11londap', in LoXm- don Mr. and Mr.'s. Wellington Malt were (serenaded by the band on Friday evena.ip 4 $ Mir. Herman. Zlrnniei`X of Strat- ford called on friends in toWn on Monday. • •FROST l.� l 1. Cly the Frost tight it lock woven fence is the best on the b fnone. We have a full • market baring ' n Wire,Coil, Brace • line of Woven , • • Barb, Stegpqles Steel fence posts, • • ALSO A raw, LINE OF, SAP PAN'S, GALV, AND I. C. TIN -• ,•• ,•► BUCKETS, S.Y4I. SPILES AT LOWEST PRIORS.2 •- '• A FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SIIEL FIfARDWARE 111.'STADE: & &-.\AIEIDOI • Etc, always on hand 7 • A10 a Fuli Bt�oI of: SEASONABLE :HARDWARE SUCH AS SAP PAILS, •,PILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AND ALL OTHER GRADES OF WIRE COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY - HARDWARE: SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT. IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. WANTED A ;girl to. do house work, for full ;particulars write or apply to Mrs, Thos, Elliott, Park House, Box 51, Goderich, phone No. 3883, 38-3 PETER BLOCK - ZURICH I. 0•0000.0414004.0•000•00.0111••••••••••••••••••••01100 SERVICE 15 OUR MOTTO A. MELIOK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Guaranteed Mortgage Certificates Are issued, upon request, in• the namiesiof two• or more per- . sons. • __ 1 t 1. In the event of the death: of one ,of the investors the inves- tment automatically becomes the property of. the ,Isurvivori or survivors without expense or "reid Ope." 5 per cent, per annum Payable Half Yearly UPON $100 or more ;for ,1,;2, 3, 4, or 5 'years. Let me arrange for a safe, profitable Guaranteed Mortgage ;Certificate in your name alone, or jointly with some mem- ber of your family. MY MOTTO ;-SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging I Ani in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 16c. a roll. H. EICKTVIEIER, ZURICH -- ONT. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear sister and 'daughter, Miss Nene Scliilbe, whodied on April 9th, 1923. She 'bid no (one ;a last farewell, She said goodbye to none; The happy home we once enjoyed How sweet the Memory still. But death has left a lonliness, The world can .never 1x1'1. Jesus while our ,hearts are ,bleeding O'er the 'spoils that death has worm We would, att ;he. soiemmmn, meeting Calmly way "The will be done:" - Tho' cast down, 'we're not forsaken Tho' afflicted not Alone, Thou didst give, Thou hast taken: Blessed' Lord, "Thy will be 'done„ Not dead but With life's struggles done'', The victor's laurels hos ,'she won • liter's res peace that followed strif She's entered not eternal tile. She shall ;sleep, but not forever, There will be a. glorious dawn. We shall meet to part no more Ont he reserreetion morn. ' Ey .rarca>ite, ,$rothex~S andis- S tett, 4. 4. 4. 44 h4 4. 4.4. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical trot*, meets. -Eyes Examined Main St., EXETER, Phone '10 . Consultation and Examination F AT .WALP1iR HOUSE, ZURICH. Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 4p,.laa t'4' .it'4+4,.4'h44.4.4.444- ++ +4.44+4- .^i4+44+ 4.4.4 dr• 44 4. 4. • • • 4, • HERALI. GP?'ICE Do = k n ?' THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN ,SUPPLY YOU WITII PRINTED WEDDING INV•ITA.TIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEAD% BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STTEMEN'rS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT URERS OF`'COUNTE,ii. CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QI.TAN'TIT"Y AND SIZE OF CIII!1CIC BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK 'WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, C.A.3:1""l3ON Ott TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAOS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY'.; NOTE 1300KS, 13EC13IPT 13001(5 IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. • THAT WE P ILL Y OUR OR DINA RY S IT E INK C B OT fi LE WITHGOaDro N A.INPENxNiFOR5c. LAIG- xEt QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- t ;TBRst MERCIA:NTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR spuoIAL" v 44 4k +4++Tr4•+4•++4444 r++ ^ +++ ++3.+.4 • •4 4