HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-10, Page 5urada ', April 10 -the - 1924 BUSINESS CARDS . 014dfoot,, K.•illorau & 1101411MS. Barrrktexs. Solicitors, .dot tries, E:tn, • Offtee on the S:cluate, Ind' door from Hanalilton • St, God - *rich !;•rivitteI.un40 to ,leap . at lowest rater#, ' Proudfoot, K.C. J. L Killoran D E..Ho'1mes, Ur, Holmes will be in Hensel.' e on kriday of each week, Andrew F. Hess, Tom w�nship Clerk Swift .,t marriage licenses, Notary titbits, Commissioner, Fire and Alit,. mobile Insurance, Representing. **son .and Erie Mortgage Corpora - Went Fine Canada Trust Co. Zurich, fbatarlo. Dr. G L. Smith ;0,13, (Toro Tit() .1 D.D.S„ (!Chicago) DENTIST WALPE11 HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY WAIN OFFICE - HENSALL A -U -C` %.I -U -N -E -E -R OSCAR IKLOP? Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of ' Auctioneering, Try, ams for Registered Live Stock (All Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice ;damns fat sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write. Zurich. 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In'a position to con- duct any auction sale, -regardless as tosize or articles to sell. I -solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for serv'ices. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, ;f''bione 13-57 Zurich Mee MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Ti.0 gb ut & Deiollzrt ZURICH LIVERY I am in a .position to accomo- date allrequirements in the Livery Shine,' have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL '1rt0l3e 49 Zurich 4. S. ATKINSON, Z.D.S., D.D.S, glee AEhl71`1.8T rat uate of the. Royal College VI Dental Sitrgeons of Ontario and. ttit the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Stain Office, Exeter. Phone 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 • -19 LIVE P O U LT R Y WANTED *taken ,~very 'lay till 3 Ociock. p.m,. Do not feed fowl same morning "I en brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR--- Cream and Eggs e.,� E n � N;goe O'Brien Phone 94. Ztiii!eli 1A� OAL Li • SEASON 1924 •5iPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- '''. ELIVER-•a ' MS ; ANTHRAC'I!TE .W;e are noiv ire - e �iv)xig our genuine _D 1 'vare & Tif►tdsoni direct, front' the mines,,Nut Stove and:Egg ,sizes. • SOFT COAL --Just al -rived, an- other car of our high grade soft. *tie coal has made a great hit for Sion ehold use and our sales of this Skye over doubled fini the last !sea- a9t�nH I• `13OULETS••--Our eloulet Coal is etlao ii ii elate 'by itself and otaing in favor rapidly. OfJR Telephones 'are at ' 'your eeervice. Use thenal t~freely for .in- 'fertnationt • - 0AL & PRODUCE MTEJTtr'13ANT tions Ofi'iee 10w, Howe lel ti.ENSAL3. NT�a ';PUT 1COCT:ti; Wants, For ,$air.e,:Lost, .Found, Novice, Etc. Ads IN Ilia '• coLoM,N FOR SALE Ti mob' m th Als' .e ,. l I rt. and.. Timothy, Re Clover Red lyes Seed for (sale: • No. 1, Gov. tested iseed's. ;Pride's right. J, Galsclro & Son(, Zurich FOR SALE OR RENT -East gra Lot._ii., Cone 5, '1'lr. of Hay, a first cla'ss grass farm,.. A bargain; Terms Liberal,•. 'Apply to A; Murdock, Herpsal'1'. FOR SALE Desirable Dwelling and 2 lots land for sale in Zurich. Apply to W, F. lerau.n, for particulars. tf37. FOR RENT On 'shares, the land known as 4 acres of u3 Lot 16, L. R. E,., Stan- ley Tp. For particulars apply to Orr Bros':, R.R, 2, Zurich. 37-4 EGGS FOR HATCHING Bred -to -lay Rocks headed by males of highest egg producine st- rains. Eggs for hatching at the farm 50e. per dofent 45c. on in- cubator lots of 11 dozen or over. $1.00 per 15 crated for shipping4 We are booking orders now. RICH One snore week till easter, Miss Lulu Albrecht 'spetatt past 'week et Hayfield, the Mr, and .Mrs;. E. Oelsch Visited Dashwood ft.tEtalde on Silnday. Mr. Roy :El. Patterson; County Engineer 'wets' in the village .op Tu- esday.• Mrs. A, Willett and Miss Anna Hess were at London on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Fritz and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at Dashe weed. ' Mi'. Norman Gaseho '!eft ' for Windsor where he will reside in future. Hay Council mien hi the Town Hall on Mondry to transact their monthly bu'sine'ss: Miss Lorinda Schoch is spending as few weeks with relatives at Kit- chener and New Hamburg. . The new telephone directories have .arrived and (t(ie Clerk, Mr,. k. F. Bess is busy 'nailing ,same:" Messrs. Hess -Milliken' while at London last week, purchased a Ford runabout car which they will con- vert into a light truck to use in their electrical supply business. The roads are drying up nicely although very rough and rutty',at places, wblat is needed is a good E. G. Krueger, R,R,2, Zurich. Phone scraping to fill un the deep .rubs 1-85. tf-37 and leiel the roadbed, kr. Robert Lamont left Hanna, Alta, last Friday with a ,carload of homes, which he expects to un- load at Kippen or Hensel' 'stations WANTED Will tek a a 'meted number of cattle fns pasture for season of and 'sell to farmers of this section. 1924. Fee further particulars ap- M tesnee C. Fritz & Son; Shoe Mer ply to John Stephan, R.R. 1, Zur- chines', of Zurich h:rv' been ap- ish, Phone a-99. 35-4 eenetc d az. nts for thandistrict far the Ford Motor cars. Anyone wi= shine; to purchase ;a new Ford car. kindly let thein know and they will be onlyt o0o glad to give a dem- onstration. Mr. Geo; HF. Pelle of the 14th Con. Ha!y, has di'sposr rl of his fine' 7.09 ••Acre faun to M. Chris. Berra HENSALL Spring Show Horses --- Cattle The annual Spring Show, under sister cf Dashwood, Mr, Pfile tal:- the auspiers of the South Huron inrr Mr. Burreister''s property in Agricultural Society, of Stallions, Dashwood on, exchange. Mr. Pfile Harness and Ratter Horses, Bulls is holding; an extensive auction, sale 14th. of his effects on Monday, .April . .At the OAT etion sale en Saturday K. M. McLean, Secretary, Seaforth i the estete or"• the late Mary Koch- . a T Mr. W'tn. Hider of the 14tH Hey, porch l sedt he dwelling property. Mr. Miller having ren- ted his festal is haveing an auction set?. of Farm, Stock and Impletn- ants on Wednesday April 16th and Cows, will be held in Remelt On TUESD:I.Y APRIL 15th m. Consitt, Peesicient, Hensall. os the prop:'rty rued chattels of Y In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers tememhor the Herald. Office is agent for most of thein and in some cases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript ion,;. Tuxedo..:.:,Chattertess AUTO OIL FOR •FORD CARS. GL' ARANTE1JD -TO STOP TBE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold 13y' L. A. PRANG, Zurich, tf18 COA Supply Of Chesnut and Furnace On Hand Case & Son PHONE 35 - . HENSALL -17 Dr, H. H. COWEN L..D, 5., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At till tier,nick tllocl.; Zurich, ev ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office faARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOI) HEIRS WANTED Missing Heirs are being sought throughout the world, Many people n aC.. t0 d',t,y living In comparative poverty who are wally rich, but do not know it, Yoe' may be one of thein. • Send for Index Book. "Mis- sing Heirs and Next of Kin,,, con- teining carefully authenticated lists of missing i heirs and unclaimedest- atoll which have been advertised for her and abroad. The Index of Missing Uoirs we offer for sale contains th':raands of names whieh have appeared in Atnerican, Can- adian, English Scotch, Welsh, Ger many French. Belgian, Swedish, Io- clia'iay. Colonial, and' other newsp- apers, inserted by lawyers, execute oars, administrators. Also conte- rXs list of English and Lash Courtin 'of Chancery and unclaimed elide list list of I3atik of .laugland. Your name or Tour-aneeetor's may be in the list. Send 81,00 (one dollar) at once for hook, INTER NATIONAL CLAIM AGENCY, Dept 262 PITTSIIUIRGfl,, Pa., U.S.A.. rGood news conics to the many bread. e::atersl of Zurich, aswe: have been without a. baker,,' fru 'soatine: Ml Ezra .Koeh3er lens` decided- ed.. to t melee th> • ,e e et ii e to' I t siert att baking, business, - in the bu . ildinze om h•'is .p, opert;y '.feietner1y used byt he glove factory .and . r the first pla,c9 built for a Baptist church W wish Mr. Koehler ev- ery success in his undertaking, he has ordered a full' line ,of equip- ment including a large steel oven and expects to be ready -tor bak- ing, in about two week. Eat -Zur- ich bread made by Zurich's new baker. • • • Messrs. J. Fleeter and son BUR - sell were at London on Monday, the object being to either return with the $200e in cash or the Hudson coach auto, which Russell won as first prize iv the Adverisert contest However, after looking over the ear it eves decided that it would be o2 greater cao:wenieece and pl- easure than the cash, hence . they r'ttneted with the coach, which is ce fine ere -tilt .to hte village; as we 'we do not know 'of any car just eo nice as thin particular one. It is of the five -passenger coach type bee a large 0 -cylinder noi'se'le'$.s run ~ti:`g motor with an abcandance of power, and is designed to' the lot: - est thriughout. The present pr- ice being,$2100.00. A>::d we are most certainly glad that thi's car. Nils woe air Rtsssell, the candidate front Zurich OLIN TON SPRIGN FAIR The Clinton Seeing Fair was held on Thursday, A'hril 3rd It being, the' largest fair of its kind ever held. Entries included one hundred horses and some thirty cattle. J. rttcLe<an,. of. Richmond Hill, judge, stated it was the best exhibit of heroses ever 'seen. Fol- lowing is part of the nrize Avin- n;ers that wi11 be of interest to peo- ple oft his district. LIGHT HORSES Roadster Stallion, Standard bred trratter, John Decher, Zurich. Roadster Carriage horse in har- ness, Dr. 'II;' H. Ross, Seafortli, Roy Cantelon, Clinton. Roadster Horse in La iiFssf Robe McLaren e McIarP Iaisnll0JDi1pCl- inton; Wn, Decheae Zurich. • Lady having won prize before Mrs. G. W. Nott, Scaforth; Mrs. G. T. Dale, Clinton. ' Judge, Win. Doherty, Toronto', HEAVY HORSES Gen. Purpose filly or gelding ,,3. re -ear -Wm, Decher, Zurich and second; D. Gardiner, Goderich. - Gen. Purposet earn in harness -- Wm -Dee -time Zurich; D. Gardiner, Godericli, Wtn. Bell, Myth; :Carl Cooper, Clinton. Beast matched tear) in harness -- Richard Shaddiel:,,Londesboro. Team coining greatest distance -Wm.Decher, Znr''1'. Janie, Jss. Me.Lea.ai, Richmond ?Till, ' II AL Zi FARM `tie Manufacitite of 'glee the tloine Dka ',Y• 7 r mT e a l' ti p t ri,, the 1o?lil k i g e Welt U: Congulatie>nstrains-'2tnd 1Cxil'Iing -A iitonesellede Ir's'c* x- trier Care of t7heese-....(;o c;;.r.t;Atie-r 'xfl Win, centruieted in? Ontario i)epart, .< it at +lgricuitut`e, Toronto.) For every nine or ten poirene of cheese required, use 1.0.0 ,pontes o1 milk (10• gallons). Take th • trash morning's milk and nes it vvi,i' the night's milk in a vat, or souse clean vessel suitable for holding atilt( Heat the milli to 86 degrees Fahren- heit, by placing a clean can of hot water in it, or by setting the vessel containting the milk on the stove; and stirring. Coagulation. Use wee teaspoonful of rennet for every 25 pounds of milk. First dilute the rennet with a pintsof cold water,. and then mix it thoroughly for about three " minutes. Cover the vat until coagulation takes place, which will be in '.about twenty minutes, depending on the ripeness of the milk. When the curd. breaks clean across the anger without any flakes remaining on it, it is ready to be cut. Cutting. For cutting, regular curd knives are best. Use the horizontal knite first-euttiug lengthwise of the vat, then cut both lengthwise and cross- wisewith the perpendicular knife: This gives small cubes of even size. After the 'curd has been cut, it should be gently stirred with the hand, or with a small wooden rake for ten minutes before applying heat. Heating. Heat the curd' 98 degrees Fahren- heit, taking about thirty minutes to do so. Continue stirring until the curd is ready for dipping; usually about two and one-half to three hours from the time the vat was set. When the curd becomes firm and spring and- falls apart when a handful is pressed together, it is ready to hare the whey removed. After draw off the whey stir the curd over once, then pile it event,, at. one end of the vat and cover it with a heavy cotton cover. in about twenty minutes the curd will be well matted when it should be cut, into blocks about four inches square. Turn the blocks about every twenty minutes until the curd comes flaky. This is usually 'about one and a half hours after dipping. tMIUIn'g. Knife may be used in place of a turcl.'11�i11.' Gut the curd into strips about the thickness 'of your linger, stir *ell, and 'apply salt at the rate of 'one :ounce foie every twenty-five pounds of milk. SPei'ukleethe- salt over •the curd, mix ft elibi-oughly and wizen the salt is dissolvedethe curd will be ready to put to press at between 80 and `.4 degrees. The, cheese hoop. or hoops, should be .made of heavy tin with two :;,.ndles on the outside. A suitable sire for home use would be neven and eight incliee eu diameter and tivelvr or fourteen inches high. Place a piece of cotton at the boa tone ofthe hoop, as a temporary cat, then put the cheese cloth band's; inside the hoop. Carefully pack ft: the curd, fold over the end of the •bandage, place on top a piece of cot- ton similar to the one at the bottom Put on Wooden follower, aad put to press. :9, klonie-lllade Press. If a press with a screw is net avail: able, use q lever press. Take a piece of scantling ten or twelve fest Ion: foe a Iever Place the cheese heap on a strong box about three Leet from the wall. Nall to the wall a pick u of scantling and under it put oue end of the lever. I'ut a block of wood cut toe of the follower for the level to ;est on. A pail containing, stones or I.ran•may be used for the weleht. Do not apply full pressure at erst. dtr thl'ee-gearters of an hour the cheese may be takeu from the tress, the batidages wet with hot eater, purled „ up smoothly and trit are i neatly, allowing ane-baif an inch to lap at the ends. boxer the ends With circles of. stiffened cheese cloth, over that place a piece of cattail dipped iii hotw t a er 'Return the cheese to the press until the foil'owieg morn- ing, whau they should be tu.reetl in the hoops :and pressure continued a few hours longer. After removing the cheese from the press, place them in a cool, dry. cellar to ripen. After Care of Cheese.' Turn the cheese end for end on the shelf every day for a month and afterwards U C c 'sten' llv a These eheese will be ready :for use In about six or elilit weeks.. To prevent the cheese moulding, and .to keep thele from dry tats too much, they' 'may be dipped in hot parafene. wax. Another tien method t,d tc prevent i ou d S io" put a tiuulale Cloth on the cheese until ready for use. The iuould will be on the extra cloth, leaving the cheese clean when removed•= -Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College,, Guelpli. I.. Co-operation Will Win. "Cotheetition is no Inger the life of trade but co-operation is the as- surance of success. There are three forces leading tis to bigger things and they must to -operate. One is nuance . and the 'ethers are labor and the farmer. The farmer has. been inde- pendent and an individually and coin pete with others collectively. There -a taon co er must be p a tor sales, for purchases and for production, Wo must standatdiee our products so the e, re will lino* jtit What he- la to r` t. Y:•o^ C . !'P i .Eyck before : 1dr c;a.5111 V , Veal* fillattt, b Have You bought that . 4 iw )b. Tire Buggy? If not HESS REPAIRING „. Painting Feed Car, One "oat, $15,00, ',Vivo Coats' .;, .,. " $20,0'0 iCovering Ford Top Good Material,.less curtains .., '1 Changing Ford Curtain' to open with Doors ... 1i 5,00. Painting Buggy . ........... .. - .... $5;00:. $8.00.. 11' YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE 112RUBi3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZURICH 1, Lumber Laths S 4 Combination storm and screen doors made to orders Lumber and Building eaer�ial Cu- t m 'cark our i �-,ci lty' I Always in the 1ntla�lietf'j1 �. >±-w 1.0 s KAI/BY/11.0CH ,, . �.• _ , . .4 P fi c� 4.. %I°x 1. + '"^.,9,. '.. ",,.', y.."„q..Q`.t�'°(.'f,++.1aJ.,.Y�, .. 'M+40;<'++,¢,.�'•%,.*.ve.4..,.44,¢`°g,hS"'q•'�",�„�,T7 Everything in *'tee+-+ +._...r_+-._+_+__+-+-+-+-'-+-•+--� _+-+•-+-+-+-+; ' READY HOBBERLIN HQFFMAN e WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINckS AND SAMPLES* 4. IIN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSIKG qtr THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES oc HOBBERLIN HAVING TAKEN OVER 'THE AGENCY 013 THE BEST .KNOWN + SEMI -READY 060 THING FIRM IN CANADA (H.AB13ERLIN CO.) R'lL' AREeIN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST•.�.. ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE . OF SPRING SUITS AND g. 4. 4. 4 4, OVERCOATS Ai. PRICES SECdND TO NONE. BE'ATE 11I13FI The Early Bird catches the Worm H*FFMA iTAILORI/%ND FUNERAL D PFCTCRI OAY AND NIC';13 el -10 .NE No. .6 ere i!iI!11I IIIV!ll�hlllICi 11' li,vi `I ILII Ji.n...,�,,,I,;dVlu,!�,.Il,ludub�,a(Ii.,ul�,,,L.�,,!Ills;ll�,.bJ..flYb,ill.,!Il!r,lyt�d.!IIi!II!IN!16,!ill!!lVril�tl!i'i '' • ,;;•16tth!!IlllllilVlllllll!111911 ., Illuseattee ZUBiCH HERALTTS 1924 Olubbiwz .i HERALD HERALD HERALD • HERALD HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and lEftALD and HERALD Da.tid FIEI3.ALD and HERALD HERALD end HERALD and HERALD and HER AID and IERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD` and S HERALD and HERALD and kind Toronto Daily Globe ti.00 a, ncl Kitchener Daily Telegraph. ... ... $5.10 and Toronto Daily Mail and ?,.,lupi `e .- .,$$6:�h0 and Toronto atu clay Mail and Empire $3,215. Toronto Daily Star •--- -,-„ 163:0205 Toronto Weekly Star -.,... Toronto Daily Nrvvs ,,,$6.00 London Fet•'e Press, Morning edition ... Wd ^0 • London, Free Press; eVeriing'•edition ......$6.00 London A.d.tertiser, Morning Etlztion ...$6,00 London Advertiser, Evening adiuon ... $6.00 and London Fanners' Advocate $2.25 Farm andDairy ...... $2.75 Farmers Sun ...$2.65 Family Herald v and Weekly 1 t`t, .l to y s r .....$2:75 Canadian Countryman $.e.25 Weekly. Witness °i3.15 Farmers' Magazine ...... ....., .......$2.50 "y'outh's Companiota ....,, . 3.75 enfortit Huron Expositor 5 ,25 Ontario Journal ,-.: .:.(12.75. Rod and Gun in Canada ,.... , .:1315 EP El El CV ffarl II le Save Money and Trouble by renewing Yew Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above • HERALD OFFICE, Zurich • le'aJ i�11�8111pMNllil�!llllilllll IfHI Iii 1111 I lIIhf si linlimespos Iff♦��!'71�!�l'I>hl4�l