HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-10, Page 4HERALD PRINTING, OIFF IOE AD.VER'rtSIN RATES ' bulged Wednesday 'noon froiu the *° eeeiltlasseoue artieleh of not 1001,11 than flue lines, For Sale, To or Wanted, Lost,'Fouud, ,etc., Importion 25e• • Address ail comi'aelnieations to Oiiaplay Advertising -Made known lMn application. litrod' Animals -One insertion 60+.0 Allsiess insertions $1,00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 41 for first month, $1 or each sub- - cent insertion. ,a.UOTION SALES -$2 per single lraertionn it not over ttve niches in egg Vale Hera1d Department is ale Sys ready to turn out first-clasE eleork at moderate prices consider Aft the great increase in cost of ro'4uction. Every farmer should I1td many have already, have a minted supply of note paper and ease -elopes, with No, of Telephone kind Rural :'Mail route, and perhaps Whatever specialty he follows in Isitoek, grain or fruit. It looks fteisInesslike and costs little more man the retail price of the blank stationery, '4+rafeisional Cards not exceeding Inch. $5 per year, assiereadizig matter. 16c a line for laud olThanks, In Memoriam,ian, 50c total and Legal advertising not- 'iiref itmertion., and 5c per line for Infective after Jan. lat. 3920 THE HERALD ZURICH, ONT. • HERE is Battery Headquarters WITH USL STANDARD BATTER- : S AND FRONTIER BATTERIES "Blie have va wide range in Price mat will fit any pocketbook. 'We can supply you with a good -ittattery at a reasonable price, and :give you quality we can stand t-43 it S. Wein—Dashwood -Misplay of Beautiful NILLIE9Y. Our Exhibit of Spring Millinery ass meeting with wonderful appreei Loa from the )idles of this town =aya3 viriinity. Woi11211 have been x+ ek-d3bivaia'stically delighted with the ellaeplay. The great variety of 'Kyle's this season, .affords every kerdrnan opportunity to obtain just 'hat she is likely to consider her redeal hat. Large a'ssortme'nt and 3reersonable' tiricets are important ',Sectors here. Vara Siebert 'ZURICH NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOT:I•CE ,IR i B IV IaI ' that ,aU peraonis having e1ainfs a g.ainat the eiate,te of MARY KOCH EMS, lata of the Village .of Zur- ich Widow', who died on the 1 day of ranuary 1924, are require to forward their claims duly prove. to the undersigned .00n or befor the 26th day of April 1924, ADN NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the +said dat the Administrator, will proceed t distribute the Estate having re gard only to the claims of whit they then, shall' have notice. DATED at Exeter, this 7th day o April, 1924. Johne • Hartetan, Zurich, Out,, Ad- minitstrator.. Gladmaa & Stanbury, Exeter, Ad nainietratorls Solicitor. t 11 e R e a h STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs. Austin+ Sturdy and family of GoderieJ Tp. spent the past few days, at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Key's, Babylon; Line'. Mrs. Geo. Reid epent the past week in London, at the home 'of her sister. Mr. ' J I. 0. Robinsoon of Wa ton is spending a few days. 'this week at the home of his mother, Mrs. E. Robinson. In view of ;t he approaching marriage of Mist Estlier Hayter and ga her removal from. our neighbor- hood, the young people gave ex- pression too their esteenim and well wishes for her by gathering at her. Some on Monday evening and presenting her with a 'shower of useful and beautiful articles. On Wednesday April 9th the marriage t000k place in London of Miss eether Hayter, 'second dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hay- ter of Sta:caiey to Mr. Alf. Moffatt son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt• 'of Kipper. After their return from a wedding trip to Detroit, Flint and other places, the young couple will reside on the grooms fine farm .on tier London Road; near Kippen where the best wish- es of their many friends will fol- low them. BLAKE The meeting of the Mission Band was held in the church on Saturday April 5th', with ' the President pre- tsiding,t he meeting- opened with Psalm 93, we then read 'scripture Lesson P. 27, .and all repeated the M.B. prayer, !sang hymn 761, then repeated the text. The reports were read and adopted, Miss Al berth, firilny gave .a very interest- ing talk o:: M.B. work, after the Roll Call then' went to cla's'ses af- ter which business was dispensed with the Magee Eleanor Meyers and Rets, McBride read letters,and the diis::ributioni of albums, then Ateang hymn ;763 and Mris. Finlay: el- oI ed with.' prayer, there were- . 27 present. '_Mrs's Lydia Gingerich, who was visiting friend's at Baden and Kit- chener, returned home last week. Kit- cheater. isA:(bertai Finlay spent a few days with friends on the Bron- son Line. Mate. R. N. Dougtes spent. a few days last week with' friends • in Hen - Mee Jake Kennel entertained a number of her friends to a • quilt- ing bee recently. The Misses Maribel and Jean Carnes 'spent the week -end with fr fends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and daughter Evelyn of Exeter. 'aceom- peeled by Mies Hnyber called on friend's. in this vicinity on Satur- day. li?r. Melton Johnston, who 'spent the winter v. th hie parents, Mr. and Muer" Thus. Johnston left last "'k for h=s hese in New Ontario. tfz3 ty NOTICE 1 have . been appointed a e. t dear this, district for the Ontario lEfereilizes P.reditr'ta.. Ally person buying fertilizer this spring will do seen tosee me before giving your soder. J. C. Salmon; R.R. 3. Zur- dg phone 25-81. tf35 WANTED A limited number of cattle. for 'pasture will be taken in for the atsonyat a reasonable price. Good 45041.71g :water.Apply to Herb.Eke s,a;dins of Hy. Walney, Zurich. SCHOOL REPORT Of S. S. No. 3, Hay ,for the Ino- +pith of Mar, ch. Jr. IV -Harold Reichert 456, Annie Jarrott 384, Stewart Black - 'well" 333; Russell, Blackwell 278. Sr. II1-Wilfred Mous'seau 613, -4IR+F`';i9rva Reichert 588, Arthur Brod- snick 478, Rtes Richardson 436. Jr. III -Dorothy Kyle 342,• Rus- essell Kyle 325, Margaret Mou sscaw •2'a, •Sr. II--Elda Stephen 586. .Jr. lIedierth Meisel -deem 407, By - even n, Kyle 280, Mary Hius<rr 158. First -Rat' Broderick 376. Pruni>r-Aldi) P. Surital, 107; !Hare sold B ro d• +Crrclt No. on roll 18; average Attend- eenes 14. y ». S. Petty, Teacher, Of Household Effects, etc,. at Iters .^h. on, S:a.tur';1r- April 19th, at 2 o'clock, pain. f tk' following. Combination huff''tt and China eteinet, leaf table, parlor table, 2 seal all tables, kiirban table, cuph- om+r:3, davenport couch, 6 dining r no•n chairs, 2 :socking chairs, Sin- ger sewing machine, 2 clock's, kit - rives es eaplioarrl, lawn mower, o'ced ar oop, 2 -gal. oil can, 13a,ske•t,coat rail h~ater;'scale's, rug 9:t9 ft., 2 tub?:, 2 mirrors, quantity of. wood 15 -;ie. 3-berner eoal-oil stove and oven, wash boiler, wash board, lard tae, lantern, toilet set, dresser, `wash stand, ben and 'springs, 3 lamps. 5 kitchen chairs, broom, clothes ea- rls. shtrvc'1rs ant spades,garden rake and numerous other articles. Ahsolut.ely no reserve. Trats $1:0 and under cash. Ov- er that nmqunt 4 months' 'credit will be given on furnishing appro sed joint noted. 2% off for cash on credit amounts. Near .Kopp, auctioneer. Mrs. E. Talbott. 1. A. Westlake, and Thos. Westlake, -executors of estate of Elizabeth Westlake. AUCTION SALE Of Trtr"le.ni, nts, Seed's, Boots Shores and Fairniture at Walper House Zurich, on SATURDAY, AP- nil 1.211,; 1.924, Commencing at 2.00 o'clock, allelethe following-• MMT. -11, low down manure 'sprea- der, i7. -ill 'cultivator, Oliver corn c t c t • parlor la x.ir 3 t a m . l to cv b n r p tat a , � o robber coat; women's' runtime lilio seograph 'stand, a' quarr y of itis h and low, shoes for -W.» e youth's and 111'ieade' outing h, r*tv`xbon earrips,t S}ili, w i„ ht teip• t:.! �f�"��•'iy, wagon :drafts, Carriage horse' 11 years old good +single or dou'b'le, frying pan alltneh ulnt, e • quantity of early seed -potatoes, Green ,Morin tarn. Seed potatoe's','^ O ACO: No,' 72 'seed 'oats;.. Q.AIC, No. 21 barley, Yellows and White bloos'sa n 'sweet clover 'seed, 2 Yorkshire. sows due in June, pod, second hand Ford touring car, sand numterona other articles. TERMS -$10 and under cash Ov- er that amount• 8.. rnouthe' credit will be gi't*en oli furnishing appro- ved joint notes.• 4% off for cash on credit arnountel. Oscar Klapp, -•Auctioneer W. S. Johnston, Clerkt AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock', ImplementS,rand Hnueshoold +effects. Thee. under» signed Auctioneer has been instru- cted to sell' by public Auction on Lot 15, CCoorr. 15, Hay Tp;, 2% Miles north of Dashwood Road, on MONDAY APRIL 14th:, 1924 Commencing at 12.00 o'clock ;sheep 1 h following ; LIVE STOOK -1 mare rising 12 yrs; 1 gelding rising 10 yrs; 1 mare rising 8 yrs; 1 mare rising '7; 1 driving horse •rising ,6 quiet and reliable. • CATTLE--5-yr. - old cow with calf at f000t; 1 .fresh cow '3 yrs. old; 1 cow due at time. ;of -sale ; 2 3 -yr. old fresh coins ; L cow due in; May; -2 heifers rinsing; 2 yrs, 3 steers rising 2 yrs; 4 calves, 4 months old; 2 calves 2 menth's aid HOGS -Yorkshire 'snow with 11 3 - weeks old pigs at foot at .time : of sale ; 9 'stockers about 160 lbs. each POULTRY -10 young_pullettsi,- 2 i'o-- asters, 2 ducks. IMPLEMENTS -M. -H. low down:. manure :spreader, M. -H. bean malt= ivator and puller with 'cultivator attachment, inthrow disc, 6-ft.M• H. binder, M. -H. m•owei+, 1 Tl. shoe drill, M. -H. cultivator,: 10 -it. Deering steel rake, 4 -+section her - rows, steel; roller, M.H hay'. loader with truck, •scuffler, CocIeshutt walk ing plow, Fleury walking plow,: onion, seeder and 'scuffler- coinbined cutter, cutter nearly- 'new, big .'ser- aper, ,buggy nearly new, lumber for gravel box, new gravel 'box buggy pole', sleigh runner, 3 wa,;- ona,tongucs', fence machine,' hay fork, emery, grindstone, block and tackle, 2 chains. :some lumber, wire' stretcher, whiffle trees, neckyok e , scythe, x -cut 'saw, lawn mower,•.. crow bars, new Tudhope-Anderson. wagon, Bain wagon boat with diel- ves and 'spring 'seat, wagon, bag truck, iron kettle, Clinton fanning. mill, new pig'rack, small pig- rack, hay rack, 'sett 'small ;sling; ropes; quantity of cedar posts, sleigh, lure ber for 30 -ft. ladder„ onion :sieve;, root pulp�r, .cutting bo1K "with Ogg 1.ey, 2000 -Ib. scales, wheelbarrow,• wheel chop barrel, 30 -ft kneader, 2 sett heavy harness, '2' •satt` single harness, 2 string bells, colt'ars and Names, 3rd horse harness, other• harness. • - ' HAY, GRAIN, ETC -About' 1Q ton of timothy hay;, 4 ton clover, 30 bushels 'seed beans, 50 bushels cl- ean buckwheat,, 200 bushels . :'seed oats, 300 bush. feed oats, 54'•grain, bags, bag holder, dozen twine bags galv. barrel with' seed, box with, seed, quantity of 'seed -corn;. chop boxes, 11,s bush red clover, •some cedar rails and 'stakes, pails, -etc:- ,HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS = 5 -pied parlor suit, cook 'stove, double b ar rel sho t gun; Couch, ;sink, table,big anpl•' 1)•eeler, sewing machine, bu- reau, cupbpnrd, 2 bedstead's with spring's and mattress, Magnet ce ear separator, churn, butter howl eitchse chairs, pictures and franks es,new 10 -gal, moln'sses .can, 2 lanterns, !stands, nboi t :4; bushel9 Grean Mountain seed. potatoes, 5ili' hush. good potatoes, and neuter- Der eui rmer ether articles. Positively no reserve rve as Proprietor has solea hie farm. 't:'ERMS-ale and under cash. 'Over What amount 7 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved .,,moi^'' '?+lt•"'e, 4% off for 'cub on: credit amounts. Poultry gr cin andnseed's cash. Ari hur Weber, Auctioneer. Clayton F. Pfile, Clerk. ', Gee. Hy. Pfile, Proprietor. m 1CT ON AAE Of Farm -Stock, Implements and. tlou.sehold Effect's, The unde.rsigl, hied Auctioneer has been in;sstruc• t<;d to sell :by Public .Miction on Lot 14, coon. it, Hely, Tp., 2!Smileec s Esc sed 114 ini1n isenth of. Zatrich,t, On WET'NEShAY. APRIL 16, 10244; Comm: -'ening at 12:30 o'clock sha P the foiiowtng- •LIVE STOCK --•1 grey Percheron gliding rising. 9 yrs; 1^•'Percheroe gelding rising 6 [yrs; 1 e.,rey P'ei cheron mare rising 4; 1 Percheron gelding rising 1 yr. CATTLE, -1: cow der 23rd April; 1 cow dire Ape ril 14th; 1 'oow due April 22nd; 1 fresh cow; 1 Thoeobred cow fresh; e cow' du? at time of. sale; 1 eow due in August; 4 jcow die in July,` these aro all ,young cows; 5 steers• rising :2; 7 heifers rising 2 yrs; '2 calves 6 weeks. old;-Thor+ohred 2 -yr. old bull. H0c#S--10 stocker pigs 130 lbs. each; 1 . York sow ;big Tam sow due May 15th. 48 mixed. pulls lts. - IMPLEMENTS -6 ft. McComeick harrows, !ec•reper, Oliver riding plow g Fleury walking plows,: grindstone 2 wagons, hay reek, gravel box new liew' tetsggsr pole, Portland cutter euieryr whi£fletrees, necicyoke'a; new top buggy; .copper kettle, pea lhar+vester, "wall.; diggiiag' outfit, rol-. ter, .12 -hoe Noxon drill, buggy bo-' xee, buggy and Butter !shafts, cha- ins, ropes, vice, 50 'sap pails and 'spilers, !sap pan, brass mounted harness, 2' , tette Names2 single harness, 2 setts tops, double.light harness, bob sleighs, 6•h,p. gas engine,. chopper, Clinton fanning mill, cutting box, hay 'loader, man- ure spreader, circular :saw, 1200 lbs. scale, bag eiruck, wagon and coal box, lumber and plank for hayrack turning machine, 10 ton of mixed hay, 200 bushel's teed oats, +soros buckwheat, road cart,' hay knife, forks, .:shovels, •spades, 2 .,sett he- avy harness, etc. • • HOUSEHOLD EI+1F'ECTS--Extension table, Magnet cream separator, em - all tablo:, wash stand, kitchen ch- airs, Edison phonograph, Daisy churn, quantity of ,potatoes, .'some sealers, pails, organ, barrels, young Collie dog and numerous article's. REAL ESTATE -75 acres of gra+se land more or less, with 10 acres of mixed buish thereon, well fenced and drained, plenty of water Lot 16 East ;Half, L. R. D. Terms i -l0 per cent on day of sale, bal- ance in 30 days and arrangements can; made ade with proprietor. TERMS -$.10 and under cash. Over that " amount 7 months -credit will be 'given, on furnishing approved joint notes. 4°% off for cash on credit amounts. Poultry, Iiay, grain end seeds ea'sh. Ari hur Weber, Auctioneer, W. S. Johnston, Clerk. Win. Miller, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and build- ing Lots at Hermall on Wednesday, April 16th at 1 o'clock p.m. (louse is a one and half storey frame, good dry cellar, 9 roors6 good comfortable house, situated on north Richmond st. There is also a goad hard water well, ,a cistern, 'some fruit tarries, good barn and fine chicken house, these build ings will bat sold with two lots 66x 13 more or 'less. There will also be sold five lots' off Mill On Peninsular range, kitchen stove, box stove, 4 bedsteads, springs and Mattress, 3 dressers, 2 ;washstand chamber set, 13 kitchen chairs, gl- ass cupboard, extension table, drop ,leaf table, couch, hanging lamp, 4 lamps, combined book cwase • and writing desk, bas•re1, dryed park, pots, pans, kettles and numerous household articles. Livia Stock, Etc. -1 cow 5 years old freshened 1 month; 25 hen's, ro oster, open buggy, .top bug ;y, 1 light wagon, wheelbarrow, 'heavy hand sleigh, onion flseuifler, 'stela ledder,:long haler, sugar kettle, nett tsciytlxe; manus. fork,g ..ardeia sale, 'barn.• rake, -'3 hes, 2 cow chains, 'quantity of wood, 'soiree. hay and straw, •300 -Pt. hemlock and Pine luinbe», onion Heves; hammers 2 lf,'trou th.s, F.0 sac'k's, screwdriver anal a .hos tto1 other articles. TERMS'. Gasli, texcept Real Es- tate which willt;bo made known on day of Saie. grin.. VVebeeral, Proprigttor ,. Oscar King,> Auctioneer. AUCTION SA ,E Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imp- lein-entw, 2 ' mile„ east of Zurich, on Lot 26, con. 7, Hay Township on Friday, April 11th at 1 o'clock,p, rn sharp the following - HORSES -1 bay horse rising 10 yrs., 1 "P. ercheron mare, rising yrs; 1. gelding rising9 �` c' 5 yrs, 1 iron grey mare rising 4 yrs; .grey eel - ding thing 1 -yr; 1 erey mare ris- ing 2 yrs.; 1 hay driver, rising 5 years. CATTLE -:l a rrl eras- seri- pursed to be in calf, 3 fresh cows 3tist,freshened rising 4 yrs; 1 cow rising 4 yrs. due in Jane; 2 farrow cows riming 5, 1 farrow rising 6 yrs; 3 'steers rising 3 good cond- ition for grass, 3 hefera rising 2 yrs; '8 calves rising 1 yr.. 3 suck - leg; t'r' i about 3 we "! "3, .some ducks. IMPLEMENTS' -- M. - 1`I• binder, Mc0orRnick mower; Max- well Jiay leader nearly new, 1 16 foot steel rake, International dr- :iun steel roller nearly new, 'spring tooth Cultivator, Oliver- bean • cult- ivator with puller attached nearly new, Frost & Wood disc throw -out 'walking plow., big .„an.; 'plow, 4 - Section harrows, 5 -section double- teee, hot;* drill with grass seeder, horse 'scuffler, fanning mill, pulp - nee; 1200 -lb's. 'scale, wagon., 'sett of Sleighs, buggy, hay rack, Portland Cutter; gravel box, britchen harn- eas set of light harness, collars, do- ubletrees, neck yokes. On the same day there will be off,recl for, sale 100 acres farm miler • east and second farm south with bank barn, 40x60 with cement silo;. lsrgn 'supply tanks, water in how* and barn. Frame house with kitchtr, windmill with plenty' of water, well fenced 'and drained, 70 aeras in grass and balance,, plou- ghed.. Terms -.o% to be paid at ,day of fade, 1 lanes, can be arran- ged with the proprietor, Mr. Zaeh- arias Disjardine. • TERMS OF _'CITATTELS-. •All ;su- ing of.$10 and under cash, over that omelet •7 mnonths, credit will be gr%" ee on furnishing approved jos int notes. 6% discount alliitvecl for ultivator, Noxon disc, galy, water' binder, ;Deering mower, McCormick `cash' on credit ark braggy x amounts, ggy poli, top.bugity', straw, cultiaator, Men. bean cultivatoor Arthur Webea,Auctioneer. utter, 2 Detroit vapor stoves one ' p r with puller, McCormick 1.i -hoe drtlly Wino S. Johnston, Clerks. with ON, el; hanging Iaxrnp, touchy Deerin ti rake, Noxon disc, 3•+seCticlh Herbert IJisjardine,.1roprietet. Thiusday, April 10th, 1924, [ave Them? Wehave Smart New Suits. avoy ou seen 1eni. HAVE YOU NOTICED ''THE NEW 1 ABRICS WE ARE DISPLAY. ING? HAVE YOU NOTICED THE CHARACTER. WE ARE PUTT-• ING INTO OUR SPRING SUITS? HAVE YOU NOTICED WELL THEY FIT? WHEN SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YQU THEIR SUITS WERE MADE 13Y WUERTH EXAMINE THEIR CLOTIli':. ES •CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOUT THEM. TRIii• STYLE, THE FIT, THE LININGS THE FINISH IS , DIFF'ERENITt OUR CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD OF THE CLOTHES WE TURN OUT' FOR THEM, THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUR CLOTHES :/''WITTH. OTHER MAKES. IF YOU ARE. NOT 'ALREADY ACQUAIN'TElle WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK SOME OFYOUR ,FRIENDS ABOUT THEM( THEY WILL GLADLY PUT YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW HOW TOE• MAKE CLOTHES AT REASONABLE PRICES. WE ALSO DO DRi CLEANING, PRRESSING AND REPAIRINges• YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich *44+4.44+4.4 + 4.49+4.4 +++++++++++++4.4.++++4 ,,4+. 4-++++++f's.+.b Farm Machinery 41, iN 4+ 4. HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE 4 AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON THE, , 4` CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN' STOCK' 44 is WHICH WE - WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO ,e ' LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU TO 'SEE US BEFORE' fie 4. YOU BUY. ses is FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR'S: PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. + 1 Wagon 1 DeLaval Cream Separator 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator • see 4- 1 riding plow 2 Fleury Walking' plows 'p' 1 tractor plow at $110.00 THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. e GARAGE! GARAGE! c. Mi. Peter Kroff, i n-eehanic 4. 4. "GENUINE FORD PARTS" always in suckt. . . L. A. Pran, Zurich Ont. *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++444441k SPRING `"TIME WHEEL-' Let 1924.Be a Bicycle -Year Tires From $190 to 3.50 -+ r Tubes From 1.00 tQ 1,50 SEE THE NEW CLEVELAND SPORT MODEL, WHICH HAS J11 ARRIVED. PRICES FROM $35.00 TO $55.00. WE ALSO HA 7E - COMPLETE LINE OF TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES. • sesesseese- efessed HESS — ZURICH 033, tio 'etst i tier 1f�'irj i /IRS 410 �'. 9Sli ,Y. Write to 1 -dead Office, l.:oh-eel i •" :: s siclet. NOME PAINTING MAlik cis; :,•••« SOLD BY 4.1 MELICK - ZURICH t,' + ++i'.1 +++++4.;;.+ .4.++4.+++.;..s.+ +411++y.. .e+'. ++ ++edses N ,p EQGS AND POPRY er-s, e We are in a position to t+ i ake all your eggs' ito r ., . . 3'+ or how ;small( a quantity for-sale. naked bola. betel:y yoq y you lravi, for sola;, Enquire regularly fair ot. prices. w. 4. 1;3000 Hens aid Broilers roue s 'C7'axted. 1...Por deliver in` . y May and June. We are looking ,' • longt hrough these .months. Now `e ° lay -high r plaa-+3a ;tor producing broiler's. ' .r`i' flan„ time to yoiir. • plant' p g roiler's. Information, gladly given. Write ho ,. or Call personally. •:; , p ne • Eggs graded accordiit,; to' Garver '3a nmeet Standard. Poultry bought according to 'weight a dr.ty'uali . ' q a '. .. Mrixniger DASHW00 ; ONTI 4 t1+e ++}++i++i+•t++E #+++++£'+g'.1 +.l.+i.n.++++++11014+++++++++++++++++++++ n..;,+1 . t ++11"4, ,+ '1•+++4.a ++++i` ++ +•r+3"+C++d'+++t'ar r