HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-10, Page 11 • 1. 1 " ,1 1, 1,, 1 . •• Vol. XXIV Wo 39 WAMANWWWWWW4NWiniialAWANNWWWWWWWWVMMINVWVAPik ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 10,1924. $/,25 a Year hi Athlit$1011k, $1,001NRtARS2 1114,"`i: CHAREMP„,,,, A r. SPECIALS FOR WEEK END LA.DIES-This Charming newlVlufti Strap Pattern is shown in Airedale ,ancl. Grey; and Pattent Colt skin leather, same. as pictured above, with low Rubber heels, Reg. $6.50 Special $3.95 Fine French Kid BluhcerOxford with Cushion Sole and Rubber heel, Reg. $5.00, Special $3.45. Men's Black and Brown Calf skin Oxford's, the latest toe with Goodyear welt 'soles, Rubber heels Regular $6.00, Special $1.45: COME EARLY BARGAINS ARE HERE. .`" Repairing Neatly Done ,m,k -3:AMPARWAMMARIMMIMPAMPAMMMARMWRI'MARMAM • CZts .47 fj; New Wall Papers We have just taken into Stock a large shipment of n New Wall Papers, and are ready to show you the very' • • NeWest Patterns for any room in the- House. Make your selection early Ladies Department Curtain Scrims, yd. ..... ...15c Furniture covering 50 -in wide at 98c White .Terry, Toweling .. ... ...19c 2 pieces crash -Tbaveling 19e • 2 pc. Kimona cloth. reg,.40c at '25C 40 -in. pillow cotton at 29e a • 8-4 Bleeched sheeting at 42c Ladies' Knitted wool Underskirts Reg. $3.00 for ...... ......$1.00 2 only Misses Home Spun • !Dresses, reg. 6.75 for $4.50 36 -in. •special white cotton at 23c 40 -in. Fine Cambric Reg. 50c 39c 2 only 'Linen Table cloths,each 4.75 2 only Bed spreads each ... ... $2.75 1 only bed Spread for ... . $1.93 1 Pure Wool .Bed Cover, gil'ls Bound Edges, reg.6.75 fdr •$4.50 1 pc. Fawn Velour,,just the thing for Spring coats, Reg.. 3.50 at $2.75 LADIES HOSE, Silk and wool. Th- ese are real bargains at $1.50 and $1.75, out they go at $1.00 pr. • •REIVINANTS WE STILL HAVE SEVERAL RE MNANTS IN DRESS GOODS, GIN - GRAMS, VELVETS, SHIRTING, ETC., WHICH ARE' MARKED • AT GREAT BARGAINS. I3E SURE AND LOOK THESE OVER. Men's Department Prices Lower Than Ever Men's Suits Regular up to $37f 5 bargain prices 7.50, 11.75, 14.50, 25.90, 29.50 0 4 Men's Overcoats, Reg. up to $32.00 • 4 3 bargain prices 9.75, 16.90, 22.95 a g'a Boys' Suits regular up to 14.00 TO mr.s;',:o, Steele was 'a week -end Visiter $t. Thomas. ,Sara Gaacho is confined to hi bed With blood poisoning on his lykStra. M. C. Milliken H. G. Hest and, M. Pfaff motored. to Londetn :On Friday. s• Milslas'Yera. Siebert, Millinery, is confined. too the house with an at- taak Of ,..LaGriPPe. Mr/Win. Brown made a busin- ess trito London on Wednesday Mr. :and Mrs. Ezra Koehler who visited* Kitchener, have returned. MS'S;Eu.loine Geiger spent the week4end with her cousin, Miss Gl- a.dya•Onenther, Dashwood. •- A. 4ve Stock Meeting will be held: pry Tuesday evening, April 22, at. WalPiers Hotel at 8 o'clock, all interested 'are invited to attend,- OSCa.iKloPp, President. The, Post Office Inspector at Lenden's:l, has some time ago called for -Weness for mail Carrier for Iturat Route No. 3, Zurich. A num bet, Of,' applications have been 'sent in but no official notice has been ree7etedthe position. for d. as to who has been apP- °lilMr. W. H. Pfile, who is conduct- ing a 1 -day sale of footwear, has retwith big success, scores of sat- isfiedo'customers have put in their anonlY of footwear at these phen- emopty lotv prices, and he still has aTe snaps left for the balance Ofot10 week. Put in your supply *444 -the 'prices are low and the qUality is here. REMEMBER, Sat- Urdai April 12t1i, ends it all, af- tersthis date the store will be cl- osed andthe rentiaining stock Mov esloi,4,4„i'Vaitother town. Act quick fditVIs: &lie is 'short. _ The Biggest Value Ever Offered • 2 bargain prices, 6.90, 8.25 3 Hats, Velour, Felt and tweed, reg. up -to 5.00. 2.95, 3.25 3 bargain prices $1, ,.04. 0 Men's Ties,Underwear; Sweaters, Etc. all at I Sox, BARGAIN PRICES 6/. a ___________-. Grocery Department 8i TapestrV and Brussels Rugs only Tapestry Rug 3x31A, Reg. $28.50, for . . .. . $20.95 415. 1 1 only Tapestry Rug 3x3,Regular $25.00, for ............ ... 1 oily, Tapestry Rug. 21Ax3, Regular $22.50, for ... ... ... 1 only Tapestry Rug 2x.3, Regular $13.00, for 2 only Brussels Rfigs 3x314, Regular $15.00, for 1 only -Union Rug, 3x31,4, Regular $15.00, for 4 only Bed Room Rugs, 2x3 :Regular $7.50, 1 or 1 Piece Hemp Stair Carpet,22-in. wide reg. 50c. ... 1 Piece, Tapestry, • Stair Carper, 22 -in. wide, reg. $1.40 41 ,lats.14+44+444-1,sfstat.+4+4.4.44,444•44H-.14+++++++++++1.44.+44++44++++++++++++++++++++ +++.1.s $18.95 ...$16.87 .. $13.90 $35.75 $9.50 sus Post Toasties 3 for 25c 4 Rin,so, 4 boxes for 25e 4 Bars Castile Soap for .... 25c Salmcan 1 lb. tins for 15c Matches, 3 boxes for -.30e Washing ammonia 3 boxes for 25c . . . . ...33e for 98c Brooms each 48c let p tr. yI ni 41.1t. ••01, ti• zifrs 9cts. Consists of 1 Gold plat- ed Razor; 3 Blades; 1 Auto Strop in metal case • Mr Russell Preeter was the for- tunate winner of the 'first prize for this district in the London Adver- tisar, , contest. The total amount of, votes received by Mr. Preeter Bwere 87,194,000, or 18,000,000 more,* auto, land Mr. Preeter wishes to ex- * prize Was either $2,00 0 in cash or * pEC a handsome' large Hudson coach 4. SI ALS thanothe closest contestant. The! + tend his heartiest and most sine- 46 I ere thanks to the many people who * so nobly assisted him in this cam- + paign and -made it so big a tuc- cess. • • HAY COUNCIL. The ,regular meeting of the 4. on Moonday, April ith. All the See our Show Window for Special Prices Council of the Township lof Hay * wais,held int he Town Hall, Zurich. a. members, were present. The min- i411i- $ n Men's, Boy's, Ladies' and Children's. HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 •014,440315••••••••••••••••1•61 In corpora ted 1855, Sl.apital and. Iieeerve $9,000#01; Over 125 Branches H E LSON$ This institution offers deposit-, ors safety for their savings, raps aaonable interest compounded every six,. months, and freedona from red tape in case of drawls. Savings Department at ever Branch. Deposits of $1 and upwasda invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch, z••••• • .ss* **************4...*********4 4. 4. 4. 4s 0.* 4. 4. 4. 4. -4 44.04.4.* - Fall Horse oo( s Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in A.ssorted colors Size 72%84. .0. a a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7,S0 to ... 1113.09. SAVE MONEY BY GIVING rs A CALL, A. BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Also P> FRED THIEL - • hand, PHONE line ZURICH 11,, P 4.4>4.4 4.'040 4**,11.44 44444 444 44 44- 00 4 4.$$24.4.+4 444.44444.1164+ rii.a•••••••••••••••••••••••••• In Staple Footwear (I1) ate:3, of the last meeting were ad- opted ,as read. The Connell became organized as a Court of Revision of the Masse Drain and ilia Tiled portion of the Schwalm Drain. No appoals VC - T. PREETER 31.g A Phone 59 ZuRiCH Produce Wanted. 5 „., '10 Q • Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the gl) highest Market Price according to Quality . generalilhusiness and as a Court 06101...Arreet3/444.44.16,41.44. • •••'.,"''W. .•••411,a.;4'''.11.a. • • • • • • OW • e: `,W • • izoN`,1,Noo • • • e • • • • I 11 Of *0118160A of the Stephan Drain. • Footwear. Everyone the best of quality Repairing done by the very latest methods re ente.red regardmg the Schisalm * Drain. The following resolution + was pasaecl regarding, the Masse Drain. , is O. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS The Court of Revision re Masse * H ONTARIO Drain was adjourned too Wednes- ZURIt.i. 44+÷÷4444+++++++++++++*++*++++++++++++++++444444,00.11+44* day, A-oril 23rd, 1.924, at the hour 1' of eight o'clock, p.m. and that all interested parties be notified of said, adjoournment„ The council then resumed the -re gular, business oft he meeting. By-law No. 4, 1924, re Tiled port ion of the •Schwalm Drain was read the; third Ulna and finally passed. , By-law No. 7-1924, re Stephan Drain, svas read two times and pro- visionally adopted, and that a, Ootirt of Revision of the assess- inentsl, etc., be held in the Town Haat Zurich:, on Noonday, May 5th 1924, At 1.30 o'clock p.m., , The following 'accts. were paid; N. G. .,0,-itz, sm•sing by-lawso. Masse and Sshwalm DrainS $7.00; A. BriNSOn, .8beep. killed by dogs 18.00; R. McArthur !snow roads 11.25 Ontari6 Hospital re 0. Rupp 3900 David Gingerich re snow rooads 25.00; .N Stanlake, ditto 31,90; Tt McAdam ditto 40.13; -0. L. Smitli prilsting account 43.85; P. Eisenbach Consent tile rd. 13 13.50; A, Morenz re B kb.• 5.00; H A.. Fuss °pea srow roada 10.25; L. Selina dragging and Opening snow roads Rd. 16, 19,05; T. Kyle open snow rds 21,05; P. Schwalm ditto 12.05; F. Corbett di tto 5.00; Stroomborg-Carlson, Tel. Mfg. Co. • 'supplies 51.90; Northern Elec. 00. supplies 12.15; M. G. Deitz, salary 3 months 412,50; Bell Tel. Co. toila 5.34; 1>. Mamas, bal.- nave salary 3 mons 112.20. T ' The council adjourned to meet 1 again 0 • Monday, May 5th, for 1•0•1*•••••rnal•OMM•••04; ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••10M••••••••••••••••••.................................• NEW GOODS te, )"! We invite you to come and see It our new Spring and Summer Go ds consieing of Prints, Ginghams, Or- gandies,Voiles, Flannelettes Shirt - bags, Cottonaus, Etc. We are making a big reduction in price ou all Winter Goods R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL fitIEROHANT PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE ••.,,. 4 4 4 4 4