HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-04-03, Page 8ARRIVALS Springy lVterehanthse We are opening up New Ship- ments of Springy Goods almost Daily3 mid invite your inspection NEW SERGES GARBERDINES TRICOTINES VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION RLIDENE,1TE CREPES PRINTS YORK GOLDEN C 0THS ' COTTONADES CURTAIN SCRIIV.IS PIORET TWILLS 'WOOL POPLINS WOOL CREPES FIGURED CREPES NEW GINGHAIVIS IN ALL COLORS Plaids and Check Patterns GAL AAf T monAS SHIRTINGS DENIMS NEW HOSIERY AND GLOVES A few pieces of Prints, Ginghams and Dress materials continued at Sale Prices to clear WALLPAPERS We sell Watson Fosters Wallpapers. Come and see them and compare prices J..GASCHO & SON. Produce Wanted ° Phone 67 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PARTS" JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS B. L. BTTER7 IF IN NEED OF A .BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY, BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZiJRICH'S LEADING GARAGE FIo Mousseau Zurich Si' 0 rino4 • Spring'! • • • • e • • WITH TIIE ARRIVAL OF SPRING BRINGS US INTO THE • • NICEST SEASON OF THE YEA•R, THE TIME WHEN EVERY • BODY IS FILLED WITH AMBITION AND IIVERYL'ODY IS •* w READY TO GRASP AN OPPORTU•NITY, OR TO SEE WHERE • THEY CAN BUY THE MOST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. • CAN IS WHERE YOU N DO IT. •• •• 1 FROST FENCE the Frost tight • 1lock woven fence is the best on the 1 market baring none. We have a full fline of Woven Wire,• Barb, Coil, Brace, ar b, Stegples, Steel fence posts, ��te, alway, on hand• �r • . • ALSO A FULL LINE OF SAP PANS, GALV. AND I. C. TIN i : BUOKETS, S.M.P. SPILES AT LOWEST PRICES, •• • • A PULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SEEL FHARDWARE r • &WEIDOI • pREETER BLOCK *. ZURICH • • •0440•0104•001•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••* 1002 PURE PAINT & -.VARNISHES For Eve w areose ,- For every &recce Write to Head Office, Montreal for Free pooklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY.. A. ZURICH ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST- LOCAL MARKETS Hr. W. H. Pfile spent• the we end at Hulmesville. - Mrs. F. M, Hess left for Load on Tuesday. Misr Elizabeth Rennie has be opt he sick list for the past • fe days. • Mr, F. J. Wickwire of Exete spent .a. few dyes 'last week the Herald Office here. Mr. Emery Ruby. of iitche'n, spent the past week with his pa ents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Ruby( Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Weber an Wm. Elliott of Bayfield were vi itors in town this week. • Messrs.• H. Eckmeier and F. Ut- tley, •who have been working at. Grand Bend, have completed their work there, and have returned `to Zurich. Mr. Melvin, Smith of the Bron- son. Line was at London a few days last week to 'visit his -little dau- ghter Dellal who underwent ,an op- eration there, is convalscent. (Correeted every Wednesday) elti Egg$ 18-22 on: Butter Cried 'apples per lb. ., ... ... en :eaten Setts, per lb, i',v: Potatoes per bag Barley 1. Buckwheat at Wheat per bushel Oats er ,Flour per cwt. r Shorts per ton. Bran per ton d Live hogs, per cwt. 5 - Records compiled by the Burcar of Railway Statistics in Chicag; show how greatly the cost of rail road equipment in North America. has increased in the past sixtee.: years. . Since 1907, "these figure show, the cost of heavy freight loco motives has risen from $16,243 tr $53,550 each; passenger locomotive! from $16,057 to $66;200 each; pas senger coaches from $7,330 to•$28,- 900 each; freight cars from $700 '1c $2,301 each; and steel rails fron: '28 to $43 per •ton, The Indians of the three prairi, provinces in the 1923 season har• rested the greatest crop in their his tory, according to the annual report of the'Department of Indian Affairs In the three provinces, the. Indians harvested' 638,561 bust els. of wheat, 574,282 •bushels of oats. and 62,30' bushels of bailey. •The report show' ' they raised 58,264 .bushels of , pots toes and 10,000 l'eashelse of other,, vegetables. They sumnerfallowed 20,000 .acres of land, broke 6,808 acres, put up 57,000 tons of hay ant) e, 9.516 of green feed. In, accordance with the law gov- erning such appointments, Luet. C. P. Sills has been 'selected by the Cival Service Commission for the position of polstmaster of Seafvrth in succession to Mr. John A. Will= iams who resigned last fall. If the moon had been full 3-5 minutes later on March 20th, it. would have been •full on March 21, then Easter would have bean much earlier -23rd of March .instead of the 20th of April. Siuilarily if• this had not been Leap Year, Ea- ster would have been, four weeks earlier. Robt. Munn, Hay Tp., farmer, and Fred Davidson, his hired man are out on bail • of '$5,000 ;each on, a charge of committing, or attemp- ting to com hitt a serious offense against a 14 -year-old girl, who was employed at the farm as a dorreatic. They will appear ,at Hensel! on April 3rd, The offer-; res charged are alleged to have to - ‘ken place some ,time in June 1923. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT For the ,month of March. Jr. IV -Mervyn t,Schwalni 87, Lawrence Howald 80, ,Dennis Bed- ard 79, Clarence Farwell 71, Dor- othy Zettel 67, Russell Du:charme 66 Stella ICallfas 65, Viola Stelck 60, Edward Bremner 57, Elzar Mouse- eau, 55, Willie :hiebo.ld 46. Sr, III -Franz Iiochems 77, El- eanor Fleischauer 76, Goldie Uttley 73, Buelah Sarar as 71, Floyd Foist- 'r 681, 11Zilfred Uttley 58, Laairend Schwalm 57, Earl Thiel 56, Ruth 1'Valper 55, Rose tLLeibold 53, Wig 1red . Ducharnve; ahsen;t. III-Leeland Wil'lert 65,; Grace Koehler 62,' Bruce Koehler 51, Claire Wielic1t 10. !- Miss F. M, Kalbfleisch, Teacher. For March, Room 1, .Z. P. S: ' Sr. IT Hugh MacKinnon Ivan Wi11t'rt 754, Harold Stade 799, Violet Schwalm 701; Margery Ga- scho 697. Jr. II-Antiouette Grenier 749, Flossie Stelck 731, Gladwin 1Vlelick 697, Earl 1+'laxboard 671, George Du- chene) t, fit 0Cxod Gordon Howald 575. Sr. I --Roy Smith 581, Harvey Clausius 51•6, Harry Forster '487;, 'Al beet Deich'rt 153; Hazel Uttley 398. Jr. T -Margaret Haberer:,_314; Beatrice Gascho 297; AlwyneStatlb- nus 285y Dorothy Jrothy Stelck 262, Stew art Thiel 235; Stewart 'Koehler 217, Armand Grapier 197, Grace W'.alper 197. Pr. -Quimby Tress, 142, Charles Thiel 117, Reta Fleischauer 97, Rota Zettel and Albert eLiebold absent" Mfrs; G. Koehler, Teacher•,: 406 7e 7c, 95 55 ,6J 100 50 3.00-3,50 .32.00 .30.00 7.25 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOC.K Carry en Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in .1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a ,balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman -Zurich AGEN11, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL. KINDS OF ,FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 FOR SALE SEED OATS, for sale, Sheffield Standard 55c. bushel and feed oats and barley mixed at 150c. bushel. Apply to John, H. Hyde, Lot 8, CoJA. 2, Stanley, Phone 11 on 86, Hensel! 36-3 FARM FOR SALE Cbn!sisting of 100 -acres being,Lot' 13, con. 12, Stanley T. Also 30 - acres pt. Lot 12, icon. 13, Stanley Tp. There is on the 100 -acre farm a good stone house, bank barn 26x56, driving shed and other out- buildings. The farm is in good state of •cultivation•, clay loam, drained, and well fenced, 4 acres orchard, also 5 acres of hardwood bush, plea ty of good water. The 30 acres are mostly in pasture and rnakea fine pasture farm. Everything in good condition. For further par- ticulars >phone' 15-78, Hensall, or apply to Maggie Sparks, R.R. 3, Bayfield, 35-4 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Containing 100 acres in good state of cultivation. 40' acres fall plowed. Formerly the Wm. Dow - son Farm on the Babylon Line St- anley Township. 2 miles 'south- west of Varna. -apply to John McNaughton, • 246 Tecumseh ave; London, Ont t40 WANTED A girl to do house work, for full particulars write or apply to Mrs, Thos. Elliott, Park House, J3ox 51, Goderich', phone No. 388J. 38-3 IN *MEMORIAM In, loving memory of our dear mother 'C'hristena• Koch, who died April 5th, 1909. , Today recalls sad memories Of our dear mother gone to rest Alit hose who think of her lo -day Are those who love her best. • Brother and Sister. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the vapor. t of S. S. No; 3, Iiay Jr. IV -Annie Jarrot 368; Harold .Ryeiehert 338, Stewart Blackwell 305 Russell Blackwell 213. Sr.III-Minerva, . , Re,clrer t • 534; Wilfred Mous,seau 102, Rose Rich- ardson 374, Arthur Broderick 358. Jr. In -:Russell Kyle 280, Marg- aret Mousse,au 241, 'Dorothy Kyle, 232. Sr. II-Elda Stephan 358; Jr, II -Ruth Richardson 275, By- ton Kyle 217; Mary Huieer 141. 1st• -Ray Broderick, Primer --Harold Broderick. 217, No. on roll 17, Average attend - MVO 15.63. S. Petty, teacher, 1111"0:0y .APtii 314:1; 1924 The store with the Liberal -Cosh -Discount FURNITURE MOVED We have moved our Furniture Show Room on the second floor to make room for T. L. Wurm's General store and invite the Publicto come and see our fine display of Furniture A10 a Full Stock of: SEASONABLE HARDWARE: SUCH AS SAP PAILS, ;PILES, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AND • ALL OTHER GRADES OF WIRE COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. SEE OUR LINE OF ,FURNITURE;- IF WE HAVE' NOT IN STOOK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK. Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t S Guaranteed Mortgage Certificates Are issued,`upon request, in the nameskof ,two or more per- sons. % I In, the event of the death of one _of the ,investors the inven.. tment automatically becomes the property of the ,isurvivor. or rsurvi i oi!s without expense or "red4t kipc!." 5 per cent. per annum Payable Half Yearly UPON ',x'100 or more ;for 7,;•2„ 3; 4, or 5 years, ; • Let in arrange for a safe, profitable Guaranteed Mortgagee ICertificate in your n<atmo alone, or jointly ,with some mem-. ber of your family. MY MOTTO ;-SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WI LL? Painting and Paper Hanging I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roll. H. EICKM.EIER, ZURICH ONT. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical Treat•: merits. -Eyes Exanuned Main St., EXETER, Phone 70 Consultation and Examination Fri AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH: Every Wednesday, 10 a,m, to 4 root. +++++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++44* + +'+i+++++ •d»++ •rpt++=,•++++ flet++++++++++ .14 +++SII+++++4!4 * 4. 4.D • _' o You Know? 4+ rte' 4. THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT'YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING * • THAT WE, '.. AN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING .t. INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. + + THAT WE :t?RINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, .BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND T: ,STATEMENTS • • • THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TW• LEADING MAN'UFAC.IT ''''' e. URLRS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN STIP. PLY ;INYTIAN'i'TT Q Y AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS T �.. �� • THA + 1 � 1, v CARRY R IN' STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVELw OPES ' IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Oki TRACING PAPER SHIPPING > KIPPING' � . + � A"rIONE NOTE , TA,GS, MEMORIAM ST- � R Y, BOOKS, RECEIPT I3OOI S IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., DTC. 4. THAT WE. FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOT;TLE1 • WITH GOOD ;FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5e. LAR- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER RBt UC'PIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTIN , ' G BILLS, A,1tXC.TiO"�T SALE POS. 44. ''.FERst MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GEN'E,RAL 'II' PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY ilk "++4"4.44.4:++4 4++++'4.4•+!1 4°4"4`4 1+++4+^d + +Ma*114`4+4•+++++