Zurich Herald, 1924-04-03, Page 4a i. G H flE R A.IM l;a ', hule:40.y April 3rd, 1924 HES I,I R1NTI.NQ OreF C: A. DVI B'MIN a leAri,o allied Wednesday noon from the; iltitilteiiliaineous. articles of not than. Sive lines, For Sale, To *eat, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc„ insertion 25-a. "address all communications to Display Advertising -Made known 403 application.. tt'ay asoma,—One insertion 50e insertions $1,00. arm or Real Estate for »sale "41) for first month, .$1 or each sub- eeeeent insertion. At1CTION SALES—$2 per single Assertion; if not over five 'Melees Aimee th. :IStfeective after Jan. 1st. 1020 THE HERALD ° ZURICH. ONT. STORAGE BATTERIES HERE Is Battery Headquarters WITH USL STANDARD BATTER- S AND FRONTIER BATTERIES elee have 'a wide range in Price What will fit any pocketbook. We can supply you with a good k3attery at a reasonable price, and gave you duality we 'ean stand behind. t-43 IL S. Wein—Dashwood NOTICE I have been appointed agent ‘tor this district for the Ontario ;Fertiliser Products. Any person lenyiirig fertilizer this 'spring will do tell to see me before giving your Wider.. ' 3. O. Salmon, R.'R. 3. Zur- e:411, phone .25-81. tf35 splay of Beautiful MILLINERY Our Exhibit of .Spring Millinery, eao meeting with wonderful : appreci ?nation from the ladies of this town :raid vicinity. Women have i,een =irtisusia'stically delighted- with the -display. The .gist variety of telets this season, affords every woman opportunity to obtain just What she is likely to consider her eideal hat. Large assortment and :Seasonable prices are important _testators here. Vera V Wart ZURICH • tf38 GRAND BEND Walter Stattonl, who has • been' 'Whiting his father for some time teeft `for his home in the west. Herman Gi11 went to London o'1 3®qday to attend ?the Masonic eiodn e. The poles arrived here last we - „k for the street lighting. 'H. Green, ;'he has been in Port •'1` _uron or some :irne, returned to Vete `'1:erae, SCHOOI. REPORT O S S, No. 15, Hey' end Steph- ts.'1r'thr month of February.. Th- ose re reed (x) -vete al7scnt for Kno ' than two 'e> ,nyinations. *V—Peart Walper 63. erne 62, ,�,�9, Sr. III—Olive Turnbull 74, Ethel tVeyper+ ':b; ellerbertKeller 14. Sr. II Otilla Wainer 71, Rhin - /kart rt Keller 70; Harold Beller 66, 14ence Kenney 10. Sr. I—honours Janet Turnbull :I7, etartlue Rader 79. Sr, Pa.—Horn•—Everett Stebbins ;96, , rletta Wniper 93. Jr. Primer; lion.-lietrR% iY iffier t e'ii"eneeer on. roll if. aleverage attendance 11 Lillian. M. Walker, Teacher; IDAHWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Yates of Sarnia eats visiting with (Mr. and Mee Hy. aerate Mies Beloeen Guenther visited in 'ritehrner last week. Mr. Wm, Milson who 'speet the eStiertetein Detroit has, returned, ' i ahers ;eyrta'. Hoifitio*.y of London • mpent the week -end with her par- gets.' Mr. Chester Geiser is spending lids week ib. 'Toronto. Mrs. W. J. 'Yager is visiting in bxingritl,e. Revival meetings are hr*ter coil. dartt nd, in the Evangelical ebureh thin t -cele. Mr,: and 'erre , E. Reseeeet i's' o•' 410,NAl .,.r; forth Dalt° tr, .ar- visiles Wig Mt vicinity. WANTED A limited number of cattle for pasture will be taken in (or thea Season; et a reasonable price;. Good spring water. • Apply to Herb.. Disjardine of Hy. Welper, Zurich. CRET>JTQN. ;Miss Laura Clark underwent an operation for appendicitis and i5 doing nicely. Mrs. Bauer is very ill at her home here. Her daughters from 'Michigan were called to her bed- side. Harold Young, of London; sp- ent the week -end in the village. Miss Oeaitreicher lof Loudon, vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs H, Oestreicher. On Thursday eve., •.April ,3rd, in tithe Methodist church; the pastor Rev. D. McTavish will Lecture .on: "The Luggage of Life" Into this Luggage the speaker -will endeav- or to pack sa11 that -is necessary for a happy and prospei'ou's journey from the bottle of milk to quiet the babe in the Dirk to the consciousn- ess of Dinine Presence, that thro ugh passing through the ('Valley of the' shardow of death; Frea no Evil. t` EXETER Word has been received that Mrs. Wm. Snell of Winnipeg:' a former wellknown resident of Ex- eter, is at present quite ill at her home in, that pity. Mrs. S. Fitton went to London to undergo an aoperation. Mrs. H. a1t7 Anderson of Sault Ste Marie is here owing to the ill- ness of her mother, Mrs. B1ath- ford. R. N. ,Rowe, (vho has been in 'Victoria Hospital, London, Or the :past couple weeks, .underwent the major operationefor ibis .trouble, on Friday last, the operation being a. success. If Libby, MeNeall & Libby of Chatham can secure acreage for the growing of cucumbers forepicklers, iiia this district, they will establish a. pickle salting ligation here. Bagshaw & Eals'ton who have be- en co'snducting a partnership in the livery busin(ess here for some time, have mutually agreed to diss- olve, which t000k ;effect last week. Mr. Bagshaw will •contiplue the bus- iness. The annual ;meeting of the Ex- eter Bowling Club ;has been held, and the treasurer's report 'showed a 'substantial balance after all cur- rent accounts were ,paid. -a The tr- easurer was authorized to send $2 to the. Wiee.B.A«. and J. +A. Stew- art was chosen vs -representative. Election of offiseers was as 'follows -•years, . CATTLE -1 aged .cow eup- Pres, 'SI, Specimen; Vioe-prey. Dr G, F, Roteston; Sec. -R. N. Creech As+it-9'e„ G. Anderson; treas. T, T. Woods. HENSALL. Miss B. Ashton, of Gerrie has again engaged with E. Rennie, of .the old established 'Store as, mill- iner, T1*? many friends. of Rev. De, 'Colin Fletcher, of the village, will be sorry to' learn thin he ha's been suffering from a 'severe cold dur- ing the past \week or 'soul and is confined to his room, The members of the 'Horticult- ural Society will 'meetin: the eoun- c:ui chambers on Tuesday eve, AP ria Sthf or organization.; when it is expected that Wm. Harty of Sea - forth it*ill be present, who is so well posted and an ;authority on flow- er culture. r' Glen, Broadfoot has been transfer' ed from the Sterling Bank, here to the Goderich agency of the same bank, and his place here has been taken by John Steacy, who has be- en in the Varna agency. Mrs. John Pope of Preston ies here visiting friends where she has a dwelling property. We regret to learn that Mils, Jc Glenn of the village has' been 'ser- iously ill for a few weeks. Mr. 3. W. Ortwein was called to London last week owing to the death of his brother-in-law Mr. Cossey, who evas a'sphixiated, 'PM late late Mira. Webber, whole ma- iden name ova's Louis Beneugle, passed away in her 69th year on Wednesday, March 19th. Although she had been in declining health for several years,, 'she was only con- fined to her bed about six weeks during which time she suffered a: good deaf, but very patiently. Her remains were interred in the Hen- sall Union Cemetery on the 21'st. hTe 'services was-condu.Gted at the home by the Rev. • 3. A. McConnell who paid a high tribute • to the asp- lendid life and .character of the de- ceased vs wife, mother and asea fri- end. The :service was largely at- tended. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Inip- lem,ants, 2;G miles east of Zurich; on Lot 20, con. 7, Hay Township on Friday, April 11th', at 1 o'clock,,p. m. sharp the following— HORSES-1 bay horse resing 10 yrs., 1 Percheron mare, rising 9 yrs; 1 gelding rising 5 yrs, 1 . iron grey mare rising 4 yrs; grey eel - ding rising 1 -yr; ' 1 grey mare xis ing 2 yrs.; 1 baydriver, rising 5 SPRING TIME WHEEL TI Let 1924 Be a Bic3 C1e Year Tires From posed to be, in, calf, 3 fresh cows just freshened rising 4 yrs; 1 cow r'isin,g, 4 Yrs. duan in June; e farrow cows rising 5, .1 farrow rising 6 yrs; 3 steers rising 3 good cond- ition for grass, 3 Heifers rising 2 yrs; 8 calves rising .1 yr; 3 suck- ing calves about 3 weelks,some decks, IMPLEMENTS — 1Vt. TI, binder, McCormick mower; Max- well hay 'Loader nearly new, 1 10 foot steel rake, International dr- um steel xol'1er nearly new, spring tooth cultivator, Oliver bean cult•. ivator with puller attached nearly new, Frost & rWood disc throw -out walking plow, big ,gen••, plow, 4 - section. harrows, 5 -section double - tree, hoe drill with grass seeder, horse Iseuffler, fanning mill, pulp - per, 1200-lbe scale, wagon, 'sett of Sleighs," buggy, hay rack, Portland cutter, gravel box, britchen harn- ese,'set of light harness, collars, do- ubietreest beck yokes. On the same day there will be' offered • for 'sale 100 acres farm le mile east and !second farm south 'with bank barn 4060 with :cement silo, large !supply tanks, water in house and barn. Pranve house with 'kitchen) windxniil with plenty of water, well fenced and drained, 70 acres in grass and balance plou- ghed.. Terms -10% to be paid s t day Of 'sale, balance can be arran- 'ged with the proprietor, Mr. Zach- arias Disjardine. TERMS OF CHATTELS—All su- ms of $10 and under -cash', over that amount 7 months credit will - be given on furnishing approved jo- int notes. 5% discount allowed for cash on credit amounts. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. W. S. Johnston, Clerk. Herbert Disjardine, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Farcy Farni Stock and Imp- lements. The 'undersigned auct- ioneer has been instructed to sell by public e auction nt, Lot 9, Con. 2, Stanley Townshin, 2 males west of Kipper, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8th, Commencing at 1.00 o'clock, sharp,t he following ;— HORSES—Grey P•ercheron mare 9 yrs. old, Black percheron mare 9 vrs; Black Percheron gelding 3 yrs. Black Percheroe frilly 2 yrs. driver quiet and reliable, good third horse CATTLE—Cow 4 . yrs. freshened in 'February;. Cow 5 yrs. due to fred Shen in October; Coty 8 yrs; Hei- fer3 yrs; Heifer 2 yrs; Steer 2 ere; 3 yearsting steers; 2 calves; PIGS -Sow with litter' 2 weeks old 5 chunks. IMPLEMENTS—McCor- mick binder; McCormick mower; McCormick hors-: rake; cultivator; Seed drill; roller; set disc; 4esec- tion harrows; Scuffles; turnipdrill). 2 walking plows, cutting box, :!set• sleigh's,' Clinton fanning mill and bagger; wagon box, • .•ravel box, ''ai'ay rack,,•stock rack, root pulper,. 4.�. hog •crate, democrat with pole, i,o- ad cart, open buggy, set team bar nes's, • Set plow harness, set single •harness, 2 horse collars, 'logging chain, Block and rope wire stret- cher, work bench and vice, De Lav'a1 cream separator,. Daisy eh - urn, large; washing machine, 9 bunches 'shingles, quantity of lum- ber, quantity of hay and potatoes, glass cupboard and other house- hold effects, forks, 'shovels and o- ther articles. Positively no reser- ve as 'proprietor is giving up far- ming owing to ill health. TERMS—All earns of $10 and un- der cash, over that amount 10 mon- ths credit given on furnishing ap- Tube rom 00 to 1.50 eye_=M,'!�`` eeee SEE 'THE NEW CLEVELAND SPORT MODEL, WHICH 17AS JUST ARRIVED. PRICES FROM $35.00 TO 6;55.00. WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF 'TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES. HESS ZURICH .,.}..;..rr+e- + {+•u 3 :•+3 + +$ 4+++++++• ++4,c, a,, « 4. rri AND POULTRY 4. t. . •:.a� 4. •a' We are in a position to take all your egga no matter how large* or how small a quantity you have for sale. Enquire regularly for'4. prices. �' I'. 3000 Hens ail. d Bro h t yrs Wan ted. L } For delivery in May and June. We are looking for high prices,a-• longt hrough these month's. Nov is the time to lay your pians ° for producing broilers. Information gladly. given. Write, phoney-: '` or eall personally. Eggs graded accordins to Government Standard. ' Poultry bought aecoraing to weight and quality. REID & Co. 00 a++++1'+ ++ +'o.i .1.c1.+ ,.1.;.,y.1:4..1..r.4. 4 .....y. .¢' ,.F'p?r+ e4'++ S 1 4,44+•1 e 4' T, ;FI'. JOHNS DASHWOOD, 0NT. Manager It pays to ,T1e s�- • M,PLL'TE FLOOR FIJI SH , cathing li/ce it For Hardwood Floors It wears like iron Write to Head Office, Montreal for Free Booklet 140M PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY NIBLICK «-- ZURICH proeed joint notes, or a discount of 4 per Bent allowed for cash. DESCRIPTION OF FARM— The farm omelets of 100 acres, on which is erected a g ood bank barn 4006 ft, eena'ent floors, good concrete ho- use, hard and !soft water, good furnace with full 'sized bz'sexnent, modern, convenience's. Farah' is well watered With spring creek and 2 wells, 10 acres good bush, mostly. •4 maple, 1014 acres' fall wheat, Good' ouung orchard, 25 acreis fall plow- ed, well Aundorel.railacc1 aied in high state of cultivation, TERMS OP ,SALE -10 per dent of purchase price down on day orf sale, balance can be 'arranged oe easy terms,: Paai'ni 'solei, 'subject to reserve bid. Walter 3, Stevens, Proprietor. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Have You Seen Them? We have already turned . out many Smart an - Smart New Suits. Il give you seen them HAVE YOU NOTICED THE NEW rABRICS WE ARE DISPLAY'®. ING4 HAVE YOU NOTICED THE CHARACTER WE ARE PUTT- ING INTO OUR SPRING SUITS? HAVE YOU NOTibED HOW WELL THEY 'PIT? WHEN SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YUe THEIR SULTS WERE MADE BY WUERTI'i EXAMINE THEIR CLOTH- ES CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOUT THEM. T1 STYLE, THE PIT, THE LINING; THE FINISH IS DIF.["EREN1Te OUR CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD OF THE CLOTHES' WE TURN Oil'' FOR THEM, THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUE CLOTHES WITS OTHER MAKES. IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY ACQUAINTED WITH OUR CLOTHES ASK SOMEIJF YOUR;FRIENDS AB0UT••THEllt THEY WILL GLADLY PUT YOU WISE THAT WE KNOW HOMY TO MAKE CLOTHES AT REASONABt,E PRICES. WE ALSO DO DR ? CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING, YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK - E". Es ORK E.:E. Wuerth, T filer, Zurich +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++,144/* . . 1 Farm Machinery HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE d' ,`mss. 4. e AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON THE ,t + CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOCK •;, •t 3 WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO eee + LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEFORE . t .YOU BUT,4 4, FOLLOWING ARE. THE GOODS- ON HAND AT LAST YEARt'' e PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE ` WORK. 1.- + 4. 1 Wagon 1..DeLaysl Cream Separator + 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1Pater Hamilton. Cultivatoo 4. 1' riding' plow 2 Fleury Walking . plows_ 1 tractor plow at $110.00 THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. +. • GARAGE! EARA GE! 4. 4. Mr. Peter Iiroff, mechanic 4. 4. 4. 4. "GENUINE FORD PARTS" always in stock I L. A. lirind Zurich Olit. *++++++++4"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.k+++* ';ire have been appointed Exclusive Distributors in this district for the 1924 Season for the famous Ames Hoiden Tires & Mbes and will carry a complete stock Let us book your order now for delivery , in April,. or May. We will guarantee our present prices for Spring delivery if you place your order at once. Arnes Holden Tires need no recommendation from us. - All you need do is to "COI PARE THE WEAW1H. Li A. PRANG Zurich's Leading .Tire Slop GAS • ACCESSORIES ; OIL z . ''"?.• itattU iw+ tlr