HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-03-27, Page 84 as ER* iD 'W ARRIVAt,S IN Spring Merchandise We are opening up New Ship- ments of Springy Goods almost Daily, and invite your inspection NEW SERGES GARBERDINES TRICOTINES VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION RAIDENETTE CREPES PRINTS YORK GOLDEN CLOTHS COTTONADES CURTAIN SCRIMS PIORET TWILLS WOOL POPLINS WOOL CREPES FIGURED CREPES NEW GINGHAMS IN ALL COLORS Plaids and Check Patterns GALATEAS SHIRTINGS DENIMS NEW. HOSIERY AND GLOVES A few pieces of Prints, Gingha rs and Dress materials continued at Sale Prices to clear WALLPAPBRS' We sell Watson Fosters Wallpapers. Come and see them and compare prices J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the LX. L. Battery IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OITHER L QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous IT.. S. L Battery • A. COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND ,TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich 0012.000001110.003,0.101010.04.00,0134011.00.60.00,60000•1100(* Spring! Spring! 1 • • 10 • 10 • WITH THE ARRIVAL OFFSPRING BRINGS US INTO THE NICEST SEASON OF ,THE YEAR, THE TIME WHEN EVERY BODY IS FILLE'.D 'WITH AMBITION AND EVERYBODY IS READY TO GRASP AN OPPORTUNITY, OR TO SEE WHERE THEY CAN BUY THE MOS T VALUE FOR 'THEIR MONEY. • HERE IS WHERE YOU LEAN DO IT. •• O 1 FROST FENCE the Frosttight 10 I lock woven fence is the best on the • • market baring none. We have a full: i I liiie of Woven Wire, Coil, Brace, 1 h • Barb, Stegples, Steel fence posts, • • Etc. always on hand e 0 •• ALSO A FULL LINE OP SAPPANS, GALV. AND L O. TIN Mi I3'tJCKEIS, S.M.?, SPILES AT LOWEST PRICES. A FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHEL PHARD • • WARE • &WEIDOJ f ;r G:; - 4URIV +► _ .. • s IMrI !( 001111l0Ifl • N1C0•twir04i110••ii0•IINiiN•110 Itt „ .SPi ;•J , RED SCHOOL ,,HOUSE *ReliNT Por Bwxvas ,*nd Outbuildirts5s it dots no egiu*l Write tr.o Head Office. Montreal For Free booklet HOME PAINTING, MADE EASYv SOLD BY A,. MELXCB — ZURICH ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST There is always 'someone, ;sone wherei, who is anxious to buy what you lna've, to sell. Somepn,e who has just the article you want who 'buy. To comlete a deal each must know' of the other's want's and 'there is no better or more'eer- tain,, way to intake these wants kn- own; than through the columns of the Herald:. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. 11Zrs. Gilman Shaw of London, is visiting %friends sin ' Stanley Chia week. Mrs. Johnston and 'son Wile lie intend retuning with them• to to Flint after their sale: Mrs, C. Dunkin and Mrs. J. Reid of Flint, Mich., are visitingtheir mother Mrs. J. Johnston of Baby- lon Line. Mr. Chas ;Go'ssman had a most successful auction sale. last Thurs- day,g ood prices were realized.; WO • are sorry to state -that (Mr. Calvin Dawson of Sekiforth has be- en confined tto his bed -and'. has suffered much pain for Isomete iiiie past. The prayer meetings whichhave' been: held ori Tuesday evening sof each week, at the homes of the people ail; tli'e neighborhood, have been well attended, ,this week the meeting will be at the home' of Mr: Ed. Johnston. BLAKE The regular meeting of the Mission Bang! will (be held in the church on Saturday, \March 29th,' at 2 o'clock, a ,good attendance is requested. Mr, and .Mrs, Christ Bechler•a.nd family have moved to the' farm ons the Bro'nsoni•line, which he pu ha's.. ed' from Jas. Masse. Mr: and_ Mrs, Christ. Ginger ich"' were called to Baden last week oiv= ing to! the serious illness of • their. daughter Miss Lydia Gingerich who, was visiting friends in that' vicinity ; her many friends hope for a ispe edy recovery. ; Mr. Jima Johnston., who spent:, the winter months ,in (Detroit, rat.? urned Koine on Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. '1Sarn. Hey spent- Sunday with friends on the Baby- lon Line. , Mrs. Jantzi left on Monday fors Detroit adhere she will visit her da_: ug;hter Mrs. Hess and friends Miss Margaret Meyers of eter spent the week -end under the: parental .roof. t •.. Mr. and Mrs, Dan GaAsche and; family of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs;. Amos Gaseho and Dorothy of the Bronson Line, spent Sunday+at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brennerman. Mr. Joe Bechier has moved into. the house recently vacated by' hi's brother, Mr. Chris. Bechlei4, .ve'. welcome Mr. and Mrs, Bechier to our village. Tlie Misses Eleanor and Ada'. Meyers and Miss Alberta Finlay Pe ent Monday afternoon at the honxe of Miss Gladys A. 'Douglas,. Mr, and Mrs. Val. Gerber and family spent Friday afternoon with' friends in the ;village. Mr. Jake Kennel - had a -wood bee noonday last. DASHWOOD. 'quite a number are complain=. 'Li -1g of sore arm's this week, , owing to vaccination. Mr. and Mrs, Moffatt 'spent the past two weeks visiting at tli,eir, home in Brucefield. Mr. Ed. Beaver, who has been on the sick list the past week, 'ifs abl to attend to his duties a- gain. The' school's andchurches have re -opened this week, after tieing Cly- osed for tivo weeks owing ;to ,the: small -pax epecleinic. Rev. and Mrs. ,P, Grammer and family are leaving Ois ;week „lot £'at ming ton, !Mich.„ where Mr. CTr aupn^r has accepted a call, ' Czar Steinhagrn has accepteda ,position in the baulk Mrs. D. J3e'tchen is visiting in Liens d.on. Mrs. McIsa;ac Sr., who spent the tvir.'ter in London, has returned. Mrs, Durstein, is visiting In the Vicinity. A monster Consignment Auction Sale will be held at Zimmers s Ilotel' on Wednesd ay April 2nl when n a large number of consigned Live. Stock,' Parra Implements and 110-. ,pseholcd Effects Will be sold by Mr Arthur Weber, our veteran .auetiofiw eer,. LOCAL MARKETS *Om edommion.mm• (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs ... 18-22 Butter 40c Dried apples per lb. _.. .__ 7c :.•utc.h Setts, per alb, ..... 7c. .Potatoes per bag... ... ... .........95 Barley . ...•.. ,D1 3uck'vheat 65 Wheat per bushel 1.00 Oats r 50 Flour per cwt. _a.. 3.00-3.50 Shorts per ton. 3200 Bran per ton ___t .1 30.00 Liv 1 hogs, per cwt `7.25 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. .Number of Policies in force 11287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a ,;balar ce on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT!, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-3 t HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTUR- AL SOCIETY SPRING SHOW AT CLINTOIS THURSDAY, AP- RIL 3rd, 1924. Write Sesretary ,,for Catalogue. President—H. C. Cox; Clinton. Secretary—A. J. McMurray, can, - ton. FOR SALE SEED OATS', for sale, Sheffield Standard 55c. bushel and feed oats and barley mixed at 150c. bushel. -Apply to John H. 4yde, Lot 8, Coin, 2, Stanley, Phone 11 on 86, Hensall 36-3 FARM FOR SALE ,Coinsisting of 100 -acres being Lot 13, con. 12, Stanley Tp. Also 30 - acres pt. Lot 12, icon. 13, Stanley Tp. There is on the 100 -acre farm a good :stone house, bank barn 26x56, driving shed and other out- buildings. The farm is in good state ofcultivation, clay loam, drained, and well fenced, 4 acres orchard, also' 5,acres of hardwood bush,plen ty of good water. The 30 acres are mostly in pasture and make fine pasture farm. Everything in good condition, For further par- ;tieulars phone 15-78, I 'ensall, or apply to Maggie Sparks', 14.R. 3, Bayfield. 35-4 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Containing 100 acres in good -state of cultivation. 40 acres fall plowed. Formerly the Wm. Dow - son Farin on the :Babylon Line St- anley Township, 2 miles south- west of Varna. Apply to John McNaughton, 2h6 Tecumseh ave. London, Ont td0 CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. 0. Zwicker ere t isiting for a few day's with the latter's mother, Mrs. Rata at New Hamburg. Adeline Wein has returned ho- i to from Detroit, where 'she had been employed for tho past few weeks. • J.. G. 'Young is still on the sick list. Mrs, Gott, Gai'ser is visiting a few days in. Ri•teh:einer. Mrs. Henry .Sheardown has been "quite ill the pest week,' but is able to' bet around again. - A number of our folks are laid. up. from va.ccination. Mr. and Mrs. H. K, Eilber (spent ,sa, few days hi London. Fred Kerr was in London laast. week. Mr andMrs Fred Haist anno- unce n o- mice the engagement of their dau- ghter, Clara Anita to Ray E. Ratz, of Shipka. The marriage to take plata in April. THURSDAy March 27th, I82$ dr Amara 0111111NliollammuramemoisalleMMINIIIMIIIIIIIIMOIIIIIIIMININIINNYMiliaawsliai The store with the Liberal Cash OiScouot FURNITURE MOVED We have moved our Furniture Show f Room on the second floor to' ;.snake room for T. L. Wurm's G-eneral store and invite the Public to . come and see our fine display of Furniture Ale o a Full Stock of 1 SEASONABLE HARDWARE SUCH AS SAP PAILS,PILES, WOVEN WIRE •FENCING, AND ALL OTHER GRADES OF WIRE 0 (COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET -IT FOR YOU. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. 1ViELICK' Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1X64 1924 Diamond Jubilee Year. Make Your Money Work .Harder A. Dollar made is a Dollar earned. Why not make your money work harder. You can now get; - L. • 5%% per annum, payable twice ,ai year', in the -good old Hur on 4, Erie for 1, 2, or 3 years', and 5y1% far 4 or -a years, or 51,6% per annum', payable twice is year, int the Canada Truest Company for 1, 2, 3, 4 or five years. You• can invest. any Amount over $100.00, , The total asset's of both institurions at the end of 1923 ways over $42,000,000,00, thus assuring you absolute 'Safety for ,your funds. - Dominion, Provincial aud'Victory Bonds!, bought, sold •and quoted. k' MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and -Paper Hanging 1 'Ain' in a position to do any kind of paper' hanging, painting graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roll. 11, EICK BIER, ZURICH — ONT. DR. JOHN 'WARD Chiropractic and Electricals Treat- ments,—Eyes Examined Main St., E'XET +'.12, Phone 70 Consultation and Examination Free AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICd Every Wednesday', 10 a.m. to 4 g.asC; . Pin • +yo+++4+4 i++++d+++i+'t+'I+':",'+4.1. f++414 l ++4.4.+4.+ H'+ - +++++4.44,c$, -44 JIERAIJD O}F1OE Do You Know?,; ' THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR S.ERVIC'E FOR GOOD PRINTING. 4 TH:.T WE CAN SUPPLY YOUWITH, WITPRINTED WEDDING l INVITATION'S AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STAI,rIONERS, SUCH'` AS :LETTERHEADS;, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND ,STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO L112..:3ING M`ANFJFACT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK :BOOKS, AND CAN SUN PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK 13O0i.S THAT THAT WE CARaRY,IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, L+'N`r.G}u- I OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD 'PAPERS, CARBOY OK .'!TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS,e«r MEMORIAM eat, 4‘ A.PIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT' BOOKS S IN;'I'Wo SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., BTC. ... THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE 4' WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR •5e, LARG GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER E R RI DUCTIONS ITHAT WE PRINT POSTING SILLS, AUCTION SALE ;POS ' ,PRINTING OUR y SPECIALTY • h1NERAI. c ERS MERCAN 1`ILII POSTERS AND ALL G °i *$+ +^II ++.1.i.++++++++++44++41+8+('+++++++++;»++'44.++# . +++4