HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-03-27, Page 7A Newly Discovered Tune.
The saying about the little atm half
of the world knows• of how the other
half lives is' as true in,musFcal matters
as le others, and an amusing confirinar
tion of it occurred a few,montll•s ago.
A. famous foreign violinist and come
roast, who had been visiting the Bri-
t1sh kiss frequently during a period
of twenty years or soy was walking in
the streets. of Edinburgh when he
heard a boys, who evidently was unoul..
tared and unlearned, whistling a tune
that was obviously a foiksong, This,
thought the artist, was a real die•
oovery, and giving the bo.y a subs:tan-
tial tip, he made hent repeat the tune
ti1Q he himself had fixed it in his mind.
Returning to his hotel he arranged it
as a :piece for violin or piano, and .hie
press agent sent 'round to the papers
the good news of his .discovery. And
then it 'turned out that the tune was
the "Londonderry Ali," which, for
many years past hal been .one of the
iaost popular both as a song and as a
'tlleme for bigger molts! And the
violinist did not kuoli it!
After An Attack of Influenza
Health Now Restored.
"I am writing to tell you what Dr:.
Williams' Pink Pills have done for
rne, says Mrs; J. H. Oulton, Firdale,
Man. "A few years ago I was in a bad-
ly rundowncondition, so Much so that
I was subject to faintingspells which
would leave me in such a condition
that I could hardly go about, Then I
was stricken with influenza, which was
epidemic at that time, and this still
further weakened me, and throughout
the whole winter I remained in this
condition. I was constantly taking
doctor's medicine, but was It did not
seem to help me, my mother advised
me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
I got a couple ofboxes to start on.
When these were done I seemed to
feel an improvement and I got a fur-
ther supply to continue, the treatment.
I took in all about a dozen boxes, and
by that time I was in the best of
health and had gained in weight. My
faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is
now unbounded, and I keep a supply
on hand and take them occasionally if
I am not feeling quite well. I often
recommend them to others, and cannot
praise them enough for restoring my
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are useful
In all cases . where the blood is thin
and watery as their mission is to build
up and purify the blood. That is why.
they give new strength and vigor after
an attack of influenza, and it is also
the reason why they are benegcialain
nervous ,disorders, neuralgia, rheu-
matism and " that condition generally,
described as all run down."
You can get the pills from your
druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box
from' The Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
He Picked a Professor to
Win the War.
General Foch was almost unknown
In England before he became :general-
ised= of the allied forces. Not until
after 1918 did the editors of Who's
Who inclirde him among the thousands
of notable mien and women. But there
was one Englishman at least who
years before the war understood his
remarkable qualities In Celebrities
Mr. Ooulson Kernahan pays tribute' to
the prescience of Lord Roberts, the
"man who knew."
Lord Roberts, writes Mr, Kernohan,
was not only a great nailer but also
a keen observer and shrewd judge of
oharacter; he took a man's measure
wholly uninfluenced by what was or
was not written or said of the man. He
Lift Off—No Pain!
Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little
"Preezone" ea an aching corn, in-
stantly that corn stops hurting, then
Ishortly you lift it right off with fingers. 1
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
°`Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, I1oft cord;
or corn between the toes, and the foot
Calluses without sareneeS or 1>Titation,
'a n 1ac Saved.ILilre
A Protective'Periwig.
f"Preat 'era rough!" seems to have
been the motto that guided Mr. W. D.
M.' Bell in his dealings with the Kara`
mojaza of Africa. The way to be
Says0.tt .Wa Lad
cessful with the wild tribesmen, as he
points out in the Country Life, is to
goat the upper hand at the firer brush.
hex'efore when • several ]n_ silent fel-
lewd tried to prevent him from water•
fug his animals he noted on that rule;
I ableed a outting-edged club from a
.Mrs. Varalo Tells of Recovery
From Complication of Trou-
isles —•• Gives Maniac Full
'That I ani alive and in good health
to -day I can attribute to nothing but
Tanlac," ' is the remarkable statement
recently made by Mrs. Eva Varalo, 233
Cumberland St„ Ottawa, Ontario, Can.
For two long years I suffered ter-
ribly from indigestion, constipation,
extreme nervousness, sleeplessness,
palpitation of the heart, almost con-
tinuous sick headaches and shortness
of breath, until life seemed a burden to
lne and I had given up hopes of ever
regaining any health.
"But .:Tanlac helped me • tile very
first day I took it, and now after using
seven bottles my health and strength
are asp fine as can be, and everyone
remarks how well I look. I eat hearti-
ly, my food digests just perfectly, my
nerves are steady, I sleep sound, my
heart never troubles me and work is
like play, 'Really, the way the treat-
ment restored me to perfect health
seems almost miraculous. Tanlac is
simply grand,"
Taulac is for sale by all good drug-
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40
million bottles sold;
7, .
by-stander, he says, sprang over to one
I of the obstructors and dealt him the
hardest blow on the head I possibly
s;ould, To my astonishment the club
flew to pieces, and the native turned
oh me and sanded; I had hit his sh�ook-
absorbing periwig of hair and plaster-
ed mud. I might as well have struck
a fully inflated automobile tire!
It was rather. a setback; the only
good effect was that everyone except
myself roared with laughter. But - then
when even I began to see the humor
of it .I; spotted a, mischievous fellow
calmly jabbing his spear through aur
'water -proof ground sheet. That would
not do! I drew my pistol. Now, those
natives were then at a Most dangerous
stage of ignorance regarding firearms;
they firmly .believed that all they had
to do to avoid being struck by the bul-
let' was to duck when they saw the
smoke, Therefore when I covered
theno one moved; they were wait-
ing for the smoke. When they heard
the vicious bang of the little weapon
and saw no'smoke the laugh was on
them and especially on the fellow who
had been so busy on my ground sheet;
for with 'a ridiculous air of surprised
injury he now stood looking at a half-
eevered and completely seeiit spear in
his hand. Then. the natives began to
edge nervously away.
Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills.
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Origin — Norman-French and
Source—A locality or a given name.
In the given instance it is not pos-
s�ible to tell without genealogio-a1 re-
search whether this family name is de-
rived from a place name or a given
name. The chances are, however, that
in the majority of cases this particular
family name is the development of a
place name.
It is met with quite frequently in the
medieval English records as "de Se -
vele" and "de Sayville," and under cir-
cumstances that leave little doubt as
to its being born by personages in the
service of William the Conqueror or
his successor:.
But there is some doubt as to the
place referred to. It would be going
too far to say that it. did not mean_ the
modern city of Seville, though this
would appear unlikely. On the other
hand, it is conceivable that it could
have come from the place in Belgium
called Serviile. Yet the letter "r" is
not to be found in the earli�a. farms of
the surname, and though possible, it is
not =likely that it was injected at a
later period into the name of the town.
Source—An occupation, or an Inn sign.
This family name may be a develop-
ment either of the word "tabourer"
(sometimes "taborer") or "tabur."
You'd probably laugh to -day if you
should run across such a family' name
as "Basedrummer," but this is virtual-
ly the meaning of the name of Tabor.
The "tabur" of the medieval period
was a drum. The "taburer" was the
man who beat the"drum, and there
were many of them, for there were
many traveling orchestras in those
days, with their reed instruments,
six-stringed viols and their
In many instances., however, inn-
keepers and shopkeepers, in that pe-
riod when it was useless to hang let-
tered signs above their doors, awing to.
the inability of most of the population
to read, used to identify their inns end
shops with pictorial signs, seizing up-
on any subject or combination of sub-
jects for illustration, in order to• dis-
tinguish his place from those, of his
neighbors. It was natural that the
drum should often be used for such an
illustration, and it was quite common
to shorten such a name as "William at
the Tabur" into simply "William Ta-
had his own opinion of Foch. Speak-
ing on July 29, 1908, he said:
"They refuse to believe roe, and we
sleep under a false security, for I do
not hesitate to affirm that we shall
have a frightfu•1 war in Europe, and
that England and France will have the
hardest experience of their existence,
They will in .fact see defeat very near,
but the war will finally be won by the
genius of a French general. named Fer-
dinand Foch, professor at the military
school at Paris,"
Thus almost exactly sex years' be-
fore the war Lard Roberts predicted
precisely what would happen in the
war when it came. That in itself was
a memoisable fact. But that he should
thus have marked ,cut a professor and
a lecturer in the schools, who was a
second lieutenant !n 1874, between
which time and 1908 he had had no
opportunity rot proving his military
abilities by commanding troops in ac-
tions. of any importance, if indeed he
had seen any action at all, and that•he
'should have marked him as the man
who was to lead the allied cause to
vicary, is surely one of the most re-
markable examples of prescience in all
His Hearing Restored.
The invisible ear drum invented by
A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature
megaphone, fatting inside the ear en-
tirely out of sight, is restoring the"
hearing of hundreds of people in New
York city. Mr. Leonard Invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so
successfully that no one could tell he
is a deaf man. It is effective when
deafness is caused by catarrh or by
perforated or wholly destroyed natural
drums. A request for information
to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
avenue, New York city, will be given
a prompt reply. advt
Life would be f ightfully dull with-
out obstacles to overcome. We can
get about anything ill this world if we
go after it. All we have to do is • to,
keep our bands, our minds, and our'
sense of humor working. Opportunity
isn't just around the corner—but it's
around the next corner too—and
around the corner 'after that! And,
too, if you should happen to live where
there are no corners,—well, it's there
just the same.—E. A. Paddock.
Cleanliness renders us agreeable to
others, and is an excellent preserva-
tive of health: Addison.
What comes from the heart goes to
the heart.
Ask for Minerd'e and take no other,
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never cross
but always happy and laughing. It is
olny the sickly child that is oioss and
peevish. Mothers, ifyour children do
not "sleep well; if they are cross and
cry a great deal, give • them Baby's
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again. The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which
regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom-
ach, banish constipation, colic and in-
digestion and promote healthful sleep.
They are absolutely guaranteed free
from opiates and may be given to the
new-born babe with perfect safety.
The new sales tax will not increase
the price of Baby's Own Tablets, as
the company pays the tax. You can
still obtain the Tablets through any
medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or
by mail, post paid, from the Dr. Wil
liamsr Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The World's Tallest Man?
One of the tallest men alive to -day,
possibly the tallest, is Armand Bran-
ner, who hails from the Jura Moun-
tains. He is 7ft. 5aain. in height, and
his stretch from finger-tip to finger-tip
is•close on 8ft., while, as his boots are
17ei'4,1n. long, his patronage is eagerly
sought by the bootmakens. in his lo-
Bronner was born in 1890, and only
ceased to grow when he was thirty
years of age. It is a remarkable fact
that he only- weighed 4e lb. when born,
Hips great height is not shared by any
other member of hie family, the tallest
being 5ft. 9in.
Unlike mast giants, who outgrow
their strength, Bronner le exceedingly
strong, and can carry a weight of near-
ly half a ton with ease. His health is
.exoellent, and so is his appetite, He
eats little meat, but conenmes a huge
quantity of vegetables.
Food and clothing necessarily cost
hila about twice what an ordinary roan
would bave .to pay, and his tailor, when
fitting h'im, requires a step -ladder to,
reach his shoulders. At present this
giant is touring Europe, and hopes
shortly to visit England.
When sending money by mail use
Dominion. Express Money Orders.
Safer than sending bills,
Among the strange birds, beasts,
and fish discovered hi Brazil are vam-
pire bats, flat fish with a poison spike
in their tails, and vultures which
Make noises very Tike dogs barking.
Every tine you crowd into the
memory what you do notexpect it to
retain, you .weaken its powers, and
you lose your authority to coin nand
its services.
"11 a man's religion brings him no
fresh revelation, no sense of discovery,
it is nigh passing away,"
1)o not ' oat between 'meals,You
may overwork your stomach.
Keep Minaed'ta l:.iniment to the heuate,
It is impossible to tell the quality of
tea by the appearance of the leaf. A
rough, coarse, unevenly roiled tea may
taste' much better in the cup than a
closely rolled, well tipped tea that
LOOKS much finer. The only way
to be sure of getting tea of reliable
quality is to buy a tea like "SALADA,"
whose goodness and purity are guar-
The Horne of History.
No. 10 Downing Street has been the
official residence lot British Prime
Ministers for nearly two hundred
years. It is well called "the centre of
the British Empire," for many fateful
decisions have been made within its
Few •people are aware that Downing
1 Street is named after a man named
George Dawning, who went to America
at the age of fifteen, afterwards re-
turning and entering Parliament. He
became a baronet, and was a great
favorite of Charles II., who gave him
the lenele in Whitehall upon .which he
built the famous etrbet.
-Sir Robert Walpole was the first
Pnimre Minister to occupy No. 10. This
Was in 1731, and, since that time most
of his -amassers. have 'lived there.
15, FOAM 'TILES FF,'k,
of virsedwa1'Jwe
prod pawnaever
ikPre>lukr 21'd
Chum wrapper
shOOyin, trona
vn !ra emir
The heavy
tin loll
(Thethe heavy
Vre welleete Chir
Sir101 e°
to bring yoi., the heal richness
and miaow sweetness : e this—
eco � 4ullty"
Manufactured by
I pluck an acorn from the green-
sward and hold it to ney ear; and this
is what it says to me: "By and by
hte birds wil come and nest in me. By
and by I will furnish shade for the ,cat-
tle. By and by I will provide ,warmth
the birds; will come and nest in me. By
and by I will be shelter from the storm
to those who have gone under the roof.
By and by I will be the strong ribs of
the great vessels, and the tempest will
beat against me in vain while I early
men acmes the Atlantic." "0 foolish
little acorn, wilt thou be all this?" I
ask. And the acorn answers "Yes';
Godand I." --,Lyman Abbott, A.D.
Beware of Imitations!
is the quickest and best relief for
pains in the back and the many other
indications of kidney trouble. Sold for
50 years. Satisfaction in every bottle.
At your? druggist, or direct from
Careworn, nerve -exhausted women
need Bitro-Phosphate, a pure organic
phosphate dispensed by druggists that
New York and Paris physicians pre-
scribe to increase weight and strength
and to revive youthful looks and feel-
ings. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow
Chemical Co., 25 Front St, East,
Toronto, Ont.
Rub every night with Minard's
It relieves inflammation, soothes
and heals.
Unless you see the name "Bayer
Cross" on package or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine Bayer As-
pirin proved safe by millions and pre-
scribed by physicians over twenty-
three ,years for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package con-
tains proven directions. Randy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid,
White it Is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer Manufacture, to assist
the public against imitations, the Tab- '
lets of Bayer Company will be stamp-
ed with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross."
How to Prevent
Doctors warn against remedies
containing powerful drugs and
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mother Seigel's
Curative .Syrup, has no Cope or
strong ingredients; It- chases
away indigestion,.biliousness and
constipation. Can be had at any
drug store." Get the genuine at
your druggist.
Many people do not realize that the
mast exhausting of all work is housework
and the care of children. Many a,woman
who should be in the prime of life finds"
ilei strength gone, her nerves tmstrung
and is weak, worn out and run .Town with
pale, thin, watery blood from the strata
of housework.
In stall eases, what you need is some-
tilhtg3 to put rxlere iron into your blood.
riuxhted Iron cantatas iron like the iron.
in spinach, lentils and "apples, and like
the iron 'm your blood. You will bs,
tstonislled at how roach better you feel
often in exon a few dew.
Try takieg Nuxated Iron for two weeks,
and you will see color come bask' to your
lips and cheeks, you iwidl not be so easily
upset by trifles, and best of all, you will
find that you have new strength and
energy and enfluranes for s.otlr daily
tasks. At all isootl druggistca,
A redwood tree cut recently' in
northern California scaled . about a
' quarter of a million feet of Iumber.
It was seventy feet in circumference
and three hundred feet high, and two
men worked seven days to fell. it.
He who builds according to every
man's advice will have a crooked
• Classified Advertls_er rents
Rejects accepted for limited
time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen
Mills, Georgetown, Ontario.
wire and zinc screening, all sizes.
For prices, write J. A. Graham, 201
Langlois Ave., Windsor, Ont.,.
WhtT0 For. 0110X' DY0 040.0 0008 Myna v0 c0.c mtee.uS1a
Fingers Cracked. Lost
Seep. Cuticura Heals.
"Eczema began with a rash on
my hands and I could not put my
hands in water. It grew worse every
day and my hands and fingers all
cracked which made them covered
with eruptions. I lost sleep with the
"The trouble lasted three months
before F heard of Cuticura Soap and
Ointment, and after using three
cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and
a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment
the eczema was healed." (Signed)
Miss Eva E. Belliveau, 338 Highfield
St., Moncton, New Brunswick.
For every purpose of the toilet and
bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum are wonderfully good.
Sample Eoeh rico byg Mail. Address: "Lvmane, hn.
,ted, 344 St, Paul et., R., Montreal."" Sold evert.
where. Soap 26c. Ointment 26 and 600. Talcum 25e.
'flirCuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Mother Tells How Her Daughter
Suffered and Was Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Vancouver, B. C.—" My daughter lei
young girl who has been having severe
pains and weak and dizzy feelings for
some time and had lost her appetite.
Through an older daughter who had
heard • of a woman who was taking it
for the same trouble, we were told of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-.
pound. My daughter has been taking it
or several months and is quite all right
now. It has done all it was represented
to do and we have told a Number of
friends about it. T am never without
a bottle of it in the house, for 1 myse]f
take it for that weak, tired, worn-out
feeling which sometimes comes to us all.
]; find it is building me up and I strongly
recommend. it to women who are super-.
ing as 1 and my daughter have."—Mrs,
J. McDONALn, 2947 26th . Ave. East,
Vancouver, E. 0.. •
From the age of twelve a girl needs all
the rare a thoughtfulmother.' can give.
Many. a woman has suffered years 'of
pain and misery—the victim of thought-
lessness or ignorance of the mother who
should have guided her during this time.
If she complains of headaches, pains
in the back and lower limbs, or is your
notice a slowness of thought, nervous,-
ervousness or irritability on the part of your
daughter, matte life easier for her.
Lydia E. Pinlx1Jrn'9 Ver'etable Cont.
pound is especially adapted for anus
conditions. 0
ISSUE No. 12-- risk.