HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-03-27, Page 6' , BOW-LEGGED WHEELS. the springs on your car, take them
time is to permit your wheels to get keep them flexible and will afford the ; Spirit false! thou hot forgot
Slawely, rarely *meat thou,
Spirit a delight!
Wherefore hast thou left me now
Many day and night.?
Many a weary aisle and day
'fis since thou art tied away.
How shall efferone like me
Win thee bank again?
d place with the veyeos, and the free
car the protection for which the All ut those who need. these not.
springs were des--,
them getting rusty and stiffening / love •snow acrd all the form
very perceptible
Of the radiant frost;
LENGTHENS LIFE OF CAR. Which is Natures, and may be
One of the very surest way to scrub apart at least once a year an
The number of forms of vibration TJntainted by man's sery,
out your automobile tires in record graphite between the leaves. This will Thou wilt sooff at pain.
out of alignment.
There are a number of conditioos
which will tend to throw a wheel out
of line; and the great trouble is that
the driver sits where he cannot see his
wheels when the car is in motion and
so may not realize just what the
trouble is until much damage has
been done. If a motor -driven ,vehicle
is run up against a curb so that the
immovable stone constructionas con- only be lessened; most of t em a
siderable, somthing has to give, and l unpleasant and some are destructive.
that something is naturally the parti
'If vibration could be eliminated en -
which holds the wheel in place. Care -1 tirely, the car's life would be consider -
less driving over rough roads deeply ably lengthened, To dream of such a
indented with ruts is also liable to thing, however, would be like chasing
throw a sudden strain on to some rod rainbows; interesting perhaps, but
or bearing that will wrench a wheelf with no chalice of success. The object,
uto f line. A driver should realize! then, of both the designer and the
user is to geep unnecessary vibrations
on the blacklist.
Always keep the battery in a ver-
tical position• in taking it out or re-
placing it in the sar. Sediment may
be in the bottom of the jars, and tip -
instead of
i love wavee, and winth, and storms,
on a motor car are legion. Some of
them can be eliminated; others can
this and be particular to drive care-
fully, not permitting one wheel to
drop into a rut suddenly, but, if pos-
sible, to steer thevehicle so that all
four -wheels will have a fairly smooth
or level surface to pass over, or one
or two wheels will take the change
of surface necessary very gradually.
. Sometimes a slight acci en , or
sudden strain caused by the force of a ping them may cause it to get between
heavy blow or impact, or the careless i the plates emd short-circuit them.
rounding of curves, or descending, —
steep, rough hills at a high sr 0 A will% TIRE SPREADERS OF WOOIS.,
bend an axle, knuckle or steeei. .'od. Tire spreaders can be made of vari-
When demountable rims are used ous sizes to meet the demands of the
precaution must be taken to se thatl tire epel): shop. For this purpose
I love tranquil solitude,
And such society
As IS quiet, we and good;
Between thee and me
What difference? but thou dost pos-
The things l'seek, not lave them less.
I lave Love—though he has wings,
And like light tan flee,
But above all other things,
Spirit, I love thee— •
Thou are lov,e, and life! 0 come!
Make once more my ;heart thy home!
—Percy Bys,she SheEeye
the rims are put on perfectly straight, wood rvill serve best, maple being pre -
inches long, three inches wide and
one inch thick. The step-down for
various tire sizes man be made to any
length that may be found convenient
the work.
for if they are carelessly placed
tire must take unnecessary diagonal
grind and wear.
rred.These should be about ten
If you would increase the life of for
Airplanes Should be Equipped
With Radio Sets.
The army aerial world tour will be
attempted without the uste of radio ex-
cept on the last leg, across the Atlan-
tic from Hull, England, due to the con-
servation of weight, the chief of the
army air service has announced.
Radio experts and some fliers be-
lieve that this is, an unfortunate de-
cision, since through the USIS of radio
in conn:ection with aviation greater as-
surance of succeSsful flighte and the
safety of pilots has rcetulted
But the projectors of the flight do not
oenstider radio esserutial.
Weather oenditione, ordere and
emergency calls can be received im-
mediately by pilots on radio ,equlppe,d
craft, and they in turn can send mes-
sages as to progress, position and
changes in routes, as well asrequests
for assistance, position reports and de-
sired information.
One plane, it is now planned, will be
equipped with a t-ransenitter and a re-
ceiver set at I -lull, England, but what
would happen if that plane should
crash is not announced. The radio
telegraph tranamitting set is a 200
How Not to Eat.
Table manners; in the seventeenth n,
century must have stood in need of I,
consid,era.ble improvernent, it we may I • •
Th e waS not long ago a violentiphalt, which is still in an unsolidified
tYour Ticket
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Veterans In Canada, 121
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Imperial Veterans in Canada, 700 Main
Street, Winnipeg.
Tuberculous Veterans' Association, Room
47, Citizen Building, Ottawa.
CLOSES MARCH 31st, 1924
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Continents and
Float on the Earth's -Surface
take seriously the advice that Hannah
Wooley gave to young ladies in 1675.
It must be admitted that Miss Wooley
"wielded a trenchant pen."
"Gentlewomen dis,cover not by •any
storm along the coast of France, so state.
violent that it shook the seismographs "Wegener by his surprising hypothe-
of the observatory at the Parc Saint- sis, maintains that formerly, that is to
Maur, near Paris. The movement of say, some myriade of centuries ago,
th earth- was not nearly so great as all the continents were united in one
fix your eyes too greedily,on _
at the time of the Japanese earth-
norravenous gesture your angry appetite, ,
before you, we if you would de- ..,
the qaalees, but etill, considering the dis-
meatYour more that way than your throat Woe of the sea from the French capi-
would ewallow. In carving avoid clap, tal, the recorded shift was enough to
ing your fingers in your mouth and I bring into much prominence the theory
them after you have burnt 1
i of Wegener, the geologist, that the tra-
lickingthem. Close your lips when you eat .
i ditionally believed immobility of con -
and do not smack like a. pig. Fill ;lot -
tinents is fallacioes, and that in reality
your mouth so full that your cheeks ,.
instead of being firmly fixed, the
shall swell like a pair -of Scotch bag- ;
xemericas, Asia and Europe float aim -
pipes. It is very uncomely to drink so in the
iessly about like masses of seaweed
large a draught that your breath is al- Sargasso, on a stratum of fluid'
most gone and you are forced to blow matter:
strongly to reoover yourself." a
aontribution to the History of the
Writing under the heading, "A New
, ized fauna. and flora of con
Earth," Charles Nordmann says in "Le which to -day are widely apart—for ex. its follies and its hopes and dupe. r ,
ample, Africa and South America. 1 drifts across the ocean for centuries
single block, and if one could put to-
gether the various sea coasts of the ' one of ours, of sentiment and human
Atlantic, one would find that they fit- l vows. This land of the living and the
ted neatly into one another, and the , dead, which we believed to he forever
evidence of the underground disloce- : anchored to the bottom of the sea, is
tion would also tally. In a like man- l but an inert mass of wreckage, drift-
ner the continents of Australia and I ing about on a viscous subterranean
the Antarctic would be found to fit in • sea.
to the now empty notch of the Mediter- "Still, who knows, perhaps some day
ranean Sea. millions of years hence, these drifting
This extraordinary and suggestive ,continents may come together in a
hypothesis explains very well the anal- , monstrous union and join. wnat now is
ogles which exist between the fossil -1 separated.
"This earth of human sorrows, -with
of an immense puzzle. It.is not Paris
alone, but all inhabited lands which
have the right to the disturbing motto
'Fluctuat nee mergitur."
"Until lately our doctrine of the
firmness and stability of the earth
united the land of lost dreams to this
Biggest Concrete Bridge.
What will be the biggest ;concrete
bridge in the world is about to be con-
structed by France, to connect Brest
with Plougastel. It will be 800 -meters
spans .of 180 meters each. Seven- 'firma.' With the classic theories of tinents being securely anchored in a a g •
kng (six miles), consisting of arched and, even more erroneously, r
much of the estuary' of the River etUatinental mass, would. be incompre- e,arth is really floating on another andBe great in acts as you have been
eighths of its length will eeseer. bleat' sPee, learned men this upheaval of the fixed position, the emerging layer of 1
Elorn. hensible, but eve have Wegener's body denser viscous layer, and which serves in thought.
Dr. Harold Wismer
London specialist, who has discovered
a means of diagnosing certain types of
watt nonsynchronous rotary spar , disease through X-ray examinations of I Marden..
with a plane to groand range off about the head. His method is an examine-
e laundred miles Tice antenna will be , tion of the sthenoidal
like Arthur Rimbaud's 'Drunken Ship:
observations, notably of It like the poet,
"Here is; something to shake our that of the force of gravity and the butw
ideas concerning this planet of ours,' average density of the earth at differ- that ineffable' winds he.ve 'brushed it
-where the mediocre human melodrama eat parts a the globe, tend to confirm lightly with their wings."
is &aged and which we call 'dry land,' this theory. Therefore we are led to
believeto-day that, instead of the con- Beauty provoketh thieves soonee
This will be the second concrete hypothesis, which not only. explains,' as a support for the continents. He tires betimes that spurs too
• that at St. Pierre du Vauvray, which enigmas; not as with Trissotin, who, "So the countries, now inhabited by
bridge since the war, the other being the fact, but elucidates a crowd of \ fast betimes.
was opened to traffic last year by so far, has only floundered with sol- men of different race, color and . cue- ' The procrastinating man is eon
President Millerand. enmity Without results. toms, are but the dislocated portions struggling with ruin.
---4*-- • "Wegener's idea simpler than is gen-
were he seven tinies a itinents are not erally believed, is as follows: The
A brave man
king, is but a 'brave man's peer. immobile;conthey are
iloating on a sort of layer, denser than
If the earth's crust, and which consti-
I were asked to name the three
things which were retarding civilize- tutes at the same time their support
bottom of the sea, and might Institute for the Blind is oc
self-indulgence and selfishness. -0. S. btflikened to those light pebbles which.' 142 College St., 'Toronto. It occupies year 13,075 were sent out. And since
tion most, I should say—ignorance, and the
roadmakers throw on the heavier as- the whole of a sixteen -room building every book going out means another
opposite the Conservatory of Music coming in, approximately 26,000 vole
d rtment of which the In- umes were handled.
lume for the
Canadian National Institute for the 'Blind
The Library and Publishing De-, umes back to the library. During the
partment of the Canadian National: first year of the library's history,
• d t some 700 volumes were loaned; last
ft single weighted trailing wire, an
the whole set will weigh appeoximate-
ly 100 pounds. Six hundred metres
will be the wave used.
A superheteroyne receiving set will
also be carried in the communication
- plane, but no radio ;compaes. The
transmitting set is ,capable of being
• transterred to another plane if necess•
vary. Spares and some replacement
apparatus will be carried across the
Broad Hint.
The Old Men of the
The old men of the poorheuiste ,sit alone
Among the gravestones in the au-
tumn sun,
One peels a little maple stick, and
one •
With a 'clay pipe leans forward. from
his stone
To point out where the firs't geese
have gone
Over the meadow, past the golden
One lies against a broken slab to
On grassy qudetudes—perhaps his own.
For hours they had been together on
her front p,orch. The moon cast its
tender gleam deem. on the young and
handsome couple who sat strangely
far apart, He sighed. She sighed.
"I wish I had money, dear," he said.
,"I'd travel."
Impulsively, she slipped her hand In-
to his; then, rising swiftly, ehe sped
into the house.
Aghast, he looked at his hand. In
his palm lay a nickel.
You cannot pull hard with a broken
In a bedroom built of glass at Guy's
Hospital, Lendon, patients have been
kept hermetically sealed up for five
days in an atmosphere containing
double the usual quantity of oxygen.
Now over the stubble fleads the dinner
Sounds through the strashines where
the late, bees pares.
The old men leave their stones and
trudge along
The empty road. But from. his plot
et grass
Still the old one grooding does not
And still the gray geese cry along the
. skies.
—Mavis Clare Barnett.
—.es --
Enjoyment stops when indolence
15 N '1' `11 -(eel" SWAGGERING
My neighbor, Smilax, was in trouble, he had two broken
limbo.; and to him went old Mrs. Bubble, with tracts and helpful
hymns.. And to his home went many neighbors, a good, kind-
hearted crew, to hope he'd soon resume his labors, and be as
good as new. The village optimist proceeded to his dire couch
of pain, and turned some sunshbae loose and pleaded that he
would smile again. The brethren of his lodge were present at
every crucial hour, to make the seckroom sweet and pleasant as
any maiden's bower. And I alone refrained from calling upon
that tortured guy, though. sympathetho tears were falling, at
times, from either eye. And people said, "Your heart is hardened,
you visit not the sick.; believe um, you will not be pardoned for
such an evil trick. You hear your neighbor Smilax yelling until
his larynx crack.% and yet you visit not his dwelling to ask him
how he stacks. You carry hina no pies of custard, no bowls of
wholesome soup, you pack no sandwiches, with mustard, to
Smilax in his coop." But when the invalid was better, and fee1.
ing pert and smart, he said to me, "Oh, donnerwetter, I thank you
from my heart! When. isiekriesa laid its shadow o'er me, and
made me wilt, and dram, you, you alone refused to bore me with
sermons and with soup!"
stitute is justly proud. Do you know what a volume
and is a
When this library was first organ- blind means? The Bible comprises 39
ized, it owned a total of 81 volumes, volumes and requires more than sie
but its catalogue now shows works of , feet of shelf room. And other works
literature and music aggregating are in proportion. Each volume costs
nearly 13,000 numbers. The whole of the Institute from two to four dollars.
the lower floor of the building is de- Think, then of what a library for the e
voted to the housing, cataloguing,1 blind represents in cost of books
mailing, receiving, etc., of that large alonel
collection of books comprising titles Our Publishing Department prints
on almost every subject from the "Ar- works of various kinds from Ontario
abian Nights" to "The Coming of , Public School texts to stories of the
Evolution," and from "Nature Read-, calibre of "Maria Chapdelaine " that
ere" to "Theses on the Atomic I beautiful prose idyll of life 'in the
Theory." George Elliot and John frontier districts of Northern Quebec.,
Buchan, Sii'Walter Scott and Robert It also issues for ten months each year
Louis Stevenson, Charles Dickens and a monthly magazine known as The
Conan Doyle, Daniel Defoe and Alex-lBraille Courier. This journal contains
andre Dumas,Jane Austen and Chard news of the Canadian National Ingle
lotte Bronte, W. W. Jacobs and Mark tete for the Blind and articles, poems,'
Twain rub shoulders most amicably; etc., of a general and interesting char-\
on the crowded shelves when not out acter. The Braille Courier is a him-,
on visits to cheer the blind book -lovers dred per cont. Canadian in spirit and,
in all parts of the Dominion. 1 source of material, and is the oily'
Books for the blind are carried free magazine for the blind published in,
by our Government, which was the the Dominion. Through the courtesy
first in the world to grant such a I of Canadian readers many copies are
privilege, thus making possible the forwarded to blind people in all parts
fullest development of the circulating I of the world, so that the name of our
library system for readers without; Institute is known wherever Braille
sight. Books go and come in specially , is read. If you come to Toronto do
devised canvas wrappers which make: not fail to visit the Library and Pub-.
it unnecessary for a blind person to' lishing Dept. of the Institute at 142
i hted members of his fem..' College tt. You will be welcome, and
call upon s g
ily to assist him in raailing his vol-lyeso will be inter
, 11461-15 A TrRUMM
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