HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-03-27, Page 1'Vol XX I V No 37 ZUF{IC11-1., THURSDAY MORNING MARCH 27, '1924. WEIWAANAVOWAICAMW AVANWWWWWWAVAMANWiliiiiMAWik NE Boot Shop THERE'S PEP AND PERSONALITY IMO THE STYLES FOR MEN'• AND AN UNUSUAL CHARM TO THE WOMAN'S MODELS. NOTICE IN OUR DISPLAY OF SPRING SHOES. WE DO NOT COBBLE SHOES, WE REPAIR THEM. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. BROWN BROS. - ZEJRIC1 f i i MPARM 'U'ti'MWM'M APIMAWWWMAIMMAPMMM MI ! THAT YOU WILL BE QUICK TO". ooc�soo�ic�o•4•C1• >�v�0000c� Q• �aa�oam000Q• rOPpt7.Or/:40•l7••p•,:7.4.p•4•p•�•4.4�•d�•r7O.O•l!'d•O.4°440•!��• New Wall Papers ►� We have just taken into Stocka large shipment of New p Wall Papers, era and are ready to show you the very Newest Patterns for any room in the House. your selection early Ladies Department Curtain Scrims, yd . ......... ... _..15c Furniture covering 50 -in wide at 98e White ,Terry :Toweling ...... 2 pieces .crash Toweling .. 19e 2 pc. ;'Kitnona,=elotYi reg.40c alt „ '25c `: 4.04iL pillow -cotton at ..29e 8-4 Bleechedsheeting at_ ...... ...42c Ladies' Knitted wool Underskirts i,(10 Reg. °$3.00 for 2 only Misses Horne Spun Dresses, reg, 6.75 for $4.50 36 -in. special white cotton at 23c 40 -in. Fine Cambric Reg. 50c 39e 2 only Linen Table eloths,each 4.75 Make> 2 only. Bed spreads each ... $2.75 1 only bed Spread for ... .$1.98: 1 Pure Wool Bed Cotter, Silk Bound Edges, reg.6.75 for $4.50 1 pc. Fawn Velour, just the thing for Spring coats, Reg. 3.50 at $2.75 LADIES HOSE, Silk and wool. Th- ese are real bargains at $1.50 and $1.75, out they .go at .$11,00 pr.. WE. STILL HAVE SEVERAL RE MNANTS IN DRESS GOODS, GIN- G•HAMS, VELVETS, SHIRTING, ETC., WHICH ARE MARKED AT GREAT BARGAINS. et SURE AND LOOK' THESE OVER. Men's Departrnent Prices Lower Than Ever Men's .$u is Regular up to $37 5 bargain prices 7.50, 11.75, 14.50, 25.90, 29.50 Men's overcoats, Reg. up to $32.00 oys' Suits regular up to 14.00 3 bargain prices 9.75, 16.90, 22.95 2 bargain,prices, 6.90, 8.25 Hats, Velour, Felt and tweed reg. up gain prices $1, 2.95, 3.25 Men's Sox, Ties, Underwear, Sweaters, Etc. all at Ery n BARGAIN PRICES• 1 Tapestry: and Brussels Rugs Tapestry Rug ...; ... .....20.95 o`n13' Sx3�, Reg. $28.50, for •., ...• $ 5 only Tapestry Rug Sx3,Regular $25.00, for $18.9 amTapestry yl,` TapestRug. '2uit3, Regular $22.50; for....$16.87 ... 2i x3, Regular $18.00;, for $13.90 only Tapestry Rug g ........._. 35.7f. only Brussels Rugs 3x3;, Regular $1b.0U, for $ g Reular $15.00, for _..... .$9.50 only 'Union Rang, 3x3; a only Bed Room Rugs, 2x3 Regular $7.50, for .... ....$4.95 Piece Hemp Stair Carpet,22-in. wide reg. 50c..... ......33c + 1 . (mese, Tapestry, Stair Carper, per, 22 -in. wide, reg. 0.40 for 98c .4 ' Grocery Department Rinso, 4 boxes for ... ... 4 Bars Castile Soap for Salntio,n 1 1 for . ebester ;�i, 3miin, Pt�b l h C+; 11.25 * Year Mehl' $1,5A N A.et? r :s:tS, aM eta .>>; c'La.P RGED. Mis's Annie Tess is visiting at London this week. Mr. D. Allan of Parkhill called, inr the. village on Wednesday. Mr. Harry Rose of Windsor 'sp- ent a few days at his home hero. Mr. Melvin Smith returned to St. J'o:sep'h .Hospital, London to visit his daughter, little Della. Mrs. David Barrie and daughter Dorethy are visiting relatives and friends here at present. Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mr. Fk Preeter of Dashwood visited at J. Preeter'•,s on Tuesday. Mr. Wm, F. Braun spent a few days at Woodstock last week on business. Mr. Hy. Eckmeier is busily enga 'ged hanging paper at Grand Bend. • Mrs. J. Guenther of Dashwood is :spen,diiig a few days with her mother, Mrs. S. Rennie. Mays. P. Raveile and Mrs. Joe, -Gascho, who have spent the past 'Week at Windsor, have returned lona. The Assessor Mr. A. Cs. Edigh- offer is making his annual rounds. If you are .entitled to vote at any election make sure your name gee's en the roll. Kiss V. Siebert, our milliner, who is being assisted by miss Anna Dat - ere, are•.showrng some fine displays 'of .head attire in their window. Mr 7. C, •Kalhfleisch' is desirious +i rentana about 100 ',acres of:,good i.,:ta for'°ratising flax, :for the 'sea- sari 192.4. Any party interested kindly' male arrangements at once Bili. C. •Fritz, who sepn.t the past week with friends at Li'st- ow:•eIl;''Gu'elph and Kitchener, re- turned hon' on Saturday evening and reports n pleasant time with his friend's: 14h and. Mrs. Ezra. Koehler are (spending a few weeks in Kitch- ener. We understand Mr. Koeh- ler t also going to Toronto in in- terest .of the baking business of triicli, he is contemplating start ing''ashop in Zurich, which is in- deed needecl baly. A.n:other of ;,the ,,old-time week- ly papers has .been forced to cease publication. After forty-five ye- ars; of 'service to its town anca pro- vince. the Yarmouth Times 'ann- ounc•4d its issue of Feb. 2, as the lalst, ford the (present. 'What might have developed into another large fire in Zurich was everted by Mr.T. L. Williams, liropri^tor of the local grist mill one day last week. Mr. Williams . lovas ;'.bout' to leave the mill to at- tend ao'me business in town, when he 'smelled smoke, ;and upon inves- ,tigation found in the bottom dep- artment of the mill a large pulley was ablaze, caused likely by the friction, of the belt running thereon Hehowever at once stopped the large motor- and with a little water extinguished the fire. Fine springlike weather has pre - Veiled the past week, last Friday the spring season was ushered in, and we do no trecollect of ever see int his eve e.'lcome season come SO mice, no rains, just gradually 'Warming up ith moderate weath- e `,ei. 'The. largo •snow bunks have 1I aiMost di sapeetired, the auto is 25c Q G7 i again humming-, and the maple ,sy- 25c Ve ?up busine's's is in full swing. Soon the farmers will be thinking of se - b. tins 15e e , ' ;lin+, tete, and the beautifulnest Match s 3 boxes for 30e �+F.' 'season oi. thio se tson ,of the Year +' , will be past ,again ire we realize Washing ammonia 3 boxes for 25c ' it, followed by the ,warner clays of t: ..i. summer. The robin's and grey Post Toasties 3 for 25c VI? birds are quite plentiful. * Rev. . F. F. Jordan, who conduct Brooms er°IG �f" �1� R.ed I vangelistic meetings in the Ev- tda' angelical church here the past three Weeks, left on. 14fo'iday foe Hs hn 1,l in .Chin, Ill. lie is a man of narked eloquence, and a force- ful speaker, bu; eom.es with his ;simple message, and bis heart - stirring !sermons will long remain in the hinds of h';s Zurich h^'trters. A.l'houth the r.,sunt in the number Of actual con\*ersio1s did not reach the expected e i a as, yet ei y nic s-. sage was will r e ivecl, wb :as �8(J demoistrat'�cl b; t' libcrn c- QDtion. by the cony .gatio`a '1. on Sunday which is M. ti's 1'ineeln.) for th time. spent i• �D4▪ .4.,1 4 4 -i.•4 -f -l- •4•.4.4,. ,•4.1 j..4• +•1•+•S++4 t •4•.4•.4,.F•,�+ 4�++ +•4• •+3+3rd•+4°+ +•4+ ,1-r'►1•+ .1-1'•iw•4••4••4�•1••4-1.-1.4••4••4^$••II••4••4.4•.4^..4., + '^ h{ , PREETER �a01,� R Boa 59Produce Wanted Phone, � R 1 0 H aQ� 8 %iAlsike and Clover Seed. We always pay the 8 ► Bring us Your o highest Market Price according to Quality r�+N.-y-�%,�•' eeee .:Y.�rcli* .z Ge /�„••i,•�'c-'..++eciesd " -= �i..•F lV The Biggest Value Ever Offered Valet Auto Strop Razors Only 99cts1 Consists of 1 Gold plat- ed Razor; 3 Blades; 1 Auto Strop in metal case HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $9.0001! Over 125 Beanehes T 16 MOLSONS BANK Farmers will seerro oy'ralratix- etie banking at aair of our br- anches. Careful ;±t:eetion te' the needs of Canada's Agri: ultural interests has always be.. en a feature of 't'Iio Molfsoaiar Bank. Savings TY"partmente at e Dry, Branch. ,4t?site $1.00 and upward ieavited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch, see�►eeeeaeeseeeeeeeseeeseeaeseeeee••••••••+1044.4444711,;, dA+ 4 • • �`a11 liorse Goods •• Fust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen 1 0�k'°se, Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, psis es Ranging from $7.00 to ._.... ... - .. $1x3• 101 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL A. BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always On 11ztan& Club Bags, Suit Cases an Trunks at Right Prices, HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY F Paca 01. 1 1 e 41°-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••01••••••••••••••••4444444 e mss._..._,._.... 44,444.+++4.4:++++++••i+•E•,i.• •N• •€••II••��r•1°•Z~+ +•F•!^�ii+44+$�++44 •II• 4• 4• 4• 4• 4+ 4+ 4• 4. 4. 4. 4• 4• 4. 4. 4• 4• 4. 4. ro SPECIALS In Staple Footwear See our Show Window for Special Prices in Men's, Boy's, Ladies' and Children's Footwear. Everyone the best of quality ei Repairing done by the very latest methods C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 4.ZURICH' -ON"d A IO •i 1.4. ••i•H• 1 4•+o.4•i••1••F•+•i••1.4.4-1.•i.•4.•F..tN•t'•i••r• •i•+•1•+.4,• 'V+4.4..E.4..4-4.4u NEW G We invite you to coiue aad see our new Spring and Summer Goods consisting of Prints, Ginghams, Or - g andies,Voiles, F 1anu.e,lettes,Shirt- C. y Ings, ottofades, Etc. e are making a Haig reductio. price on Qc .l Winter Goods. A AI i C? LAS GENERAL. MERCHANT , PHONE 11 `" Ln MAK