HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-03-20, Page 8fig B & rVti Thursday mare(\ 20th, 1924 ARRIVALS IN pring 1'ilerehhndise Te are opening up New Ship- ments of Sprmg Goods almost Daily, and invite your inspection NEW SERGES GARBERDINES TRICOTINES VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION RAIDENETITE CREPES NEW GINGH414IS IN ALL COLORS Plaids and Check Pattern's GALATEAS SHIRTINGS DENIMS NEW HOSIERY AND GLOVES PIORET TWILLS WOOL POPLINS W00 CREPES FIGURED CREPES PRINTS ;YORK GOLDEN CLOTHS iCOTTONADES CURTAIN SCRIMS A few pieces of Prints, Gin hams and Dress materials continued at Sale Prices to char WALLPAPERS We sell Watson Fosters Walipapers. Come and see them and compare prices J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Ala later ITEMS Of LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MARKETS NEW ADS --Stade & Weido, J. Pr- (Corrected every Wednesday) eetei, Dept. or Agriculture, ,Eggs Holtzman., A M 1 l ib 7c Mr. Ruse oleo Setts, p , their e 'it on thus fir and I Barley .... . h been 'c lture, Brown , 30c ,Br.�os�. J, Hyde, C. Fritz & Son, Hess} (;tter 40a $ Co; G. oltzman, a ice.. Dried apples 'per Russell 1>ieeter wi'sres . ter ., S et. per lb ......7c, thank' the people of this district for k�otators 1?6r bag ... 95 err co-operation i. Would ask those who have saving coupons, j.o kindly turn them in as soon as possible. Any who have not received guessing blanks 'should ask for them now. .Shorts per ton. .A. large number of people have Bran per ton ...�..: been vaccinated the past week by Live,l�.oge, per cwt, the two local doctors here, they • spend a day at each ischool and people of the section .who do not attend school usually go there and have it done, while the service is literally free, while the local Board of Health pays the 'shot, and an- other step the Board of Health its sustained by the Township taxes. The Niagara Fruit Growers and Canners are urging the Doininrork Carry an Insurance' of over Government to remove the eales tax from canned fruits and veget- $27;000,009. Number of Policies in abler, as these commodites are .so ford 11;287. Paid Losses in 1923 5v Buckwheat 65 Wheat per bushel ...._. ......: 1.00 Oats 50 Flour per c•wt, 3,00-3.60 ..32,00 ,..30.00 "7:25 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Zurieh's garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OF A. BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTBOAR TY EAM ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY 'OTHER ,, QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous 15. Se L. Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUIt OLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG :THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTVL,IN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING ( I i BATTERY REPAIRING Mousseau Zurich generally used in households, itis to amount of $56,143,20. No ass - considered a hardship to \have the cssm:ent dv.rieg the year and have price increased to the consumer by a balance on band. of $31,700. this tax Business men of to wn are ren- G.Holt Zman—Zurich wired to n cash for their goods at delivery ora short time after. A.GE:NTD, ALSO DEALER L.N LLIGH- They must keep their credit •good • at th•ir banks and everywhere else 'TING RO.DS, AND ALL KINDS th-y deal. They are called upon 'I+'TRE INSURANCE, tf-34 numerous times to hand out cash to support. some needy institution. They are always expected and re- ady to assist in any enterprise that may be helpful to the com- munity. Notwithstanding all this AT CLINTON, THURSDAY, AP - a great many of their customers RIL 3rd, 1924. look upon them ta:s their financial Write Sesretary for Catalogue. agewnt and de not hesitate to President—H. C. Cox, Clinton. ask the business men to carry thein. Secretary -A. J. McMurray, Clin- ton HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTUR- AL SOCIETY SPRING SHOW" over from year (Ito ,y..lar! DIED IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of 'Charles Westlake—In• Stanley Tp. on March Brill who passed away March 19th 18th, Elizabeth Westlake, aged. `69 1922. years and 4 months, funeral will In our hearts fond memory lingers take place from the home of Mr..Slweetly. tender, fond and true. Ed, Talbott, Stanley, on Thu* There is not a day dear father, day, March 20th, at 1.30 p.m:. EXETER That we do not think of you. i . Days of sadness still come over us Thai's in silent often flow, 11Ir. and Mrs. G. S. Howard andror` memory keeps him often near us Miss Evelyn Visited friends in Hen - 'hough he died two years ago.sall. 11Ir. and Mrs. H. A. Hooper and' two ,sons of :Raconville, Saslti hate The Children. FOR SALE SEED 0:1.I`S, for sale, Sheffield moved to Exeter and are taking Standard 55c. bushel and feed oath un their abode in the residence, of and barley mixed at r50c. bushel. . the late Mrs. John Elliott. lto John H. Hyde, Lot 8, Cade Wm. Smith wife and gamily have 2, Stanley, Phone 11 on 86, Hensel' moved to near: Ailsa Craig, taking , 36-3 poseession. of the Smith hozuestea.u. On Sunday last the grom reaper of death called John Wesley Stone, armed 33 years. his illness started FOR SALE • Prices' on Fertilizer for spring shipmentabout five years ago from the flu. shipent 1,924. 16% acid Phos. a .v - At that timehe was engaged in the ail do the farmer for $22,75 a toil. andint 15 'or 20 ton car lots be sure and get my prices before you buy elsewhere. also 'some sery best pri- On Tuesday morning last Thos. ces .cne mixed goods and on Calcite Sweet, one of Exeter's highly reside band 'superfine limestone in bulk nts passed away, he was born inthe $5.00 ;a1 ton( or in bags $6,50. Be ccnnuity on the Sweet farm,so sure ad. get yur fanning mill eq- uth of town, and during- hies lfe uipped with sieves and 'screens to he witnessed many changes, up cleanyour spring seds so as toi7midi fifteen years ago he resided 1have clan crops. Also have a on the farm whence he moved goto od Ford ton truck for sale $275. town, was a Conservative and in end' some good secondhand cars at religion a Methodist. cheap) priceist J. Hey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith of he London Rd. obsered their gol den wedding last Thursday. ,They were married on this date 50 years ago at Pt. Perry, where they lived for a number of years before coin- ing here. CR1EDI';:ON dairy and cartage business in Sasl: atoon and was forced through ill health to return to Exeter. !Spring!Spring! �► WITH THE ARRIVAL OF•SPRING BRINGS: US INTO THE NICEST SEASON OP THE YEAR, THE TIME WHEN EVERY BODY IS FILLED WITH .AMBITION AND EVERYBODY IS READY TO GRASP AN OPPORTUNITY, OR TO SEE WHERE • THEY CAN BUY THE MOST VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. THERE IS WHERE YOU CAN DO IT, i • •0 • 0 FROST J1 ENOE the Frost tight I • nMiYi�Y.�1,.11IIM1r4�.ii,w+y+�Y.i1'w! -!M The store with the Liberal Cash Discount FURNITU wVED We have moved ourFurnitureShovvRoom on thesecond floor to _ make room for T. L, Wurrn's General store and invite the Public to come and see our fine display ofFurniture Alo al Full Stock of: BEASONABLEHARDWAFcE SUCH AS SAP PAILS, ePI.LSS, WOVEN WIRE FENCING, AMI GRADES 1ri HARDWARE.FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN GETITFOR YOU. SERVICEIS OUR MOTTO A. MELIOK, Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 -acres being Lot 13, cont 12, Stanley Tp. Also 30 - acres pt. Let 12, ;coni. 13. Stanley. Tp. IThere is on the 100 -acre farm a good stone house, bank barn Mrs. John Werner spent a few '6x;56, driving shed and other out- ays here ere returning buildings. dg to Str;at The farm is m good •state of cultivation, clay Ioam, drained, and well fenced, 4 acres orchard, also 5 acres of hardwood bush, plea ford where she will, reside in future G. E. Wenzel bought the house ast ty of good water. The 30 oft he late J. Steinacher the pscree week and will move to the new are mostly in pasture and makea line pasture farm. Everything in good condition. For further par- tienlars phone 15-78, Hcnsall, or apply to Maggie Spark$, R.E. , 3, Bayfield, 35-1 - NOTICiE We have added, the :followingilist of Magazines and Journals to our list of articles, `Needlecraft, Fashionable Dress, Ladies' Hoene Journal, Ladies' Wel- don's Journal, McCalis, Style, Wo - Rev. 'J. Durant agave an inter - manhood, Woina,ns Home Compan- ovenen fence is �✓ S loci 1the h on it the t?9 . I market baring none. We have a full. I 1 live of Woven Wire, Coil, Brace, 1 g le • Barb,Stegples, L � S ��te el fence posts, Etc, always on hand home in the .spring. The Ladies' Aid of the Evang. church are canvassing for a name quilt to be made and sold. The small -pox scare is causing many of the village and country to be vaccinated, :Mrs, Chas, Wwicker,has return- ed home, after attending the fun- eral of her father, the late Senator Ratz. STANLEY TOWNSHIP, a+ m • ALSO A IT'LL LINE O,F SAP PANS, GALV. ANl L a TIN w BUCKETS S.M.P. SPILES AT LOWEST PRICES. ,to 9 .',:' r. t j. 0 • A r%yLL LINE OP HEAVE' AND SHEL FIIA.RDWARD 0 6 ADEh insti• • w R T li tLOOK ZURICH • 40004•0004000.440 1 864 1924 Diamond Jubilee Year Make Your Money Work Harder A Dollar made is a Dollar earned. Why not ,make your money work harder, You can now get; 534% per annum, payable twice •a year, in, the good old Hur on; &. Erie for 1, 2, or 3 years(,. and 5W/ for 4 or 5.years, or 534% per annum; payable twice to year, in the Canada Trust Company for 1, 2, 3, 4 all five years. You can invest any Amount over $100.00. The total assets of both institurions at the end of 1923 was over $42,000,000,Ouu thus assuring you absolute 'safety for your funds, ;Dominion,, Provincial and Victory Bonds; bought, sold quoted. MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? esting lecture in the Goshen church ion The (Delineator. Vogue, Beauty. on Tuesday evening of "last week. The eubjeet of the address was "Life in Newfoundland" which he illustrated by lantern views. The annual meeting of the Tu- ekersmith telephone system is to, he held in Walker's hall Brueefield' on Thitesdeee March 2Oth, A. monm- ve'anent is on foot to have the pres- rnt chard;: with the Hay 'system removed and to this end, petition' are being circulated in (the' western Part of Stanley, Miss Maggie Armstrong who has been in Goderich for some time. has returned to her home on Goshen Mrs. Stephenson Sr,, was •taken suddenly ill on Saturday list at the home of her son David J at ti m ^ of writing she much impr-: oved and we hope a speedy recoveery;. Mrs, ftobt. Armstrong of Clin ton is at present with her mother Mrs. Stephen,osn Sr;, .Mrs. Robt. ',cli inley has retur- ned•home after •spending a week with friends. in McKillop. Mr. John McKinley of Clinton; spent a few days,on Goshen last week. :Physicial Culture; Literary Digest, Life, Judge, Film .Fun, Blue Hook, Red Boole, Short Stories, 'Detective, Radice Popular Science, American Boy, Bawl all. ITESS_MX.ILIICEN, Zurich 35-2 FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 9, Concession 2, Stanley Township, 24 miles from 1 rucefield station and 3i/, mile's from KipPen station. On the premises there are a good .2 -story cement house, with modern conveniences, full basement, furnace, hard and soft water inside; barn 40x86 with eood stable and drive ,shed under heath, litter carrier and water in- eide;, also sm,ail pig pen and hen house; two good welts and spring creek across one.P corner; well fen- ced•and drained; 10 acres of bush aio'stly .maple, 10;4 acres in fall wheat; 28 acres ready for .spring ci tip, the rest ede � d to cloclover,r, 18 ire acres in alfalfa; good young orch- ard and sriiail fruits. Rural mail and telephone, For further 'par- ticulars par-ticularr apply to .Walter J. Stevens R. Ii,,, Nal, 3, I1ippent, 35-2 Painting and Paper Hanging I Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roll. H, EICI'i12LII+]R, ZURICH - ONT. DR. JOHNWARD Chiropractic and Electrical Treat rueuts.—Ey es Examined Main St., EXET.L+'R, Phone 10 Consultation and Examination Free: AT WALPER HOUSE, 21,TRICI Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 41,EM,, frAt .,o 4. 4. 4. 44 44 4. 4. ,�. 4. M 44 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4 4 ERALD OPPF • Do You nowt 'ri,t 7.' WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR dk • GOO]) PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU W ITIT PRINTED WEDDING t' INVITATIONS AND A N0TTi' CLMENTS ; THAT AVE PRINT CALLING CARDS;. STATIONERS, SUCH *- AS AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND ' ;STATEMENTS THAT WE .ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUZ± ACT UREA'S 011 'COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY' UPPl,Y' ANY c NT1T AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS � IJ A X THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEV/0111AM. EtT- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ITc. • TI1Ar WE FILL 'YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INIC BOTTLE Wl'1'H GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN' INH FOIE' 6c. LAR(T GER R ZUA TIqIL S AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS 44. T1aA;T WE PRINT POSTING BILLS. AUCTION SALE ?OS- !T, 11".ER3( MERCANTILE POSTLRS .AND ALL GENERAL .PRINTING 01714 SPECIALTY 4+ ++++++444044+1444.+++++++++.l4,14+++4,4,444-14044444