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Zurich Herald, 1924-03-20, Page 1
VoN., XXIV No 36 jWWiWWWW'W�W BOOT AND OE SHOP ZURICH, THURSDAY MORI'' 1 G YOU AR E INVITED . Our Stock hats been carefully !selected and reveals a gratify- ing asisortinent of the very latest Spring and Summer Styles in high-grade'ftiotwear for men, Women 'and C"hildren. These Shoes are the Standard of Shoe Nalue the world around and prices are RIGHT. You get your full money's worth in every pair, and we ,can fit You to perfection: Bring us. your Repair- ing. We will make your old Shoes look like new. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE R01AIN BR(!S. ZURICI4 , l`MM YMNYAMWWWWY MMIARP ,MMA Y1NWMWRAMMIMMWA O•C b 4• •C�,.O 0.0.0•d • �a O.O .O- O. a O C,•4•Q•� •�`••�•O tri• •`a c�c�•oc.�cx�c+�--�oos--•y,_"--o.c.�o©c}c� c> . .©.pc�a.ca�-ycy'•o r? P •C9.O.O• cJ'O.d.O.QO.GrU!JO.4• , • �� c>•r�•o•oo•P:P•o•o•odr�o000 2Uy, LESS • ALL. LADIES' UND>JRWEAR 20% LESS FOR (WALL PAPERS LESS 25% 0 ttt Friday and Saturday, March 21 and 22 :° ii • 00 Read these over they are real Moneysavers ao - 40 X00 Ladies Department Curtain Scrims, yd. .._...... _.. ..15c Furniture covering 50 -in wide at 98c White Terry, .Toweling 19c 2 pieces crash Toweling •. 19e 2 pc. Kimona cloth reg; 40c ,2t 25c 40 -in. pillow cotton at 29c 8-1 Bleeched sheeting at 42c Ladies' Knitted wool Underskirts Reg.. $3.00 for $ 1.00 2 only. Misses Home Spun Dresser, reg. 6.75 for ...... $4.50 36 -in. !special white cotton at 23c 40 -in; Fine „Cambric Reg. 50c 39c 2 only Linen Table cloths,each 4.75 • 2 only Bed spreads each ,... ...•.$2.75 1 only bed Spread for ... ...... $1.98 1 Pure Wool Bed Cover, Silk • Bound Edges, reg.6.75 for $4.50 1 pc. Fawn Velour, just the thing for Spring coats, Reg. 3.50 gat $2.75. LADIES HOSE, Silk and wool. Th- ese :are, Dealbargainreat $150 and. $1.75, out they go at $1.00 pr. REMNANTS 17%TE STILL HAVE SEVERAL RE MNANTS IN DRESS GOODS, GIN- GHAMS, VELVETS, SHIRTING, ETC., WHICH ARE MARKED AT GREAT BARGAINS. BE SURE AND LOOK THESE OVER. Men's Depart ent MARCH 20;1924. Chss(rter 1.. s�lln3 y, Publl WO it Yeter ANIm O55 IN A1R1t2 A 1LS, 4',2 MA 1 WIAtt(i}I.D lifiii,; J.'Preeter was a b� �'siness London oir Wedneisdaye 1YL" and Mrs,. Chris. Erb of the 'Bronson visited friends in > shorn:' this Week. Judge Lewis of (.4oderich pres- ided at the 10th :Division Court in the Town Hall on Saturday, there were no cases examined. . Elora. Wing of Kitchener vis iced her mother Mrs. of_ Hauch :for ri . few' days the past week. Mrs; Hauch has not been enjoying good healthxor some weeks. • \11 Prices Lower Than Ever ,'' ©v Men's Suits Regular up t?nces750 , 11.75, 1., ., .50450 2590 290 Men's Overcoats, Reg. up to $32.00 4 3 bargain prices 9.75, 16.90, 22.95 Q B Boys' Suits regular up to 14.00 2 bargain prices, 6.90, 8.25 ,:4. to 5.00 . t` Hats, velour, Felt and tweed reg• u 3 bargain prices $1, 2.95, 3.25 I p o00 (. " Men's Sox, Ties, Underwear, Sweater, Etc, alll at ve i/o IN PRICES oP� Mr es;.Jos. Gascho nd daughter Mrsi$z .Ravelle left for Windsor On Wednesctay morning to attend 'the ter.;mer's? son, Mr, Norman U:ns- 'clioi, who is ill with an attack of pneumonia and measles. Litt1C Della. Smith, the four-year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith'( f the .Bronson Line, was ,st- ricken. with a severe attack of ap- pendieitiS last Thursday and was at once,rushed .to London Hospital where She was operated on, and reports are very favorable for her reco Very. THE: OLD FIRM INA NEW, STORE We have opened ,up New Stock of Merchandise in the Melick BBloel.;.,. opposite the old stand, And are again ready to serve the Public. Your Patronage will be greatly appreciated. T, L. Wurra. LATE . MRS, MILLER There passed away at Roches= •ter, N,L on March 1,Oth, Mrs. C. W 61,1. �gect'S8, years'.aiid 0 days. TMoat'"" AnnaIn!s .Were brought to th4.as, 1e of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Krueger, 14th con.. Hay and inter- ment made last Friday to, the Dashwood Lutheran cemetery, Rev. Bruer of London officiating. She is survived by three eons; Hy. Mil- ler of Pigeon) Mich; Isaac Miller of Seaforth and Simon Miller of Stephen Tp.; also four daughters; Mrs. Beam and Mies, Grunau of Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. Hy. 'Krue- ger and Mrs. Louis Miller of 14th can. Hay Tp. Also 23 grandchil- dren and 19. • great-grandchildren survive. U BA.RGA. The Biggest Value Eder Offered Valet Auto Strop Razors OnIy 99cts. QED Grocery Department T ' 'a estry an'd Brussels RuggRice1b.ae i. Rinsoy 4 boxes for ... _._ 25c ,nn $20.96 25c QVi/ �� 1 only Tapestry Eng 3x3%, Reg• $28.5% for ..... $18.95 4 Bars Castile Soap for ., 4 1 only Tapestry Rug 3x3, Regular $25.00, for Salmon 1 lb. tins for 15c �,,r1 ...$16.87 Oatmeal 7 1b4, for 2 '�Vjr Tapestry Rum', 2%x3, Regular I;i22.50, for ... 5e iti� � onlyt, Tap Y i Regular $15.09 for $13.90 e ,30c v p `T 'only Tapestry Rug 2.IX. s R ei f •" .n,... r.. Matclit.s�, 3 poxes for . 30c 0e .... 4," LATE MRS. WESTLAKE 1` oraty'.ulUd�u,a ,,- _. Reviler a R,e ular $15.0% for ...0.50' l,, au QSj� 1 only. Union 'Rug, 3x s, g it 4 only Be'1 Room Rugs, 2x3 :Eiegular $7.50, for ... $4 96 post TFaSYes 3 dor 25c Q 33c 0 1 Piece Hemp Stair Carpet, 22 -in. wide reg. 50c. ...... ty p 1 Piece, Tapestry, Stair Carper', '22 -in, wide, reg; $1.40 for 98c Brooms each : 4.+0a «&4.4+• 4.•i •4,4 4..4,+i••t. • •+4••l•04.+4.44:++?»++++4•• • •4•• 4•+•4•++++, .4,444r 4... ..., ,,,... ,,,.:4.,1,,,,,,,,,,+ +•i,,,,4, s�(lp ,,Q.0 • 04 e Consists of 1 Gold plat- ed Razor; 3 Blades; 1 Auto Strop in metal case HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reser?, $9,000001 Over 125 Br=anches TE MOLSO1S BANK Farmers will secure sympath- etic banking at any of our br- anehes. Careful :.attention - to the needs of Canada's Agrie ultural interests has always bo- en a feature of The Masons Bank. Savings Departments at evea'S, Bremen. .p, apQr ito, et $1.00 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch 44404+004%0@44 444444444'404.44so4444044�004404••ONlA� 4, 4 A 4 0 Fall Horse Goods Tust Received a large number of Genuine 'Woolen Dors® Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.00 to ----- SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. 3tABNE:,SS REPAIRING A SPECIAL�TI' FRED THIEL a ZURICH Also a piOld 11'3 *>A44)00 OA A4etmO¢5044444A..4P044Q 50'904..0.43444444.444.es •or•N•4.4••F+�E••�•F•1•?�•i+4..I•.t4II... •k•F�••i+4..•3.4•.II^•g,al+3•$4•�••E.•iw�d• •°>ti"7' •+ 4 4• 4' There pas8ed away at the home .g. of her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Talbott, Stanley Tp., on Tuesclay morning .4. March 18th, Elizabeth Westlake at the age: of 69 years and 4 month's, q» after an illness of several month's 4• duration, haling had a strol:e.sonie weeks ago., it gradually mad^ her �. weaker. until the end on Tuesday. •i' Deceased was a former resident of Zurich," and still owns a dwelling •4• ,proprA,ty i.n, the village, w:as a .re- sident of this coinmurity practiea- 4 ally all her life, and 1ovf'd by all 1.* who knew her as a lint~ pleasant •. lady and of high christian stand- 'R, aads. ,She. is� ,survived by three 4. chis ).ren, Mrs. Ed.Talbott, Alfred ,�• and Thcnnas, Westlake. all of St- + an1'�y Tp Three sisters, ?'ars. ± Hy. Mag^l of Detroit, Mrs. Rani- seye•r of Elkton!, Mich., and Mrs. Josiah Geiger of Zurich; Three bro- thers,. Wm,. Smith of California, Jac- ob,and Ezra Smith of Detroit. The funeral will be .held on Thursday of this week, interment being made in Bayfield cemetery. LATE MRS. D'LSJARDINE There passed away at her home in Tienaall on Sunday March 16th, Magdalena 1Vleidingei, beloved wife of Zacharias Disjardine, aged 52 years, 8 months and 6 days. She was born July 10th. 7..871 in Hay Township and harried in March "892 toy Zacharias Desjard.ine from Stephen Tp, (JChe funeral will be Held this, Wednesday froth her late residence, Flen�sall to Grand Bend for interment. She leaves to iiionrn'1•ter loss her husband, two dam ;)•iter, (Edna) Mrs. Ern rson Smith 'ef Kipp^p., and (Cealea) Mr's. Thos Meyers in Roblin, Man; one son Herbert Disjardine of the Parr Linea tht,e sisters, Mrs. J. I,1.1a- brandt of Seaforth; Mrs, J, Lett and d ro� 1rs Glaye Moosejaw, Sask. four brother sin Hay Tp. Jacob, Michael Joseph and William Me - 1" E Efr- R +-PzEF'TR Produce. Wanted. We �, �� Your Alsike and Clover Seed. `fie always pay the, Bring us highest Market Price according to Quality. SPECT � LS In Staple F.?otwer t,� See our Show Window for Special Prices in Men's, Boy's, Ladies' and Children's Z. Footwear. Everyone the best of quality Repairing done 'by''the very latest methods 0. FR0 1 Z &n SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH ONTARIO ' ',�M'g ,i .4r• ".4•C"i'•kg•'1'•1.4'•� +4..4wQo4"`� ++j{•`ti'.i. +4n.�+,.,1- r• .t.s•c'r•i^d�+++ °��i�3^•8•+$+AK We toili miss her kind and willing hand Her. fond and dearest are 11.* honea is dark without thee .V "11 tnisa tare everyWheer;' , l 1- d .Lrfing 'n[1'th7'r is d.''n 1. t , Paradise has fled. 7+ n707 heart we'll alway :ove r Kix xi,n(:t in; EoflVsn. Above •!i NEW GOODS We invite you to coxae and • see ournewSpringand Summer Goods 11 F� consisting " of Prints, Gingham's, Or - !It r!. gandies,Voiles, Fla mielettes, Shirt. Ings, CottonaCles, Etc. We are making a big in. reci.t�it�t�.�a���. r ce ou all. Winter Goods R. N. UG!. x S GENF'PAL meRpHAN t PHONE 11 ' 97 . . BLAKE