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Zurich Herald, 1924-03-13, Page 8
EW ARRIVALS IN Springy Merehanthse. We are opening up New Ship- mnts of Spring Goods almost Daily, and invite your inspection NEW SERGES , GA.RBERDINES" TRICOTINES , VOILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EAIDENETITE CREPES NEW GINGHAMS IN ALL COLORS Plaids 'and Check Patterns GAEATEAS BHIRTINGS • DENIMS NEW. HOSIERY AND GLOVES PIORET ;TWILLS WOOL POPLINS WOOL CREPES FIGURED CREPES PRINTS 'YORK GOLDEN CLOTHS COPTON JDES CURTAIN SCRIMS A few pieces of Prints, Ginghams and Dress .materials continued at Sale Prices to clear WALLPAPERS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST We sell Watson Fosters Wallpapers. Come and see them and compare prices J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 • Por real bargains read' Pr'eeter''8 A.d Mr. F. Ha;berer entertained. a number of his friends to a darty one evening last week. Don't throw away your rubber boots for want of a new solc,have them re soled at C Ritz & Soul(. • The 10th Division Court will be held in the Town Hall, ,Zurich; ; on Saturday, March 15th, a number of casP's will likely be tried and an interesting time is looked for to see justice meeted.out. Mrs', Elizabeth Westlake, who. is ;staying with her daughter, Mrs;, Ed. Talbot, Bronson Lille, Stanley, is very poorly in health at pees-. ent„ having been afflicted with a stroke. A very pleasant event took fin LOCAL ' MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 30e J./utter 40e bled apples per lb. . 7c .,:etch Setts, per Ib, . ... ......7c, Potatoes per bag , :93 Parsley .... 55 auckwbeat _.,... ...,...• .. 65 ,Wheat per bushel ..1.00 Oats • 50' Flour per cwt .. ,. .. .3,00-350 ,Shorts per ton!... ..32t00 Bi'an per ton. ,....,.i 30.00 Live hog* per cwt, '... ,._...... 7.25 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! ._ We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IIl° IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER • t. QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous U. S. L. Battery COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND ;TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE ;TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG THIS LINE AND: CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXI ACTYLIN WELDING . BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich place at the home of Mr. andatirsi. Henry Reichert on Monday evenr' g',`$27,000;000: Number of Policies in March loth, when his children and'force 11;287.. Paid Losses in 1923 grancichildre;r took hint. by £urpri'se to celebrate his seventy-fifth birth day and presented hint. with a Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. 1, OF WOODSTOCK Carry an insurance of over beautiful Rocker and Smoke Set, A. very appropriate' address to amount of $56443.20. No ass- essrYR.ent: during the year and have a - tlence on hand of $31,700. w s �r read to' which Mr. Reichert thanked is Holtzman—Zurich all most heartily. • The remainder` ACxENT], ALSO ;DEALER IN LICxH- of the evening was spent in a'soc-' sal wiry, and at the early hours( all journeyed to,. their homes wishing him many more happy birthdays: In renewing his. Subscription to the Herald, Mr. A. G. Lehman of Stauffvi'le., Ont.. writes;=lri'retie tc ing r ny subscription I rriiglrt say• TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURA.NCE. tf=34 FOR SALE 'A.. Wisconsin incubator for 'sale that Steuffville is quite a.. �sti.ii'ing ,capacityy.130 ejggs, hot, water 'sy- little town, but this winter bu'sin- 'ytetm, a bargain at $15.0(f. !Con- ^s's hal been very quiet, although .rad Kellery Zurich 33-4 I have no reason ,to complain as ' I have been kept busy right a long, ./February was better than last year. That .snowstorm we had. heited busiuess for a fewdays,,nor Parties are allowed to however, we all will have to maketni part P the best of it,' as God rules we mnst"`tampee with or rinjg the fire .bell abide by his ruling.e'en the fine hall', unless there 'actu- ally is la reed of doing iso By. HAY COUNCIL. : Order. • - Zu'rich Police Trustees. NOTICE. Warning is hereby given rtltat SNIP A 'special meeting of• the .Coen., cit of tiie Township of Hay • was held in the Town Hall, 'Zurich; on Monday, March 10th. All -the me- mbers were present. Tho meeting ,ways called to disee u•ss ways -and means to coinbat'the: FOR SALE Prices on Fertilizer for spring shipment 1i92t. 16% acid Phos.:av- ail tie the farrier for $22.75 a ton', and, int15 or 20 ton ear•1•ots be sure nand get my prices before you buy. outbreak°of ,smallpox in the Town" ;elsewhere. ,also 'some sexy best pri- ship Many of the Trustee's of, ,rimes onj mixed goods and on Calcite the school,sections .in the township;brand- superfine limestone in bulk were present.After .a fill .drseua $5 00 •(a . ton or in bags $6450. Be eio'n of 'the matter: the ''folio win'g:•re- solution:'wes pa'sSede-- a ,9 ' Whereas Ismalolpx has brok',j out in the Township of Hay and a large number of persons }hive been; exposed td the disease, it -is.• deem- ed necessaryi to take precautionary meaisuees to keep the disease •from„' ,spreading,. and in the opinion of, the Council all children between the ages of five and fifteen years must; must be vaccinated by a duly qn.. alified physician or musty have a cen tificate of vaccination issued within the last five years. Therefor the Municipal' Council of the,Township of Hay, in order to combat the disease, orders that every child between the ages it ' of five and .sixteen years, and eve: ery ;school teacher ;shall either be Yraecin'ated as 'Solon a's possible, or shall have a certificate' of vaccina alien, issued within the past five years. All members of ,any family, living in the Township of Ilayrshall: have the privilege cif being vaccin=. ated ;at the expense of the Bonilla of Health of the ;said Township if vaccinated before March 31st, 1924.;; The expense of it he work above;; mentioned shall be borne by the Board of. Health of the said Town-. ;ship at the rate of fifty cents per vaccination. A. F. Hess, Clerk. • PARR LINE NEWS ,',i4lttllt 41010•*w••N PO4110••••1••••wi•••••!s•••••00•••i•!I Seasonabie Hardware I • • Don't forget you can get a 30c. can of `tarnish Stain and a small table for 15c. S • Queen Incubators and Brooders . • 'NONE BETTER, HIS CAN BE PROVED' IN OUR OWN TER- • lit TORY. • THESE MACHINES HAVE BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL • Se 2 OPERATION FOR fr'WENTY-THREE YEARS AND ARE WALL • QUALIFIED IN EVERY• WAY TO PRODUCE BIG HATCHES )F STRONG, HEALTHY CHICKS THAT LIVE AND GROW. • I . ALSO A FUL LINE OFSEASONABLE GOODS;AUTO FRE •- • • ;,EZli, AUTO CHAINS, AUTO ACCESSORIES, CIRCULAR AND • l`;nIOSS CU'I' SAWS, MNO%ir AND STABLE SHOVELS, FORKS, • • S7CABLE BROOMS, CURRY COMBS AND BRUSHES, CATTLE• COMBS`, HORSE CLIPPERS AND STEIVAR'I". CLIPPING MACH o .1.7ISr SAMPSON .GUARANTEED AXES, ALWAYS CARRY 1 • • 'FULL, LINE OF StXhLL' AND HEAVY HARDWARE. • GENUINE FROST ,TIGHT LOOK WOVEN WIRE FENCING, • • • E ea S1-; .WIN WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VERNISHES, FTC, i ' y,._TUBES, SOLE GOOD -YEAS. AGENCY --BELTING, TIRES ANDT TIES. • sure':.ap ud' get yppr Banning. mill eqe urplied'� witlx" sieve's—and sc'reen's tp� lean •y1our spring •seeds so as to have ';clean• crops. 10.Alsosheve. a. good ,Ford ton t- uck for sale:. $275. -and some good secondleand, cars. at `clieapj -pricier¢ . J, Heyf Jr. • CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. T.. L. W arm wish -to take this oppointunity ,of" thank ing their friends of •the village and community, for the splendid effort made intrying to save their home and. business from the recent fire, and ;alio for the .many useful gifts which were so kindly donated. i 1 amorrir Thursday March 13th;, 1921 The store with the Liberal Cash Discount SALE SALE Of granite Potato Pots WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH. TWO LEADLNG MANUFACTURERS OFF GRANITEWARE TO SACRIFICE DUR ING THE MONiTH OF FEBRUARY THE FOLLOWING POT ATO POTS. Imperial -Reg. $1.65 Sale pri%e • 99c Canadaware—Reg. $1.75 for. $1.25 THE ABOVE RETAIL PRICES ARE CONSIDERABLY BELOW REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICES AND SHOULD MOVE THEM OUT, LIVELY AT THESE PRICES. BE SURE •AND GET YOURS BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. COMPLETE STOCK OF.' SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE,. SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HA.VE NOT IN' STOOK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 6 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 -acres being Lot 13, con!. 12; Stanley Tp. Also 30 - acres` pt. Lot 12, }corn. 13, Stanley Tp. There is on the 100 -acre farm • a 'good 'stonehouse, bank barn in •26.56,,; driving shed and other out- buildings. The faint' is in good ,state of cultivation, clay loam, drained,', ,and well fenced, 4 acres orchard, I Mrs. Wnv. Consitt., who ' has been! visiting in Windsor for a time, has returned homey her two little grand children accompanied her home Mr. Gordon Love hed a large house party; on Friday evening, all. Xreport a good (clime. ' .. Mr. and Mrs. John Stephan atten fled the funeral of their brother-in- law, rothei in-law, the late Christ "VV alper on the n Mollard line, interment taking g p1= Nee 'at Grand Bend. , Mr. Sam Walker is still confin- ed to the house, we hope for ;a speedy recovery. Mr. Elmore Weido hada wood bee on Wednesday afternoon. •, jBTADE &WEIDOI -p'ETR. BLOCK, — ZURICH w.11000.0 ,00000041 M0n0+ ►1 00►•1110.►Nr0.410.M 60110.100 CREDITON row afso 5: eros or hardwood bush,plen li 1864 Diamond Jubilee Year fake Youx WIoney Work Harder A ;Dollar made . is a Dollar earned:. Why not make 'yew money work harder. You can now get; i. L.- • ' 53;i% per einnuflI, ' payable twice ;a; yeiar', ii the good old Sur on 8L Erie' fo ° 1:, Vii,' or 3 yearslp land 5?i% for 4 or 5 ;gears, , or 53f% per annum, payable twice la year, int the Canada Truitt Company fee 1, 2( 3, 4 oil five years. You can invest any . Amount over $100.00. The total iaeeets of both institurions at the end of 1923 was ©ver $42,000,000,00 thus assuring you absolute Safety, for your fund's• Domin:ione Provincial and Victory Bond's, bought, sold eel quoted, MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY ' Andrew F. Hess, - - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WiLL? ty of good water. The 30 acres . ainting and Paper Hanging are Mostly in pasture and makes i five pasture -farm. Everything in ! 1 Am in a position to do any good condition: ` For further par- k tiouldrS phone 15-78, Hensall, or, kind of paper 'hanging, painting apply to Maggie Spark* R.R. 3, gt,xniniug and de'corating.'Prices for Rayfield. 35 4 hanging paper 15c. a roll. rte...,,,,.-.....,.�--..�.,. NOTICE Wo have added the followinglist • • ZURICH — ONT„ of Magazines and Journal's to our list of articles. • • Needier.,+eft, Fashionrrble Deese, . t adiee' Honre, Journal, Ladles' Wel- y� don's J eur_ia1, McC4alte, Style, Wo- ;y�p3''ee+4+�4+ee+e in+ne.1.e.; s�1 el e +II+e+4�+4 4. +�4+e++4++II++4��1++>F3+'1+11" *' manhood. Womans• Home Compan- H, EICKM.EIER, � e e OHN Wow Chiropractic and Electrical( Trent- rent's.—Eyes Exansrned . Main St., EXETER, Pre e� Consultation and Examination Tifgetet. AZ` WALTER HOUSE, 1GU4'i Every Wednesday, 10 a.m to ! 0 yon; The,`i?• 1•neator, Vogu-a Beauty D OPPIOE Physicist Culture; Literary Digest, t t'1 Liife,Judge. Film Fun, Blue Book,A Reck Book, Short Stories' 'Detective r- dm Radio 'popular Science; American • Mrs. IC, Zwicker was Hefted to they death -bed of her father, Senator ,V Ritz last week. Mrs. Edith More and Miss Clara, O^strricher have returned home . ",,'•'-r Toronto. . I irold,Young visited in the ';,s Clara tfaist has returned, hniv, from Detroit, where' she hal hens for sonime time and looks ue),I aft^r her operation!, s Mrs, J. G. Marr, who has , be�,ir I. +rl�gr•'1"ir her parents left.. for her limn, in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Wiry, Wenzel ret-•. urnod home after a montli's viisit in .Detroit. , "' ` Laig.l ...+ all. •Bov,�' HESS=-MLILIKEN, Zurich 35-2 FM FOR SALE 100 metes:, Lot 9, Concession 2, Starrlley Township, 234 rib's !ruin Brucefier'l station' and 33, mile's from. Kippers e'',ation. On the •pre'mi'ses there aro a good 2 -story ce ent 'house, with moderns conveniences, full bas:'' n'nt, . furnace, hardand soft waA z+• inside; barn 40x86 with ,good `' and drive shed under- neath', ''1',t.tt carrier . and water in- sirlt'; ' ' small pig pen and h't louse; o- yn good wells and sr+'i'' cr'eek 'fr":,sS one corner; well fen- eed and elraiued; 10 acres of hutch mostly maple, 10 4 acus in 'fall wheat; 28 acres ready for 'spring 'Op, tlit rest 'seadcd ,to clover. 16 acres icy'alfelfa; good young orch- itr'd and small fruits. Rural mail and telephone, Parr further par - en .+ .titular"s apply to ,Walter J. Stevens( E. • El, l'o;, 3, Kippeit 35-2 *44444444444444 4++4+++44.++++4++4++++e+%+4++4 44 44 Do You K ow?r7r THAT WE ARE AI+WAVS...1.: YOUR SERVICE 0O1.1 • GOOD PRINTING: 4' THAT WE CAN :WITH PRIN7.'El) WEDUIr1G4 INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS , TH•A'T WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SIJc +- AS LET, ERHEAI)S; E1LL:l4EADS, EN'li'CLOP.ES AIT ,1r' • S Trb1E � THAT WE ARE AGENTS PGA TWO LEADING MANUFAOT UB.ERS OF COUNTER BOOKS, AND CAN SUP';• PLY ANY QUANTITY' i �:,.",J u 1ZE •OF CLlECK 3OO,K6 THAT W'E CARRYIISp STOCK. ,tV'111TINCx PAP ++°li.wl; I,NV1@llir� OPES IN ALL SUES, ". r..r RAPER.1 CAR R 130N 'OIt TRACING PAPER, 4,i;Tx-P1.1q'C -TAGS, MEMORIAM A:l'IONER'Y, Notre Aiboxs, RECEIPT. EGO./ .S 1N'£WO SIZES, ES, IOOLSC hI l lry, ~ C . TIAiT WE FILL YOUR OMAN:A.RY SIZE 1NK-1oT'TLl WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK POR. 5c, LA.1.tG-• GER QUANTITIES 1. l' BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POLI 11 eTG BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- +; ITERS( MERCANTILE POSTERS ANI A lti GENERAL .1r • PRINTING OUR •SPECIALTY • off; • ,, .1.,4444„4,44+