HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-03-13, Page 1URI VoL XX I V No 35 ZURICH. THURSDAY NOTICE ihlCii MARCH ;13,1924, Our 1923 Accounts are ready for such parties are indebted to us. Call and settle same and we c give you much better service than carry you on. W. H. PFILE - ZUR!.CI- REPAIRING• NEATIJ THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE S ALL LADIES' UNDERWEAR 20% LESS FOR friday and Saturday, March 14 and Read these over they are real Moneysav *ALL PAPERS 25% LESS Ladies Department C'ttrtain. Scrims, yd. , . ... ...15e Furniture ;levering 50 -in wide at 98e White Terry, 'Toweling . ; ., _.....19e 2 pieces crash Toweling 19e .Kimtorna .. eloth. reg1.40c at 25e 46411. pillow cotton al ..29e :4 1B1eechecl sheetingat - 42t ladies' Knitted wool Underslkir't Reg. $3.00 for '1 only :Muses Home Spun ,tDressel5, leg; 'Ekiri for. $1.50•.. • 36 in; pecial white eottian gat ., 23'e 40 in. Fine Cambric Reg. 50c 39e 2 .>7n1;*,Linen Table, cloths,each 4.75 .2 only Rad spreads eiach :... $2.75 1 only, bed 'Spread for .... $1:9$' 1 Pure Wool Bed paver, Sill .Bound EdgeS, reg.6.75 for $4.50 1 pe. Fawn Velour, iu!t the thing, for Spring .coat . Reg. 3.50 ',at $2.7$: LADIES. HOSE, Silk and wool. Th- ose are real bargains :at '$1,50 and .'g 45., out they as at $1!:00 pr. ' r' r.r�r.ariwys�.'tea. WI SPILL HAVE SEVERAL MNANTS 1Nt''DRESS"GOODS, GTN- GRAMS, VELVETS, SHIRTING, • ETC., WHICH' ARE MARKED AT GREAT BARGAINS. BE SURE AND LOOK THESE OVER. Men's ' Department Prices Lower Than _Ever Men's Suits Regular up to $37 5 bargain prices 7.50, 11.75, 14.50, 25.90, 29.50. Men's Overcoats, Reg. up to $32.00 3 bargainprices 9:75 16.90, 22.95 2 bargain prices, 6.90, 8.25 Hats, Velour, Felt and tweed rag. g. up to 5.00 3 bargain prices $1, 2:95, 3.25' Men's Sox, Tien UndJ:::°wenix', Sweater Ln, Etc. all At BAR( AIN PRICES Boys'. Suits regular up to 14.00 tA Tapestry and Brussels Rugs 4• 3k3%, Re 28„50 for . $20.95 1 only Tapestry tang g $ �' 18.95 1 only Tapestry Rug 3i..3;Regular $25:00, for $ arilyl; `tapestry Rug, 2140, Regul'ar•$22.50; for :. ...$16.87 1 .only, Tapestry Rug 2x3, Regular $18.00, for ... ..., .. $13.90 r orris BYussel�s Rugs 3x314, Regular $45.00, for - 3 b.75 only Union Rug, -3x33/2, Regular $15.00r, for $3.50 only Bed Roou'i Rugs; 2x3 Regular $7.50, for $4.95 Piece Hemp Stair CarpetZ2» , ` -ira, wide reg. 50c ... :. .........33c tilt; 22-1 reg. $1:40 for 98e I n6 °y Departme 'fit Ric<< 1b. 5•" 'Rinse, 4 boxes for -.. .. ..25,", 4 Beaks Castile Soap for ... .. 250 Salsa ,:a 1 1b•. tins for 15c Oatmeal 7 lb:s. for " 250 Match :e 3 boxes for ... 30c Washing ammonia 3 boxes .for 25c Pot Toasties 3 for 25c Brooms each 48c t eeit .elle .'y,ei4-steles .+ ,..''I" .'g.hl"free+44.l..l'w4 .. ..ie++++-1+44++,,eeeee ,,„..eeeetei'r re,„..y..;;:.... D Fill ..-t �411.,.41 .itis :591 Z 1 0 H P r'4 ti.Ce Wanted ring us 1111rr Alsike and 'Clover Seed., a always pay the highest Market Price according r�yy ,�,�,}• �}•' '�•�' °b'C :'"' •`l'C:tta�,�"�Cti�'�'��.�°.'� • Mise 'Dorothy Fritz spent the week -end at Exeter. The local Board of Health its lurging all people to get vaeeinird: ed to prevent ;smallpox. Mr and No, gOfit of Crediton were Sunday yie tort's at the home of Ur. and Mil. Ferd. Haberer. Mals C. Wagner has recently had her browse Wired for hydro, M. H. te. Hess, ouch electrician did the 'Work. A shower in behalf of Mr. and: Mrs. T;, L. Wurn , who were totally burned out, was held in the Town Hall on, Saturday evening; and the people contributed nobly few new pails have been miu- •sing !since; the fire, any parties who in mistake have tvpk home a few pair that do not belong to them, kindly return to Mr. G. Holtzm.a,n. T. Mr: Oscar K1opp, of the 14th cont Hay,,, (sold. a ten months' old heifer "Lavender Martha 2nd," for $67.50 at the Winghain consignment sale' reeently. r Real fine March weather has !been with' us the past week, not mild enough to take the snow a way and the roads have been fairly good •while some are using the wh^gele to get aroundg. Mr. Rhinehold Koch, who spent the pant year at Congress, Sask. returned to Zurich on Monday.He 'reports a very fine winter in the w est, with;. very littlesnow at pres- ent. The: auto and the revolver tend la crealt a big problem for the The•former are usually st- olen. but . the firearms can be sec- ured teach too easily for the public good. Mr. Herbert Truemner, of ,theGa, • iineV, ouch,:'has saki hi. fare a • 74,e'et'fic0100-40,1ie .!k ,•.• Chester L. flralt11. 'i p *1.de 'a Yang' EIS OM IN ARREARS, it2 MAY 1 Ji aIi9 i(ilpir The Biggest Value Ever Offered Valet Auto Strop Razors -Only 99cts. Consistsof 1 Gold plat- ed Razor; 3 Blades; 1 Auto Strop in metal case HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Incorporated 1865 Capital and. Reneno $2,OO Over 125 Brand/en T 1-I MOISONS BANK Farri5lerfi will secvse: feinfpik&e' etie .banking at aityr ' f our hl anches. Careful attention the needs of Canada's Agrie. ultural interests has always bee en a feature of The Mobsone Bank. Saving's Departmentoat gvery Branch. ,D.,6v.?As3tls $1.00 and upwards invited. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich rand* ,•••••.444••••••••••••••••.a0••••A••••••••0404 14 • • • • o Tu • • Al• • • • • • • • • el Fall Horse Goods st 90 !4111: ,: consxstrng- of live' 'stoett a1 d implement*. to Mr. 3o+sephi• Sa iteartzentruber, • for.• $8900, •', whcr gets. po'ssessiOnl• on March 15th. 'Mr.. 'David Sehwartzentruber oft • the ` Bronson Line had the rri'sfar _. tune lam Fridayt. to break` hips arrnt While emeking his •teletor motor it backfired witlr the mentioned res sults, but. hope Mr. Schwartzentrtx- O her will get along well. . Mr. Wird. Zettel of Eibciw, Sask,. is' visiting his brother, Mr. Albert Zettel of the Babylon;..Line, It some twenty years ,since Mr.Zet€silk left these parts for the west; and having sold .hiss farms, iS living in town retired. The local. Fire Hall and engine have undergone some. repairs a Jock,: has been put on the door and the key thereto, has been put in the Telephone officer for convent' reneee. in ease of fire. a few new parts have also been. added to the equipment. • The Couch & Schneider Co.,Ltd4 of'Mitch';11 have disposed of their stock of general dry goods an: groceries to Messrs G. Edighoffer and Son Lloyd of Dashwood and 'Leamington respectively, and are open'ed for busifness. Mr. 13. 3'. Schneider, head of the firm. has been identified with the business for the past 23 years. Messrs Edigh- offer are practical menf, having had consi1^rabic experience in reercan- life in Daahwnnd and Leamington. • `.LATE CHRISTIAN WALPER H Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Morin Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.00 to ... -.. .-• --- --- a5•N • SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on barn . ub Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at -Right Prices. ARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 1 t t- Death r^moved ,notaher of the ^stienm:r:i resp lents in the person of Ghrrs" •ern Wtalwr who passed a- way n his ho -n? on tlrg Mollard : Lin., on F.tb. 28th at the age of 18 years end 6'month's, hr scarcely krery • inii:'ess was until a pre acus, to his death when, lis w s' akin l non ,and gradually sir r . as born in Hay Tpe • i etc x rch i r 18.5, and all his early cif is sp`ii. i.i that 1,, later • w . fir fi v yaars in t mill - ';1y i s '3 es l y.Jashwood °eine a 3•rrir• with tire, late Joseph Eidt r .) eee ;y`agn h moyed from Da- t ,r Ar'ollard T i .. He 1.1 t s "= Prling gee 'ties,in, .:t hinitS, and a man of high r ;,•• .'. re,.is'•rs i. aithfnl a .b ,. ; of h y..,.:,ahyteri'.: church. • s a i 'oNt• one so Harold !i. r > ,t • rte. and ;'}J'l� Webb, h-rm Also be ,h 's. 0 .yr,:,.. a',: `Ienr•yof r i tw' s'res. John ,• .. ilythr ! ar rt Mrs. aeob Sar- Ao..t • 1'mi :ch. 1. IIs bro ier Con - 1 i -1 alien!: '° 'nonth;r ago, and' is x r MGs 3 r g is present icy11. 'Dhr lit lural was held to lr r 1 13 :nd Pr aby'terr.r r ,churchv, ;;,:,. Grant °Violating, 4414 Rubbers and Rubber Boots REPAIRED sT1i Nf3T DISCARD YOUR OLD HEAVY RUBBERS AND R•f SBEI# )•.00TS FOR WANT OF NEW SOLES,A1..,OrrHER.: REPAIRS. WE CAN IZING PROCESS AND BERS LIKE NEW. Repairing done by the very latest methods PUTON NEW SOLES BYI A VUL4 CAN MAKE YOUR BOOTS ff1 `flII C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH fo ATARI° NEW GOODS We invite you to come ud sot) our new Spring and Summer .-oods consisting of Prints, Ginghttms, Or gandies, Voiles, Ftannel.et to : , Shh "t- Ings, Cottonades, Etc. We are making a big red• l ik: tion. ice. price o. all Winter Colds R. N. D iL GENERAL EFOHANT PHONE 11 97 SLAKE