Zurich Herald, 1924-03-06, Page 86UIt1.011: HER41l.0 Thur$dary March 6t)f; 19414 LE IG SALE ITEMS Of LOCAL INTEREST Mr~; J:+ J. Merrier .of Se to nth ^twos From Saturday Feb. 27 to Saturday March 8th Here .are a few SPECIALS: -- only mens dog fur coat for $24.50 2 men's cloth. overcoats each 5.50 girls coats size 28 to 34 for 2.75 1 a,pebtry Rug 3x3 yds. for 15.50 wool Rug 3x3?, for 9.50 1 'tapestry rug 3:34 for 21.00 2 comforters 68x72 each 2.75 Men's heavy box reg. 75c for 50c t' en'G• heavy sox reg. 60c for 42c Men's heavy sox reg. 35c for 22c `era's Jersey gkves per pr. 20c itAen's wool mitts pr. 50c Men's all -wool combinations 1.65 M en's blue stripe overalls 1.50 Men's Flann. 'work shirts 1.10 Boys wool mitts pr. 18c '' Pullover7, -, e.ters size 28 45c Ladies fleeces. underskirts 85c 200 yds. toweling, per yd. 12c `ar . O yds. Turkish toweling, yd. 18c y Wool hose sizes 5 to 8, pr. 35cc Oatmeal 6 lbs for 6c ice per pound' Dates new, 3 lbs. for 2rc Rio coffee per lb. 25c Prunes per lb. 10c Raisins, seedless 2 lbs for 25c Cooking figs per lb. 8c Castile soap 7 bars for 25c Pink Salmon lb. tins 18c Matches per box 10c Bulk cocoa per lb. 1Oc Black tea lb. 55c Brooms each 48c Plain white cups & saucers doz. 1.35 SEE LARGE POST ERS FOR. OTHER BARGAINS i�. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Phone' 67 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! Wo are again handling the I.Y. L. Battery IF Ise NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE bIAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY iWE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER ii L. QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the .famous U. S.L. Battery :A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS . THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME E AELY AVOID THE RUSH, WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG :THIS LINE CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING Mousseau Zurich OUR AND AND n; the' village on Tuesday, ,Masa, N;. Sararas is spending the week at Kit ch 'ever. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every. Wednesday) Eggs .,., 30e Butter 40c •,r,ed apes per Mr. Marcia Schweitzer w u at ulci� ;aotplt•s, per l.bib 7 , ;cc. Kitchener a aerw drays last week. 1 Potatoes per bag 95 Inspector Tom, of Goderich cal- Barley led on Z. Pi. School the fore• part 'snekwheat of ftha weeia Wheat per bushel .... Mr. Jalsi, ; Jphy of Detroit is Oat's visiting +:::atives at the Saiible line 9'1o>u+ per cwt, this week. ,shorts par tont. Mr. and 'Mrs;. Gaorgs Smith or 1 Bran per ton ..,.. hive hogs' per cwt, ...... Exeter, w�ur:- in, the viirage on Tu-ir- day Miss Duast of Clinton, is spend- ing (he wa. nk at the home of Mrs. B. Pfile. 55 63 1.00 50 3.00-3,50 .32.00 , ...30.00 7;.25 Mr. G`. F. He and Miss Agnea KaLrchei+, who visited for Seyer'al Weather InsuratiCe CO. a aka hese:, have retus.ne•cl:to their horny at Bad Axe, Mich. OOD TOC . Mr, John Bacillar, John Gascho and soy Nicholas G<rsc no and Mis. Carry an Insurance of over Mary Pich' r all of 1':geo.ni, Mich. $27,000,000. Number of Policies in are . isiting relatives and _fiienda force 11;287. Paid Losses in. 1923 int his vicinity. toamsoun,t o3 $56,143.20. No ass - The. sale of mercha rdise condo.. • etrd. $'y J. Ga;seho & 'S ra ends c;l asrr;ent during the year ,and have Saturday of this .w -ilk. and tiler;-, a b;tla'ie' on hand of $31,700. at , still a f•ew snaps left, be aura u t ,.lr *,,. G. Holtz �an--Zurich Sa,r2 cr Valentine, 3 atz .drecl in Guelph Hospital on Saturday a' - AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- ter a shart illness', and lived.. "gatI,NING RODS, AND ALL KINDS New Hamburg,, > a , the feather of Mra. Chas. Zwicker,. r+a Crod;to•nl: OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf=34 . About forty members of the, Lu- ther League held ,a asocial gathering let thie home of Mrd. and .11 i 4 F Ci, Kalbfleisch k st Friday evening. Western Farmers' Moto! FOR SALE . All present had a very enjoyable, A wiscan:5in incubator for sale time. ;capacity '130 eggs,. hot; water 'sy- Th?. revival ;services in the Eia.n stem, a bargain at $15.00.. C'on- g^lical church cotmmienaed on Mon- rad Keller, Zurich 33-4 d ay and are now m full iswwg,� Rev. � F. IFI. Jordan, the Evangelist will ,be beret his Wednesday evening and CARD OF THANKS all that can should avail them- J selves...to come and hear .him 1 Dr. and Mrs. MacKinnon wish to Mr. aid Mrs. Jos. Gaschea oz . lie ' express their thanfks to the people village, and Mr. Chris. Gascho of ; of Zurich and 'surrounding comrnun the Bronson were recent visitors it.y, who so willingly helped to at Mimic, Mich. where they visited i savet heir home during the recent their uncle Andrew Gascho who 15 fire, and who, when 4here seemed 84 ylears ofd, also visited at _ Em-ly city w,hara they have a brother and a .sister, ,and at Pigeon., M. ich.,;where they have a si'ster', Mrs. Wihidenan who is very i11. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT For month of February ' Jr. iII—Floyd Kropp' 80% Carl Haberer 79f, Nelda Schwalm 74, -Na- poleon, Bedard 72; Greta Koehler not chance of -saving :the house, worked so hard to remove their furniture and valuables from dan- ger. NOTICE. Warning} is hereby given that 'no party, orparti•e.s are allowed to tamper' with o[r ring the fire bell of the fine hall, unless there factu- allyis la n;eed...of doing 'soy B`> 69, Cecil Uttley 64. Alice Koehler Order. 61: Grace Zettel 59; George.itlroner Zurich` Police Trustees. 55, Ervine .Dietrich ' 511 :ti.uth lkr4. 49, Ross Albrecht 40 Sr. II—Adeline Fleischauer 7,$ Pearl Sararas 75., Francis Kipper. 74, Earl Yrin,gblut 72, Mary Koch- ems x,70[,, Helen, Thiel 68, Gamin Wail. per 66; Richard B.edtard 66, Roland Greater 65,,. Clarence Snaith 62, By- ron, Ducharme 61, Olin Foster 57, Milvern.a Geiger 54, Laurette Far:. well 49, Albert Heideman, 42, Leona and Snaith absent. O: O'Brei:nl, teacher ROOM' I Jr. II—Iiugh MacKinnon 760, Thar old Stade. 753;3 'Ivan lWrillert 747', *age* oesseetooestsseeesteeesume••••••••••••••••••. • • • 1 Seasonable Hardware' I • Ia Don't forget you can get a 30c. can of \Tarnish Stain and a small table for 15c. • • • Queen Incubators and Brooders • • NONE BETTER, THIS CA.N BE PROVEN IN OUR OWN TER- • RITORY. -THESE MACHINES HAVE BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL • e OPERATION FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS AND ARE WALL o r QUALIFIED IN EVERY WAY TO PRODUCE BIG HATCHES I 3F STRONG, HEALTHY CHICKS THAT LIVE AND GROW,. i• • • 'ALSO A FULL LINE+' OF .SEASONABLE GOODS; AUTO FRE- 1 EZE, AUTO CHAINS, AUTO ACCESSORIES, CIRCULAR AND CROSS CUT SAWS, -NOW AND STABLE SHOVELS, FORKS, o STABLE BROOMS, CURRY COMBS AND .BRUSHES, CATTLEi• ♦ COMBS, HORSE CLIPPERS AND STEWART CLIPPING MACH +i► INES; SAMPSON GUARANTEED AXES, ALWAYS CARRY A i A FULL LINE OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. 1 • GENUINE FROST ,TIGHT LOCKWOVEN WIRE FENCING, • ETC. SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VERNISHES TC. • • w SOLE GOOD -YEAR AGENCY—BELTING, TIRES AND TUBES. • FOR SALE Prices on Fertilizer for spring 4hipiienit 1.924. 16% acid Phos. av- ail t the farmer for $22.75 a ton; and, in115 'ar 20 ton car lots be sure and -get my prices before you.' buy 'elsewhere. ,also 'so'ine sery best pri- ces ,on[ mixed goods and on Calcite brand superfine limestone in bulk $5.00 .0f ton- or in hags $6150. Be sure and get your fanning mill eq- uipped with sieves and screens to' Margery Gascho Violet Sch clean yiour spring 'seeds so as to g y 738, have clean, crops. Also have a warm 738. good Ford ton truck for sale $275. Sr. I—Flossie Stelck 710, .:scar ge b Ducharme 707, Gladwin Melick 685, Gordon Ilowald 664, Earl Flaxbirel 659, Antionette Grenier 642. Albert Deichert 532. Jr. I A --Harvey Claushis 6175', Roy 'Smith 657;, Harry Foster .5.4r5, Hazel Uttley 536. Jit r B -Alwyn: Sta.ubus `282;;. Margaret Haberer 281, Dorothy' St elk 172, Margaret Haberer 281, Armand Griner 259, Stewart Koeh- ler 253, Grace Wolper 243. Stewart Thiel 203', Beatrice Gascho absent. Pr.—Chas1, Thiel 172, Quimbe Hess 139, Reta Fleischauer 97. Rosa Zeta. tel and Albert Liebold absent: Mug. GI Koehler, Teacher BROOM III Jr. IV—;Mervyn. Schwalm 85, Taw rence Howald 83, Dennis Bedard 75 iC'Clarence Farwell 71, Elzar Mous- mean 5% Stella Caitlfa's 56; Viol<t St- elck 54`, Russell Ducharme 53. Willie Leibold 48, Dorothy Zettel Edward Brenner 42. Sr. III—Eleanor Fleischauer 88 Buelah Sararas 85, Franz Kocheziis 82, Goldie Uttley 74, Milfrecl Ut- tley • 71a', Rose, Leibold 69, Laure * Schwalm 65, Earl Thiel 64, Rath W alper 61.; Floyd Foster 58, Wil- frid Ducharme 47. Jr. III—Leeland Willcrt 85 Gr- ace Koehler 79, Bruce Koehlc`r,68,. Clare Melick 33. F. Mi Kalbfleisch, teacher, _ w s STADE &W ID►w O p.,• I TER BLOCK - ZURICH I. sire 1 oesk#ANi111r11 memosoomee I•••••••r••••• and 5oime• good secondhand cars at cheap] prices J. Hey; Jr. AUCTION SALE Of Household. Effects, Etc:; at DASB.WOOD, on SATURDAY, MARCH sjahl, 1924, commencing at 1,30 o'clock, pi,m,.t he following— ' 2 (cupboards, 2 beds with springs and mattress, 2 couches, coal hea- ter, coal oil :stove, 3 small table's, washstand, washing machine, 4 kitchen chairs'•, summer kitchen ta- ble, book case, rocking chair, baLy carriage, fruit jars. cross cut sa-W, buck saw', wheelbarrow, trestles, forks and pick; press. 2 sieves,good woolen rug, Saskatchewan robe, and numerous other articles. A- bove ;goods are practically. all of good quality. TERMS—CASH A. Weber, Anctionieerl. Rev. P. Graupner, Proprietor. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mrs, :Root; McKinley is spend- ing a fe'-W drays visiting her relati- ves in McKillop. Mr. WW L. Keys of Sea,forth, vis- ited last week with his 'son; Artie of Babylon Line;, and his dauhgters, Mrs J;, McAsh of Varna and Mrs. M. CS Talbot of the 2nd con. Mrs, Nathan Peck of Henisall•9 spent the last -week at the hone of her son. Bert, an the J3iiby'lon Line. Mr, Chas, Gateman; of the Baby,. lon Bab r- loni Line is. halving an auction ,sale; of Fenn Stock and ImplementSf on Wednesday March 20th,. Mrysc Cf.'Oese1u, Sr., Who has sp- ent the past two weeks at Ire-' home in I3laike, hat :Whined tO itti. Masi. Benno0 where she ns taking care of Miss A. 0tlrrViri14 1044.4W4.4.14iiwor....AriAgai .911 The store with the Liberal Nei Ois oun SALE SALE i Granite Potato Pots WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH, TWO LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF GRANITEWAR:E TO SACRIFICE DUR ING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY THE FOLLOWING POT- 'ATO OT'ATO POTS. Imperial—Reg. $1.65 Sale price 99c Canadaware—Reg. $1.75 for. $1.25 THE ABOVE RETAIL PRICES ARE CONSIDERABLY BELOW REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICES AND SHOULD MOVE THEM OUT LIVELY AT THESE PRICES. BE SURE AND GET YOURS BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. STOOK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. SEE OUR ,LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN YOU WE GET FOR YOII. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTd A. MELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 Ihkiiimusumammemonow 1864 1924 Diamond Jubilee Year Make Your Money Work Harden A Dollar nrade is a Dollar earned, Wiby not make your money work harder. You can now get; 5% per annum;, payable twice a yeiar, in the good old Hur on R; Erie for 1', 2, or 3 years, and 51,4% for 4 or 5 years, or 53/,% per annum, payable twice ',a Year, in, the Canada Trust Company for 1, 2. 3, 4 or five years. You can invest any Amount over $100.00. The total 'assets of both institurions at the end of 1923 was over $42,000,000,00" thus assuring you absolute 'eifety for your funds. Dominion, Provincial and Victory Bonds!, bought, sold and quoted. MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR W1 LL? Painting and Paper Hanging 1 Am in a position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roll. H, EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ONT. DR. JOHN WARD • Chiropractic ane: Electrical Tretai-' rrents.—EY oa Exanuned Main St., EX bITER, Phane 70 Consultation and Examination Fre* WALPLE HOUSE, ZURICH Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 4grw • ]31c!ss' the Lord'; 0 my ',soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. t 1 Vii+ --+1+ Bless, the Lord; '0 my 'soul, and and forget not all his benefits; Who forgiveth all thine iniquit- 005; who, h'ealeth all thy diseases. 4.-,;. Who redeetnieth thy life from dest.rttction; who crowneth thee with• laving kindness and tender mercies. t +-a+ Who ,aatisfioth thy mouth with good things; so that thy mouth fir renewed like the eagle's(. +—+1+ Not every On,e that saith unto me.,' Lara Lara, shall enter int the kingdom of heaven } • but he that clo,etli t1ie, -dill of ra.y Father which i4 i.ni hea.wieni. .++++444-44-44+++++÷÷++1444+44.+++++4444344.+4444+4•44* llERALDOFFIOEI Do You Kriow { THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CA.N SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED) WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANN OU N'CEMENTS TF1 .T WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; 'STATIONERS, SUCH y n AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES' AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS POR TWO LEADING MANUF'A:G URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE 03.E CrflTCK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES S IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, T-rA`i.'ION +RY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO r SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN' INK FOR 5c. LAk%GN- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS., TEESI MERC'ANXILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR -SPECIALTY .R444+++++++44+44++++++4044+4444444+++.14444.44442.44++++ • • 'A �A 4