HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-03-06, Page 1Vol. XXIV No 34 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORH10O: MARCH 6 NOTTCE Our 1923 Accounts are reedy for such- parties that are indebted to us. Call and settle same and we ; can ive you mach better service than carry you on. H1 1L: ZURICH REPAIRING NEATLY DONE THE HOME OF 'GOOD SHOES �:'CtiO•LUQ•h�:�•d4�..•O.•40.4�.•q:�•�•O•C��O4•CL©4•'Ca4�.`O',�' � 0•4O•c�•`J�4P•d4�4���044�✓�z.'�..'�ddO��QQO'�', pa INUED Bj a.RGAIN Of Our Quitting -Business Sale are still in full swing, p and will continue until everything is sold. Be sure and save money in these Bargains before . they are all gone in-- r. W .- �Shirtings, lateas Toweilings, Underwear, VI llosiery3. Furs, Etc.; Etc. our IPECL FOR Friday & Saturday ikto *March 7 & 8th Curtain Scrim yd. .. , , 15c Furniture Coverings 50 -in 'wide, heavy weight yd. 98c QGaiatea:s light colors yd. ,, •• 20e G alateae, dark colors 26c White Terry toweling yd. ... 19c 1 pc. cralah toweling, at yd. 19c '411 pe. 'Crash toweling at ._. 15c �,g pe, --1. Ki�m�onia, cloth; at ... 25c 040 -in circular pillow cotton at 29c 18-4 Bleeched Sheeting at .__ .-_-._42c •Lacliea Knitted wool Under skirts Reg. 3,00 each for ... $1.00 3 only Miasi;s 1 omNespun dresses' Reg $91.00 each for .........$3,50 2 only pure Wool Bed corner Edges Silk bound reg. 6,75 for ... $4.50 • 36-1n. ,special white • cotton 23c fine quality 'per yd. _. No. 1, Line, s, �n 0,0.9,40110n UNDERWEAR : • Regular $2.75' for .{.:.j` •$`�•,0� Stanfieid'�s Blue Label, g �.. Stanfield, Red Label, Regular $2.50 for $1)75 Standfieldf Ribbed, Underwear, Reg. $1.50, for .. $11.19 n F.. 444 II}}D 1924. Chesters )14. S` 3att? j $12k * Tear Itr4 141.11.40000e $1,60 TN A'Rf.i9ApF5,$2MAY BT t7HArtfaBla• Di Mr. and Mrsl. W. F. i raut 5 were �iSitois to',Crediton on Saturday There will be no Womens' lust- atttte meeting this month in Zurich 11Lr^: Jerry Mero left on, W'ednes day to visit in, St. 'Clair and. Pon - ti('; Mich. • 31.A. Harry Zapfe of Brucefield ;as in the village on. Monday on lams. ,'Miss Dorothy Truernner, nurse, o: sperm. a few weeks at Toronto returned home. is -. Preete'r i`s offeri'n'g a num- of Special's in, mercha.ndise for ;ixday and Saturda=y of this week, erre and 'see them in this 'adv. Molsons Bank have again •f *ahlished their branch in Zurich being on Victoria Street, in Mr. RrIWiterth'•s taller, shop, and the eanatr stand of theSoverign Bank. `M;r.,s'srs. Casper and 'Henry Wal- nr and Mra. di Stephan and son Otto of the Parr Line were on Sat - i 3. y attending the funeral .of the two foimer's brother, the late Chris W alper, near Parkhill. THE FIRE a Phonograph Repairing And Duplicating Broken Main Spr- ings Prompt Service About midnight on Friday night ,able whole village wise called out to stand :ishodlder to :shoulder and 'do QD 'What, they could to save from the Q r7 .ran??.h dreaded fire disaster which broke out iu the barsemeet of T.D. 73ro ni s !store, and !soong ained henclw;iy up into the main store a.nd in it few minutes, was eating the ,second storey where Mr. 0 Q 0cf. s. Wuratol, and Mrs. Wurm's Club `Bags, .snit Cases and Trunks at Bight Prices. • kfro'b"r. Mr. Nesbitt Woods, had tt i riving quarters: They were . HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Q ',entertaining- some con.pany early seven r who leftat 1 n: � fZ en r . thr retL. VhY; ` and -ull. seemed well at © 1" s by ti,*tu% 'ho!lvetiet- but half �' , jh nir 1' tel they, heard the etaekiir of frau and smelled ,smoke, l end up- ' n on investigating found that the basement where some onion racks ++ +,�3,�, ++++i444++4+44444,4344,44++ � were stored were all ablaze, and44++.1.4444i4++++ before sufficient asisiat;ance could be . .senarnoned;t he fire was beyond ,g• control, as tPl'e ,smoke in the build •II• ing soon became so dense that it Ntra,s` im,pos!sible to go ink About a. tlr,eu y minutes later the fire broke 'gg, through the roof and soon the .g. wh•olo:•building was a mass of fila -'gr, nice The MolIsonis Bank part of HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Incorporat'M 1855 Capital and Reservo $9,0009.11. Over 125 Branches TUB MOLSUHS BANK Farmers will se5a're eympatb- etic banking alt' any of our br- anches, Careful attention to the needs of Canir.>1a'a Agric- ultural interests has always be- en a feature of The Molsonmg Hank. Savings Departments at every Branch. DepO itt $1.00 and upwards invited. C. H;jO ,+. Manager Zurich &rank �000000��00000000000000000000000eoodoo••.. 44t000 • Fall Horse . Goods 1 •0 9 s 0 e 0 A. BI Stock of HarneBB and Halters always on hand. rust , Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English flush Rugs, Prices 4e Ranging from $7.00 to .., _.,..-......_ VISA 'SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A, CALL, PrOIN E 1 RI,. lim�t�A�o�+l�l'���i!l1No'EoAa. . Men's Fleeced Regular $1.00 for Boy's Fleeced Underwear, Regular 75c. for A lime of Natural Shirts size's 36 to: k6 for HATS Men'•s Velour Hata, Regular $4.00 for ... Meas.'s Felt Hata, Regular $3.50, for _._... Tweed Hati% Regular $3.00 for • 59c 4� _ - 7 5 c .....-..--$3.25 ,.• ... $+2.95 $1.00 Bargains for January in ip Ip ID s Clothing a o Men's and Boy'g Q• Boys Suits Reg. up to $14, clearing out at 4� . two prices—Lot No. 1 $6.90; Lot 2, $8.25 40D 'Men's Suits Reg up to $37, Out they go at • 4.50' 25 90 • five prices—.p7.50; 11.75; 1 ; Q0� e40 -in. 'fine Cotnbria reg,. 50c at 39c .7 bars) ,castile soap for ...,.....-- -_25c 4,54 bars L.iwary 'soap for -_. --25c 07 lbs?• oatmeal for ... e, :rRice per lb. ...,.., •--- ...... ............5c 'n Rice alr non, lb. tins for ,.••-•15e aQ.P 0100 REMNANTS 100 •• Remnants in Dress .Goods, Gin -- 1 Velvets, Shirtings, Printrr, 4etc, in lengths 'front, i1 to 3 'yards,. These ends are all measured. and Qnlarlred at pricers early h wad sell have one glance. Be. '° • first choice es the quantity is lim- ited. No. 2 Line, No, 2, Line, and $29.50 4p1� 400 DD $9,75 Q D $16.90 4 C $22,95 Q D OVERCOATS Regular $20 to $25.00, Clearing, Price Regular $25.00 to $28.00, Clearing Price ....- Regular $30 to $32,00, Clearing Price the *belt was the Last to be con - sur ed and it Was a pityful sight to stand and look on and see 'such valuable property and contents co310m:,ed up in a few hours. Much ,sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs Wur u, Ns their enrtire household ef- fectsclothing, jewellery which a- ntounted to several hundred dol- lars and all their good expensive furniture, as well as so many per- sonal belongings which can never be replaced. The loss to Mr. and M.rs: i?' urns is estimated at around $20,003. which is insured for a little of el half that amount and a s a eeneeauence is a heard blow for this l 4 Q. Tapestry and Brussels Reqs .-.--.-..._ 20$5 1 only Tapestry Rug 3x3, Be.g$28•SOy, for - $ Q�• 1 only Tapestry Rug 3x3,Regular $25.00, for $18.95 1 only!, Tapestry Rug. 2%x3, Regular $22.50', for ..., ...1.,:$16.87 j!: g for$13.90 'JV 1 only Tapestry Rug l�yt3', Regular $1,+8.00', a . 30.7,✓ (\`."(.4 D 2 only Mussels Ruga 3x3'4, Regular $•15.00, foto .....r.-- .••--- $ • . 1 only Union Rug, 3x314, Regular ular $15.08; for $9.50 ,‘`.1f!;, 4 only Bed Room Rugs, 2x3 Regular $7.50:,' for -., . `^: $44..995 5e V 1 Piece Hemp Stair Carpet,22-in, wide reg. 50e... .. ., ..- wr 1 Piece, Tapestry,. Stair Carper,, 22 -in. wide', reg: $1540 for 98c QD •II•- .g. DO NOT DISCARD YOUR OLD HEAVY RUBBERS AND RUBBER hOOTS FOR WANT OF NEW', SOI,F,S, OR 0,T1i.1a1 , REPAIRS. WE CAN PUT'ON NEW 1OI,E8 BY! A "VUL'C'AN, IZINCT PROCESS AND CAN MANE -1COi1R BOOTS OR RUB-. BERS LIKE NEW Repairing done by the very latest methods =, . FRITZ & SON your couple. The business bl- • H eek x+�.s the property of the Mol-, M O I sons Bank and was fairly well in- + mired, alild will no doubt be re - IR 2btrxttk this coming summer. The ; ,y.�..yyg••f«S�•> i••i•+• +•&• •x••1•++++4 r^rr+i N•1••:�•1++++ ^•��••II^•i^+i.+ ^++++^L�4HKer night wase hs calm as could be, and the flamessoared high into the skies, and could be seen for miles. This however was to the advant- tege, c,,,::saving the nearby buildings ve the least wird in almost any dir- ection) .would have meant other the old bu- ildings also going up, Vs Water pUrrop or hand engine' gave out jug when it (seemed most n..ed- od,'then, there was nothing to do knot fall back to the bucket irigade Which was done mast remarkably, and much comment can be made of the heroic work of the men on top of buildings with pails of water possibly mention could be made of Mr• David Gerernette of the Bron- son Dine/, as he iseeracd the out- standing hero in the protection of Dr. MacKinnon's house, which stood only a few feet ,away from the burning blocky, and was saved only by the brick wall remaining until the interior was burned down. If Zurich ever needed a tire protect- ion it Wats; on Friday night! 'grnd thanks to the elements that there teas nor wind or nobody can tell where it would have stopped. Mr, Worm definitely decided what he intEzds doing yet, vs here, is some stock •saved which is p was in the warehouse, but the loss w ,j �s"tr-r*ertstinlly 'a big one. Several of a GENERAL MERCHANThi large plate glass windows it A• 11iC�^1iek' bloc lover^' broken from' "' the heat, .and considerable damage PHONE tl e ia1�g done to the effects and w' wellimg of 1)r• MacKinnon? a5 ev-' t thiu,g Svaii'a rayove t Out, Rubbers and Rub REPAI OF 0 ED 15 r i, 4: Q+.hgti>;•.'•%'Ob''•,,Q'.°`%i" r'"hwj~'.+",z...k�•`jwi•• a'•y'YC't"'i<•'i.1N't'! ++1,1.&°.'g°'.�j.°t•°t"'.''°g"".�wi•.>E°`t.•6••id'�"'�°•t.•);..t'. .�4 �• .pi r' E.F.,,,,T i. J .40/ ....i sq Produce YV Wanted I4. hone 59 U 1 H always paythe and Clover Seed. We Y Bring us Your Alsike highest Market Price according to Quality To Our many Customers an. "r e ids Merry Christmas and extend a Brighta and Prosperous New Year for 1924 AND MAYOR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ZOUB PAT - BONA -GE 13E EVEN MORE FIRMLY WOVEN TOGi5 1lt R IIT THE NEW YEAR.