HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-28, Page 8ING LE. ma Saturday Feb. 27 to Saturday March 8th dere are a few SPECIALS: - 1 •only mens dog fur coat for $24.50 2 men's cloth overcoats each 8.50 6 girls coats size 28 to 34 for 2.75 1 Tapestry Rug 3x3 yds. for 15.50 1 wool Rug 3x3i for 9.50 1 tapestry rug 3x3i for 21.00 2 comforters 68x72 each 2.75 Men's heavy sox reg. 75c fore. 50c Men's heavy sox reg. 60c for 42c Men's heavy sox reg. 35c for 22c Men': Jersey gloves per pr. 2Oc Men's wool mitts pr. 50c Men's all -wool combinations 1.65 Men's blue stripe overalls 1.50 Men's Flann. work shirts 1.10 Boys wool mitts pr. 18c " Pullover sweaters size 28 45c Ladies fleeced underskirts 85c 200 yds. toweling, per yd. 12c 100 yds. Turkish toweling, yd. 18c Wool hose sizes 5 to 8, pr. 35c oatmeal 6 lbs for 25c Rice per pound 6c Dates new, 3 lbs. for 25c Rio coffee per lb. ,25c Prunes per Ib. 10c Raisins, seedless 2 Ibs•for 25c ,Cooking figs per lb. 8c Castile soap 7 bars for 25c Pink Salmon lb. tins 18c Matches per box 10c Bulk cocoa per lb. 10c Black tea .lb. 55c Brooms each 48c Plain white cups & saucers doz. 1.35 .;e SEE LARGE POST ERS FOR OTHER BARGAINS J. GASCHO = SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY TWE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the famous U. S. L Battery A. COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES ANDTUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE 'YOUR CAR • REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG .THIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDS.IXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING • r • i i i BATTERY REPAIRING H. Mousseau Zurich • • 1Sea.sonable Hardware0 0 • Don't forget you can get a 30c. can of 1 S Varnish Stain and a small table for 15c. • •• • •• 0 • O Queen Incubators and Brooders • • 0 • NONE BETTER, TRIS OAN BE PROVEN IN OUR OWN TER- •0 RITORY. THESE MACHINES HAVE BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL i1 OPERATION FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS AND ARE WELL e QUALIFIED IN EVERY WAY TO PRODUCE BIG HATCHES 0 )F STRONG, HE-A.LiTHY CHICKS THAT LIVE AND GROW,, :• 0 ALSO A FULL LINE OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AUTO FRE- • . • • EZE', AUTO CHAINS, AUTO ACCESSORIES, CIRCULAR AND 0 CROSS CUT SAWS,SNOW AND STABLE SHOVELS, FORKS • STABLE' :BROOMS, LORRY COMBS AND :BRUSHES, CATTLE COMBS, HORSE CLIPPERS AND S7.EWAR,+T CLIPPINGS MACH LIP INES, SAMPSON GUARANTEED AXES, ALWAYS CARRY A s • FULL LINE OF SHELF' AND HEAVY HARDWARE. • GENUINE FROST TIGHT, IOCK W • • OVEN !•'VIRE FENCING, • ETC. IS.1II111.WIN WILLIAIVIS PAINTS AND VERNISHES , OTC. ,- • + o u•e SOLE GOOD -YEAR AGENCY—BELTING,0 TIRES AND TUBES. • &WEIDOJ w STADE & WEIDO pFTl BLOC�I�'`• 00!«1900l111000N#0w1b0.11Mi 00 AOSItes a 00N000AwNAOww' 4U it: .a' HB$eleii ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST The South Huron: Ageicultiiial Society 'will hold their annual Seed` Show int the Town Hall, Heaas:G'ttr on Friday, February 2904 Aline prize liete of the variousg rains, and vegetables! is; oOered and ins usual4 • (al well attended event the only one c'f itee kind in Huron County„' The annual Spring Show of ' Stal'litln's, bulls, cattle and harness horses will be held at 'loosen on Tuesday, Ap-' aril St'hi, 1924, and is also. as a rule' a well •attended and interesting show. Agriculture is coming back The cities, teeming with people',• meet have and adequate supply of food4 That the man trained in a,gricailt- ure will find farming very :'tucrat ive in th,e future is a Ern belief One, can point out the great open field, to agricultureal graduates in invent igational and extension work Bane ka; railwaw!s, farm and daily neWsI paper,, manufacturing plants and farin-r3' co-o^.•era!'ive organizatioue an all seeking men who know the sci' nticic es well acs the practi+_al isida of farming.. Col„. We .Il. Price, Provincial Tree asurel;, who claims in his budget e1) ech presented to the Legislate me) last Tuesday that the Drury Go, vernnient had left a deficit of $15,- 000;00-0 the past year. No newtax atiorli will be introciucecd,but a peel - icy of rigid economy is ,pr'o'sised byt he Ferguson Government. The late Frederick Witwer who died at Exeter, and of whom men a. Lion was made last week, wa+s sur--` vi‘ ed by, two brothers and one sis- e:et besides those mentioned; being Samuel Wiitwer of Detroit; John • of Hew Hamburg, and Mrs. Mary Eby of Waterloo. Twosisters pre- deceased him. LOQAlto MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) i3utter .., ,...:. 35 Egg's 'f ,,. . :.. ,., ., .. 45-65 l*tied apples per Ihe 7c ''utch Settee per Ib; 7e, Potatoes per bag .. 95 Wheat per bushel ... .•. ............ 35 Barley ,,,.,... 55 r1 auckwheat 05 oats 40 Flour per cwt , 3.00-3.75 8hortsp er ton....., :. , , 30.00 'Iran per On ,,,... • .. 28.00 Live hogs, per cwt.. _1.25 FOR SALE. A wieden!sin incubator for ,sale capacity 130 elggsi,' hot; water 'sy- lsteni, a bargain, at $15.00, Con- rad Keller„ Zurich 33-4 Here a,nci There .Although the Canadian Pacific Railway has yet issued no forecast of construction contemplated for 1924, the fact that it has ordered 50,000 tons of steel from the Algoma Steel Company, of Sault Ste. Marie, seems to indicate that its program will be extensive. 'According to a statement recently made by the' Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines for the Province o;n:ntario, 85 percent of the world's rhekel .supply is being taken out in the •vicinityeef Sudbury, where there ;is an inexhaustible amply of this metal. Alaberta's butter production last year was 18,500,000 pounds, or 2,000,000 pounds more than hi 1922, The date's for the midsummer according to reports presented at the High School examinations and High annual meeting of the Alberta School En;trace have been announ- Dairymen's Association. It was not end, and are two weeks later than so long ago that Alberta was using •:orrnrrly. The High School exam- battier imported from New Zealand. �u 1 ions begin on June. 23rd and The year 1923 was a favorable n on July 7th. The High school Enhance examinations begin on July 2nd a,nd end on July 4th, For the sake of the students, we hope for cool weather from June 23rd to July 7t3i. More than 125,000 automobiles will be produced in the new $12,- 000,000 plant{ of the Ford Motor Co: of Canada, at Ford, Ont., during, the year of 1924,according to an announcement, made by official's of that company. This production figure equals! about 410 ears for ev- ery working day of the year. The- refore approximately 50 complete automobiles will be produced eye: .ery hour of: the eight hour' working day. Nearly a car a' mtnnte(a near gellous procedreu.. One year a.;a the average . ear output was . ;ap- proximately 250 elate, per day 'so the production; capacity of the great Ford plant has peactic'alIy doubled int less than one year. •The new 15. acre machine shop all under one roof has made this production record possible. , DASHWOOD. Mr. .J C. Reid spent ,a few days in Lucknow this week'. Miller returned on Monday evening after a pleasant visit with friends in Detroit. Our Exeter High School pupils had a few holidays last week ow- ing' to the storm. Wle are pleased to report that Mr. C(. Stade is improving !slowly:. Miss Fanny Kipper of Grand Bend spent the week -end with Mrs Mclsaac. The Dashwood Bund will play at the skating rink on Thursday eyen- ing providing the weather is fav- orable. Mr. Geo. Edighoffer made a bu's- iness trip/ to Mitchell on Monday. Quite a number of farmers are busy' putting in their !supply of, ice which! its of the very best qual- ity. PARR LINE NEWTS )(Intended far last tveekey • A eery sueceseful Glancing party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weido last Thursday evening, g, a good time is reported by all present. i4lt+, and Mrs. Elmore Weido 'sp- ent Sunday at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schlundt, at Dash - wee d, • , Carrying wood „land shoveling coal and snow is the order of the day. Mrs. Woe Consitt left on Wed- nesday for Windsor to visit her son, Mr. Jas. Smith. Mr. Orville Taylor had a wood bee Wednaciasy afternoon and a dance et night, a good time was spent. Mr. Gordon Lova had a bee) on Monday hauling tile from Cred- iton. iton Mr. Todd of Ie all is working for Mr, +`vylin' Broderick. A. couple of young fellows of the c icinity were up north hunting those hie Jacks, hut have'nt heard no report. Mr. Otto Stephan made a bus- iness trip' to Exeter on Monday. Farmers), get your hens laying, eggs are coming down in price+and wove is going up, The Bear Oats and Tigers hock- ey match was postponed till' the weather is better.. one in the building and construc- tion activities of Canada, and re- turns show an .advance of about 10 per cent. In 1922 the total expendi- tures' in this regard were $315,000,- 000, and in 1923 $345,000,000, an increase of $30,000,00.0. Exports of pulpwood from Canada for the year 1923 amounted to 1,- 384,230 cords, compared, with 1,011,-' 332 for 1922, an increase of 372,898 cords or 35 per cent. 'The.1923 fig- ures are equivalent to about 900,000 tons of newsprint, the amount which can ' be manufactured ,•.>from that amount of wood. C. E. E, Ussher, General 'Passen- =ger -"Traffic 'Manager„ and,.:E J. Hebert, 'rrst Assistant' ':General ssen*' Agent, of the Canadian Pacific' Reitway, have bean present- ed with medals by the -Trench Gov- ernment; •iii recognition of their ser- vices to the French Exhibition train • in. Canada in 1921. The medale take` the form of tablets on small stands.. Attention has been drawn ince more by airship experts in London; England, to the fact that the only, known supply of helium gas in the British Empire exists in the Prov- ince of Alberta, that 10,000,000 feet of this gas is going...to waste an- nually in this province and that the possibility of establishing an air- ship base at some future date in Al- berta -is being discussed. Canada's fisheries production dur- ing 1923 is estimated to be worth $40,000,000. At the beginning of the. year it was not thought that anything like this mark would he reached, for the Fordney tariff had cwt deeply into exports to the United ;.Ltt•tes._ BBBBB2t'as the wear. avare eethe Fee the mountains -shall depart, .nand the, hills be moved; burnt my kindness ellall not depart from thee neither ,shall t.11E covenant of my peaee be relinovedd st.ith the Lord that: heath mercy on thee—Is. 54;10 'Abhor or thee which is evil; cleave to that which is good.—Roan. 19;9 If. I tad's the wings of the horn- ing and .dwell in the • 'uttermost parts of the sea; ever). there shall ,thy hand lead me!, and thy right hand eshali hold rne.—Ps;, 139;9,10. Let all bitterns, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil •sp- eaking, be pet away: from you,with all realiee.—Eph ..1;31. .:Behold Iestand at the door and knocl�, if any man hear my voice and open the 'daoac T will come in to `him. and will sup with him), and he With tne.. Rev.3;20 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is net breach and your lebon for that which satisfied) not? .hearken diligently unto me and ent that which is good, and let your 'soul delight itself in fatmess -Iso. 55; Well done, good and faithful ser+ vailt; t roti haat been faithful over a fete* things, I will make thee a rulEn' over ',ntany things; enter thou into the joy .0i, thy Lord,+-»Mat,2s;23 - -- - Thum:la ''ebreary 28' 1924 The store with: the Liberal Cash DIscuuat SALE SALE Of GranitePotafo Pots WE I1'A.VE MADE ARRANGEMENTS W1 11 TWO LEADING MANUFACTURERS OiF GRANITE WARE ITO SACRIFICE .DUR .. ING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY THE FOLLOWING ATO POTS. POT- ATO Imperial ---Rego $1.65 Sale price 99c Canadaware-deg; $1.75 for. • $1.25 ..j THE ABOVE RETAIL PRICES ARE CONSIDERABLY BELOVf"i REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICES AND SHOULD MOVE THE?II OUT LIVELY AT THESE PRICES. BE SURE AND GET YOURS BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY . HARDWARE,. SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE •NOT IN STOOK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL G'ET IT FOR YOU.. $ERVIOE IS OUR MOTTO -I` A. MELIOK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t 1864 1924 Diamond Jubilee Year Make Your Money Work Hardee A Dollar made is a Dollar earned. Wiry not make your money work harder. You can; now get;, L, 1_ • % peerannum', payable twice •a year, in the good old Hur on, & ie for 1, 2, or 3 yeanst 'and 514% for 4 or 5years, , or 53a per- anpule), payable twice tai Year, int the Canada Truest Company for .1, 24. 3, 4 or five years. You can; invest any Amount over $100.00. The total assets of both institurions at the end of 1923 was. over $42,000,000,uuu thus assuring you absolute 'ri!afety for your funds. +Dominion, Provincial and Victory Bonds(, bought, sold and quoted, MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging I Am in a ,position to do any kind of paper hanging, painting graining and decorating. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roll. I3, EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ONT. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical Tre;t meats. --Eyes Examined Main St., EXETER, Phone 73 Consultation and Examination Fret AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH' Every Wednesday, 10 a.rn. to 0. .+++++++++4444444444444-i-1444.44,4 •' �•'l++l•+l++F+ '+!• II'+3•'1'+>~•$+ + aF•I»>` 9ERALIOFpj: +p ay,. • _ Do You Know? d THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR • GOOD PRINTING.: 4 • THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH • PRINTED WEDDING ++i' INVITATIONS AND ANNOUaVCEMENiTS l THAT WE 1 RIN I CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH .14' AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND e STATEMENTS.t., TEAT WE ARE AGENTS FORTLEADING MANUEA 4?'e VEERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SI:iP + PLY ANY QUANT`IT Y AND SIZE 'OF HE +. • dIAT WE CARRY IN STOCK oc K WRITING PAPERS, ENVELw ir,41 ODES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON 041 TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, 1VIEIVIORIAM SST- .17 . ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INiTWO +II SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC,, ETC. .t. + THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE ZNIK BOTiTLR I WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LARGI. GER QUANTITIES. AT l3IGGER REDUCTIONS +i' THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS., AUCTION SALE pOS'+ yTEMERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENER '; RS( PRINTING GEE SPECIALTY �I' 4 d* *14+++++++++++++++++44+.+++++++++++++++++++++++++,+++ 4+++1+++4++tr+ ^i+++1++++ia1'+t+' +3+4+.+I+++ ++++4++1++ +' +1++ ++b°3++ ++ ++h++'1+d+4•+