HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-28, Page 5'ix11r clay, :February 28, 1924 O4 SINESS CARP.$ tin dioot, FGilliir & HOLMES- Bar taxa, bolicatol:s, Nutaries, eleigeoiti, air., Office ou the Squat laddoor trona, Hamilton St, God aifith Private Made to lean At Uwe,. re eci Ste lacoludioot, K.C. 3, L, K►llot•it Daft, Holmes, Hermes - will. be in Hensel' 'op r•,riliab: at each: ,Neck. PUT POOR Wants, For Salo, 'Lost, t, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads N ,THIS COLUMN .Andrews 1'V )less, Township Clerk Omer of marriage Incenses, Notar;► Priab ice Conimias1oner, Fire and Aut- •lwaobile Insurance, Representing Sem and. Erie Mortgage Corpora- art. "rhe Canada Trust Co. Zurich Oataieiio, Smith 11ii.11l,H+ (Toronto.lr ' D.D S 4Chicago) DENTIST - ate4i WAI.PEI.1 HOUSE, ZURICH, •EVES Y WEDNESDAY ALAIN OFFICE -+- . HENSALL A-U•C-T'i-G-N.E-E- . OSCAR KLOP? -Graduate- 'Carey M. Jones 'Nat - lanai School of Auctio.neering. Try, e tor Registered Live Stock; •= FGR.• . SALE ,Seed Oats, for gale, Sheffield. St- ard, also some feed gabs, and 11 head young battle dehorned. Ap ply to Johri Hyde,' Lot. 8, Can, Stanley;; Phone 11 ox 86, Hensall, FOR SA1.:E A 2 ht -pt Crocker Wheeler El- ectric inotorl, 'with ,staff ting boli, ,and instalation equipni:ent complete, aI1 in -good "'mechanical' condition.' Worthz5 2• , $ neat, at a bargain for $120: Hess: Milliken, Zurich. FOR SM..1 A low ,Iowan Hassey-l'arris man- ure 'spreader at 'a real bargain. -L, Prang, Zurich. - NOTaC1: lAlll Breeds). ' 'Perms in keeping' -with pxrevailing` prices. • Choice -- = • ihairme'for •sato. Will seri anythingI, hereby give Notice that Iwill not be responsible for any store 611031where billsl, or debts of ;any kind eon- tracted in( my nameexcept !suchas are made personally by me. '' 31-3 HARRY BADOUfl, Dashwood, Ont., FARM SALE-- Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. • 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County d Huron.' :In a position to con- .luet any auction sale, regardless a to size or articles to sell. 1 arolicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for vervices. Arthur Weber, - Daeliwood. *bone 31 r 13. Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Boiog'ne Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASA FOR SKINS & HIDES Yu .gbiit • Deich 't 1 r'r• ZURICH LIVER` I am in a position to accomo- date all :requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- tsbirtg, done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL . Phone 5s Zurich 41. S. A'TKINSON, L.ID 5.,; D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and ilg the University of Toronto. Late District . Denial Officer,' Mil- itary District No, One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich' .,every Stain Office, Exeter, Phone 34. • At Zurich every . TUESDAY Phone '79 ' -19 P O U .L T R Y -WANTED *Aiken every day till 3 Ociock p.m, Do not feed fowl same morning •irheao brought in. lHighest Cask Prices -CLBH FOR -- Cream and, Eggs W. O'Brien Fluent 94. Zurich 0 A It Fall 1$i;Wtatar Deliveries 1923 ANTHRACITE LACKWANA COAL ,X3+7 --Just arrived cal of every'., high grade Coke for': i anges• and Fur'n'aces iFT° COAL--Nour in stock, car of to , 'Ugh grade'. West Virginia Lu opt a 400 I+ 1'a--NoW On the way, .car of our Boulets for Ranges and Turn- sates. These are well krit vn and give good satisfaction ALBERTA COAL—Expeet soon, Two Cara of Alberta Coal Ca+sa:teicaz . *tMJi di p1 oD TC.E, mvitenANT "Bone Office 10Y;0, House 19). i191'ffiee&Coal Yards, Spank Street, HENSALL ONT. i Consisting of 122 acres', being Lot 2i. and 22, Lake Road. West, Hay 'Township, 214 miles south of St. Joseph. Palen is in good state of cultivation. For particulars ap- ply to Proprietor, Mr. Chas. La- frarnboi50, R. R. 1. Dashwood. Happy Day .Electric Washing. Machine, a new swinging, independent ringer washer, na exposed belting. See 'us for bare facts and why :we re- commend this new washer. Hess-:Vlillilcerzy Zurich. In renewing for your_ daily and ,weekly papers y papers remember the Herald Office ie'. agent for most of the:.n and in some cases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion.. Tuxedo Chat-terless:. AUTO OIL FOR FORD 'CARS; GTJ .AR AN:TEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tfi8 COAL Mr. Ed, Miller wag fa visitor to London, laiet 'week. Mr Robert Delgaty of -Bayfield called in, the village' on Tuesday, Mr.' Metairie Overholt of Gode •- iehl weal hi the. Village on 'ateesda.y, Mr, Wt lit Pfile 'spent the 'Week- end with friends at Holrnewil'le. , ;Mx'. and Km, Fly,, .Volland, were on a. .busi'nees+s trip to Hensall on Tuesday. • • Miss Faney Preeter ' of `T s11- wood is visiting with Mr. and Mrs;, J. Preeter. Mr, Clarence' Wilhelm al ,Baden is visaing with [i4. and Mr's;?. 0', Smithy Sauble Line; Mrs. Harry Eckmeieer' Ieft ani Monday for tt visit with her pat, ents at St. Maryls. Mr. 'Clayton Ortwein, who 1-10e been at +Detroit for some = iyeekeei returned flet his hoi: to on the Broil sonM !Friday and Saturday oill'y, of this week, we will give Granulated. Sugar 13 for $1.00 to every'cuA- tomer buying $5 worth of ,mere]- andrst, at T'..1 , Wurnic• Mr. Ward Fritz; who has been) the past few months at iDetroit,,eni- ployed aid la clerk in an' electric de- y+artmen'tl returned to • his home here on Tuesday evening.• „ Another evening of excellent s1- acing is assured the sports 0.1 the village on. Saturday eveninge.. when the .Zurich Jubilee band give an open air. •concert from' 8 O'clock, to 10.30 Mrssr+s Alvin Walters aiid Har- old John :tont, who have .been • at Detroit seeking employment have returned home,, as .conditions in thalt city are 'such that unexp- erienced. labor is in .little demand at' the present time. Stnith, editor of The. Wi,noham A.dva.neo4 has taken ov- er The• Win,gharu Timed, and the combined' paper will be called The Advance -Times, starting next week. Wts have a few Subscribers t on, our mailing list that are several years in arrears with their subscr- ilatio'n;. Wi? are taking the liberty of mailing such a statement • of. account, and trust they will co- eperabe with us and have their name put hi gold standing. please. 'The Clearing Sale of .merchand- isa o J. Gasche & Son, nommen- ting on Saturday has created con sxderable 'stirr myths village, and the .sills • is eroving a big success as many wee& turned away Saturday list ireing able to agaiar ehttranee. Tha "autoenobil:: business is tw- enty-five years old. The first aut- omobile wais • sold in March 18981 Dttringt he first year twenty-one ears were +sold: The growth of this industry hats been marvellous. To -day tt'heee are more than ten million cads m the' United States alone. tw da are Supply Of . ing Cheie snuf and Furnace ptSoo Saturday' will be March iat and enty -Ibis days 'until the first y of spring, although the nights (around zero weather!, yet der the daytihie the sun is gett- . pretty warm and the daylight increasing in length wonderfuly n' the good old fashioned whitest. 1924 dill be a thing of the ,past. On Hand Case & Son PHONE 35 I3ENSAL L -1: Dr. lI. H. COWEN L. D. S:, D. D+ S. , DEN.TA.t. SURGEON At. irleCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office HAlTLEIB'S IiLOG's, DASHWOOD HEIRS WANTED Missing Weirs. are being sought throughout the world, 1a n people. G are to -day living in eomparati,+e po vel t y who are really rich', but cls not know it. Your may be one, of thele. Send for Index Book. "Mid= Sing Heirs and Next of Kin," con- taining c+arefully authenticated lists of rnissing heirs and unclaimed est- ates which have been advertised for hors and abroad. The Index of Missing, Heins we offer tor sale contains thousands of names which have appeared in American, Can- adian; Etlgllalr. 'Scotch:, Welsh, C4er man, French. ]Belgian, Swedish, In - Colonial. and other newsp- opers, trtseetecl by lawyers, exacta - one; adn iuistrators. Also oonta- ips lint -of English and Irish Courts oe Chaneery and unclaimed dlvid- enals list of Bank of England. Your name or your ancestor's may be in the list, rSend $1.00 (one dollar) at once foe book. , INT EJL''Di iTIO N AL CLAIM AGENCY, ,Dept 262 . PI'.l'i 'SBU'RGI Pa., 11M A„ Our village is certainly boom- ing the laist while, Brown Bros. are opening a new sb a'o store in the Merner block, Si .Deitz is hauling g large pile sof lumber for,. this new block he is' erecting this +summ:er, and Mr. Fred Thiel will also eke not - a 'new block for a' harness p+ shop and living quuarters, oppos- ite the Molson•s Bank. SONG SERVICE • A special Song.Sere*ice will be. given re eI >I u •r ti the Evangelical b Cho'r'e it their r i church ell an Sunday evening Marchi 2,114,1.tacit, eonxnteneing at 7.30 o'clock, ptnl, The new piano as to be dedicated and used. The choir will be thankful for a liberal voluntary offering', which 18 togo towards true paying of the piano Everybody is invited. The Ira, - ends of the choir will please are cepa, this. ine'ita,tion. LOOK AT THE LABEL Thee • label sheet of the Zurich Herald aidcorrected lt„ts. bet.n upto and' in.clliding Thursday,: Feb. 1:st, Subscribers who halve paid fee the paper- are asked" to look at etha label to see that proper credit has keen given+ bem:r Most o2 . our aubscrip•tionis fall due .at the be- ginning- of the year, . Many have already paid up but there are still a member whom " ive would like to hear' iromi. Look up the •label nd;t lite€ us have your rem- ittance at' once, One ,p1 the most interesting de- putations • that has visited Lon - dont in; 'bleary a yeas wilt. by the 30 or More ;young Women from Ex eter and the neighborhood, who are at present taking a special c0 - urge needier the direction of Mies ,1)ddith' Hopkins, of the Women's In- stitute department, Toronto. 1T'h- lose girl +students will come"t'o Lon- don, some fin morning early in Mardi(," With their instruetoresn, and Will be welcomed by, the +Chambery jot Commerce,; ZURlC,LI H;aR4 D MORE OATS MSE CASH. (irowhig Moro tats By Sowing the O.'A. C.: No. ,? Larger yields and Better Quality--,. A Great Pelee (C' rattier -,- tt ',I rili.n.iph for the Agricultural College --.d New Hybrid '.teieid (Contributed by Ontark, 4aepartinent or A6'rlculture, 'Toronto.) The O,A,C• No. 72 pat rias, during the short period of its existence, added greatly to the total grain pro- duction of Canada. its ;raultipliea- tionduring future years will ,un- doubtedly add . many millions to, the agricultural wealth of the province: Derived 9'rdrn the Siberian. 'The 0 A,C• No. 72 was derived from the Siberian. In 1903 a large nursery plot in the experimental grounds at 'the Ontario. Agricultural College, containing 10,000 seeds planted by hared at equal distances apart, produced several plants of"re- No.rark72a.ble vigor. One of these selected plants was the parent of the O.A.C. The success of the O.A.C. No. 72 has been, measured side by side with that of the Banner, which, previous to the general distribution of the O.A.C. No, 72, was the most popular". oat grown in Ontario. Yield and Quality Compared. For sixteen years in succession the 0.A .C. No. 72 and the Banner • varieties of oats, have been included in the experiments at the College, and the following table gives the average results in maturity, in per tentage of hull and in yield of both straw and grain per acre: O.A.C. , Percentage of hull.. Nu28.572 30.3 Banner Tons of straw ger acre 2.2 2.1 Bushels grata " .' 83.23 73.58 In these experiments the 0. A. C. No. 72 in comparison with the Ban- ner has a thinner hull in each of fourteen and a greater yield per acre in each . of twelve out of sixteen „years. Each variety required on an average one hundred and ten days to mature. Remarkable Growth in Popularity. In 1911 the 0.A.C. No. 72 variety of oats was distributed throughout Ontario in connection with co -opera- tive experiments which were being carried out through the medium of the Experlrnental Union.' Without a single exception this new variety of oat has given a higher averag.t yield per acre than any oth r variety used in co-operative tests conducted by fanners in each 0f the past eleven years, The 0,A.C. No. 12 soon made a record for itself, and was increased rapidly from the pound lots used in the tests conducted en the individual faring. In the last stwan years, :of the 990 first prizes wince were awarded to fields of standing oats • in • connection with. the Field Crop Coinpetrt,ons ' throughout Ontario tire. Ne':' 72 received 52i, the l3an xYa2*e2 ;'0, and all other varieties cone - bleed 249. A'Consistent Prize Winner, en the competitions of threshed grain at the Canadian National Exhi- bition,' Toronto; at the Central Can- ad;r.'.Exhibition, Ottawa; at tne Pru- vircial Winter Fair, Guelph; and a;. the Ottawa Winter Fair, the 0.A.e No. 72. received 72 and the Banner 4:1 prizes la the last four year,, tea 0:A.C. No, 72 surpassing tint Beeli er in..awards from iifty to one hurclred per cent. at each of these exhibitions 'fills .is a remarkable record, twenty yeitrs,from single seed to the present. day millions: The benefit' that Oe- 1ai:'io is deriving from the cleve'lep sleet of the O.A.C. No. 72 will pay nr•al►y theme the entire cost of the Agricultural College.—Dept. of 19.- t,-nsion, O.A. College,Guelph, L A New Hybrid Field Pea. The market value of Ontario's fele!, peas :amounts to about' four ;pillion dollars annually. The O.A.C. No. 181 variety of ilea! peas was originated at' Guelph by crossing the Prussian Blue and the White 'wonder, It is a small, smooth, white pea of good quality and ap- 9 ;‘arance,, 0:2 all the leading varieties of Feld peas tested at tate Ontario A:gricul• turcv1 College, the O.A,C. No. 181 has gieeh the :highest average yield of r lir per a ' 8 a p acre: in the past five years a r,. suit s, the first, second, third and fifth'aighest•yie1ds were produced by new ';varieties originated at the Col- legev.hropgh cross-fertilization. In .the tests with other varieties, the 0,A.0. No. 131 was early, reeoliing maturity in 99 days, •rad the straw was the freest from blight and greii+ to an- average length of 45 inches• The peas gave an average weight of 62.8 pcuxrds per measured bushel. This new variety of held peas was successfully tested in the co -opera - the experiments on fifty farms throe ho " utOntario in n 8the .past two years. The following was the aver- age yield in bushels per ' acre per annum. of each of the four varieties tested in this way by the 'practical growers; O.A,C. No. 18:1, 26,9; Early Brita li,'24.4; Potter,'24.3; and Can- adian Beauty, 28.1. --Dept.. of Ex- tension, O.A. Coilee, Guelph. How to Control Root Maggots. The, cabbage maggot can be con- trolled by treatment, early in the season, with 'a solution of an outrce of corrosive sublimate in 10 gallons of water, applied to the stems and roots of each plant tailed or three times at intervals ,.of a'week, using an ordinary watering cap with the rose removed and 'the spout reduced to a convenient forxn to -wake thee ap- plication, Onion nlaggot8 can be con- trolled by the use of u, poisoned bait, consisting of nue-quarter to env -half an ounee oi; sodium arsenate dlleeo1 r. edinato 1 a no 8' P boiling Water, with a pint:of molasses added. drop, rotation and 4iiv`erlklildntlpn are "sound form of li auranos for the tanner. If Yor cannot afre.i; . a Ford not buy a nice Itubb,er Tire e u g•.. HESS sel t.,. 1 EPA k it painting Epee" Car, One 'float, C iCo'vC'ir7g' Ford a , $1G L ,., Coats ,...., LO,OIi Por + Top (rood Materiaal $27,011 Changing g BuggyCurtains' tp own Doors $B QO $8.00, 11` YOU WANT SERVICE, WE 1r'A.vE IT WE RERUf3I3'LIi YOUR 8 UCi Y WHEELS, : L a Kcs �. Zurich eaumeeleeemateuet- a +++++++++++++++++++++++++41+4....-+++++++++++++++++++.1.4 1 i'+1++F+i+d++i••A+++'r+l++l+ ++' ++ ++1+4'r+i•+bd+✓r+4++II++N+4 +l++f+ ++II++&++++ ++3•�%•NoF^a°�•p • ••1•+•:••f Lurnter Laths �ir.es +1+ :fr. i`+ Lumber and Bei,', g Material T Cus'1orn,.%''err (11. e r t t. Always in the meal' (' !or saw logs 4. I I. C... IC i LBILE . E 69- tit URtC�► + .,,,...r —'f ., V.4,4'4.4'1, E i'•3 ++}+++ t +I +++a+++++++++++++++++++++, 1+.t'+;+' ,•iC'k".Q+'i.'1} ++ii++j.+'pQ+j.'j++, Combination storm and screen doar3'made to orders Everythir ';r: l. -+-4.--+-..+--+-+-+-+-4--+--+-+-+-+-+-+ .--+--3+-.1.-..a,.,_.., -+,_-+;.-+g-4---+--+-•%'-+--+F--+-+ ±LJOIM ,.....,,. WOK; Five Good Reasons . 4. es WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM '` I *fe $10 TO $.15 LESS 'THAN OTHERS. jar. We stock our own sands. + +III+` Our Suits are mach; by work- ' eamanship, second to none, only one price for nsuk-' i + ins Suits, I i Tlret very best linings ' all our garments. • 13 We gra_-inter satisfaction fi+ money refunded, . H. HOFFM TAILOR' AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR DAY AND NICU T PHO .NE No. 86 4 E111111111!IIIIII11111111illiili !ilitiNililllf illi11111illllillliilliilll8111111iliiii iiiiiiri ' ii iii;iii+illi11111011NBUIIIIIIilllllliill►IIIII11IIII11iI1111IIIA!!!!II!!3111IIIIIIi111111111011IRIIIIII1 Mill -n 74.-71 Bir • ZUHJ[H FEHALDS 1924 Clubbing List HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD' HERALD HEIRALI) HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD IIEE ALD and Toronto Daily Globe ....„ ... $6.00 and Kitchener Daily Telegraph ... ,.. $5.10 and Toronto Daily Mail 'and Empire .., .....:$6.00 and Toronto Saturday Mail and Empire $3.25 and Toronto Daily Star .-.:,„ $6.00 and Toronto Weekly Star! .......$3.25 and Toronto Daily News , :..,.$6.00 and London Free Press% Mal'ning edition ... eai.90 and London Free Press, evening edition $6,00 and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 and London Advertiser, Evening edition .., 56.00 and London Farmers' Advocate .,, $2.25 HERALD and Farre andDairy ..:.-. $2.75. HERALD and Farmers Sun $2,65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star .,. ,.. , $2.75 HERALD and Cabedian Countryman ...,..$2.25 T.E.RALD and Weekly Witness :-•$,3,15, HERALD and Farmers' Magazine ...».. .......:$2:5 HERALD and Youth's• leempanion 53.75 ' HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor$3.25. HERALD and Ontario Journal .. ,.,$2.75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada ,,. ' „-$3+y,5 Save Money,. and,Trouble by renewing Your Paperti, with us.. See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFFICE Zurich MINIE! I114111111PillllIlilp (IIImIIIIIIIIIE IEI NEltwUlMI111111111111111111 ifllll111111111111 lll1011111111II11(Ilnll Milli nll!I 11111